林俊志 [Jiunn-Jyh Lin] 应用

記憶配對王 Paired Memory Cards
記憶配對王 卡牌翻牌配對遊戲本遊戲係為個人教授 Android 設計課程之教學範例!1.因本程式卡牌圖樣是透過網路下載,使用時請開啟網路!2.動人背景音樂與特效,可由左上方開關3.右上方按鈕可離開程式4.上方中間 LOGO 點選可重新開始遊戲5.遊戲開始時會顯示所有卡片預覽圖樣 60 秒6.預覽圖樣後蓋上所有牌,開始倒數翻牌時間60秒7.翻牌配對錯誤會鎖定畫面三秒8.配對成功,放送音效及傳送圖樣到 Android Wear 穿戴裝置9.所有配對成功,放送音效及傳送圖樣到 Android Wear 穿戴裝置,停止倒數翻牌時間10.所有配對成功後,點選累計時間,可重新遊戲
WhoseCar 誰的車,搭乘體驗分享平台,拒絕地雷車 1.4
AppInventor 2 Amazon Bookstore 1.5
AppInventor 2 Official Tutorial Sample Amazonat the Bookstorehttp://appinventor.mit.eduEductional PurposeThe Amazon at the Bookstore app shows the best Amazon price forany book, and you can search or scan a QR code. You'll learn aboutthe TinyWebDB and working with APIs.
NTUST EMBA GOLF台科大/臺科大/高爾夫球社簡訊 1.5
國立台灣科技大學 NTUST 管理碩士在職專班 EDBA/EMBA 高爾夫球社用簡訊訊息推播Push 平台本工具僅限學校教職員與高爾夫球社員使用,為確保相關智慧財產權及通信內容的隱私性,本軟體必須經過必要之驗證程序方得使用。一經啟用即表示使用者認同及遵守適用相關智慧財產權法令約束!教職員及各社員請透過 E-mail 提交學號、姓名及認證碼給球隊承辦人員或研發者(前聯誼會執行長)以取得啟用碼。本系統已運用研發者擁有之技術除以PUSH推播外並輔以適當強度之加密程序,因而認證程序與長度略嫌複雜,敬請忍耐此一次性動作所帶來的不便!研發者免費提供本系統每月 1,000,000 封=(發出簡訊數 X接收設備數量)之Internet網際簡訊服務!破除隊員之間溝通電信成本及限制,提升球友之間情感維繫!全球可連網之 Android 手機、平版電腦皆適用;然研發者尚未涉及 iOS相關設計,只好先對其愛護者先說聲抱歉!簡訊平台已保留iOS 所需機能,研發者會盡快補齊此口!本工具讓您可以輕鬆對全隊、全社員甚至含學校有註冊使用之教職員發送短信,如隊級重要訊息、會級重要訊息使用說明:1.發送新簡訊:選擇推播對象->按 新信 鈕->編寫訊息,長度不得大於 125 個字->按 寄出確定 鈕2.回覆簡訊:選擇推播對象(視需求)->按 回覆 鈕->編寫訊息,長度不得大於 125 個字->按寄出確定鈕,收信群組將含原寄信者3.轉發簡訊:選擇推播對象->按 轉發 鈕->編寫訊息,長度不得大於 125 個字->按 寄出確定 鈕
NTUST EMBA台科大/臺科大/台灣科技大學用簡訊推播 1.5
國立台灣科技大學 NTUST 管理碩士在職專班 EDBA/EMBA 學生用簡訊 訊息推播Push 平台本工具僅限學校教職員與本會會員使用,為確保相關智慧財產權及通信內容的隱私性,本軟體必須經過必要之驗證程序方得使用。一經啟用即表示使用者認同及遵守適用相關智慧財產權法令約束!各會員請透過各班級代表 E-mail 提交學號、姓名及認證碼給研發者以取得啟用碼,教職員請逕 E-mail洽研發者(前聯誼會執行長)取得啟用碼。本系統已運用研發者擁有之技術除以 PUSH推播外並輔以適當強度之加密程序,因而認證程序與長度略嫌複雜,敬請忍耐此一次性動作所帶來的不便!研發者免費提供本系統每月 1,000,000 封=(發出簡訊數 X 接收設備數量)之Internet網際簡訊服務!破除會員之間溝通電信成本及限制,提升會員之間情感維繫!全球可連網之 Android 手機、平版電腦皆適用;然研發者尚未涉及 iOS 相關設計,只好先對其愛護者先說聲抱歉!簡訊平台已保留iOS 所需機能,研發者會盡快補齊此口!本工具讓您可以輕鬆對全班、全會員甚至含學校有註冊使用之教職員發送短信,如班級重要訊息、會級重要訊息使用說明:1.發送新簡訊:選擇推播對象->按 新信 鈕->編寫訊息,長度不得大於 125 個字->按 寄出確定 鈕2.回覆簡訊:選擇推播對象(視需求)->按 回覆 鈕->編寫訊息,長度不得大於 125 個字->按 寄出確定鈕,收信群組將含原寄信者3.轉發簡訊:選擇推播對象->按 轉發 鈕->編寫訊息,長度不得大於 125 個字->按 寄出確定 鈕
推播通知叫號 看診等號 EasyWait 輕鬆等 叫號系統 1.8
看診等號 EasyWait 輕鬆等 叫號系統讓您的顧客不必在您有限的空間等待服務,也不必頻頻觀望叫號燈箱的跳號!只要他利用智慧手機透過本軟體取號後,他即可在任何可以連網的地方輕鬆等待。當叫號接近客戶的號碼時,系統會逐號以類似簡訊的通知提醒顧客回來(即使過號)!首創雲端推播 PUSH 叫號,非一般耗資源的輪詢 PULLing 叫號,達到真正"叫"的功能。充分運用公有雲免費服務,降低業者TCO 整體建置成本。本系統由四個量身客製的 Client 及公有雲服務組成:1.客戶等號 APK22.櫃檯取號 APK13.燈箱叫號 APK44.叫號管理 APK3輕鬆等 叫號系統 使用說明網址http://www.xcodeon.com/aboutus/product/cloud-number-yun-duan-jiao-hao-xi-tong本系統為客製產品,意欲合作或詢報價者歡迎來信指教!
Vocabulary Seeker Pro 1.5
Vocabulary Seeker Pro 1.2: If you know som characters of vocabularyonly! Tell me, I can find out the vocabularies base CONDITION! 1. ?= 1 and must be 1 character 2. * = 0 or several characters; P.S. *just can be use once Suppot Result List Dialog window 1. QuickClick Copy: you can directly click a vocabulary to copy vocabularyinto Clipboard for third application(like dictionary) use 2.Multi-Copy: you can click COPY button to copy ALL SELECTEDvocabularies into Clipboard for third application(like notepad) use
推播通知叫號 櫃台取號 EasyWait 輕鬆等 叫號系統 1.8
櫃台取號 EasyWait 輕鬆等 叫號系統讓您的顧客不必在您有限的空間等待服務,也不必頻頻觀望叫號燈箱的跳號!只要他利用智慧手機透過本軟體取號後,他即可在任何可以連網的地方輕鬆等待。當叫號接近客戶的號碼時,系統會逐號以類似簡訊的通知提醒顧客回來(即使過號)!首創雲端推播 PUSH 叫號,非一般耗資源的輪詢 PULLing 叫號,達到真正"叫"的功能。充分運用公有雲免費服務,降低業者TCO 整體建置成本。本系統由四個量身客製的 Client 及公有雲服務組成:1.客戶等號 APK22.櫃檯取號 APK13.燈箱叫號 APK44.叫號管理 APK3輕鬆等 叫號系統 使用說明網址http://www.xcodeon.com/aboutus/product/cloud-number-yun-duan-jiao-hao-xi-tong本系統為客製產品,意欲合作或詢報價者歡迎來信指教!
Camera Remoter Pro 1.0.1
Support Android Wear Device / WiFi Direct/Peer to Peer Multi-Communication mode.Remote control and preview your mobile camera by your AndroidWeardevice or another device,switch Front / Rear camera、setFlashmode、Shot delay time,Zoom In / Out;Remote monitor!0. Both Camera device and Remote device have to installthisApp1. Start and preview your mobile camera by your AndroidWeardevice2. Remote monitor with Preview Mode!3. Zoom In / Out4. Click Preview screen to take picture5. Switch Front / Rear camera6. Flash mode:On、Off、Auto7. Delay time:Off、5 Sec.、10 Sec8. After take picture, image file will be saved on CameraandRemoterUsage GuideA. Android Wear Device:1. Android Wear Device FULLY CONTROL Camera deviceB. WiFi Direct Remote:1. Remoter and Camera device complete link by WiFiDirectSetting2. Camera device open Camera App3. Remoter device open Remoter App4. Please be patient wait the Initial configuration5. Start remoteC. Peer to Peer Remote:1. Remoter and Camera device complete link by WiFi Setting, linktoSAME WiFi AP (Access Point).2. Camera device open Camera App, enter search dialog3. Remoter device open Remoter App4. Remoter device click "Connect" button, enter search dialog5. Choice a Camera device to remote6. Camera device will get a Remote Request dialog7. Please be patient wait the Initial configuration8. Start remoteNotice: If Remoter never show preview image, after RemoterandCamera complete link process / show up control button. PleaseclearKnown Group of WiFi Direct Setting on Both devices, andretryagain!
AppInventor 2 TWSE Comparator 1.9
Built by AppInventor2Real Time Data form Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation1. You can click top button change the update time to checkstocktrading data2. You can compare TWO stock by key-in each Stock ID/Number3. You can compare ONE stock by key-in same Stock ID/Numberbasedifferent Chart4. You can click Chart to switch Stock's Chart type
AppInventor 2 HelloPurr 1.1
AppInventor 2 Official TutorialSampleHelloPurrhttp://appinventor.mit.eduEductional PurposeTouch the kitty to make it meow! This is the "Hello World" ofAppInventor, the first app most people build.
AppInventor 2 Pizza Party 1.5
AppInventor 2 Official Tutorial SamplePizzaPartyhttp://appinventor.mit.eduEductional PurposePizza Party is a database app that collects dinner ordersfromdifferent people and stores them in a Google Fusion Table. Theappalso uses the WebViewer component to let the user see theentriesin the table. Fusion Tables are Google's free clouddatabasesolution. Your fusion table can be read-only to the public,or youcan grant multiple people the permission to write to thetable.
AppInventor 2 SMS BroadcastHub 1.5
AppInventor 2 Official Tutorial SampleSMSBroadcast Hubhttp://appinventor.mit.eduEductional PurposeThis app will let people join the group by texting aspecialcode, then automatically send texts it receives to all inthegroup. The app is inspired by FrontLineSMS, a tool that hasbeenused in developing countries to monitor elections,monitorelections, broadcast weather forecasts, and coordinateevents.
AppInventor2NoTextWhileDriving 1.5
AppInventor 2 Official Tutorial Sample NoTextWhile Drivinghttp://appinventor.mit.eduEductional PurposeThis tutorial shows you how to build your own answeringservicefor text messages received while driving(or otherwiseoccupied.)The app auto-replies to texts received and speaks thetextsaloud.
陽光眼科診所 叫號 (台北市萬華區貴陽街二段81號) 1.8
陽光眼科診所Sunshine Eye Clinic台北市萬華區貴陽街二段81號預約專線:02-2371-6961http://www.yourdoctor.com.tw/hospital/index.php?cID=5台大主治醫師 楊宏仁、余正虹 看診中華民國眼科醫學會、超音波醫學會、雷射醫學會...會員診療項目:小切口白內障超音波乳化手術準分子雷射近視手術結膜疾患治療青光眼治療視網膜病變治療眼角膜疾病治療學童視力保健上午門診時段:09:00~12:00下午門診時段:15:00~18:00夜間門診時段:19:00~21:00交通資訊:昆明街貴陽街口,近桂林路家樂福,西門捷運站公車:635、637、513、205、218、302、601、663、835、指南9、藍2、台北客運、桃園客運、三重客運萬華祖師廟站或貴陽街站下車使用說明:1.請到服務櫃台完成掛號手續,服務人員提供 QR-Code 票證圖樣2.執行本程式後,點選左上角 取號 鈕,進行票證照相掃描,完成後會告知掛號資訊3.點選左上角 設定 鈕,確認是否開啟 提醒功能、開始逐號提醒的號數、提醒時是否自動為您開啟畫面4.一旦燈號出現 紅底白字 表示已過號,敬請盡快回診所就診,並請注意個人安全5.等待時間您可離開診所、選擇舒適場所、自由活動,但請保持 Internet 網路暢通,方能即時接收叫號訊息謝謝Sunshine Eye ClinicSunshine Eye ClinicGuiyang Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City, Sec 81Appointment :02 -2371-6961http://www.yourdoctor.com.tw/hospital/index.php?cID=5NTU physician Hung-Jen Yang, Yu Zhenghong see the doctorOphthalmological, Ultrasound Medical Association, theAssociationfor Laser Medicine ... Member of the Republic ofChinaClinic project:Small incision cataract phacoemulsification surgeryExcimer laser surgery for myopiaTreatment of conjunctival disordersGlaucoma treatmentRetinopathyThe treatment of corneal diseasesVision care for school childrenMorning clinic hours: 09:00 to 12:00Afternoon clinic hours: 15:00 to 18:00Evening clinic hours: 19:00 to 21:00Traffic information:Guiyang, Kunming Street corner, near Guilin Road Carrefour,XimenMRT StationBus: 635,637,513,205,218,302,601,663,835 Guide 9, Blue 2passengerTaipei Taoyuan Passenger triple passengerZushi Temple in Wanhua station or Guiyang Street StationInstructions for use:Please go to the service counter to complete theregistrationformalities, service personnel QR-Code ticketdrawingsThe implementation of this program, click on the upper leftcornerto take a number button, ticket camera scan, aftercompletion, willinform the registered information3 Click the top left corner of the Settings button, confirmwhetherto open the reminder function, start number-by-number toremindremind you automatically opening screenOnce the light appears white on red said have passed, please backtothe clinic as soon as possible, and attention topersonalsafetyWaiting time you can leave the clinic, choose a comfortableplace,free activities, but please maintain the smooth flow ofInternetnetwork called the message in order to receivereal-timeThank you
MissedCalls/Email/SMS Widget
Big Icon for Missed Income Calls and UnreadedSMSInstall process:1.Download and install this APK2.Long press on your Home Screen to open Widget menu3.choice Cloud95 Missed Calls Widget4.choice Cloud95 Unread Email Widget5.choice Cloud95 Unread SMS Widget6.Complete installReadme:1.White Phone Icon meaning NO Missed Income Calls2.Red Phone Icon meaning have Missed Income Calls, Top-Right numbermeaning how many calls be missed3.Click Phone Icon enter Calls history list and reset the Top-Rightnumber4.White Mail Icon meaning NO Unread Email5.Green Mail Icon meaning have Unread Email, Top-Right numbermeaning how many new Emails6.Click Mail Icon enter Email InBox and reset the Top-Rightnumber7.White Envelope Icon meaning NO Unread SMS8.Blue Envelope Icon meaning have Unread SMSs, Top-Right numbermeaning how many new SMSs9.Click Envelope Icon enter SMS Income list and reset the Top-Rightnumber
超輕量、超簡單、即時動態更新速度超快(達每分鐘一次,只要公車有發動、GPS有打開、資料有回報)大台北地區(資料來源:台北市政府公開資料)公車即時動態:1.選擇欲查詢公車號碼或名稱2.a.顯示該線公車雙向即時動態、到達預估時間及車牌號碼2.b.選擇搭乘方向及等車的站牌2.c.只顯示該線公車及等車站牌的到達預估時間查詢公車捷運轉乘資訊1.選擇欲查詢出發地點2.選擇欲查詢目標地點3.點選"開始規劃"Back 鍵是回上一查詢頁面欲離開系統請點選"離開程式"新增 公車路線圖(大台北地區)除可選擇地圖樣式、尋找我所在地點外、更可同時選擇、顯示 2 路公車路線,方便尋找換車點或與朋友會和站牌
Camera Remoter 1.19
Remote control and preview your mobile camera by your Android Weardevice/phone!
Share Contacts 1.10
Share ContactsSupport Share App/Function : SMS、E-mail、BlueTooth...andsoonThis APP need Internet resource. Please keep On-Line when useit!
觀光工廠 Tourism Factory
線上下載 根據 經濟部工業局 OpenData 資料庫:觀光工廠 Tourism Factory名錄,廠商資料:獲選經濟部優良觀光工廠、通過評鑑觀光工廠。 簡易直覺操作介面:直接打電話、拜訪網站、查詢地圖、查看周邊街景
Find Tracker、Transmitter 1.05
Find Tracker、Transmitter Usage: 1.Adjust your device Right-Topangle close 0° as you can. 2.Keep this angle then move your devicealong with narrow direction. 3.It will find out the MaximumMAGNETIC force source to your device. 4.Left-Top number is thevolume of magnetic force e to your device. 5.If Left-Top number isgreater than 150uT where shall be something
AppInventor 2 PaintPot 1.3
AppInventor 2 Official TutorialSamplePaintPothttp://appinventor.mit.eduEductional PurposeBuild a Paint app that lets you draw lines and circles onanypicture, including one you take with the camera.
AppInventor 2 Where's My Car? 1.5
AppInventor 2 Official Tutorial SampleWhere'sMy Car?http://appinventor.mit.eduEductional PurposeThis app use the location sensor to build an app that recordsalocation so you can get back to it later.
AppInventor 2 MoleMash 1.1
AppInventor 2 Official TutorialSampleMoleMashhttp://appinventor.mit.eduEductional PurposeMolemash is a simple game in which a mole (or a picture ofyourlittle brother) jumps randomly around the screen and you trytotouch it to get points.
新 小畫家 超輕量 1.1
The new ultra-lightweight Paint
查成語 1.0
Query idioms with 1~4 words, select idioms for further inquiry
Compass Pro+DualGradienter+Car
Cloud95 Compound Compass Pro + Dual 2 Axis Gradienter +CarHUD(Head-Up Display) reverse compass If your compassabnormallywork! Please write down the Model Name what be showed onAPP start,then notice us. We shall FIX it ASAP! Thank yourassistance verymuch! First Compound Compass include Reverse Compassfunction forcar HUD to front window: Top of phone is directionalantenna。Placeyour phone under car's front window,the top of phonemust point atcar head then compass show the right direction;but thewords ofinverted image on front window are upside down,hard toidentify!Reverse Compass function use the Tail of phone asdirectionalantenna to support car HUD to front window,easy to read!Functions:1. Left Top Button:Lock / Unlock Lock:Real time measuringstateUnlock:Lock measuring state 2. Left Bottom Button:Reverse /NormalReverse:Normal mode,the Top of phone is directionalantennaNormal:Reverse mode,the Tail of phone is directional antenna3.Compass pointer:RED tip show North 4. Central Top white wordswithblack background:show the direction of phone, and the anglewithNorth 5. Green bubble circle:Dual 2 Axis Gradienter 6. RightTopRED words with WHITE background:FORWARD / BACKWARD tilt angleofphone 7. Right Bottom BLUE words with WHITE background:LATERALtiltangle of phone 8. Right Second Icon:Car body lateral tiltindicator9. Right Third Icon:Car body rise / down tilt indicator10. RightCentral Button:Day/Night mode switch 11. Right BottomButton:GPSEnable/Disable switch 12. Right Central UpperButton:Marker modeswitch 13. Right Bottom Button:ClickCamera、Compass Icon to switchmode 14. Volume +:Zoom In 15. Volume-:Zoom Out
數獨9百萬 1.0
More than 9 million cloud puzzles in the puzzle number game
地球刮刮樂Scratch Map Scratch Earth 1.12
國立台灣科技大學 NTUST 地球刮刮樂 Scratch Map、Earth:手機、平板、TV版高解析地圖刮刮樂,實現刮刮樂的樂趣與紀錄個人旅行經歷之功能
萬國口譯機 支援超過 90 種語言 1.0
Through voice input, combined with cloud translation andtext-to-speech output pronunciation, translation work
Simple E-Book(class example)
Simple E-Book(class example) Before class to preview Afterexerciseto verify