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心云妈咪 1.0.5
*心云妈咪app全程呵护您的备孕、怀孕、育儿时光,科学智能地为妈咪量身定制孕育管理方案。心云妈咪app集最新的移动医疗终端于一体,可便捷检测身体指标,智能分析体征数据,个性化推送任务、阅读、饮食及运动指导等孕育信息,为妈咪和宝宝的健康保驾护航。主要功能:(1)母子变化:宝宝变化和妈咪变化每周推送,让妈咪随时了解自己和宝宝身体状况是否处于最佳状态。(2)专属任务:通过问卷和测量数据等来了解妈咪和宝宝情况,并据此每天为妈咪制定并推送个性化测量、产检等各项任务,让妈咪不再错过重要事项。(3)孕育资讯推荐:针对妈咪和宝宝的当前状况,给妈咪推荐个性化的阅读、饮食和运动资讯,让妈咪了解本周孕育知识、饮食和运动宜忌等。(4)体征检测和记录:可便捷检测和记录宝宝和妈咪的身体指标,并在云端构建个人的健康档案。支持的测量/手动记录项目有体温、基础体温、体重、体脂、血压、血糖、胎动、胎心,并可以通过图文等浅显易懂方式给出测量结果和健康建议。(5)数据分析统计:以曲线、统计图、表格等多种方式,管理妈咪和宝宝的身体体征数据,身体变化一目了然。(6)孕育问答:孕育问答社区拥有有经验的妈妈和妇产科医生护士等,有问必答,为妈咪解决备孕、怀孕和育儿的种种疑问。(7)联系人:妈咪可以为亲友构建健康档案,替他们检测或远程关注亲友健康状况,不必再为远在他乡的亲友担心啦。特点:* 首页图片:系统自带40张漂亮宝宝图片,并支持自动更改,能愉悦用户心情,并有一定的胎教意义。* 宝宝变化:天天推送,用俏皮的语言将科学的知识呈现给用户;* 妈妈变化:每周推送一次当前孕周内,妈妈的身体、心情和注意事项信息,让准妈妈对自己的情况一目了然;* 阅读推荐:根据孕妈的当前状况,包括孕周、身体情况等推送定制化孕期资讯;* 饮食推荐:根据孕妈的孕周和日常身体状态,个性化推送饮食宜忌知识;* 运动推荐:根据孕妈的孕周和日常身体状态,个性化推荐运动方法,并给出运动禁忌;* 孕育问答:妈咪提问和交流平台,为孕妈解决孕期各类问题;* 全面的检测项目:包括血压、脉搏、耳温、胎心、胎动、血糖、基础体温、尿液检测等。* 专业的健康分析:基于权威的医学文献和广泛深入的医学研究成果,对您的健康数据进行综合性的分析判读。* 可视化的数据:多状态的图标、多元化的曲线、多维度的统计,让检测数据更清晰、更直观,为就诊治疗提供依据。* 为亲友检测:便捷地帮助家人、朋友进行检测;一个手机管理全家的健康档案。* 关注亲友健康:亲友的测量动态即时通知。* 健康数据分享:将检测数据以微信、短信、邮件等方式发送给亲友、专业医生,或分享到朋友圈。* 优雅的交互:简洁明快的视觉设计,生动的图文、动画、语音,引导您轻松愉快地完成检测过程。* Heart cloud app fullcare of your mom prepare pregnant, pregnancy, parenting time,science intelligently conceived as Mummy tailor managementprograms. Mummy Heart cloud app sets the latest mobile medicaldevices in one, easy to detect physical indicators, signs ofintelligent data analysis, personalized push task, reading, dietand exercise guidance bred information for mom and baby's healthescort.The main function:(1) Changes mother: Mommy baby change and change weekly push, letMommy keep abreast of yourself and your baby is in the bestphysical condition.(2) Exclusive tasks: to understand the situation Mummy and babyquestionnaire and measurement data, and accordingly develop andpush personalized daily measurement, inspection and otherproduction tasks for the Mummy, let Mommy no longer miss importantmatters.(3) Information bred Recommended: Mummy and baby against thecurrent situation, to recommend a personalized reading Mummy, dietand exercise information, so Mummy understand this week gave birthto knowledge, etc. Taboo diet and exercise.(4) signs to detect and record: easy to detect and record the babyand the mom's body index, and in the clouds build personal healthrecords. Supported measurement / manual recording projectstemperature, basal body temperature, weight, body fat, bloodpressure, blood glucose, fetal movement, fetal heart rate, and cangive the measurement results and health advice through graphics andother easy to understand way.(5) Statistical data analysis: curve, charts, tables and othermethods to manage Mummy and baby's physical signs data, thephysical changes at a glance.(6) bred Q & A: Answers breeding community has experiencedmother and obstetrician nurses, answer, to prepare pregnant Mummysolve, all sorts of questions about pregnancy and parenting.(7) Contact: Mummy health records may be structured as relativesand friends, for their detection or remote concern the health ofrelatives, friends and relatives do not have to worry about thefar-flung friends.Features:* First image: the system comes with 40 beautiful baby pictures,and supports automatic change, the user can feel pleasure, andthere is a certain sense of prenatal care.* Baby Change: every day push, with playful language of scienceknowledge to the user;* Mom Change: Push once a week within the current gestational age,the body, mind and precautions information mother, so that motherson their own at a glance;* Recommended Reading: the current status of the pregnant mother,including gestational age, physical condition and so on pregnancypush customized information;* Dietary recommendations: according to gestational age andphysical condition of pregnant mother daily, personalized push dietTaboo knowledge;* Exercise recommendation: daily according to gestational age andphysical condition of the pregnant mother, personalizedrecommendation movement, and gives motion taboo;* Nurture Q & A: Question Mummy and exchange platform, to solvevarious problems for the pregnant mother during pregnancy;* Comprehensive test items include: blood pressure, pulse, eartemperature, fetal heart rate, fetal movement, blood sugar, basalbody temperature, urine testing.* Professional health analysis: Based on the authority of themedical literature and extensive medical research, for your healthto undertake a comprehensive analysis of data interpretation.* Visualization of data: icon, diversified curve, multi-dimensionalstatistical multi-state, so that test data clearer, more intuitive,and provide the basis for diagnosis and treatment.* Detection of relatives and friends: easily help family andfriends for testing; a mobile phone management family healthrecords.* Follow a healthy relatives: relatives of measuring dynamicreal-time notification.* Health Data Sharing: The test data to micro-letters, messages,mail, etc. sent to friends and relatives, medical professionals, orshare a circle of friends.* Elegant Interaction: simple and clean visual design, vividgraphics, animation, voice, guide you relaxed and happy to completethe detection process.