西安宝亿电子科技有限公司 应用

风水大师 2.0.0
现在大家茶余饭后的谈资是什么?无非就是房子,可是买了房子并不代表事情就完了,房子的风水布局也很重要,中国人压箱底的宝贝,风水大师,教你怎么摆家具,摆好风水,受用无穷啊~~~快来试试吧~~Now wetalk of gossip is what? Nothing more than a house, but bought ahouse does not mean that things would be finished, the house fengshui layout is also very important to Chinese people pressurebottom of the baby, feng shui master, teach you how to putfurniture, gracefully feng shui, good enough for endless ah ~ ~ ~ ~~ Come and try it
铃声精灵 4.1.0
安卓最强大的手机铃声下载,铃声管理,铃声编辑,铃声设置辅助软件,装机必备利器,让你的手机铃声更有个性,生活更多乐趣.新版铃声精灵新增更强大的铃声管理,可以针对下载铃声及SD卡中的铃声进行管理及编辑,并且针对批量设置联系人铃声进行优化,让您每一个来电都有一种心情.更多细节功能等待你的发现.Andrewsmost powerful ringtones download, ringtone management, editingringtone, ringtone auxiliary software installed essential tool tomake your ringtone more personality and life more fun and morepowerful Wizard to add new ringtones ringtones management, You candownload ringtones and SD card for ring tones in the management andediting, and to set a contact ringtone for batch optimization,allowing you to call each one has a feeling More details featuresawait your discovery.
安卓铃声 7.3.0
安卓市场上最早的铃声类软件,拥有最大的铃声库,和最全的铃声;所有铃声均为MP3格式,在保证完美音质的同事能够兼容所有的手机;本软件不设任何扣费内容,您可以放心使用。免费提供铃声下载,您可以放心的下载任何铃声;换种铃声换个心情~~~炫舞青春,给你不一样的心情~~安卓铃声全新改版,新加用户反馈,软件介绍,全新界面,让你体验不一样的安卓铃声,让你有不一样的听觉享受.安卓铃声论坛:http://androidtec.aliapp.com/index.php?m=bbs安卓铃声铃声库:http://iring.wutianxia.com:8999/iringdata/更多信息请在qq群内反馈,群号:45952762,优质应用,你我共同创造!!Andrews onthe market's first ringtone software category, has the largestlibrary ringtones, ringtones and most comprehensive; All ringtonesare in MP3 format, ensuring perfect sound quality is compatiblewith all phones colleague; This software does not have anydeductions content, you You can rest assured that use. It offersfree ringtones download, you can rest assured download anyringtones; changing ringtones change your mood ~ ~ ~ Dancer youth,to give you a different feeling ~ ~ Andrews ringtones new revision,the newly added user feedback, the software introduced a newinterface that allows Andrews is not the same as you experienceringing, so you have different listening enjoyment.Andrews ringtones Forum: http://androidtec.aliapp.com/index.php?m=bbsAndrews Ringtones library: http://iring.wutianxia.com:8999/iringdata/For more information, please feedback in the qq group, groupnumber: 45952762, quality application, you and I work together tocreate! !
口袋铃声 1.94
这里有炫彩的铃音,有忧伤的情歌,有感恩的歌曲,还有单身的情歌,口袋铃声,铃声随你换~~可以放在口袋的音乐,铃声主题,最新最火铃声,让你一次听个够.There is abright ring tones, there are sad love songs, there are songs ofthanksgiving, as well as single songs, pocket ringtones, ringtonesas you can in your pocket change ~ ~ music, ringtones theme, thelatest hottest ringtones, so you Listen to fill time.
中医按摩宝典 4.1.0
本应用内涵多种疾病的按摩治疗手法,通过对穴位的按摩能有效的缓解病症带来的痛苦和不便,内容丰富,简单,适应所有人群,为你和你家人的健康生活创造一点舒心~~Theapplication of a variety of diseases connotation massage therapytechniques, through the acupuncture point massage can effectivelyrelieve the pain and inconvenience of illness, rich in content,easy to adapt to all the people, for you and your family to createa healthy life a little comfortable ~ ~
短信随便发 1.0
寶億養生堂 1.3
铃声助手 4.1.0
铃声随便下 2.03
所有铃声:列出手机所有相关的铃声,可以播放铃声;可以将铃声设置为相关类型,类型包括:音乐,来电,通知,闹钟 等铃声类型;来电铃声:列出位于SDCard,系统内部的所有来电铃声;可以将某一铃声设置为默认来电铃声;通知(短信)铃声:列出位于SDCard,系统内部的所有通知铃声;可以将某一铃声设置为默认通知铃声;联系人铃声:列出所有联系人,并显示每个联系人对应的专属来电铃声;可以为每一位联系人设置专属的来电铃声;All ringtones: List allrelevant mobile phone ringtones, ring tones can be played;ringtones can be set for the relevant type, types include: music,calls, notification, alarm ringtone type;Ringtones: List located SDCard, all the ringtones within thesystem; certain tones can be set as the default ringtones;Notification (SMS) Ringtones: List located SDCard, all withinthe system notification ringtone; certain tones can be set as thedefault notification ringtone;Contact Melody: List all contacts and display each contactcorresponding exclusive ringtones; You can set specific ringtonesfor every contact;
新彩妆大全 2.1.0
掌握当下潮流趋势,重点介绍当前时下潮流妆样,化妆技巧,明星妆容以及彩妆画法等做出深入的剖析,彩妆大全让你的生活更加快乐,花样女人从彩妆开始!Grasp the current trends,highlighting the current trend nowadays like makeup, makeup tips,celebrity makeup and makeup painting method to make in-depthanalysis, makeup Daquan make your life happier woman from makeuptricks begin!
智慧人生 2.0.0
智慧人生,大量人生哲理与感悟人生的文章,学习在人生每个阶段,每件事物的智慧认知,只要您有时间静下心来阅读,您将会在这里得到生活的智慧!Wisdom of life,philosophy of life and perception of life a lot of articles,learning every stage of life, wisdom, knowledge of everything, aslong as you have the time to stop reading, you will get here thewisdom of life!
中医秘方偏方 3.04
本软件经过专业中医人士进行数据筛选而集成的中医偏方秘方宝典,具有上千种中华医术和民间广为流传的偏方秘方;本偏方包括感冒,咳嗽,哮喘,肺痛,胸痛,心悸,不寐等各种小偏方.简单的方法,生活中随处可寻的药材,最健康无毒的自然疗法,省时,省力,又省钱,为你解决烦恼.赶走疾病,全家老小都健康.The softwareprofessionally for data filtering and medicine who integratedmedicine secret recipe book, with thousands of Chinese medicine andfolk remedies widely circulated recipe;The remedies include colds, coughs, asthma, lung pain, chest pain,heart palpitations, insomnia, and other small recipe.The simplest way of life to be found everywhere in medicine, themost toxic natural health therapies, saving time, effort, andmoney, for you to solve the troubles. Away disease, the wholefamily are healthy.
老中医 3.9.0
铃声大全 13.6.6
中医宝典大全二 2.03
本款软件内含每日更新,美容养身,奇方妙药等内容,结合中国医学知识针对我们日常生活中出现的各种疾病等问题提出具有中医特色的解决方案.This software containsdaily updates, beauty cultivation, Qi Fang Miao medicine and othercontent, combined with Chinese medical knowledge with Chinesecharacteristics, propose solutions for our everyday life emergingdiseases and other issues.
健康小贴士 2.0.1
本软件是集实用性,易用性,移动性及便利性于一身的综合健康管理软件.健康小贴士,让你的生活更加的贴心~~~提供实用的日常生活饮食健康养生的小常识小贴士,日常生活窍门饮食健康 养生小知识,传播生活百科 健康常识 饮食大全 养生知识,健康饮食科学养生自在生活.努力为大家奉上好的健康应用.This software is a set ofpracticality, ease of use, mobility and convenience in anintegrated health management software. Health tips to make yourlife more intimate ~ ~ ~ providing practical healthy diet regimenof daily living tips Tips, tricks healthy diet regimen of dailylife little knowledge, spread knowledge of eating healthy livingencyclopedia of knowledge Daquan health, healthy eating regimencomfortable life sciences. strive to offer everyone good healthapplications.
儿童乐园 1.22
短信宝典 4.0.3
短信宝典离线搜罗了10000条以上各种各样的短信,包括搞笑短信,爱情短信,整人短信,祝福短信,节日短信和筋急转弯.阅读界面按menu键可以对感兴趣的短信进行收藏和分享给好友,最近节日会显示当前月份和下个月的节日短信,也可以手动设置月份查看节日短信.SMS Collection offlineidentified a wide variety of more than 10,000 text messages,including funny text messages, love text messages, SMS wholeperson, bless SMS, Festival SMS and tendons sharp turns. Reading onthe screen, press the menu key messages of interest to carry outthe collection and Share to friends, recent festival will show thecurrent month and next month's holiday message, or you can manuallyset the month to see the holiday message.
CCTV相声大赛 9.53
宝宝学拼音 2.2.0
护肤物语 5.03
白白的,嫩嫩的,水水的,滑溜溜的肌肤谁都想拥有,女人美丽其实可以很简单,健康肌肤,从护肤物语开始~~从今天开始蜕变,看见不一样的自己~White, tender, Shui,slippery skin Everyone would like to have, in fact, a beautifulwoman can be very simple, healthy skin, skin care starts from thebeginning of metamorphosis Story ~ ~ today is not the same asseeing yourself ~
笑话轩 2.03
这里有冷笑话,爆笑笑话,还有恐怖笑话,无聊的时候看看笑话轩,给你的生活多一点色彩~~这里有冷笑话,爆笑笑话,还有恐怖笑话,无聊的时候看看笑话轩,给你的生活多一点色彩~~Here are a joke, funnyjokes, and horror jokes, silly jokes Xuan time to look at and giveyour life a little more color ~ ~ Here are a joke, funny jokes, andhorror jokes, silly jokes time to look Xuan give your life a littlemore color ~ ~
中医育儿 2.0.1
祖国中医医学有其独特的育儿方法,尤其以古人所倡导的“养子十法”,精辟科学地总结出养育宝贝的实用经典,值得我们借鉴.Motherland medicinemedicine has its unique parenting methods, especially the ancientsadvocated "Ten adopted son", brilliantly summed up the scientificand practical parenting classic baby, we can learn from.
一千零一夜鬼故事 1.93
集合了古今中外的各类鬼故事,有胆子就看下去.有经典的张震鬼故事,有幽默诙谐的,我们还会陆续更新的,请大家关注.Collection of all kindsof ghost stories at all times, there is bolder looking. Oliviaclassic ghost story, humor, and we will continue to update,everyone's attention.
童话故事大全 2.8.0
神奇的魔法故事和美丽的仙女,挥舞着魔棒在深林里自由的穿梭,带着翅膀的精灵,会说话的蘑菇,还有长着白胡子的树精,宝宝们的故事乐园,每天开启不一样的童话世界,尽在童话故事大全~!Magical and beautifulfairy tale magic, waving sticks in the deep forest of obsessionfree shuttle, winged elves, talking mushrooms, as well as with longwhite beard Dryad, the story of the baby park, open every day isnot the same fairy tale world, all in fairy tales Daquan ~!
幼儿家庭教育 2.01
父母是孩子的第一任老师,也就是启蒙老师.父母对孩子的影响根深蒂固,具有基础性,全面性,针对性与全程性的特点,其影响伴随孩子终生.幼儿家庭教育,给宝宝最贴心的智能启蒙指导~~Parents are a child'sfirst teacher is teacher. Influence of parents on children'sdeep-rooted, basic, comprehensive, targeted and the whole of thecharacteristics associated with the impact of a child for life.Early childhood family education, to give the baby the mostintimate Smart enlightenment guide ~ ~
宝宝故事会 6.1
几乎每个孩子的启蒙教育,都是从听故事开始的,在故事中,孩子们可以认识和了解世界,丰富他们的想象力。宝宝故事会为孩子们提供动听、内容丰富的成语故事,寓言故事,童话故事,睡前故事,让这些美丽的故事陪伴孩子健康成长。Almost every child inelementary education are listening to stories from the beginning ofthe story, the children get to know and understand the world, toenrich their imagination.Baby story will provide appealing for kids, content-rich idiomstories, fables, fairy tales, bedtime stories, let these beautifulstories accompany their children grow up healthy.
宝宝Bus 1.0
这里有孕前营养、哺乳期营养等妈妈营养和饮食的科学知识,及母乳喂养、人工喂养.....宝宝bus,让您和您的宝宝一样健康````There arepre-pregnancy nutrition, breastfeeding mothers nutrition dietnutrition and scientific knowledge, and breastfeeding, artificialfeeding ..... baby bus, so that you and your baby as healthy``
宝宝三字经 3.5.0
少儿听书 3.01
宝宝不睡觉?又哭又闹,来试试少儿听书,宝宝睡得香,妈妈才放心,少儿听书,宝宝成长的好帮手~~让宝宝在声音故事中成长,帮父母减轻负担,给孩子增添快乐.Baby does not sleep?Blubber, to try to listen to children's books, baby sleep well, mymother was assured that children listen to the book, a good helperbaby grow ~ ~ Let the baby grow in a sound story, to help reducethe burden on the parents, to Children add joy.
宝宝听书 3.54
宝宝故事 3.8.0
宝宝学成语 3.04
在听成语故事的同时让宝宝学会成语.“每日一新”让宝宝每天学一个 V1.0版本1.有成语故事语音,帮助宝宝理解成语意思.省去给宝宝讲成语的烦恼 2.附带识字,让宝宝学习成语故事.In the idiom of the storywhile listening to your baby learn idioms. "A new day" Let yourbaby learn a V1.0 version of a day there idioms voice, help yourbaby understand the idiom meaning. Eliminating the trouble to babytalk phrase 2. Incidental literacy, let your baby learnidioms.
瑜伽宝典 4.6.0
安卓看书 1.05
你看,我看,大家看。安卓看书集成中国最大的云端书柜及分享社区---书仓网,上万本电子书等着你去发现。通过安卓看书阅读软件,您可以享受更多的阅读乐趣。您可以根据需要任意设置颜色,字体,按键绑定或者是更改对话框中的其他属性。如何使用安卓看书第一种方法是将图书文件复制到您的设备目录中/ SD卡/书籍(或任何其子目录)。 安卓看书将自动添加此书。第二种方法是点击标准Android浏览器中的图书链接(如带有ePub,oeb,fb2或fb2.zip等扩展名的文件链接。)图书将会被下载到设备中并且用安卓看书打开。如果你再次点击相同的链接,图书不会重复下载,本地阅读本将供阅读。第三种方法是使用内置的在线书库,直接从中下载并阅读。
宝宝睡前小故事集 3.9.0
乐活铃声 1.03
每天的生活都是千篇一律,没有一点新意,多一点改变,生活就多一点趣味,炫舞青春,尽在乐活铃声~~Everyday life arestereotyped, with no new ideas, little changed, life is a littlemore interesting, Dancer youth, all in Broadwood Ringtone ~ ~
华丽铃声 2.04
本应用内设9大分类,铃声内容每天更新,十万余款来电铃音,让你轻松成为众人关注的焦点.本应用界面美观大方,操作方便,简单易学,快来下载吧!This application offersnine categories, ringtone content updated daily, hundreds ofthousands of phone ring tones balance, let you easily become thefocus of attention. This application nice interface, easy tooperate, easy to learn, come download it!
爸爸教唐诗 2.03
背诵唐诗能陶冶宝宝的情操,平时工作忙没有大段时间献给宝宝,随时随地交宝宝几首唐诗,让宝宝成长更快更聪明,爸爸教唐诗,用父爱关注我们的宝宝Recite Tang can cultivatebaby's sentiments, usually busy with work and do not have time todedicate a large segment of the baby, the baby anytime pay a fewTang poems, let the baby grow faster and smarter, and my fathertaught poetry, with fatherly concern our baby
宝宝学宋词 2.1.0
随着工作生活压力的增长,有宝宝的上班族更是力不从心,宝宝学宋词这款应用的开发,无疑是年轻爸爸妈妈的福音.宝宝学宋词具有丰富的中华古文化的艺术底蕴,既可以增加宝宝的兴趣,又可以哄宝宝睡觉.同时它更专注于宝宝的启蒙教育,让每个宝宝在听故事的同时学到知识.With the increase inpressure of working life, there are more workers are powerlessbaby, baby learning to the development of this application Song isundoubtedly the young father and mother of the Gospel. Babylearning Song has a rich artistic heritage of ancient Chineseculture, can increase baby's interest, they can coax the baby tosleep at the same time it is more focused on the baby's elementaryeducation, so that every baby in the knowledge learned whilelistening to stories.
爸爸讲西游 1.6.3
郭德纲全集 3.9.0
手机铃声市场 4.7.0
超级铃声(网络版) 2.57
安卓图书馆 1.0
安卓图书馆是一款基于Android平台的电子书阅读软件,安卓图书馆阅读软件使用java语言编写。安卓图书馆支持多种电子书格式:如oeb,epub,fb2.未来的升级版本将像支持原始的安卓图书馆格式一样支持以上格式.同时将支持zip,tar和gzip格式的的直接阅读。通过安卓图书馆阅读软件,您可以享受更多的阅读乐趣。您可以根据需要任意设置颜色,字体,按键绑定或者是更改对话框中的其他属性。如何使用安卓图书馆有三种方法可以将书加入安卓图书馆的书库。第一种方法是将图书文件复制到您的设备目录中/ SD卡/书籍(或任何其子目录)。 安卓图书馆将自动添加此书。第二种方法是点击标准Android浏览器中的图书链接(如带有ePub,oeb,fb2或fb2.zip等扩展名的文件链接。)图书将会被下载到设备中并且用安卓图书馆打开。如果你再次点击相同的链接,图书不会重复下载,本地阅读本将供阅读。第三种方法是使用内置的在线书库,直接从中下载并阅读。
不服来辩 1.02
★全国最大、最好玩的辩论社区★千万用户同时在线,占星、测试、情感、人生相谈……随时有人和你聊★真情实感的倾述平台, 观点碰撞,思想交流引发的话题交友。让你找到最聊得来的朋友1、陌生人因话题而交流,因交流而熟识;2、强调思维和观点的碰撞,同时享受辩论与游戏的乐趣;★ nation's largest, mostfun community debate★ millions of users simultaneously online, astrology, testing,emotion, life talk ...... always someone to talk to you★ tell their true feelings platform, the collision point of view,the topic of dating ideas raised. Allows you to find the best totalk to a friendA stranger because of the topic and exchanges, because exchangesand familiar;2, emphasizing the impact of thinking and ideas, while enjoying thefun and games of the debate;
影子学院 1.0
影子学院是一款免费服务于小初中的教育类软件,一直以来专注于利用优质的教育资源和先进的信息技术,服务于中国教育 服务领域,是目前国内个性化教育的领导者,此软件具备各个学科的老师在线帮您免费答疑解惑。Shadow Academy is a freeservice for small junior high school educational software, has beenfocused on the use of high-quality educational resources andadvanced information technology, services in the field of Chineseeducation services, is currently the leader in personalizededucation, this software has teachers in all disciplines answeringquestions online to help you free of charge.
中医宝典大全 6.41
美食厨房 3.1.0
食疗天下 2.03
食疗天下,以食进补,以食养生,生病了不去吃药,吃点日常生活中的饮食,疾病也可以速速退去,食疗天下,健康养生~~民以饮食为天,小心病从口入哦.Diet in the world to eattonic to food and health, sick do not take medicine, eat everydaydiet, disease can come quickly receded, diet in the world, with ahealthy diet regimen ~ ~ China for the day, be careful disease fromthe mouth into oh.