輔英資科學程 应用

Asthma氣喘 1.0
了解何謂氣喘,它的症狀、病因、處理方式及注意事項等Understand what asthma,its symptoms, causes, treatment and precautions
Gout痛風 1.0
了解何謂痛風,它的症狀、形成原因、飲食禁忌及注意事項等Understand what gout, itssymptoms, causes, food taboos and precautions
憂鬱症防治 1.0
主要讓人們認知憂鬱症的由來、產生與解決方式!!!憂鬱是人類正常的情緒,但這種情緒持續久了失去控制,就可能會變成一種症狀。我相信大多數憂鬱症患者,只是需要幫助與協助,尋求問題得解決辦法!!!關懷他人由我做起:1.問-主動關心,詢問對方的狀況2.應-聆聽對方的問題,並做適當的回應3.轉介-針對對方的問題,給予適當資源協助這3步驟也許能挽回他人一生得幸福~App內文章 出處來源: 臺灣憂鬱症防治協會The main let peopleunderstand the origin of depression, produce and solutions!!!Depression is a normal human emotion, but this sentiment continuedto lose control for a long time, it may become a symptom.I believe that most patients with depression, but need help andassistance, to seek solutions to problems too!!!Caring for others starts with me:1 Q - active care, ask each situation2 should - Listen to each other's problems and make appropriateresponses3 referrals - against each question, given appropriate resources toassistThese three steps may be able to save the life of others to behappy ~App within Article Source: Taiwan Association AgainstDepression
廟宇達人 1.1
讓使用者方便查詢各縣市地區的廟宇資料以地圖模式標示附近廟宇以及地圖規劃路徑查詢月份近期廟會活動讓熱愛廟會的朋友們更快查詢到近期廟會活動歡迎各位愛熱鬧的朋友們上傳廟會與廟宇詳細資料給我們我們會以最快速度審核提供資料且新增由於廟會活動資料特別少,希望手邊有第一手廟會相關活動的朋友,歡迎上傳給我們關鍵字:廟宇.廟會.進香團.熱鬧.地方.小吃.旅遊.好玩.地圖Allows users to easilyquery data counties temple areaMarked near the temple in map mode and map the path planningRecent queries temple festivals monthLet love temple friends faster query to the recent templeactivitiesWelcome to love fun with friends upload temple temples details tousWe will review the information provided with the fastest speed andnewBecause information particularly small temple activities, there ishope at hand firsthand temple related activities, welcome to uploadto usKeywords: temple. Festival. Pilgrimage. Lively. Place snacks.Tourism Amusing map.
食來孕轉 2.0
「食來孕轉」這一個APP來供孕媽咪們使用,如何吃、怎麼吃、吃什麼、吃多少…等等懷孕過程中應該注意的營養攝取,都可以透過我們所設計的APP來得知。"Food to pregnantturn"for this APP Bulletin boards are to use, how to eat, how toeat,what to eat, how much to eat ... so during pregnancy shouldpayattention to nutritional intake, can be designed through ourAPPfor that .
Diabetes糖尿病 1.0
了解何謂糖尿病,它的類型、有哪些症狀及如何預防和注意事項等Understand whatdiabetes,its type, what are the symptoms and how to preventandprecautions
益智遊戲大考驗 1.2
由輔英科技大學-資訊科技學位學程利用上課學習所寫出的小遊戲腦力大激盪~想試試看你的腦袋到底有多厲害嗎?By the University Fooyin-Information Technology degree programWritten using the class to learn the gameMental Epic Encounters ~ want to try your head in the endhowpowerful you?
食來孕轉 2.0