3D Studio Blomberg Ltd. 应用

GlobAR 1.1.0
Learn more with one clickGlobAR, an extraordinary augmented reality experience whichenables you to see relevant, updated information layers on top ofany real world object or image. Simply scan the printed material,an object or image wherever you see the GlobAR icon and you will beamazed of the added digital (AR) material that appears on top ofit.Useful for?• For making printed material come alive through augmented reality– manuals, brochures, leaflets,business cards, magazines, ads, packages etc.• For adding information to objects through ARWhat to scan?• Wherever you see the GlobAR icon you know there is some addedmaterial available if you scan itWhat appears?• The added information can be in different formats, e.g. videos,animations, webpages, 3D models, infographics, interactiveapplications, podcasts, direct links for registering, shoppingetc.• The added information can be changed at any time without changingthe printed material or the objectHow?• Want to add information to print material or an object? ->Contact 3D Studio Blomberg• How to scan? -> 1) Open the GlobAR app in your smartphone/tablet, 2) scan the picture / object and the addedinformation appears
Latest updates:
• Reads QR codes• Zoom in and out funktion• Pop out content• Analysis availableUpcoming updates:• Favorites. Save your favorite added information, such as videos,animations, recipes, coupons to be able to view them also laterwithout needing to scan again• Push notifications
3DS AR Calendar 1.0.4
We make your printed calendar come alive!Surprise your customers, personnel or family and friendswithyour own live calendar. At the turn of each month or on aspecificdate we update the added material for the monthly picturesin anyformat you wish, be it a piece of news, video, productlaunch, 3Dmodel, gifographics or anything else. Easy to use andveryinformative!How It Works- Hold the Smart Device in front of the monthly image and fittheimage within the camera view to scan.- After the scan is completed, the 3DS AR Calendar Serviceperformsa visual search for specific and up-to-date material.- The monthly image scan search finds the match and displaystheassociated content.Tracking targets can be found here:http://www.3dstudio.fi/3DS_AR_Calendar_2016.pdfContact us for more information or visit ourwebpageshttp://www.3dstudio.fi