Fringilla - tic tac toe 1.0.9
Fringilla is a game of TIC-TAC-toe onclassical and dynamic field. Unlike games on a standard 3x3 box,playing a dynamic field is more complex and exciting. The number ofcells depends on the resolution of the screen of the device and canbe almost unlimited number of cells.You can think of a game in which the winner is the first playerto built 5 of the same characters on a large enough for thisrectangular box. If this field is limited only by the size of thescreen.Play up to 4 symbols on an infinite field uninteresting, for thebeginner to quickly build "fork" and wins. Game for n >= 6 alsouninteresting because of the "no man's death." There arestrategies, not giving the opponent to build the right line ever.However, when n=5, the game becomes much more substantial. Thisversion has a special name - "Gomoku". Initially in Gomoku isplayed on a Board in the size 19 x 19, later it was reduced to asize 15 x 15 cells.The main victorious tactics when playing on an infinite field isconstruction of the intersection ("fork") that do not give theenemy the opportunity to block all the possible ways ofconstructing five. In order not to lose, it is necessary tointerrupt line of the enemy length in three shapes and more.Practice has shown that in case of equal rules for players whomakes the first move, has the advantage of allowing forsufficiently skilled game to win, which was later provedrigorously. To save the interest to the game options were offeredfor modifications of the rules of the game. So, with theintroduction of fouls (illegal moves) for the player who starts thefirst - it is forbidden to build plug 3 x 3, 4 x 4, as well as tobuild a "long range" of his pieces - the result is a new gamecalled "Renju [連珠]", with a great variety of game strategies andequal chances players.Fringilla on dynamic field has a few rounds, each round may endup as a victory of one of the players and the game in a draw. Inthe game the winner is the one who will win in all rounds, thenumber of rounds is created automatically and is not known inadvance.To win the game artificial intelligence difficult, but possible!Victory in all rounds in a row is called a "clear victory". Onlyreal professionals can get a clean sweep.The game has such features as:1. Game in a standard game of TIC-TAC-toe on the classicalfield2. Playing a complex game of TIC-TAC-toe on a dynamic field3. Three difficulty levels of artificial intelligence4. The game with another person on a single device5. Each turn of the game is saved and the game can continue fromthe same place at any timeIt is important to understand the fact that the game Fringillaunlike other games of TIC-TAC-toe first move is given to toe!p.s. The multiplayer version of the game Fringilla does notexist for this we created the game «the Balistor». Thank you, nicegame!
Unusual spider Fuzzy 1.1.3
Small, unusual, green Fluffy loves to travel. With their longstickyit as Spider man can climb to any height and descend intotheunknown depths. On the road with Fuzzy encountered manyobstacles.Help him to overcome them and get home! The animal isvery fond ofall the brilliant, so do not miss the bright stars,which aresometimes not easy to find and get! - Colorful cartoongraphics -Unique gameplay with realistic physics Follow us onTwitter: Join our groupVKontakte: Join our group inFacebook: Join us inOdnoklassniki: