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Kutipan Novel (Quotes) 1.0
Tentu anda suka membaca novel bukan? Dalamsebuah novel terdapat banyak sekali kutipan novel yang bisa kitaambil hikmah dan pelajarannya. Tidak sedikit orang yang menjadikankutipan dalam sebuah novel sebagai sebuah slogan atau motto dalamhidupnya dan hal ini tentunya baik apabila dijadikan sumbermotivasi.Aplikasi ini merupakan Kumpulan kutipan-kutipan atau quote yangdi ambil dari beberapa isi novel penulis-penulis novel terkenal diIndonesia Seperti:- Darwis Tere Liye (Penulis Novel: Daun Yang Jatuh Tak PernahMembenci Angin)- Andrea Hirata (Penulis Novel Laskar Pelangi)- Habiburrahman El Shirazy (Penulis Novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta)- Dewi 'Dee' Lestari (Penulis Novel Supernova dan PerahuKertas)- Raditya Dika (Penulis Novel Kambing Jantan)- Ahmad Fuadi (Penulis Novel Negeri 5 Menara)- Ilana Tan (Penulis Summer in Seoul, Autumn in Paris, Winter inTokyo, Sunshine Become You)- Felix xiaou (Penulis Novel Udah Putisin Ajah)- Moammar Emka (Penulis Novel "Jakarta Undercover" (Sex in TheCity).)- Donny Dhirgantoro (Penulis Novel 5 Centimeter)- dan masih banyak lagi...You are free to browse all of them directly by authors or youcan receive a quote of the day every day at the time you specify .Also you can share any quote by different ways (sharing onfacebook,tweet on twitter and sending to your friend bywhatsApp,email and SMS). Keep your enthusiasm up.Features :- 500+ Kutipan Kata bijak, Cinta, Nasehat, Doa dan lain-lain yangdi ambil dari Novel Terkenal Indonesia.- Terdapat 15+ Penulis berikut dengan fotonya.- Sharing via facebook dan twitter.- Share via whatsApp, email and SMS.- Navigasi yang Mudah- Anda dapat menandai kutipan yang anda suka- Kamu dapat mengatur waktu Kutipan yang keluar padanotifikasi- Controling different settings.- Terdapat menu kutipan hari ini.- Pencarian Penulis berdasarkan Nama.- Support multi-devices.Kutipan-kutipan yang terdapat pada aplikasi ini akan selalu kamiupdate. Jika Anda ingin merequest kutipan dari novel yang belum adadi Aplikasi ini, silahkan kontak kami melalui email: app.ardroid@gmail.comSemoga Aplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda dan orang lain..Of course you like toread novels instead? In the novel there are many novel excerptsthat we can take the wisdom and learning. Not a few people who madethe quote in a novel as a slogan or motto in life and it iscertainly good if used as a source of motivation.This application is a set of excerpts or quotes taken from someof the content of the novel writers famous novel in Indonesiaas:    - Dervish Tere Liye (Author Novel: TheFalling Leaves Never Hate Wind)    - Andrea Hirata (Author novel LaskarPelangi)    - Habiburrahman El Shirazy (Author NovelAyat-Ayat Cinta)    - Dewi 'Dee' Lestari (Author NovelSupernova and Paper Boat)    - Raditya Dika (Author Novel Goat)    - Ahmad Fuadi (Author Novel Negeri 5Menara)    - Ilana Tan (Author Summer in Seoul, Autumnin Paris, Winter in Tokyo, Sunshine Become You)    - Felix xiaou (Author Novel Already PutisinAjah)    - Moammar EMKA (Author Novel "JakartaUndercover" (Sex in the City).)    - Donny Dhirgantoro (Author Novel 5Centimeter)    - And much more ...You are free to browse all of Them Directly by authors or youcan receive a quote of the day every day at the time you specify.Also you can share any quote by different ways (sharing onfacebook, tweet on twitter and sending to your friend by WhatsApp,email and SMS). Keep your enthusiasm up.Features:    - 500+ Quotes Word to the wise, love,advice, prayers and others are taken from the novel FamousIndonesia.    - There are 15+ Writer following with hispicture.    - Sharing via Facebook and Twitter.    - Share via WhatsApp, email and SMS.    - Easy Navigation    - You can mark the quote that youlike    - You can set the time out in thenotification quote    - Controlling different settings.    - There is a quote of the day's menu.    - Search Authors by Name.    - Support multi-devices.Quotations contained in this application will always be updated.If you want to requesting quotations from the novel that does notexist in this application, please contact us via email: app.ardroid@gmail.comHopefully this application is useful to you and others ..
Resep Masakan Tahu 1.0.1
Tahu seringkali dipasangkan dengan saudaranya,tempe. Namun jika kita mengolah tahu menjadi satu makanantersediri, rasanya tak kalah nikmat.Makanan yang berasal dari olahan kedelai ini bertekstur lembutdan cukup memiliki kandungan gizi bagi tubuh. Tahu termasuk dalambahan olahan yang sederhana karena mudah ditemukan dan harga yangterjangkau oleh semua kalangan, tetapi bisa menjadi aneka kulineryang lezat yang sangat beragam variasinya, baik sebagai bahan dasarutama atau pelengkap masakan lainnya.Aplikasi ini cocok bagi anda yang membutuhkan referensi membuatmasakan rumahan yang sederhana.Semoga bermanfaat..Tofu is often paired withhis brother, tempeh. But if we know into a food processingtersediri, it is equally delicious.Foods derived from soybean processing this soft textured andhave enough nutrients to the body. Know included in the processedmaterial as simple as it is easy to find and affordable by allpeople, but it could be a variety of delicious culinary verydiverse variations, either as the main ingredients or other foodsupplement.This application is suitable for those of you who need areference made simple home cooking.Hope it is useful ..