Agustín José Muñoz Pérez 应用

Learning to Write. Calligraphy
Learn to Writing, Calligraphy course inSpanish is an Application for Smartphones and Tablets for Learningto Write in Spanish.Mission: Learning to Write. Full Calligraphy Course inSpanishFacilitating the learning of writing in children who learn towrite, using a tool that will make them Learn to Writeplaying.Description: Application for Learning to Write in Spanish. The appis a complete course in Spanish Calligraphy. From 3 years old oryounger.This Primer is not just a course for Learning to Write letters, itis a complete course in Spanish to learn calligraphy writing, usingthe typeface commonly used in school.There are 3 ways to learn to write:- Full Assist Mode: Guide your child learn to correctly trace theletters. Guidance of successive points are used. As the child isdrawing the letter tells what is the next point that has to bejoined by a numbering system and through a system of enhancedtarget point.- Assisted Simple Mode: Same as above but the points are appearingonly when the above points attached correctly- Free mode: The child can freely write the letterYou can switch easily between Case SensitiveIt is organized by 4 types of exercises:- Presentation of Letters and Syllables- Construction of sentences ordered by the hieroglyphs fotosilábicomethod- Construction of Ordered phrases using Syllables and Letters- Construction of Disordered phrases using Syllables and Letters:an added difficulty as they progressFULL COURSE OF CALLIGRAPHY (12 Booklets )The full Calligraphy Course consists of over 1,700 writingexercises distributed in 12 BookletsCOURSE 1 ( Ex. 80 )1 a,e,i,o,u2 ma,me,mi,mo,mu3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 2 ( Ex. 80 )1 ta,te,ti,to,tu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 3( Ex. 75 )1 na,ne,ni,no,nu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences4 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 4( Ex. 75 )1 pa,pe,pi,po,pu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 5 ( Ex. 75 )1 es2 la,le,li,lo,lu3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 6( Ex. 80 )1 el2 da,de,di,do,du3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 7 ( Ex. 160 )1 sa,se,si,so,su2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 ra,re,ri,ro,ru6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 8 ( Ex. 160 )1 en2 va,ve,vi,vo,vu3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrases6 ba,be,bi,bo,bu7 ordered sentences hieroglyphs8 ordered sentences syllables9 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 9( Ex. 160 )1 za,ce,ci,zo,zu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 ja,je,ge,ji,gi,jo,ju6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 10 ( Ex. 160 )1 ga,gue,gui,go,gu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 ca,que,qui,co,cu6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 11 ( Ex. 235 )1 fa,fe,fi,fo,fu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 lla,lle,lli,llo,llu6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrases9 ya,ye,yi,yo,yu10 ordered sentences hieroglyphs11 ordered sentences syllables12 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 12 ( Ex. 245 )1 ha, he, hi, ho, hu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 cha , che, chi, cho, chu6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrases9 ña,ñe,ñi,ño,ñu10 xa , xe , xi, xo , xu11 ordered sentences hieroglyphs12 ordered sentences syllables13 Unordered phrases
Aprende a Escribir Kinder
Aprende a Escribir, Curso de Caligrafía enEspañol es una Aplicación para Smartphones y Tablets para Aprendera Escribir en Español. Letra KinderMisión: Aprender a Escribir. Cartilla Completa de Caligrafía enEspañolFacilitar el aprendizaje de la escritura en niños que Aprende aescribir, utilizando una herramienta que les hará Aprender aEscribir jugando.Aplicación para Aprender a Escribir en español. La app es un CursoCompleto de Caligrafía en Español. Desde los 3 años o antes.Esta Cartilla no es sólo un curso para Aprender a Escribir lasletras, se trata de un curso completo de Caligrafía en español paraaprender a escribir, utilizando el tipo de letra que habitualmenteusan en Colegio.Dispone de 3 modos para aprender a escribir:- Modo Asistido Completo: Guía para que el niño aprenda a trazarcorrectamente las letras. Se utiliza una guía de puntos sucesivos.Conforme el niño va trazando la letra se le indica qué punto es elsiguiente que tiene que unir mediante un sistema de numeración ymediante un sistema de realzado del punto objetivo.- Modo Asistido Simple: Igual que el anterior pero los puntos vanapareciendo solamente cuando los anteriores se han unidocorrectamente- Modo Libre: El niño puede libremente escribir la letraSe puede cambiar entre Mayúsculas y Minúsculas fácilmenteEstá organizado mediante 4 tipos de ejercicios:- Presentación de Letras y Sílabas- Construcción de frases ordenadas mediante jeroglíficos con elmétodo fotosilábico- Construcción de Frases Ordenadas mediante la utilización deSílabas y Letras- Construcción de Frases Desordenadas mediante la utilización deSílabas y Letras: un añadido de dificultad conforme vanavanzandoCURSO COMPLETO DE CALIGRAFÍA (12 Cartillas)El Curso de Caligrafía completo consta de más de 1.700 ejerciciosde escritura distribuidos en 12 CartillasCURSO1 (80 Ej.)1 a,e,i,o,u2 ma,me,mi,mo,mu3 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.4 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas5 Frases DesordenadasCURSO2 (80 Ej.)1 ta,te,ti,to,tu2 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.3 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas4 Frases DesordenadasCURSO3 (75 Ej.)1 na,ne,ni,no,nu2 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.3 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas4 Frases DesordenadasCURSO4 (75 Ej.)1 pa,pe,pi,po,pu2 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.3 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas4 Frases DesordenadasCURSO5 (75 Ej.)1 es2 la,le,li,lo,lu3 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.4 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas5 Frases DesordenadasCURSO6 (80 Ej.)1 el2 da,de,di,do,du3 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.4 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas5 Frases DesordenadasCURSO7 (160 Ej.)1 sa,se,si,so,su2 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.3 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas4 Frases Desordenadas5 ra,re,ri,ro,ru6 Frases Ordenadas Jerog. Sílabas7 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas8 Frases DesordenadasCURSO8 (160 Ej.)1 en2 va,ve,vi,vo,vu3 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.4 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas5 Frases Desordenadas6 ba,be,bi,bo,bu7 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.8 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas9 Frases DesordenadasCURSO9 (160 Ej.)1 za,ce,ci,zo,zu2 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.3 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas4 Frases Desordenadas5 ja,je,ge,ji,gi,jo,ju6 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.7 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas8 Frases DesordenadasCURSO10 (160 Ej.)1 ga,gue,gui,go,gu2 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.3 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas4 Frases Desordenadas5 ca,que,qui,co,cu6 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.7 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas8 Frases DesordenadasCURSO11 (235 Ej.)1 fa,fe,fi,fo,fu2 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.3 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas4 Frases Desordenadas5 lla,lle,lli,llo,llu6 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.7 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas8 Frases Desordenadas9 ya,ye,yi,yo,yu10 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.11 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas12 Frases DesordenadasCURSO12 (245 Ej.)1 ha,he,hi,ho,hu2 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.3 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas4 Frases Desordenadas5 cha,che,chi,cho,chu6 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.7 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas8 Frases Desordenadas9 ña,ñe,ñi,ño,ñu10 xa,xe,xi,xo,xu11 Frases Ordenadas Jerog.12 Frases Ordenadas Sílabas13 Frases DesordenadasLearn to Writing,Calligraphy course in Spanish is an Application for Smartphones andTablets for Learning to Write in Spanish. Kinder LyricsMission: Learning to Write. Fill in Spanish Narrative PrimerFacilitating the learning of writing in children who learn towrite, using a tool that will make them Learn to Writeplaying.Application for Learning to Write in Spanish. The app is a completecourse in Spanish Calligraphy. From 3 years old or younger.This Primer is not just a course for Learning to Write letters, itis a complete course in Spanish to learn calligraphy writing, usingthe typeface commonly used in school.There are 3 ways to learn to write:- Full Assist Mode: Guide your child learn to correctly trace theletters. Guidance of successive points is used. As the child isdrawing the letter tells what is the next point that has to bejoined by a numbering system and through a system of enhancedtarget point.- Assisted Simple Mode: Same as above but the points are appearingonly when the above photo attached correctly- Free mode: The child can freely write the letterYou can switch easily between Case SensitiveIt is organized by 4 types of exercises:- Presentation of Letters and Syllables- Construction of sentences ordered by the hieroglyphs fotosilábicomethod- Construction of phrases Ordered using Syllables and Letters- Construction of Disordered phrases using Syllables and Letters:an added difficulty as they progressFULL COURSE OF CALLIGRAPHY (12 Booklets)The full Calligraphy Course consists of over 1,700 writingexercises distributed in 12 BookletsYEAR1 (Ex. 80)1 a, e, i, o, u2 m, me, mi, mo, muThree phrases Ordered Jerog.Sort Scraps 4 SyllablesDisordered 5 PhrasesCURSO2 (Ex. 80)1 ta, you, you, to, yourTwo phrases Ordered Jerog.Phrases Ordered 3 Syllables4 Unordered ScrapsYear 3rd (Ex. 75)1 na, ne, ni, no, nuTwo phrases Ordered Jerog.Phrases Ordered 3 Syllables4 Unordered ScrapsCURSO4 (Ex. 75)1 dc, pe, pi, po, puTwo phrases Ordered Jerog.Phrases Ordered 3 Syllables4 Unordered ScrapsCURSO5 (Ex. 75)1 is2 la, le, li, lo, luThree phrases Ordered Jerog.Sort Scraps 4 SyllablesDisordered 5 PhrasesCURSO6 (Ex. 80)1 the2 nd of, say, do, duThree phrases Ordered Jerog.Sort Scraps 4 SyllablesDisordered 5 PhrasesCURSO7 (eg 160)1 s, is, if I so, hisTwo phrases Ordered Jerog.Phrases Ordered 3 Syllables4 Unordered Scraps5 ra, re, ri, ro, ru6 phrases Ordered Jerog. Syllables7 phrases Ordered SyllablesDisordered 8 ScrapsCURSO8 (eg 160)1 in2 Go, go, vi, vo, vu3 phrases Ordered Jerog.Sort Scraps 4 SyllablesDisordered 5 Phrases6 ba, be, bi, bo, bu7 phrases Ordered Jerog.8 Syllables phrases Ordered9 Disordered ScrapsCURSO9 (eg 160)1 za, ce, ci, zo, zuTwo phrases Ordered Jerog.3 Syllables Sort Scraps4 Unordered Scraps5 ja, je, ge, ji, gi, jo, ju6 phrases Ordered Jerog.7 phrases Ordered SyllablesDisordered 8 ScrapsCURSO10 (eg 160)1 g, gue, gui, go, guTwo phrases Ordered Jerog.Phrases Ordered 3 Syllables4 Unordered Scraps5 ca, which, qui, co, cu6 phrases Ordered Jerog.7 phrases Ordered SyllablesDisordered 8 ScrapsCURSO11 (eg 235)1 fa, faith, fi, fo, fuTwo phrases Ordered Jerog.Phrases Ordered 3 Syllables4 Unordered Scraps5 lla, lle, lli, llo, llu6 phrases Ordered Jerog.7 phrases Ordered SyllablesDisordered 8 Scraps9, and, ye, yi, yo, yu10 phrases Ordered Jerog.11 phrases Ordered Syllables12 Disordered ScrapsCURSO12 (eg 245)1 ha, he, hi, ho, huTwo phrases Ordered Jerog.Phrases Ordered 3 Syllables4 Unordered Scraps5 cha, che, chi, cho, chu6 phrases Ordered Jerog.7 phrases Ordered SyllablesDisordered 8 Scraps9 th, ñe, ñi not, wildebeest10 xa, xe, xi, xo, xu11 phrases Ordered Jerog.12 phrases Ordered Syllables13 Disordered Scraps
Learn to Read Spanish
Learning to Read in Spanish. Full CourseReading in Spanish Application for Smartphones and TabletsApp for learn to read in Spanish.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets):The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 reading exercisesacross 12 bookletsTHIS VERSION can purchase containing the 12 primers or primersindividually.Mission: Learn to Read in SpanishFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learning toread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription: Children have an amazing capacity to learn. Using theapplication a few minutes a day. No force, no weary: it isessential to be seen as a game. You can not imagine what your kidscan do. You will be surprised! guaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating basic elements of writtenlanguage: symbols (letters and syllables), Hieroglyphics (graphicsymbols) and Sounds.Everything you need to introduce reading in children with aninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed with theresults.Fonts for children (Kindergarten)PRIMER 1 ( 120 Exercises )C.1 : Presenting a, e, i , o, uC.2 : Presentation ma , me, mi , mo , muC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 2 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ta , te , ti , to, tuC.2 : Playing with ta , te , ti , to, tuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 3 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation na , ne , ni, no, nuC.2 : Playing with na , ne , ni, no, nuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 4 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation pa , pe , pi , po, puC.2 : Playing with pa , pe , pi , po, puC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 5 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable isC.2 : Introducing la , le, li, lo, luC.3 : la , le, li, lo, luC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 6 ( 115 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable elC.2 : Presentation da, de , di , do, duC.3 : Playing with da, de , di , do, duC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 7 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation sa , se, si, so , suC.2 : Playing with sa , se, si, so , suC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.6 : Playing with ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 8 ( 225 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllableC.2 : Presentation va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.3 : Playing with va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingC.6 : Presentation ba, be , bi, bo, buC.7 : Playing with ba, be , bi, bo, buC.8 : ReadingC.9 : BuildingPRIMER 9 ( 230 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.2 : Playing with za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.6 : Playing with ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 10 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ga , gue, gui , go, guC.2 : Playing with ga , gue, gui , go, guC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ca , que , qui, co , cuC.6 : Playing with ca , que , qui, co , cuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 11 ( 325 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation fa , fe , fi, fo, fuC.2 : Playing with fa , fe, fi, fo, fuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.6 : Playing with lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.10 : Playing with ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.11 : ReadingC.12 : BuildingPRIMER 12 ( 390 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ha, he, hi , ho, huC.2 : Playing ha, he, hi , ho, huC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.6 : Playing with cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ña , ñe , ñi , ño, ñuC.10 : Playing with ña , ñe , ñi , no, ñuC.11 : Presentation xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.12 : Playing with xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.13 : ReadingC.14 : Building
Curso 1 Aprender a Leer
Aprender a Leer. Curso Completo de Lectura enEspañolAplicación App para Smartphones y Tablets para aprender a leercon el método fotosilábico en Español.CURSO DE LECTURA COMPLETO (12 Cartillas)El Curso de Lectura completo consta de más de 2.200 ejercicios delectura distribuidos en 12 CartillasPuede adquirir las cartillas individualmente o la VERSIÓN COMPLETAque incluye las 12 cartillas.Misión: Aprender a LeerFacilitar el aprendizaje y gusto por la lectura en niños queaprenden a leer, utilizando una herramienta que les hará aprender aleer jugandoDescripción:Los niños poseen una capacidad impresionante paraaprender. Proponles, a modo de juego, que utilicen la aplicación unosminutos al día. Sin obligarlos, ni cansarlos: es fundamental que lovean como un juego.Ni te imaginas lo que tus hijos pueden hacer. Te sorprenderás !!!GarantizadoDesde los 3 años o antesEl Método Fotosilábico consiste en asociar los elementos básicosdel lenguaje escrito: Símbolos (letras y sílabas), Jeroglíficos(representación gráfica de los símbolos) y Sonidos.Mi Cartilla, aglutina estos tres elementos en una aplicación conjuegos y pequeños puzzles para que tus hijos aprendan a leer comosi se tratara de un juego.Todo lo necesario para introducir la lectura en los niños con unmétodo interactivo, a modo de juego. Se sorprenderá con losresultados.CARTILLA 1 (120 Ejercicios)C.1: Presentación a,e,i,o,uC.2: Presentación ma,me,mi,mo,muC.3: LeyendoC.4: ConstruyendoConsulte la CARTILLA COMPLETA para más información sobre elcontenido del resto de cartillasLearning to Read. FullCourse Reading in SpanishApplication for Smartphones and Tablets App for learning to readin Spanish fotosilábico method.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets)The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 reading exercisesacross 12 bookletsPrimers can purchase individually or the FULL VERSION containingthe 12 primers.Mission: Learning to ReadFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learning toread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription:Children have an amazing capacity to learn.Proponles, as a game, using the application a few minutes a day.No force, no weary: it is essential to be seen as a game.You can not imagine what your kids can do. You will be surprised!GuaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating Fotosilábico basic elementsof written language: symbols (letters and syllables), Hieroglyphics(graphic symbols) and Sounds.Mi Primer, brings these three items in an application with smallgames and puzzles for your children to learn to read as if it werea game.Everything you need to introduce reading in children with aninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed with theresults.PRIMER 1 (120 Exercises)C.1: Presenting a, e, i, o, uC.2: Presentation ma, me, mi, mo, muC.3: ReadingC.4: BuildingSee COMPLETE PRIMER for more information about the content ofother primers
Curso 2 Aprender a Leer
Aprender a Leer. Curso Completo de Lectura enEspañolAplicación App para Smartphones y Tablets para aprender a leercon el método fotosilábico en Español.CURSO DE LECTURA COMPLETO (12 Cartillas)El Curso de Lectura completo consta de más de 2.200 ejercicios delectura distribuidos en 12 CartillasPuede adquirir las cartillas individualmente o la VERSIÓN COMPLETAque incluye las 12 cartillas.Misión: Aprender a LeerFacilitar el aprendizaje y gusto por la lectura en niños queaprenden a leer, utilizando una herramienta que les hará aprender aleer jugandoDescripción:Los niños poseen una capacidad impresionante paraaprender. Proponles, a modo de juego, que utilicen la aplicación unosminutos al día. Sin obligarlos, ni cansarlos: es fundamental que lovean como un juego.Ni te imaginas lo que tus hijos pueden hacer. Te sorprenderás !!!GarantizadoDesde los 3 años o antesEl Método Fotosilábico consiste en asociar los elementos básicosdel lenguaje escrito: Símbolos (letras y sílabas), Jeroglíficos(representación gráfica de los símbolos) y Sonidos.Mi Cartilla, aglutina estos tres elementos en una aplicación conjuegos y pequeños puzzles para que tus hijos aprendan a leer comosi se tratara de un juego.Todo lo necesario para introducir la lectura en los niños con unmétodo interactivo, a modo de juego. Se sorprenderá con losresultados.CARTILLA 2 (105 Ejercicios)C.1: Presentación ta,te,ti,to,tuC.2: Jugando con ta,te,ti,to,tuC.3: LeyendoC.4: ConstruyendoConsulte la CARTILLA COMPLETA para más información sobre elcontenido del resto de cartillasLearning to Read. FullCourse Reading in SpanishApplication for Smartphones and Tablets App for learning to readin Spanish fotosilábico method.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets)The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 reading exercisesacross 12 bookletsPrimers can purchase individually or the FULL VERSION containingthe 12 primers.Mission: Learning to ReadFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learning toread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription:Children have an amazing capacity to learn.Proponles, as a game, using the application a few minutes a day.No force, no weary: it is essential to be seen as a game.You can not imagine what your kids can do. You will be surprised!GuaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating Fotosilábico basic elementsof written language: symbols (letters and syllables), Hieroglyphics(graphic symbols) and Sounds.Mi Primer, brings these three items in an application with smallgames and puzzles for your children to learn to read as if it werea game.Everything you need to introduce reading in children with aninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed with theresults.PRIMER 2 (105 Exercises)C.1: Presentation ta, you, you, to, yourC.2: Playing with ta, you, you, to, yourC.3: ReadingC.4: BuildingSee COMPLETE PRIMER for more information about the content of otherprimers
Curso 3 Aprender a Leer
Aprender a Leer. Curso Completo de Lectura enEspañolAplicación App para Smartphones y Tablets para aprender a leer conel método fotosilábico en Español.CURSO DE LECTURA COMPLETO (12 Cartillas)El Curso de Lectura completo consta de más de 2.200 ejercicios delectura distribuidos en 12 CartillasPuede adquirir las cartillas individualmente o la VERSIÓN COMPLETAque incluye las 12 cartillas.Misión: Aprender a LeerFacilitar el aprendizaje y gusto por la lectura en niños queaprenden a leer, utilizando una herramienta que les hará aprender aleer jugandoDescripción:Los niños poseen una capacidad impresionante paraaprender. Proponles, a modo de juego, que utilicen la aplicación unos minutosal día. Sin obligarlos, ni cansarlos: es fundamental que lo veancomo un juego.Ni te imaginas lo que tus hijos pueden hacer. Te sorprenderás !!!GarantizadoDesde los 3 años o antesEl Método Fotosilábico consiste en asociar los elementos básicosdel lenguaje escrito: Símbolos (letras y sílabas), Jeroglíficos(representación gráfica de los símbolos) y Sonidos.Mi Cartilla, aglutina estos tres elementos en una aplicación conjuegos y pequeños puzzles para que tus hijos aprendan a leer comosi se tratara de un juego.Todo lo necesario para introducir la lectura en los niños con unmétodo interactivo, a modo de juego. Se sorprenderá con losresultados.CARTILLA 3 (105 Ejercicios)C.1: Presentación na,ne,ni,no,nuC.2: Jugando con na,ne,ni,no,nuC.3: LeyendoC.4: ConstruyendoConsulte la CARTILLA COMPLETA para más información sobre elcontenido del resto de cartillasLearning to Read. FullCourse Reading in SpanishApplication for Smartphones and Tablets App for learning to read inSpanish fotosilábico method.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets)The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 reading exercisesacross 12 bookletsPrimers can purchase individually or the FULL VERSION containingthe 12 primers.Mission: Learning to ReadFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learning toread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription:Children have an amazing capacity to learn.Proponles, as a game, using the application a few minutes a day. Noforce, no weary: it is essential to be seen as a game.You can not imagine what your kids can do. You will be surprised!GuaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating Fotosilábico basic elements ofwritten language: symbols (letters and syllables), Hieroglyphics(graphic symbols) and Sounds.Mi Primer, brings these three items in an application with smallgames and puzzles for your children to learn to read as if it werea game.Everything you need to introduce reading in children with aninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed with theresults.PRIMER 3 (105 Exercises)C.1: Presentation na, ne, ni, no, nuC.2: Playing with na, ne, ni, no, nuC.3: ReadingC.4: BuildingSee COMPLETE PRIMER for more information about the content of otherprimers
Learn to Read Spanish
Learning to Read in Spanish. FullCourseReading in Spanish Application for Smartphones and TabletsApp for learn to read in Spanish.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets):The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 readingexercisesacross 12 bookletsTHIS VERSION can purchase containing the 12 primers orprimersindividually.Mission: Learn to Read in SpanishFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learningtoread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription: Children have an amazing capacity to learn.Usingthe application a few minutes a day. No force, no weary: itisessential to be seen as a game. You can not imagine what yourkidscan do. You will be surprised! guaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating basic elements ofwrittenlanguage: symbols (letters and syllables), Hieroglyphics(graphicsymbols) and Sounds.Everything you need to introduce reading in children withaninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed withtheresults.Fonts for children (Kindergarten)PRIMER 1 ( 120 Exercises )C.1 : Presenting a, e, i , o, uC.2 : Presentation ma , me, mi , mo , muC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 2 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ta , te , ti , to, tuC.2 : Playing with ta , te , ti , to, tuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 3 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation na , ne , ni, no, nuC.2 : Playing with na , ne , ni, no, nuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 4 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation pa , pe , pi , po, puC.2 : Playing with pa , pe , pi , po, puC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 5 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable isC.2 : Introducing la , le, li, lo, luC.3 : la , le, li, lo, luC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 6 ( 115 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable elC.2 : Presentation da, de , di , do, duC.3 : Playing with da, de , di , do, duC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 7 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation sa , se, si, so , suC.2 : Playing with sa , se, si, so , suC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.6 : Playing with ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 8 ( 225 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllableC.2 : Presentation va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.3 : Playing with va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingC.6 : Presentation ba, be , bi, bo, buC.7 : Playing with ba, be , bi, bo, buC.8 : ReadingC.9 : BuildingPRIMER 9 ( 230 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.2 : Playing with za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.6 : Playing with ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 10 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ga , gue, gui , go, guC.2 : Playing with ga , gue, gui , go, guC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ca , que , qui, co , cuC.6 : Playing with ca , que , qui, co , cuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 11 ( 325 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation fa , fe , fi, fo, fuC.2 : Playing with fa , fe, fi, fo, fuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.6 : Playing with lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.10 : Playing with ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.11 : ReadingC.12 : BuildingPRIMER 12 ( 390 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ha, he, hi , ho, huC.2 : Playing ha, he, hi , ho, huC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.6 : Playing with cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ña , ñe , ñi , ño, ñuC.10 : Playing with ña , ñe , ñi , no, ñuC.11 : Presentation xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.12 : Playing with xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.13 : ReadingC.14 : Building
Curso 8 Aprender a Leer Profesional
Aprender a Leer. Curso Completo de LecturaenEspañolAplicación App para Smartphones y Tablets para aprender aleercon el método fotosilábico en Español.CURSO DE LECTURA COMPLETO (12 Cartillas)El Curso de Lectura completo consta de más de 2.200 ejerciciosdelectura distribuidos en 12 CartillasPuede adquirir las cartillas individualmente o la VERSIÓNCOMPLETAque incluye las 12 cartillas.Misión: Aprender a LeerFacilitar el aprendizaje y gusto por la lectura en niñosqueaprenden a leer, utilizando una herramienta que les haráaprender aleer jugandoDescripción:Los niños poseen una capacidad impresionanteparaaprender. Proponles, a modo de juego, que utilicen la aplicaciónunosminutos al día. Sin obligarlos, ni cansarlos: es fundamentalque lovean como un juego.Ni te imaginas lo que tus hijos pueden hacer. Te sorprenderás!!!GarantizadoDesde los 3 años o antesEl Método Fotosilábico consiste en asociar los elementosbásicosdel lenguaje escrito: Símbolos (letras y sílabas),Jeroglíficos(representación gráfica de los símbolos) y Sonidos.Mi Cartilla, aglutina estos tres elementos en una aplicaciónconjuegos y pequeños puzzles para que tus hijos aprendan a leercomosi se tratara de un juego.Todo lo necesario para introducir la lectura en los niños conunmétodo interactivo, a modo de juego. Se sorprenderá conlosresultados.CARTILLA 8 (225 Ejercicios)C.1: Presentación sílaba enC.2: Presentación va,ve,vi,vo,vuC.3: Jugando con va,ve,vi,vo,vuC.4: LeyendoC.5: ConstruyendoC.6: Presentación ba,be,bi,bo,buC.7: Jugando con ba,be,bi,bo,buC.8: LeyendoC.9: ConstruyendoConsulte la CARTILLA COMPLETA para más información sobreelcontenido del resto de cartillasLearning to Read.FullCourse Reading in SpanishApplication for Smartphones and Tablets App for learning toreadin Spanish fotosilábico method.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets)The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 readingexercisesacross 12 bookletsPrimers can purchase individually or the FULL VERSION containingthe12 primers.Mission: Learning to ReadFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learningtoread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription:Children have an amazing capacity to learn.Proponles, as a game, using the application a few minutes aday.No force, no weary: it is essential to be seen as a game.You can not imagine what your kids can do. You will besurprised!GuaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating Fotosilábico basic elementsofwritten language: symbols (letters and syllables),Hieroglyphics(graphic symbols) and Sounds.Mi Primer, brings these three items in an application withsmallgames and puzzles for your children to learn to read as if itwerea game.Everything you need to introduce reading in children withaninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed withtheresults.PRIMER 8 (225 Exercises)C.1: Presentation syllableC.2: Presentation will, see, vi, vo, vuC.3: Playing with Go, go, vi, vo, vuC.4: ReadingC.5: BuildingC.6: Presentation ba, be, bi, bo, buC.7: Playing with ba, be, bi, bo, buC.8: ReadingC.9: BuildingSee COMPLETE PRIMER for more information about the contentofother primers
Curso 7 Aprender a Leer Profesional
Aprender a Leer. Curso Completo de LecturaenEspañolAplicación App para Smartphones y Tablets para aprender aleercon el método fotosilábico en Español.CURSO DE LECTURA COMPLETO (12 Cartillas)El Curso de Lectura completo consta de más de 2.200 ejerciciosdelectura distribuidos en 12 CartillasPuede adquirir las cartillas individualmente o la VERSIÓNCOMPLETAque incluye las 12 cartillas.Misión: Aprender a LeerFacilitar el aprendizaje y gusto por la lectura en niñosqueaprenden a leer, utilizando una herramienta que les haráaprender aleer jugandoDescripción:Los niños poseen una capacidad impresionanteparaaprender. Proponles, a modo de juego, que utilicen la aplicaciónunosminutos al día. Sin obligarlos, ni cansarlos: es fundamentalque lovean como un juego.Ni te imaginas lo que tus hijos pueden hacer. Te sorprenderás!!!GarantizadoDesde los 3 años o antesEl Método Fotosilábico consiste en asociar los elementosbásicosdel lenguaje escrito: Símbolos (letras y sílabas),Jeroglíficos(representación gráfica de los símbolos) y Sonidos.Mi Cartilla, aglutina estos tres elementos en una aplicaciónconjuegos y pequeños puzzles para que tus hijos aprendan a leercomosi se tratara de un juego.Todo lo necesario para introducir la lectura en los niños conunmétodo interactivo, a modo de juego. Se sorprenderá conlosresultados.CARTILLA 7 (220 Ejercicios)C.1: Presentación sa,se,si,so,suC.2: Jugando con sa,se,si,so,suC.3: LeyendoC.4: ConstruyendoC.5: Presentación ra,re,ri,ro,ruC.6: Jugando con ra,re,ri,ro,ruC.7: LeyendoC.8: ConstruyendoConsulte la CARTILLA COMPLETA para más información sobreelcontenido del resto de cartillasLearning to Read.FullCourse Reading in SpanishApplication for Smartphones and Tablets App for learning toreadin Spanish fotosilábico method.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets)The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 readingexercisesacross 12 bookletsPrimers can purchase individually or the FULL VERSION containingthe12 primers.Mission: Learning to ReadFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learningtoread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription:Children have an amazing capacity to learn.Proponles, as a game, using the application a few minutes aday.No force, no weary: it is essential to be seen as a game.You can not imagine what your kids can do. You will besurprised!GuaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating Fotosilábico basic elementsofwritten language: symbols (letters and syllables),Hieroglyphics(graphic symbols) and Sounds.Mi Primer, brings these three items in an application withsmallgames and puzzles for your children to learn to read as if itwerea game.Everything you need to introduce reading in children withaninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed withtheresults.PRIMER 7 (220 Exercises)C.1: Presentation sa, se, if so, theirC.2: Playing with sa, se, if so, theirC.3: ReadingC.4: BuildingC.5: Presentation ra, re, ri, ro, ruC.6: Playing with ra, re, ri, ro, ruC.7: ReadingC.8: BuildingSee COMPLETE PRIMER for more information about the contentofother primers
Juego Tablas de Multiplicar Profesional
Juego de Plataformas para aprender las tablasde multiplicar. Juego de Plataformas creado con Starling yNape.Dispara sobre las cajas fuertes para obtener una caja marrón. Unecada caja marrón con su correspondiente caja azulGame Platforms to learnthe multiplication tables. Game Platforms created with Starling andNape.Shoot the safes to give a brown box. Une each brown box with thecorresponding blue box
Aprender a Leer App
Learn to read. Complete Course in Spanish