Alliance Chow 应用

Arabic Basic Grammar 1.0
Alliance Chow
An app designed for Arabic non-nativelearneron grammatical view , most of the apps on this topic is fortravelpurpose. A series of languages types will be launched fromtime totime. This is an app free of charge for encouraging Arabiclearneror any interested parties. This is the sole purpose for metopublish the apps now and later on. The app is divided intovarioussections in which classified and systematical word, phrasesandsentence are shown. This could be illustrated by manytailored-madescenarios.With an app in the phone, the user can learnat any timeand everywhere. The content is filled with variousgrammar anddesigned for different level, it included sentence whichlet youimprove and consolidate the language power throughcontinuouspractising. More reading and listening increase theknowledge andcommand of language. An app provided a convenient wayoflearning.
Thai Easy [泰语易] 1.0
Alliance Chow
应用介紹:泰语是屬壮侗语系侗台语族,是一种分析型语言,词型没有時態与數量的变化,主要以改變语序、增减词素等方式表达不同含义。泰語中不同的聲調用以區分同聲同韻的詞彙以及語法。对中國人来说,泰語是易講難寫。主要目的:专为初学泰语的人仕而編制,对有兴趣其他的学習者是帶來方便和幫助增強泰语的知識。此应用程式以語法分類,对說中文的人來說容易掌握泰語的文法,因为中文的語法和泰语的都颇相似。应用的亮点:安装在手机內,学習外国語言再无障礙。应用程式內容完備的各種語法,分開各个程度的例句,讓学習者透过練習增進及鞏因語文上的知識,流动应用程式提供隨时随地学习机会,非常方便。使用者对此应用若有任何意見,欢迎發表。Applicationdescription:Thai is of the Zhuang and Dong Dong - Tai language family, isananalytic language, type the word tense and no amount ofchanges,mainly to change the word order, morphological changes inotherways to express different meanings. Thai in different tonestodistinguish between simultaneous rhyming words and grammar.ForChinese people, it is easy to speak Thai difficult towrite.main purpose:Designed for beginners Thai parties and prepared for otherlearnersare interested in convenience and help increase knowledgeof Thai.This app grammar classification of Chinese people say Thaigrammareasy to grasp, because the Chinese are quite similar syntaxandThai.Application Highlights:Installed in the phone, learning foreign languages​​anotherbarrier. App content complete various grammatical separatesentencefor all levels, so that learners anytime, anywherelearningopportunities because of language knowledge on mobile appsandpromotional Gong exercises, very convenient. Users of this appifyou have any comment yet.
French Learning 1.0
Alliance Chow
This is an app designed and tailor-made for French learner on basicknowledge, most of the apps on this topic is for travel purpose. Aseries of languages types will be launched from time to time. Thisis an app free of charge for encouraging French learner or anyinterested parties. This is the sole purpose for me to publish manytypes of languages of the apps now and later on. The app is dividedinto various sections in which classified and systematical word,phrases and sentence are shown with audio. This could beillustrated by many tailored-made scenarios. With an app in themobile phone or other devices, the users can learn vat any time andeverywhere. The content is filled with various grammar and designedfor different level, it included sentence which let you improve andconsolidate the language power through continuous practising. Morereading and listening increase the knowledge and command of thelanguage. This app provided a very convenient way of learning.
Korean Easy [韓語易] 1.0
Alliance Chow
A good chance to learn language in a convenient and practical way.
英语初級文法 1.0
Alliance Chow
Beginners learn the basic grammar of English, which is anapplication that is very easy to learn and use.
Learn Chinese Easy 1.0
Alliance Chow
An app specially for providing Chinese to learner with Mandarin andCantonese.
Hindi Easy [印地语] 1.0
Alliance Chow
An app is a good platform to learn language without interruption.
Japanese Basic Grammar 1.0
Alliance Chow
This is an app designed for providing Japanese Basic knowledge tobeginner.
German Easy [德语易] 1.0
Alliance Chow
Introduction to the App:This is an app designed and tailor-made for German learner onbasicknowledge. A series of languages types will be launched fromtimeto time. This is an app free of charge for encouragingGermanlearner or any interested parties. This is the main purposefor meto publish many types of major languages of the apps now andlateron.Special features:The app is divided into various sections in which classifiedandsystematical word, phrases and sentence are shown with audio.Thiscould be illustrated by many tailored-made scenarios. With anappinstalling in the mobile phone or other devices, the userscanlearn at any time and everywhere.Highlight of the App:The content is filled with various types of German grammaranddesigned for different levels, it included sentence which letyouimprove and consolidate the language power throughcontinuouspractising. More reading and listening increase theknowledge andthe command of the language. This app provided a veryconvenientand easy way of learning.
French Spanish Bilingual Study 1.0
Alliance Chow
The recommendation of bilingual study between French and Spanishforthis app, It is because the first page of the app which thealphabetis indicated in three column, the first column is the listof theFrench alphabet and the second column shows the Spanishalphabetwhich the third column where they are listed line by lineand inparallel where the pronunciation are shown are compared witheachother. It is clearly shown the differences and the similarityof thetwo languages so learning is more interested. The purposeofpublishing this app is learning the languages in pair istoincrease the interest of learning them and learning in anenjoyableway. We aimed to illustrate the difference and the sameissuesbetween the two languages. By the way of comparison of eachissuesof this app, it is simpler to learn new things wherememorisationis highly needed, the other part of the apps is shownpart ofspeech, noun, adjective and adverb by each page. By the endof thestudying through the app, you know both languages separatelyandhow similar and different of the two languages are. The effectandefficiency of the learning two languages at the same timedependsupon the choice of pairing the languages. It is important tochoosethe right pair of languages. If the choice of the languagesisright, it will make learning more effectively. We proposetodevelop the apps which are designed to let learner more easilytolearn. French and Spanish are taken to learnsimultaneously,because the grammar very similar, the syntax ofconjugation andtense of verbs are similar in sentence structure.Pronunciation aredifferent. Many nouns and adjectives areidentified with eachother. Purpose of learning in pair betweenFrench and Spanish: Itis important to know that both French andSpanish belong to thefamily of languages called the Indo-Europeanfamily of languages.They even belong to the same sub-category ofItalic languages thatcome under Indo-European language family. Ifyou have ever heardthe words Romance languages that is a referenceto modern languagesthat evolved using spoken Latin. Spanish andFrench are two of thefive most spoken romance languages of theworld. It is also six ofthe two languages of official languagesrecognised in the UnitedNation. Spanish and French are similar insyntax and close invocabulary due to their latin origin.Similarities: French andSpanish have their similarities invocabulary and grammar.Differences: French and Spanish are twolanguages that showenormous differences between them when it comesto thepronunciation of their words, word formation,and the like.
Russian German Bilingual Study 1.0
Alliance Chow
Russian German Bilingual Study: Russian is Slavonic (originatinginthe area of Poland) and German is Germanic (the dominatelanguagebase of most of western Europe, derived from manyIndo-Europeandialects, except for the Latin language based Frenchand Italianetc..) The two are not similar but steeped in a culturalcause andeffect melding of dominance due to warfare and economicneed.Germanic languages are not similar to Slavonic in theirstructureor alphabets. But it is difficult to completely separatethe two orany of the European languages. We often find similaritiesin sharedwords as we do with the French, for example. None of thisisdefinitive. They are both Indo-European languages, yet they donotappear to be closely related. This is based on a CriticalPeriodHypothesis that suggests that you cannot learn a languageonce youare out of puberty. Sadly, there is some truth to it. It iswayharder for you to learn a language once you get older.However,this is not absolute. To my knowledge, the idea is notbased onsufficient evidence. To the contrary, I have seen manypeople whoachieve a native-level fluency while having learnt thelanguage asadults. I have to dismiss it due to lack of sufficientevidence andexistence of counter-evidence. That’s not to say thatfluency iseasy. That’s not to say it’s something you can achievewithmoderate efforts. Still, it’s to say that it’s impossible (saveforaccent). The recommendation of bilingual study between GermanandRussian in this app, It is because the first page of the appwhichthe alphabets of the two languages are indicated in threecolumns,the first column is the list of the alphabet of Germanwhich issimilar to English are easy to understand and the secondcolumnshows the Russian alphabets, the third column where they arelistedline by line and in parallel where the pronunciation areshown arecompared with each other. It is clearly shown thedifferences andthe similarity of the two languages so learning ismore interested.The purpose of publishing this app is learning thelanguages inpair is to increase the interest of learning them andlearning inan enjoyable way. We aimed to illustrate the differenceand thesame issues between the two languages. By the way ofcomparison ofeach issues of this app, it is simpler to learn newthings wherememorization is highly needed, the other part of theapps is shownpart of speech, noun, adjective and adverb by eachpage. By the endof the studying through the app, you know bothlanguages separatelyand how similar and different of the twolanguages are. The effectand efficiency of the learning twolanguages at the same timedepends upon the choice of pairing thelanguages. It is importantto choose the right pair of languages.Among the major languages inthe world, these two languages arecomparatively similar. If thechoice of the languages is right, itwill make learning moreeffectively. We propose to develop the appswhich are designed tolet learner more easily to learn. Russian andGerman have thesimilar grammatical structure of the case systemwhile otherlanguage seldom apply. German have 4 cases system whileRussianhave 6 cases system of the grammar structure. They are alsomajorand popular languages in the world.
Hindi Urdu Bilingual Study 2.0
Alliance Chow
An specially designed app which learns Hindi and Urdusimultaneously
Thai Vietnamese BilingualStudy 1.0
Alliance Chow
Bilingual Study: Vietnamese is an Austroasiatic language spokenbyabout 82 million people mainly in Vietnam. Thai is a member oftheTai group of the Tai–Kadai language family. Over half of thewordsin Thai are borrowed from Pali, Sanskrit and Old Khmer. Theyareboth tonal languages. Due to the former colony of France,thealphabets is romanized. It is easier to read. Thai ismoreinfluenced by Sanskirt language while the vocabulary isinfluencedby Chinese. As a result their alphabets are quitedifferent, butthe sentence structure is quite similar. Vietnamesand Thailand areneighboring countries, the languages they speak areinfluencing toeach other. When you are familiarized the alphabets,you are easyto take control of both languages. Thai and Vietnamesesoundsimilar because Vietnamese and Thai have syllable finalunreleasedstops, which give them all a sort of "bouncy" sound.Therecommendation of bilingual study between Thai and Vietnameseinthis app, We aimed to illustrate the difference and the sameissuesbetween the two languages. By the way of comparison of eachissuesof this app, it is simpler to learn new things wherememorizationis highly needed, the other part of the apps is shownpart ofspeech, noun, adjective and adverb by each page. By the endof thestudying through the app, you know both languages separatelyandhow similar and different of the two languages are. The effectandefficiency of learning two languages at the same time dependuponthe choice of pairing the languages. It is important to choosetheright pair of languages. Among the major languages in theworld,these two languages are comparatively similar. If the choiceof thelanguages is right, it will make learning more effectively.Wepropose to develop the apps which are designed to let learnermoreeasily to learn. Thai and Vietnamese have the similar tonesystem ,Thai have 5 tones and Vietnamese have 5 tones also
Arabic Urdu Bilingual Study 1.0
Alliance Chow
Bilingual study: Urdu and Persian are related, and share asimilargrammar and word roots. Arabic belongs to a differentlanguagefamily. However, over half of Persian vocabulary is said tobeArabic loan words. Similarly, nearly half of Urdu vocabularyisfrom Persian (the remainder being from Hindi), so about a thirdofit is Arabic loanwords (that typically came via Persian).Thescripts of Persian and Urdu are modified from Arabic toreflectphonemes particular to these languages. The argument forretainingthe current scripts is that Arabic word roots can beeasilyrecognized, the argument against is that they do an imperfectjobof representing the phonetics. Accordingly, Persian has acategoryvowels terms majhoolaat (forgotten sounds) that areprobablydiphthongs that could not be properly represented in theArabicscript. We chose the two languages to learn at the same timewithsimilarities. By comparison of the both languages, it iseasilyremembered and learning the languages are efficient. Asknowing twolanguages instead of only one already makes it easy tolearn athird one. At the very least, you won't take the quirksandirregularities of your first language for granted, and willbeprepared to expect something different. Purpose of learning inpairbetween Arabic and Urdu: It is important to know that bothArabicalphabets and its formation of word and pronunciation arequite thesame .Arabic and Urdu are two of the most spoken languagesof theworld. The effect and efficiency of the learning twolanguages atthe same time depend upon the choice of pairing thelanguages. Itis important to choose the right pair of languages. Ifthe choiceof the languages is right, it will make learning moreeffectively.We propose to develop the apps which are designed tolet learnermore easily to learn. Arabic and Urdu are taken tolearnsimultaneously, because, the letters they are used quite thesameand most of the vocabulary share with each other .Therecommendation of bilingual study between Arabic and Urdu forthisapp, this app formed by two parts, the first page of the appwhichthe alphabet is indicatrothed in three column, the firstcolumn isthe list of the Arabic alphabet and the second columnshows theUrdu alphabet, while the third column showcase theirpronunciationsline by line and in parallel where the pronunciationare shown arecompared with each other. By comparing the letters ofthe twolanguages, it help to know more effectively in pronunciationandimprove the speaking and listening abilities. The second partofthe app located at second pages to eleventh page, It isclearlyshown the part of speech, namely adjective, adverb, nounwithsentence order examples. As a result by the end of the study oftheapp, learners shall increase its listening and speakingabilitiesfor the first part of the app, knowledge of the grammarandsentence structure of the two languages improved. It earnsdoubleeffect of learning languages. The purpose of publishing thisapp islearning the languages in pairs is to increase the interestoflearning them and learning in an enjoyable way. We aimedtoillustrate the difference and the same issues between thetwolanguages. By the way of comparison of each issues of this app,itis simpler to learn new things where memorization is highlyneeded,the other part of the apps is shown parts of speech,noun,adjective and adverb by each page. By the end of thestudyingthrough the app, you know both languages separately and howsimilarand different of the two languages are.
Spanish Easy [西班牙語易] 1.0
Alliance Chow
This is an app designed and tailor-made for Spanish learner onbasicknowledge, most of the apps on this topic is for travelpurpose. Aseries of languages types will be launched from time totime. Thisis an app free of charge for encouraging Spanish learneror anyinterested parties. This is the main purpose for me topublish manytypes of major languages of the apps now and later on.The app isdivided into various sections in which classified andsystematicalword, phrases and sentence are shown with audio. Thiscould beillustrated by many tailored-made scenarios. With an appinstallingin the mobile phone or other devices, the users canlearn at anytime and everywhere. The content is filled withvarious grammar anddesigned for different level, it includedsentence which let youimprove and consolidate the language powerthrough continuouspractising. More reading and listening increasethe knowledge andthe command of the language. This app provided avery convenient wayof learning.
保安工作時代 1.1
Alliance Chow
You find a way to make phone apps ideal security work, make youabetter tomorrow!