Aplity 应用

Division 7
Enjoy surpassing the division game and learn the divisions table.
Multiplication games 7
Learn the 10 multiplication tables and enjoy with game surpassingthe tests.
Scientific calculator 7
Scientific calculator with lots of options as a real one.
Loan Calculator 5
This app allows you to calculate your monthly loan payments in aquick and easy way given the loan amount, annual interest and loanterm in years. You can see also the amortization table, which is aninteresting function to have in count for knowing your loan feesfor next years. The application is been created to provide you anamortization table of your loan automatically, with theamortization amount and the interests on the debt per month. Theresult is presented in tabular. You can also do simulations withdifferent amounts for estimate what amount you should ask as loan.This loan calculator app would help you decided in three simplesteps: firstly, you have to introduce the loan amount. Secondly,introduce the annual interest rate charged by the bank. You cancheck different figures and percentages. And last but not least,you have to introduce the years and months in which you will returnthe credit. Done that, it would be easy to have an idea of thecommitment that you will be able to have in the next years. You canuse the loan calculator to answer usual questions such as: whatwill be your loan payments given the property cost, interest rateand term of amortization. The value that you will obtain as aresult can change if you change any of the principal parameters.Also is interesting to change the years for knowing how long youwill take to pay off your loan depending on the money that you willpay monthly. This calculator should be used just for generalcalculations purposes and not for making any financial decisionsbecause there are other costs in addition to the loan payments thatyou have to have in count. Besides we recommend you to payattention to the rules and regulations about loans of your Country.
BMI Calculator 2.5
BMI Calculator, a complete tool to calculate body mass index.
Addition and Subtraction 7
Educative sums game and subtraction game for children
Math Games 7
Math games for kids to learn while they are having fun.