
Old School Spells
This app is designed for players of pen andpaper RPG games who like the 1st edition old-school rules betterthan the new ones! Great for players who love the magic-orientedclasses but find it a pain to constantly flip through spelllistings to find the spell they want to use. All the spells arehere for Magic Users, Clerics, Druids, and Illusionists, in an easyto use reference. This is not a self contained game and requiresthe 1st edition rule books to play. Designed to be usable with 1stEdition AD&D, Osric, Labyrinth Lord, Dungeons Dark & Deepand other similar "Old School" systems with minimal modification.All spells are also added to a database so that spell names aresearchable in a snap! Now including a completely customizablespellbook that knows how many spells a day you get, allows you topick from just the spells you have in your personal book, andremembers what you have cast!Originally designed with tablets in mind but we find itcompletely usable on a phone - particularly with that searchfunction!
Mash Volume Calc 1.01
Figure out your Mash Volume quickly!
Time Out 1.2
Do you have classes where the instructor hates to hear a cell phonering? Meetings you don't want interrupted by unwanted calls? A jobwhere you cannot receive calls? Do you spend part of your day in adead zone and run down your battery if you forget to turn off yourphone? Then Time Out is for you. Time Out lets you stop worryingthat your phone is going to ring during meetings, classes or work!Simply schedule when you want your phone to Time Out, and it willautomatically enter airplane mode and not be able to receive calls,and then schedule the Time In for when you want to receive callsagain. You can schedule an unlimited number of Time Out and Time Inevents so no matter how complicated your schedule is, Time Out willwork for you! Time Out automatically senses if you use a 12 hourclock with AM and PM - or a 24 hr. clock. Times can be set byspinner, or + and - buttons as you prefer. Any schedule is possiblefor any time event pair, e.g., "Mon - Tue - Fri from 10 to 10:50"is set as one event pair easily and quickly. It only takes oneshort click to edit the event, so you can change the times, adddays - whatever you need. AND you can have an unlimited number ofevents. No longer need the event? One long click deletes it - don'tworry - it's just that simple to put it back if you make a mistake.If you have an unexpected meeting or just need an hour to yourselfhit the free bundled widget and voila you are in airplane mode forone hour. After the hour is up you automatically go back toreceiving calls. Try Time Out - it’s simple to use, does one thingvery well.
Sanitizer Calculator 1.01
Calculate the amount of clorox, Iodophor or Star San you need
Old School RPG Tables
All the tables you need to play 1st editionoldschool RPG games in one spot! A complete and easy to usereferencefor the rapidly growing segment of the gaming populationthat isrediscovering old school gaming. This is not a game systemby itselfand requires you to have rule books for the 1st editiongame toplay. Designed to be usable with 1st Edition AD&D,Osric,Labyrinth Lord, Dungeons Dark & Deep and other similar"OldSchool" systems with minimal modification.Covers items, treasure, PC advancement, spells, charactertraits,special abilities, classes and more! A game master's bestfriend,and a handy reference for the players too. Spells have ahandysearch function as well as having an automated scrollgenerator.Keep watching for updates as we will be adding andimprovingcontent.Designed for tablets 7" or larger in size, but functions onaphone in a pinch.
One Hundred
Begin by filling in any square with a #1. From here, the playermaymove orthogonally (like a rook in chess) but must skip twosquaresand fill in that square with a #2, or, the player maymovediagonally (like a bishop in chess) but must skip one squareinfill in that square with a #2. The same rules oforthogonally(2square skipped)/diagonally(1 squares skipped) movingapply to therest of the numbers (3-100). The goal is to completethe board andget to 100.