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⭐ Verified Facts - Verifacts 0.92
Hand-picked verified facts with an image for each fact! Manyamazing facts! Features: 🔍 Every fact is researched to make surethat it's not made up 📗 Reference links are available for each factso that it's easy to get more information. 🖐 Hand-picked images aredisplayed with each fact 📏 European measurements for most facts canbe enabled in settings 🎞 Some facts have a video that explainsabout the fact and other interesting things 💗 Collect your favoritefacts and view the list afterwards to share with friends. Variouscategories: 🐕 Animal Facts 🎨 Art Facts 🔭 Astronomy Facts 🧠 BiologyFacts 💰 Economy Facts 🌦 Environment Facts 🌎 Geography Facts 🏛History Facts 🗨 Language Facts 🔢 Math Facts 🌿 Plants Facts 👥Psychology Facts 🔬 Science Facts This is an educational app,providing interesting facts and cool facts, to give a wow effect,to let people learn interesting things, and to educate themselvesabout amazing facts. Education in a fun way! Check another app ofours! 🔔 ShowSeek - Best TV Shows interesting facts: ✓ Did you know? An egg can not be broken bysqueezing both its ends. ✓ The lion's mane jellyfish is the largestspecies of jellyfish, reaching a width of 7.5 feet, with tentaclesup to 121.4 feet long. ✓ You can't see your own eyes in motion whenlooking in a mirror because your brain blocks out the images whilethe eyes are moving, which makes you blind at these moments. ✓ 1million seconds is about 11 days. 1 billion seconds is ~32 years. 1trillion is ~32,000 years. 1 quadrillion is ~32,000,000 years. ✓Cherenkov radiation is like the sonic-boom of light. When mattermoves faster then the phase velocity of light, then this blueelectromagnetic radiation is emitted. ✓ A typical used mattresscontains from 100,000 to 10 million dust mites. ✓ When you jump,you actually move the whole earth a tiny bit. ✓ The earth travelsat a speed of 330 miles per second, which means that in one minuteyou are about 11,800 miles away from where you were. ✓ Intel’sfactories produce over five billion transistors every second. ✓Getting closer to the ground causes the earth to spin a tiny bitfaster, which causes the day to be a tiny bit shorter. ✓ A bluewhale's tongue can weigh as much as an elephant. ✓ We have gazedetection networks in our brains that contain individual neuronsthat fire when someone is staring directly at us but stop firing ifthe gaze shifts just a degree or two. ✓ In 1945 a computermalfunctioned because of a moth caught in one of it's circuits. Acomputer error is called a bug ever since. ✓ Roy Cleveland Sullivanwas hit by lightning on seven different occasions, and he survivedall of them. ✓ Dolphins have been trained to turn in trash inexchange for fish. One dolphin was smart enough to hide paper undera rock and tear off small pieces in order to get more fish. ✓People mostly get sick in the winter from being indoors, wheregerms can circulate more freely, and not from the cold. While wemade every effort to provide accurate information, there is nowarranty or guarantee that the facts presented here are exact. Wewelcome all polite corrections to our information. The images arecreative commons images that can be redistributed and modified.Most of the icons are from and
⭐ Watch Movies - MovieMatch 0.75
A hand-picked collection of the best movies with links to watchonline.
⭐ LoL Master - League Tips and Tools 0.72
An amazing collection of League of Legends (LoL) tips,apps,services, and more. Enjoy improving your game play andlearningabout all the best LoL things that are out there! Features:🖐Carefully hand-picked tips, apps, services, and merchandise,allrelated to LoL 🔗 Links are available for more information andeasyinstallation in case of apps. 🖼 Easily swipe through items toseean image or screenshot for each item. 🚩 Select your favoritetipsand view the list afterwards to share with friends.Variouscategories: 💬 Apps: Messenger Related 🖥 Chrome Addons 📘FacebookFeatures 💡 Facts 📄 Information 🌎 Online Services 📱 Apps 💰Earn 🛒Merchandise 🧙 Services: Champs 🌐 Services: Other 👥Services:Summoners 🗡 Services: Training 💽 Software 💭 Tips This isacollection of the best League of Legends tips, apps,services,merchandise, software, and more. Amazing knowledge thatwillimprove your League of Legends experience. The top LoL tips andLoLapps/services have been chosen. Check out our other Apps!🔔MovieMatch - BestMovies🔔Appz - The BestApps🔔Verifacts - VerifiedFacts🔔ShowSeek - Best TVShows🔔FaceTip - FaceBookTips the tips, apps, and services available on LoL Master: ✓Team Ward- Overview of team for each match, real-time notificationwhenentering game, and more Championify - Downloads recent itemsetsfrom popular websites and imports them to use - Summoners Get current match info,includingautomatically generated tips for each summoner in -Earn RP by filling surveys, installing apps, andcompleting othersimple tasks League Friends - Chat with League ofLegends friendsthrough mobile Battlefly - Play League of Legendstournaments towin RP, boosts, and other prizes Farming Chart -Farming tablechart showing the perfect CS at given minutes up untilan hour ofgameplay Champions - Thorough champion info including,tips,counters, skins, spells, etc. Community Events - Find outaboutLeague of Legends tournaments, play sessions, meet-ups, andpartiesPreseason Runes - Recommendations of which runes to use foreachchamp with thorough explanations Mystery Box - This boxwillinclude four mystery items themed around League of LegendsBuildsfor LoL - Fresh and well tested builds, ban helper,summonerlookup, game encyclopedia, and more Razer Insider - Getfree gamerequipment for participating in a league of legends forumLeague ofLegends Guides - Lane guides, rotating game modes,hextechcrafting, missions, honor, runes, and masteries PlushInspired Poro- Handmade cure Poro dolls LoLSUMO - Track yourperformance,automatically generated customized items for everymatch, and moreLoot Palace - Earn RP by watching videos, completingsurveys,playing games, and shopping online DJ Sona's Ultimate Music-Youtube playlist of DJ Sona's music to listen to her music whensheis not on your team. League of Legends Counter - All thechampioninfo you could want with counterpicks, general counters,and lanesynergy Summoner Tracker - Time/track enemy summoner spellsESLPlay - Play League of Legends tournaments to win RP, boosts,andother prizes LoL Map on 2nd Monitor - How to show your minimapinfull screen size on your second monitor GameBuddy - HelpsfindLeague of Legends players which fit your playstyle Blitz-Automatically show runes, builds, and team stats while startingagame LoL Master is in no way sponsored, endorsed oradministeredby, or associated with, Riot or League of Legends. Someof theicons are from
⭐ Discover TV Shows - ShowSeek 0.86
Discover TV shows and find out where to watch them.
⭐ Appz - The Best Apps 0.77
Best apps for Android, hand-picked, along with a mini-descriptionfor each app!