Appnjoy 应用

Made in Sicily 4.2
Made in Sicily, il tuo archivio di ricette Siciliane. *** In questaversione, tutte le features sono abilitate e non è presente alcunbanner pubblicitario *** L'applicazione permette di consultare,ricercare e condividere sui principali social networks, centinaiadi ricette Siciliane suddivise per categoria (Antipasti, Primi,Secondi, Contorni, Dolci e Dessert) e di salvare la lista deipreferiti per una rapida consultazione. Grazie alla funzione dimemorizzazione offline, è possibile consultare le ricette anche inassenza di connessione Internet. Inoltre, grazie alla nuovafunzione "Cosa Preparo", inserendo gli ingredienti a propriadisposizione, viene presentata una lista di ricette che è possibilepreparare con essi. Potrai infine organizzare la tua lista dellaspesa così da non dimenticare di comprare nessun ingrediente per letue ricette.
Find Auto Plus 2.1
Find Auto Plus converges two applications into one: a Gps locator for your car and a parking ticket expirationmanager.To retrieve your car position, It doesn't use any other networkresource but GPS, discarding old satellite fix and ensuring a realand precise coordinates calculation.It uses Google Maps to show your car position and to guide youstraight to it.Find Auto Plus also includes a parking ticket expiration managerallowing you to set an alarm and be warned about ticket deadline inadvance.
Codice Fiscale Advanced 1.0
Questa è la versione Advanced di CodiceFiscale. Permette un accurato calcolo, e non necessita diconnessione internet. Niente fastidiosi banner all'internodell'applicazione, solo funzionalità.
Camouflage 1.3
Sometimes you need to hide a file. It may be asurprise birthday party invite list, a sensitive work document oreven something a bit more nefarious. Whatever the reason,Camouflage will do the trick.What happens when you camouflage a file is, the file you want tohide is encrypted with a password of your choice and masked as oneof your existing picture. You can send it via email orbluetooth.If you open the picture with the file hidden in it, the picturewill look no different. The app keeps track and shows all theimages on your phone which contains camouflaged files, of course,to extract them you have to know the decryption password.
Mobile Telepathy 1.0
Surprise your friends with this nice game.Choose one card and your device gonna read from your mind usingtelepathy :)A funny game to surprise your friends.
Sounds of Happiness 1.6
Sooner or later it happens to everyone to feelmooody or depressed.A good medicine has been often a friend’s word of comfort, a musicdear to our heart or simply a contagious laughter.How important is the sound for our well-being?The human body is a set of vibrations and waves and the soundhas a big impact on it, it acts on different parts of our brainthus controlling stress, pain, anxiety and anguish, harmonizes ourbioenergetic system, promotes sleep, stimulates creativity andinfluence our emotional sphere in a totally positive way.If we should associate a color to our positive feelings, whichone would we choose?Sounds of Happiness is a social hub that is giving a voice toyour emotions through the magic that only the human voice canconvey.Capture your happy moments by recording a message, a music or asound that makes you feel good, tag it, color it and share it witheveryone.Sounds of happiness is a new way to remind the best moments, andinfluence positively the emotions of others.
Camouflage Free 1.3.1
Sometimes you need to hide a file. It may beasurprise birthday party invite list, a sensitive work documentoreven something a bit more nefarious. Whatever thereason,Camouflage will do the trick.What happens when you camouflage a file is, the file you wanttohide is encrypted with a password of your choice and masked asoneof your existing picture. You can send it via emailorbluetooth.If you open the picture with the file hidden in it, the picturewilllook no different. The app keeps track and shows all theimages onyour phone which contains camouflaged files, of course,to extractthem you have to know the decryption password.
iCoach 1.2
iCoach is an Android application that letsyoubecome a real coach. Discover players profiles from the USA andNewZealand teams. Draw your strategy, study tactics,implementimprovements and analyze weak points of your opponents.Save yourscheme and share it with your friends.Get started with iCoach and you will enjoy it!
Jibe 1.8
How fast is your visual perception and fingers coordination?Discover it with this incredible action game. The more you play it,the more you get improvement Get through increasing difficulty andreach the online top score position.
Unforgettappble 1.0
Ogni volta che entriamo in auto, effettuiamouncheck-in delle cose, animali o persone per cui vogliamoesserenotificati ad intervalli regolari di tempo, in manieraintelligentee non invasiva.Per fare ciò, basterà effettuare un semplice TAP su unadesivoNFC (che possiamo posizionare ad esempio sulcruscotto)precedentemente programmato tramite l’app con uno dei 4profilimessi a disposizione dell’utente (Profilo Bimbo, ProfiloAnimale,Profilo Cibo, Profilo Personalizzato) ed iniziare aricevere lenotifiche in base al profilo scelto.L’app consente di utilizzare simultaneamente i 4 profili anostradisposizione dandoci la possibilità per ognuno di essi diimpostarediversi parametri, ad esempio:• Ogni quanto essere notificati• Personalizzare la notifica sonora• Scegliere se utilizzare la notifica intelligente che posticipalanotifica nel caso in cui l’app rilevi che siamo ancora allaguidadella nostra auto.• Di avvisare un amico tramite sms e/o email(precedentementepreimpostati dall’utente) nel caso di mancatadisattivazionedell’allarme.• Dopo quante notifiche perse inviare l’sms e/o la mail.Una volta attivata l'app con un tap sul TAG NFC, trascorsoiltempo preimpostato inizieremo a ricevere le notifiche delprofiloselezionato e se raggiunto il massimo di avvisi ignorati,l’appcontatterà automaticamente la persona da noi scelta.Se invece decidiamo di non essere più notificati, èsufficienteuno swipe per la disattivazione.Every time we enter acar,we do a check-in things, animals or people that want to benotifiedat regular intervals of time, in an intelligent andnon-invasive.To do this, just make a simple TAP on a sticker NFC (which wecanplace such as the dashboard) previously programmed via the appwithone of the four profiles available to the user (BimboProfile,Profile, Animal, Profile Food, Profile Custom) and startreceivingnotifications according to the profile.The app allows you to use simultaneously the fourprofilesavailable to us by giving us the opportunity for each ofthem toset different parameters, such as:• How often to be notified• Customize the notification sound• Choose whether to use the intelligent notificationpostponingnotification when the app detects that we are still atthe wheel ofour car.• Warn a friend via SMS and / or email (previously user-defined)inthe case of non-deactivation.• After how many notifications lost send the text message and /oremail.Once you activate the app with a tap on the NFC tag, thepresettime will begin to receive notifications of the selectedprofileand reached the maximum of alerts if ignored, the appwillautomatically contact the person we have chosen.If we decide not to be notified, just a swipefordeactivation.