Arrayah 应用

Hand Lettering Arts 1.1
Letter Art Hand is a grapheme of a systemofwriting, such as the Greek alphabet and the characters arelowered.In a letter contained a phoneme and phonemes forms a soundoflanguage dituturkannya. Each character has a letter with thevalueof the sound is different.
Craft Beads 1.0
Handicraft industry in Indonesia this countryawide range of its variety. because of the diversity ofcrafts.industri are able to help the economy of thecitizenssekitar.dengan serious study and resilient and skilled inorder tobe self-sufficient alone. training training to make craftsthat areusually followed by young children who wantself-sufficientsendiri.adapun craft crafts that exist today amongothers.Crafts which are widely used in various ways as well as materialsinuse .One of the material that will be discussed this time isthematerial of the beads. Such materials such as shape andcolorfulpearl beads modelnya.bahan is commonly on sale in storesconvectionor providing equipment for sewing.
Abstract Painting 1.0
Abstract painting is a form of art thatthoughthe imagination of the artist in the search for the essenceof theobject so that the unique shape of his shape, in which theform ofabstract painting itself we do not know whether we haveencounteredin the real world.
Mihrab Design 1.0
Mihrab Design is Important Part A CloserMasjidAs a Means of Self in God. Mihrab design is an importantpart in thedesign of the mosque. Mihrab itself is a part ofmosques or prayerrooms that served as the imam leading thecongregational prayers.Mihrab words can also be interpreted as aplace closer to Allah SWT(shaped as mentioned above as the imamleading the prayer incongregation).
3D Latte Art 1.0
Latte art is a method of preparing coffeeismade by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso and produceapattern or design on the surface of latte. It can also becreatedor embellished by simply "drawing" in the upper layer offoam.Latte art is very difficult to make consistent, becausethedemanding conditions required of the two shots of espressoandmilk. This, in turn, limited by the barista experience andqualityof the espresso machine. Pour yourself, then, becomes thelastchallenge for artists latte.
Flower Papper Design 1.0
Paper flower is a kind of flowermembunyaishape or design that is almost similar with genuineinterest,because to maintain durability in the long term and moreattractiveto suit the wishes of flowers maker. The very highinterest to bediscussed as a business buying and selling or middleandupper.
Wedding Room Design 1.0
Wedding Room is a palace for the owner, totheArrange as beautiful and comfortable as possible in order tofeelthe peace when you are in it. because of who holds power isitsowner. not only were the rooms Also have specific regulationsthathave been set since the first ancestors. any regulation, yesnoteveryone is allowed to come into the room. jangnkan othersfamilyalone should not be without Reviews their permission.
Minimalist Bedrooms 1.1
The bedroom is a place furniture or used asabed or resting. Throughout history, the bed has evolved fromsimpletypes, such as mattresses filled with straw to luxuryfittingsdecorated with fabrics.
Minimalist House 1.0
Minimalist home is one of the building usedasa place to stay for a certain period. The house could be theplaceto stay human and animals, but for a term unique shelter fortheanimals are caged, hive, or enclosure.
The Latest Handbag Design 1.0
the bag is closed containers that can betakenaway. The material for making bags include paper, plastic,leather,fabric, and others. Usually used to carry clothes, books,andothers. The bag can be carried on the backs of so-calledbackpack,while the big bag to load clothes called suitcase (fromthe Dutchword Koffer) .There is also the only bag-shaped box thatis usuallyused by women to bring beauty equipment, usually referredto by itsbeauty or beauty bag case.There are applied the latest handbag designs to inspire you.
DIY Wooden Craft 1.1
Wood is part of the trunk or branches andtwigsof plants that hardens because lignified (pengayuan). Wood isusedfor various purposes, ranging from cooking, makingfurniture(tables, chairs), building materials (doors, windows, theroofframe), paper materials, and more.wood many of its functions.wood waste can be used for capital handicrafts made of this application you can find anything from the woodcraft.
Egg Craft 1.1
Eggs are one animal foods that are consumedinaddition to meat, fish and milk. Generally eggs are consumedcomesfrom the types of birds, such as chickens, ducks, and geese,butthe eggs are smaller like fish eggs sometimes also used asaningredient in dishes (caviar). Moreover consumed eggs alsotoolarge as an ostrich egg (cassowary) or are, for exampleturtleeggs. Most of the products intended for chicken eggsconsumedunpasteurized, considering laying hens that produced themis notaccompanied by a male chicken. The eggs were sterilized canalso beordered and eaten as eggs that are not sterilized, withslightdifferences in nutrient content. The eggs were sterilizedwill notcontain an embryo that has developed, as well asrefrigerated toprevent the growth of cells in the addition to food eggs can also make crafts.crafts shell eggs that are taken just to this application are the inspiration and example ofcraftegg.
Idea Paint Colors Wall 1.0
When buying a new home is one importantpointthat is often overlooked is the selection of the color ofthewalls. Choosing wall colors can not be taken lightly. Thewallcolor affects our lives. In addition, the color of the wallsalsorepresent our personality.In this application there is a collection of ideas wall paintcolorsthat can provide inspiration for your home.may be useful
Car Interior Design 1.0
The interior design is the study of thedesignof a work of art that is in the building and used to solvehumanproblems. One area that is based on science scientificstudydesign, scientific field is intended to create an environmentthatis built (in space) and its supporting elements, both physicalandnonphysical. So the quality of human life for the better init.interior design includes architectural field that surroundsthebuilding.
Chalkboard Typography 1.0
One of the interesting and certainly oftenyousee is the art of beautiful writing on the chalk. The artofbeautiful writing on the chalk was called Chalkboard art. Notmanypeople know, if you write on the board and make artisticwriting isnot without technique.In this application there is a collection of writingschalkboardtypography can you sample your home or cafe.May be useful~ ArrayahDevelop
Craft Tires 1.0
Tires are an important part of roadvehicles,and used to reduce vibrations caused by roadsurfaceirregularities, protect the wheel from wear and damage, aswell asprovide stability between the vehicle and the ground toincreasespeed and facilitate movement.In this application there is a collection of scrap tires thatcancraft your example at home.May be useful~ ArrayahDevelop
Crafts Plastic Straw 1.0
The straw is a tube that is intendedtotransfer the beverage from the container mouth to drink, withtheapplication of sucking power. The earliest straw-shapedhollowgrass stems and really made of grass / straw. A thin plastictube(such as polypropylene and polystyrene) or othermaterials,straight or with hinges like an accordion, it was used byone endin the mouth and another in late drink. Measures that reducetheair pressure in the mouth, then the power of atmosphericpressureto drink straw. Straws were first made by the Sumerians,and usedto drink beer (to avoid solid fermentation byproducts).Argentinaand their neighbors use similar metallic device called abombillawhich acts as both a straw and a sieve for tea. Modernstraw waspatented in 1888 by Marvin C. Stone.In this application there are ideas plastic straws unique craftthatyou can sample at home.May be useful~ ArrayahDevelop
Scandinavian Room Design 1.0
The interior design is a science thatstudiesthe design of a work of art that is in a building and usedto solvehuman problems.Scandinavian design is synonymous with simplicity and elegance.Thestyle is very influenced by the modernist movement and theBauhausand characterized by function and mass production ofaffordablewithout sacrificing quality or eliminating the grace andbeauty.Long winters and lack of sunlight Scandinavian inspiredesigners tocreate an environment with the impression of light,light andpractical with clean lines. Scandinavian design utilizes alot ofwood to the shape-pressed and wood.In this application there is interior design homage toScandinaviathat can provide inspiration for your room.may be useful
Shop Design 1.0
A store or a store is an enclosed placewheretrading takes place with special types of objects or goods,such asbookstores, fruit shops, and so forth. By economic function,theterm "shop" is actually almost the same as "store" or"shop".However, in the development of terms, shops and stalls tendto betraditional and simple, and stalls are generally associatedwithfood and beverage sales. In physical buildings, the store ismoreluxurious and modern impression in the architecture of thebuildingthan the shop. The store is also more modern in terms ofgoods soldand the transaction process.