Ars Electronica Linz Solutions 应用

Geopark Karawanken 1.1.4
Geopark Karawanken-Karavanke is a geologicalpark straddling the border of Austria and Slovenia. It includesparts of the Austrian Province of Carinthia and the SlovenianRegion of Koroška in the southeastern zone of the Karawankenmountain range. Since 2013, it has been part of the European andinternational Geopark network under the auspices of UNESCO. Itencompasses 14 communities – 9 in Austria; 5 in Slovenia – and atotal area of 1,067 km².This app elaborates on attractions and amenities of interest toguests in Geopark Karawanken. A well-structured menu layout enablesusers to conveniently access information about all the facilitiesand infrastructure available in the Geopark’s communities. Plus, itis all geo-referenced, so, for example, you can get insights intogeological features and then quickly locate excellent examples ofthem in the Geopark as well as information about the best viewingspots.You can explore Geotrails, and hikers who wish can get GPS supportalong the way, including well-timed alerts about sights worthchecking out delivered just as the hikers are approachingthem.To make it easier for guests to independently plan their trip andstay, there is a wide array of information about accommodations,dining, recreational activities and lots more.In order to provide for optimal use of the app even in areas whereinternet access can be a problem, there is the possibility ofdownloading selected maps at various zoom levels. These maps canthen be used offline too.
Donau Rätsel Tour 1.0.5
Entlang der Donau gibt es Vieles zu entdecken.An jedem der auf der Karte eingezeichneten roten Kreise erhältst duein Rätsel, das es ganz wie bei einer Schatzsuche zu lösen gilt.Die Schätze sind in diesem Fall Buchstaben, die du zusammensuchst,bis sie das Lösungswort ergeben. In den einzelnen Fragen erhältstdu Hinweise, wo du den nächsten Buchstaben finden kannst. Findestdu die richtige Lösung heraus, dann erhältst du dafür eine kleineBelohnung.Along the Danube there ismuch to discover. At each of the marked on the map red circles youget a puzzle that applies it to solve all like a treasure hunt. Thetreasures are in this case letters that you are looking, together,until they form the solution word. In each question you getindications where to find the next letter. Do you find the rightsolution out, then you get a little reward for it.
Beehive Mons 2015 3.0.1-mons
Bienenstock is an ongoing artistic researchexperiment developed by Ars Electronica for collecting andcontextualizing video content from visitors during Mons 2015 –European capital of culture. In the broadest sense it is across-media system for crowdsourced video documentation.Bienenstock is the German word for beehive, and this serves as thecentral metaphor: like in a society of bees, registeredparticipants swarm out, capture footage of an event from amultitude of perspectives and return it (to the hive) to beingested into the collective pool.- Participate in the experiment by downloading the mobile phoneapplication form your device App Store! Simply search for“Beehive”.- Make your own Beehive by entering a personal tag in the mobileApp!- View the videos you tag at Café Europa or online at
Bienenstock 1.2
ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 2014This app is an Art & Research Experiment in the course ofthe ARS Electronica Festival 2014.If you want to participate then download the app and startrecording videos of the festival. Capture all moments which are inyour opinion worth sharing with the rest of the world. After yourecorded a video, it automatically gets uploaded to ourwebserver.If you want to find your videos on the webinterface we suggestto use the in-app function to create custom tags. Have fun!Bienenstock is an ongoing artistic research experiment forcollecting and contextualizing video content from people duringlive happenings. In the broadest sense it is a cross-media systemfor crowd-sourced video documentation. Bienenstock is the Germanword for beehive, and this serves as the central metaphor: like ina society of bees, registered participants swarm out, capturefootage of an event from a multitude of perspectives and return it(to the hive) to be ingested into the collective pool.The system was first developed for and presented at the ArsElectronica Festival 2013 as part of a collaboration between ArsElectronica and Queensland University of Technology (QUT). For thisyear’s festival the project will be taken to a new level with manymore cameras and participants as well as increased platforms formobile content delivery. Focused on the topic of change, thefestival utilizes the city of Linz as the main stage of the entireevent. As a result, the Bienenstock will serve the double purposeof documenting the live happening while also capturing the uniquelandscape of the city in which the festival is taking place. Themain installation and info point is located inside the Bus onSpittelwiesse. Here you can also collect and drop off your camera.For further info and mobile content delivery instructionsvisit: at:
4Aces 1.0.2
4 ACES is an interactive public artprojectcombining state-of-the art technology and the public space.In theunique setting of the Vienna Hofburg a modern, virtualscavengerhunter takes place, involving artistic installations incourtyardsand along pathways.“Time is a game played beautifully by children.“ Heraclitus4 ACES is an interactive, public art experience developedandimplemented by an international group of artists: PérolaBonfanti,Nicolina, Zel Nonnenberg and Marília Vasconcellos, underthedirection of Pérola Bonfanti. The project looks at thesignificanceof Time und Urban Space, viewed from differentperspectives. Theaim is to inspire people and to make themsensitive to the greatquestions of mankind in a playful way. Thethree perspectives ofTime are: Time the Devourer, Time as Eternityand Time as thePrecise Moment. Which is true? Which is the rightpath?4 ACES is a joint project by the Burghauptmannschaft, the MuseumofFine Arts, the Spanish Riding School, the Imperial Treasury,ArsElectronica Solutions, the Museum Albertina and the FokusMediaHouse; overall coordination lies with CC Real.Please note, in order to use this app you have to beinVienna.
Beehive Malta 5.0.8-malta
Beehive is an ongoing artistic researchexperiment developed by Ars Electronica forcollecting and contextualizing video and image content fromvisitors and activities during 2017 Maltese Presidency of theCouncil of the EU. In the broadest sense it is a cross-mediasystem for crowdsourced video and image documentation. Beehiveserves as the centralmetaphor: like in a society of bees, registered participants swarmout, capturefootage of an event from a multitude of perspectives and return it(to thehive) to be ingested into the collective pool.