Atel Communications, S.A. 应用

Atel iLimitado 3.4.5
"Atel iLimitado is a VoIP mobileDialerapplication using internet connection, it allows receivecalls anddepending the type of product package it allow to makecalls.The application uses internet connection and it can work usingWiFior the mobile data plan associated to the cell phone.Theapplication optimizes the bandwidth comsuption in each callthatthe customer makes;giving as result that mobile data plan lasts more time.AteliLimitado is developed to provide many needs of communicationforretail customer. The only process that customer must do istocontact to customer service and get information about whatproductbetter fits to his needs. The information about customerservice islocated at support website.Some features of Atel iLimitado Dialer:* Integration with mobile phonebook.* Saving bandwidth comsuption.* Cheaper calls.* User friendly interface."
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