BSC Software, Grayshin Technologies, LLC 应用

droidRFTool CDMA 1.1.2
The droidRFTool for CDMA allows the user tosee what the current CDMA RF levels are for their device. The RFlevels monitored are voice (CDMA), data (EVDO), and the signal tonoise ratio. The levels are color coded to give a visual cue to thequality of the signal (green, yellow green, yellow, red). Where Redis the worst. The tool also displays the users current location andthe location and ID of the tower currently being utilized by thedevice. By pressing the save file button, the user can create arecord of RF values by location. The record requires the user to bemoving and records data approximately every 50 feet moved. The datais stored in a coma-delimited file (*.CSV) and a Google Maps file(*.KML) on the device in the user storage area. The file can thenbe transferred or emailed and can be used in a spreadsheet programfor evaluation. Each new file is named base on the date and timestamp at the time the recording was started.CDMA RF Tool GPS KML
droidRFTool for GSM 1.1.9
The droidRFTool for GSM allows the user to seewhat the current GSM RF levels are for their device. The RF levelsmonitored are the bit error rate and the signal strength. Thelevels are color coded to give a visual cue to the quality of thesignal (green, yellow green, yellow, red). Where Red is the worst.The tool also displays the users current location and the (locationand ID of the tower ) currently being utilized by the device. Bypressing the save file button, the user can create a record of RFvalues by location. The record requires the user to be moving andrecords data approximately every 50 feet moved. The data is storedin a coma-delimited file (*.CSV) and a Google Maps file (*.KML) onthe device in the user storage area. The file can then betransferred or emailed and can be used in a spreadsheet program forevaluation. Each new file is named starting with “GSM” and has thedate and time stamp at the time the recording was started. If therecord file button states “Your GPS is not on!”, pressing thebutton will take you to the GPS settings screen to allow you toturn on you GPS.GSM RF Tool GPS KML
droidConverter Free 1.0.5
The droidConverter app is a free unitconversion, unit converter, utility (with ads) that allows you toconvert many different types of units. It has a very simpleinterface that allows the user to select the type of conversionthat they would like, for example Length. The user then wouldselect the from unit (i.e. Feet) and the unit to which they wouldlike to convert the value to, the to value (i.e. Miles).PRO version does not have ads and has moreconversions/calculators such as age calculator.Unit ConverterEngineeringConversion Tool
EnergyViewer for TED5000® 1.2.16
The EnergyViewer application displays usageinformation from your TED® (The Energy Detective) device and it isdesigned to work with TED5000® devices. <> The EnergyViewer’sToday dashboard display provides current and recorded informationfrom your TED5000® device. It also provides historical datainformation for the last 24 hour, 30 days, and 12 months dependingon what you have stored on your device. The EnergyViewer supportsmulti-MTU systems.The Energy Viewer application requires your TED5000® devices tobe connected to the internet to be able to view your informationaway from your home, or to a WiFi enabled home network to view inyour home on a WiFi enabled Android device.Note: By default, the app is setup to view the TED® Demo site.You must already have a TED® 5000 device installed and set up inyour house or business to be able to use this application to seeyour specific energy readings. Once you have your device set up,update the UserID, Password, and URL to enable viewing of yourdevice.
EnergyViewer Tablet for TED® 1.0.3
EnergyViewer tablet version for TED5000®The EnergyViewer for tablets application displays usageinformation from your TED® (the Energy Detective) device and it isdesigned to work with TED5000® devices. <> It takes advantageof the increased screen space on tablets to show you more graphicinformation on one screen. The EnergyViewer’s Dashboard displayprovides current information from your TED5000® device in a fourgauge format. Detailed information about power, cost, or CO2 can beviewed by selecting the appropriate button. Set min and max valuesby selecting the Now or MTD gauges. The app also provideshistorical data information for the last 24 hour, 30 days, and 12months depending on what you have stored on your device. TheEnergyViewer for tablets supports multi-MTU systems.The EnergyViewer application requires your TED5000® devices tobe connected to the internet to be able to view your informationaway from your home, or to a WiFi enabled home network to view inyour home on a WiFi enabled Android device.Note: By default, the app is setup to view the TED® Demo site.You must already have a TED® 5000 device installed and set up inyour house or business to be able to use this application to seeyour specific energy readings. Once you have your device set up,update the UserID, Password, and URL to enable viewing of yourdevice.
BSC Always On Clock 1.2
This application is a simple always on clockthat allows you to have a travel clock on your device that will notgo to sleep, even if you do.Simple Clock Always On
Band to Freq 1.2
This application allows the user toconvertBand Class 14 PCS Radio Channels to Forward and ReverseLinkFrequencies in megahertz. The user simply enters the PCSChannel(25 to 1275) and presses the calculate button. The app willthenprovide the Block, the Forward Link (BTS output), and theReverseLink (BTS input) frequencies. This app is meant to aid usersinsetting up spectrum analyzers to the correct frequencies.
droidConverter PRO 2.1
The droidConverter PRO app is an Ad Freeunitconversion utility that allows you to convert many differenttypesof units. It has a very simple interface that allows the usertoselect the type of conversion that they would like, forexampleLength. The user then would select the from unit (i.e. Feet)andthe unit to which they would like to convert the value to, thetovalue (i.e. Miles).
BSC Walk About 2.0.2
Do you like to go off the grid, no phonecalls,no email, no texts, no data coverage? BSC Walk About is theapp foryou. Turn your Android device into a GPS solution foroutdooractivities and sports, including hiking, walking, trailing,hunting,fishing, geocaching and much more.Find and navigate to GPS waypoints with GPS Grid view &Compass.With Walk About you can record points of interest on yourhikingtrails, backpacking trips, hunting, fishing, and/orcampingadventures. Walk About works in remote places without datacoveragelike national parks, wilderness areas, and backcountryhunting orfishing spots without having to rely on cell signals.Note: BSC Walk About map view uses your data service and willadddata usage to your plan. The grid view and the compass view donotrequire any data service.Simply enter your destination point’s Latitude and Longitude(orselect from your saved list or a gpx file stored on your phone)andWalk About will help you to find it. Using the Grid Viewfindingyour destination is as easy as keeping the red circlealigned withthe small green circle. It is as easy as that. As theyget closerto the blue circle (your current location) you areapproaching yourdestination. This is a great tool for bothexperienced and novicehikers alike. All you need is the GPSlocation of your destination.It also allows you to use your currentlocation as the destinationfor finding your way back to camp or toyour car after a hard dayof wandering around in the woods orshopping in the concretejungle. Never get lost again!If you would like to temporarily use your current locationasyour destination (such as for finding your car in a parking lotormaybe finding your way back to camp after a walk in thewoods)simply press the “Use Current Loc” button and your currentlat andlong will be populated into the Destination Lat andLongfields.If you would like to save your current location as asavedwaypoint, from menu on the Compass view select the “SaveCurrentWaypoint” option. This will take you to a dialog to name thepointand save it.To select a saved waypoint, from menu on the Compass viewselectthe “Select Waypoint” option. This will take you to your listofsaved waypoints.By default the map view centers on your current location(theblue circle). If you would like to turn this off, on the mapviewgo to the menu and select “Turn Centering Off”.BSC Walk About stores its waypoints in a filecalledwaypointstorage.gpx on your external storage or sdcarddepending onyour phone. This is a standard GPS Exchange Format filewithwaypoints and can be used to interchange of GPS data in theform ofwaypoints between applications and Web services ontheInternet.Note: If you can not find a waypointstorage.gpx file, you maynothave saved any waypoints yet. Save your current location asawaypoint and the app will generate the file for you.Note: GPS accuracy for lat, long, and altitude is a functionofthe phone, GPS accuracy generally increases with time as thephonegets a better lock on more GPS satellites. It is recommendedthatyou have Current Lat and Long displayed for a couple ofminutesbefore using those coordinates. This will allow your phoneto havea more accurate lock with the GPS satellites available. Notallphones seem to report accuracy (i.e. Motorola XPRT does notreportaccuracy, but the GPS works well enough to guide you toyourdestination)
droidPingTool 1.1
The droidPingTool application is a toolthatwill allow you to send a single or multiple pings to a singleormultiple hosts. This is done by issuing each ping command inaseparate background task that will each run simultaneously (asmuchas the phone’s processor will allow). The droidPingTool willthenreport the results at the bottom of the screen as eachpingcompletes and in a file saved on your external Micro-SDstorage.The pings sometimes take a little while depending on yournetwork,so please be patient waiting for the results. The resultswill besaved in a file on your external storage with the namingconventionof Ping_timestamp.txt.
Take A Note Free 1.7
Free VersionIn a meeting and forgot you note book or tablet? No worriesjustuse your phone and Take A Note.Take A Note is a simple text note taking app that will saveyournotes in a *.txt file to your external storage. It will alsoopenother (limited to *.txt) note files on your external storageforediting. Upon first opening Take A Note, it will fill in afilename for your note that has the time stamp in the name of thefile.You can use this file name or edit it to the name that youwouldlike to use.If you would like to open an existing file press the openfilebutton and a new scene will present you with a list ofpossiblefiles with the txt extension. Select a file and then presstheselect button. This will then take you back to the main Take ANotescreen.If you would like to save your note or edits to your notesimplypress the Save Note File button and the note will be saved toyourexternal storage as a txt file.