Banco de Sabadell, S.A. 应用

Welcome to the Banco Sabadell app that allowsyou to use our distance banking service from your mobile or tablet.Download it for free to access and manage your accounts, wheneverand wherever you want, in an easy and hassle-free way.ALL YOUR OPERATIONS FROM YOUR MOBILETo simplify your banking, we offer you access to all operations anddetails of each product in one place.+ ACCOUNTS: list of transactions; transfers; internal transfers toyour account or card; management of payment of direct debits, taxesand social insurance contributions and opening of newaccounts.+ CARDS: check transactions and settlements; extend credit limits;personalise payment terms; send cash to ATMs; internal transfer toaccounts; mobile top-ups and account use and blockingsettings.+ DEPOSITS: contract new deposits and change renewal options.+ SECURITIES: new orders to trade securities with market orders, atbest orders or limit orders, and open new securitiesaccounts.+ FUNDS: list of movements; fund subscription and activation of newcontract.+ PENSION AND SOCIAL SECURITY INSURANCE SCHEMES: check movements;regular or extraordinary contribution and activation of newscheme.+ FINANCING: activate Línea Expansión and pre-approved loans andearly amortisation of your mortgage.+ INSURANCE: see details of your policies and access the managementof policies and claims from the same screen.PRODUCT CATALOGUENow all the information about Banco Sabadell products is availablein a catalogue that has been integrated into the app. View offersand directly access the contracting of products without having tovisit any branch. Also, with this catalogue you can see details ofapplications for Banco Sabadell customers.SIGN FROM YOUR MOBILEThanks to the new Digital Signature system, you can now sign foroperations and contracted products from your mobile, you no longerneed to use your old code card. Safer, simpler, faster.PUSH NOTIFICATIONSCustomise your alerts quickly and intuitively, and receivereal-time information on your accounts and cards movements.FINGERPRINTIf you have a Samsung device, you can use your fingerprint toaccess the app.PROFILEEasily customize your profile from a single place in the app, whereyou will find all of the configuration options, making it morecomfortable and easier for you!Do you like our app? You can leave us a rating in the stores orsend your suggestions to @BancoSabadell. We will be happy to helpyou.
Welcome to the ActivoBank app that allows youto use our distance banking service from your mobile or tablet.Download it for free to access and manage your accounts, wheneverand wherever you want, in an easy and hassle-free way.ALL YOUR OPERATIONS FROM YOUR MOBILETo simplify your banking, we offer you access to all operations anddetails of each product in one place.+ ACCOUNTS: list of transactions; transfers; internal transfers toyour account or card; management of payment of direct debits, taxesand social insurance contributions.+ CARDS: check transactions and settlements; extend credit limits;personalise payment terms; send cash to ATMs; internal transfer toaccounts; mobile top-ups and account use and blockingsettings.+ DEPOSITS: change renewal options.+ SECURITIES: new orders to trade securities with market orders, atbest orders or limit orders.+ FUNDS: list of movements and fund subscription.+ PENSION AND SOCIAL SECURITY INSURANCE SCHEMES: check movements,and regular or extraordinary contribution.+ INSURANCE: see details of your policies and access the managementof policies and claims from the same screen.FINGERPRINTIf you have a Samsung device, you can use your fingerprint toaccess the app.PROFILECustomize your profile easily, from a single place in the app,where you will find all the configuration options. More comfortableand easier for you!Do you like our app? You can leave us a rating in the stores orsend your suggestions to @BancoSabadell. We will be happy to helpyou.
Solvia 2.4
Solvia es la inmobiliaria de BancoSabadell.Encuentre su piso, casa o local comercial que más se ajuste a susnecesidades. En Solvia podrá buscar su inmueble ideal de manerasdiferentes, desde los que tiene a su alrededor, hasta los queexisten en su zona de vacaciones habitual, etc.La aplicación incluye:-Buscador de inmueblesPosibilidad de filtrado por poblaciones, tipos de inmueble, rangosde precios o incluso por nº de habitaciones-Buscador de promociones inmobiliariasFiltrandolas por población, tipos de inmueble, precios, etc-Buscador de inmuebles ‘a mi alrededor’.En base a su localización geográfica, le mostramos los inmueblecercanos. Además, gracias al servicio de realidad aumentadaincluida en la opción ‘Buscador a mi alrededor’, podrá ver de unamanera mucho más visual los inmuebles localizados en su circulogeográfico más próximo.-Destacados.Buscador de inmuebles destacados por precio y panel gráfico deinmuebles-Posibilidad de contacto con Solvia, por teléfono o correoelectrónico.Además, en la información de cada inmueble podrá visualizarfotografías y planos, descripción detallada de superficie,habitaciones, servicios y memoria de calidades. Puede pedir lalocalización geográfica de cada inmueble y esta información sepresenta en Google maps i google street View.También se muestra la evolución del precio en algunos de losinmuebles para que pueda valorar las condiciones ventajosas en quese los ofrecemos.Una herramienta avanzada que le permitirá encontrar el inmueble desus sueños.La aplicación es compatible con versiones a partir de Android2.x y esta adaptada para tablets (Honeycomb).Solvia is the property ofBanco Sabadell. Find your apartment, house or business premises that best suitsyour needs. In Solvia can search for your ideal property in waysdifferent from those around you, even those who are in their usualvacation area, etc.The application includes: -Property search    Possibility of filtering by stock, propertytypes, price ranges or by number of rooms-Search real estate    Filtered by population, property types,prices, etc.-Property search 'around me'.    Based on its location, we show the propertynearby. And thanks to augmented reality service included in the'Search around me', you will see a much more visual propertieslocated in geographically closest circle.-Featured.    Featured Property search by price and chartproperties panel-Ability Solvia contact, by phone or email. In addition, information on each property can view photographs anddrawings, description of surfaces, rooms, services and buildingspecifications. You can ask the geographic location of eachproperty and the information is provided on Google maps i googlestreet view.It also shows the price development in some of the properties tobe able to assess the favorable conditions in which we offerthem. An advanced tool that allows you to find the property of yourdreams.The application is compatible with Android versions from 2.x isadapted for tablets (Honeycomb).
Sabadell Consumer 2.5.22
La APP de Sabadell Consumer es una herramientaque permite la solicitud de préstamos, de una forma sencilla eintuitiva permitiendo incluso la firma del contrato en el mismomomento. Además, nuestros prescriptores disponen de herramientas decontrol y seguimiento del status de las operaciones e incluso elenvío de la documentación asociada al préstamo, directamente desdeel propio aplicativo simplemente haciendo una fotografía aldocumento. Es una nueva forma de operar que ayuda a nuestrosclientes a realizar la firma de forma intuitiva en cualquier lugar,a cualquier hora y operando totalmente como una oficina sinpapeles.Consumer Sabadell APP isa tool that allows loan applications in a simple and intuitive wayallowing even the signing of the contract at the same time. Inaddition, our prescribers have tools to control and monitor thestatus of operations and even sending the documentation associatedwith the loan, directly from the application itself simply taking aphotograph the document. It is a new way of operating that helpsour customers realize intuitively signature anywhere, at any timeand fully operating as a paperless office.
Sabadell Chat 1.0.6
Sabadell chat es un nuevo servicio demensajería instantánea, que crea un nuevo modelo de relación entreel banco y sus clientes, y de éstos con sus contactos.Relaciónate con todos los contactos de tu agenda que tenganinstalada la aplicación. Compártela con aquellos que aún no la hanprobado. Envía o solicita dinero a tus contactos.Y por supuesto, contacta con uno de nuestros gestores siempreque lo necesites. Estamos a tu disposición las 24h del día, tambiénen Sabadell Chat.Sabadell chat is a newinstant messaging service, which creates a new relationship betweenthe bank and its customers, and between them and their contacts.Interact with all contacts in your address book that have theapplication installed. Share it with those who have not yet tried.Send or request money to your contacts.And of course, contact one of our managers whenever you need it.We're available 24 hours a day, also in Sabadell Chat.
Welcome to the Sabadell Urquijo app thatallows you to use our distance banking service from your mobile ortablet. Download it for free to access and manage your accounts,whenever and wherever you want, in an easy and hassle-freeway.ALL YOUR OPERATIONS FROM YOUR MOBILETo simplify your banking, we offer you access to all operations anddetails of each product in one place.+ ACCOUNTS: list of transactions; transfers; internal transfers toyour account or card; management of payment of direct debits, taxesand social insurance contributions and opening of newaccounts.+ CARDS: check transactions and settlements; extend credit limits;personalise payment terms; send cash to ATMs; internal transfer toaccounts; mobile top-ups and account use and blockingsettings.+ DEPOSITS: contract new deposits and change renewal options.+ SECURITIES: new orders to trade securities with market orders, atbest orders or limit orders, and open new securitiesaccounts.+ FUNDS: list of movements; fund subscription and activation of newcontract.+ PENSION AND SOCIAL SECURITY INSURANCE SCHEMES: check movements;regular or extraordinary contribution and activation of newscheme.+ FINANCING: activate Línea Expansión and pre-approved loans andearly amortisation of your mortgage.+ INSURANCE: see details of your policies and access the managementof policies and claims from the same screen.PUSH NOTIFICATIONSCustomise your alerts quickly and intuitively, and receivereal-time information on your accounts and cards movements.FINGERPRINTIf you have a Samsung device, you can use your fingerprint toaccess the app.PROFILEEasily customize your profile from a single place in the app, whereyou will find all of the configuration options, making it morecomfortable and easier for you!Do you like our app? You can leave us a rating in the stores orsend your suggestions to @BancoSabadell. We will be happy to helpyou.
Sabadell Wallet
Sabadell Wallet is the Banco Sabadell app forpaying for items with your mobile phone and sending or requestingmoney from your contacts, without having to take your wallet withyou.Pay for your purchases with Sabadell WalletYou can use Sabadell Wallet in any establishment that acceptsContactless payments. By setting up a default payment card, you canmake payments without having to open the app just by unlocking yourmobile phone and bring your mobile close to the Contactless POS.Besides, from Sabadell Wallet home you'll be able to choose anyother card to pay a purhcase just by swiping the cardscarousel.Send money to, or request money from, your contactsSabadell Wallet includes Bizum, a service for instant paymentsbetween accounts adopted by the majority of banks that allows youto send money to, and request money from, your contacts. Splittingthe bill for a meal, requesting a contribution for a gift orsetting up a kitty for your holidays is now as simple as openingSabadell Wallet, selecting a contact and indicating the amount thatyou wish to send or request.- Send and request money from your contacts or mobile numbers- Check money sent and received- Accept or reject pending requests- Send multiple requests and ask your contacts for moneysimultaneously.Complete range of card operationsSabadell Wallet also allows you to fully manage your cards:- Check how much you have spent and details of yourtransactions- Request an extension on your credit limit- Send money to a contact for them to collect from a cashmachine- Personalise the use of your cards to set purchase limits- Block your cards if they are lost or stolenAccess just with your fingerprint.If you have a Samsung device, you can now use your fingerprint toaccess the app.Like our app? You can leave us your evaluation at the stores orsend your suggestions to @BancoSabadell. We will be delighted toassist you.
TPV Móvil Sabadell 1.1
Sabadell TPV Móvil es el nuevo servicio quetepermitirá realizar cobros con tu Tablet y un Pinpad BlueToothoUSB, cumpliendo con todos los estándares de seguridad(PCI-DSS,etc)Las operativas y servicios disponibles en la app, son:- Cobra a tarjetas con chip (EMV) o banda magnética.- Realiza devoluciones (totales o parciales).- Consulta las ventas y devoluciones realizadas.- Permite la creación de tu catálogo de productos propiosconimágenes de tu galería o fotos.- Realiza cobros a tarjetas en monedas extranjeras (DynamicCurrencyConversion).- Envía el comprobante de compra por correo electrónico atusclientes.¡Tus aportaciones nos ayudan a mejorar! Haznos llegartussugerencias a través del portalén estamos a tu disposición las 24 horas en el 902 323 000-web - en redessocialesFacebook y Twitter (@BancoSabadell) y en nuestro Blog paramásinformación .Sabadell POS Mobile isanew service that lets you charges your tablet and PinpadBluetoothor USB, meeting all security standards (PCI-DSS,etc.)Operational and services available in the app are:- Cobra to chip cards (EMV) or magnetic stripe.- Make returns (total or partial).- Read sales and returns made.- Allows you to create your own product catalog with picturesfromyour gallery or photos.- Make collections to cards in foreign currencies (DynamicCurrencyConversion).- Send the proof of purchase by email to your customers.Your contributions help us improve! Give your suggestionsthroughthe website are also available 24 hours at 902 323 000 - Web - on FacebookandTwitter (BancoSabadell) and our Blog for more informationhttp://blog.bancsabadell. com /.
BSA Mòbil 1.7.2
BSA Mòbil és el servei de banca mòbildeBancSabadell d’Andorra. Podrà consultar l’estat dels seuscomptesen qualsevol moment: saldos de compte corrent, càrrecsiabonaments, moviments targeta de crèdit, compres de valors,entred’altres. També podrà realitzar operativa com l’enviamentdetransferències nacionals i internacionals, la compra devalors,etc. Les empreses podran consultar i signar fitxers oferl’operativa de la CASS.L’aplicació també disposa d’un buscador d’oficines icaixersmitjançant el qual podrà localitzar, en qualsevol moment,l’oficinao caixer més pròxim de la seva posició geogràfica.Finalment, l’aplicatiu posa al seu abast diversoscanalsd’Atenció al Client, en concret, els telèfons de Banca aDistànciai l’accés directe als comptes de Facebook i Twitter delBanc.BSA Mobile is themobilebanking service BancSabadell of Andorra. You can check thestatusof their accounts at any time: current account balances,chargesand payments, credit card movements, purchases ofsecurities, amongothers. You can also perform operations such assending nationaland international transfers, purchase ofsecurities, etc..Companies may view and sign files or operations ofthe CASS.The application form also has a branch and ATM through whichyoucan locate at any time, branch or ATM closest to theirgeographicalposition.Finally, the application makes available severalchannelsCustomer, specifically, mobile Banking and direct accesstoFacebook and Twitter accounts of the Bank.
TPV Móvil Sabadell Phone 1.0
¿Quieres realizar cobros con tu móvil comosifuera un TPV? Con la app TPV Móvil de Banco Sabadellpuedesefectuar cobros con un Smartphone y un Pinpad BlueTooth oUSB, contotal seguridad.¿Qué te permite hacer TPV Móvil de Banco Sabadell?- Realizar cobros a tarjetas con chip (EMV) o bandamagnética,también en monedas extranjeras (Dynamic CurrencyConversion).- Efectuar devoluciones (totales o parciales).- Consultar el listado de ventas y devoluciones realizadas.- Crear tu catálogo de productos propios con imágenes.- Envíar comprobantes de compra por correo electrónico atusclientes.¿Te gusta nuestra app? Haznos llegar tus sugerenciasa@BancoSabadell o llama al 902 323 000. Nos ayudas a mejorar.Do you want tomakecharges to your phone like a POS? With Mobile POS appBancoSabadell you can make charges with a Smartphone andPinpadBlueTooth or USB, safely.What allows you to TPV Banco Sabadell Mobile?- Making charges to chip cards (EMV) or magnetic stripe, alsoinforeign currencies (Dynamic Currency Conversion).- Make returns (total or partial).- Consult the list of sales and returns made.- Create your own product catalog with pictures.- Send proof of purchase by email to your customers.Like our app? Give your suggestions to @BancoSabadell or call902323 000. We help to improve.
Banco Sabadell México Empresas 1.0
Bienvenido a la aplicación de BancoSabadellpara operar en banca a distancia. Te permite consultar tuscuentasSabadell y hacer operaciones bancarias desde tu móvil de unaformafácil y cómoda. Con la aplicación de Banco Sabadell podrásaccedera tus cuentas, consultar tu saldo, los últimos movimientosyautorizar las transferencias cuando quieras y desde dondequieras,de forma fácil, cómoda y sin costo ni comisiones.Además visualiza la posición de tus cuentas mediante unainterfazmuy visual e intuitiva.Descárgala y actívala en solo unos minutos.Para activarla ten cerca tu usuario de acceso al serviciodebanca en línea para empresas y tu token. Si tienes algúnproblemapara activar tu servicio envíanos un correo o contáctanosalCAS.• Los datos de tus operaciones se transmiten protegidos y noseguardan en el celular.• Si extravías tu celular, nadie puede ingresar a tu servicio,solotú conoces la contraseña de acceso; además, puedesbloquearlallamando al Centro de Atención y Servicio.¡Tus aportaciones nos ayudan a mejorar! Haznos llegartussugerencias. Contáctanos en:• Centro de Atención y Servicio: 01800 1102200• Correo electrónico: InfoSabadell@bancosabadell.mxSitio web de Banco de Sabadell, S.A.: www.bancosabadell.mxWelcome to theapplicationof Banco Sabadell to operate in remote banking. Itallows you toview your accounts Sabadell and do banking from yourmobile in aneasy and convenient way. With the application of BancoSabadell youcan access your accounts, check your balance, recentmovements andauthorize transfers whenever you want and whereveryou want, easily,comfortably and without cost orcommissions.In addition displays the position of your accounts through ahighlyvisual and intuitive interface.Download it and activate it in minutes.To activate your user keep close access to onlinebankingservices for businesses and your token. If you have anyproblems toactivate your service please email or contact us atCAS.• The data of your operations are transmitted protected and arenotstored in the cell.• If you misplace your phone, no one can access your service,onlyyou know the password; Also, you can block it by callingtheService Center and Service.Your contributions help us to improve! Give yoursuggestions.Contact us at:• Care and Service Center: 01800 1102200• Email: InfoSabadell@bancosabadell.mxwebsite of Banco de Sabadell, S.A .:
Shareholders 2.2.4
Welcome to the Banco Sabadell Application for the GeneralShareholders Meeting 2021, which includes: + Official announcementof the General Shareholders Meeting + Calendar of events +Information regarding location + Access to the broadcast of theevent + Access to the Banco Sabadell App for the delegation ofvoting rights + Information for shareholders
Sabadell Zona Comercios 1.3.3(201)
La app Zona Comercios agrupa las operativas y gestiones del díaadía de tu TPV Banco Sabadell. Con esta app, te proporcionamosunarespuesta inmediata para cada situación derivada del uso de tuTPVBanco Sabadell, ya sea una incidencia técnica o consulta.Además,también podrás simular la financiación de una venta conlafuncionalidad "Flexipago" y recibir notificaciones. ¡Descárgalaya!
Sabadell Agro 1.5
News from the agri-food sector, fish market prices,PAC/Subsidiesand more.