Basan Game 应用

Tip: Warhammer 40K Freeblade 1.0.2
Basan Game
Warhammer 40K: Freeblade is a exciting gamethat have got App store Best of 2015 awards, including US best Gameon iPhone 6s, etc. Warhammer 40K: Freeblade is the Space MarineGodzilla game that you have been dreaming of. Warhammer 40K:Freeblade is the game that will let you destroy the future withmechanics. Warhammer 40K: Freeblade will let you feel the power ofan unstoppable war machine at your fingertips. Warhammer 40K:Freeblade will also let you witness the most visually stunningshooter available for your device. Warhammer 40K: Freeblade letsyou experience the world, characters and creatures of Warhammer 40Klike never before in stunning high detail using the latestgraphical effects. Warhammer 40K: Freeblade also lets you rip apartthe enemies of the Imperium with a mightly Chainsword.This is only a guide of Warhammer 40K: Freeblade.
Guide : Hay Day 1.0.2
Basan Game
This is a complete guide for hay day. It is amust download if you are fans of this game. It will help you to getinsights into the following contents very quickly including:! Excess Construction Equipment! Hidden Red Box! Patronage Achievement! Boat Order and Achievement! Exclusive Decorations! Mastery Level! Tips and Secrets I and II! Get money quickly! Diamond Trade Swap! Unusual Tricks
Tips for FIFA 12 1.0.2
Basan Game
This app contains a list of many tips you canuse to win more games on FIFA 12. Hopefully, these tips will helpyou become a better FIFA player and improve your rank.Contents involvesLay off the sprint button! Sprinting is useful, but not all thetime. Many players have the habit of always holding down the sprintbutton which gives them a lack of control over the ball. Only usethe sprint button when you have space to run onto in front ofyou.Do not be afraid to pass back in order to keep possession.Do not immediately dive in and try to steal the ball from youropponent, just jockey with him until he gets too close to the box.More often than not, you will just intercept a pass when he getsimpatient.
Tips for Neo Monsters 1.0.1
Basan Game
You have just inherited your late UncleHectorsmonster ranch in Neo Monsters.Capture and train Neo Monsters for your ranch as you explore aworldwith over 900 fully animated monsters.Battle your team against powerful rivals, and become theGrandChampion of the Neo Monsters Leagues!Take your teams in Neo Monsters to fight missions and shareyourmonsters with friends.Claim your place as the greatest Neo Monsters trainerworldwide!Here are some tips to help!