BitDeveloper 应用

German Article Finder 1.1.9
A very simple and fast tool to find the gender of a German noun!
Robo Darbuka 1.2.2
Write a Darbuka rhythm and Robo Darbuka will play it for you!
Dumbek Metronome
A very basic metronome ideal for practicing dumbek(doumbek,darbuka)
Guess Which Hand 1.0.2
The little cute girl hides a ball in one of her hands. You shouldguess which hand by touching it. If you guess correctly more andmore, she surprises you by delicious candies.
Show My Postal Address 1.1.6
Find and save your current postal address!
RoboDumbek Pro 1.0.3
Write a rhythm using basic or professionalsymbol notes and RoboDumbek Pro will play it for you. Also, you canselect popular rhythms as examples. This App is useful, incase:- you have a written rhythm and you want to know how it soundslike.- you have created a rhythm and you want to find out the correcttiming for the written symbol notes.- you want to know how a rhythm sounds like with changing thespeed.
Susi Bellydancer 1.0
If you want to learn belly dance in averysimple language, you are in the right place. During a setofinstructional videos, you will learn all possible belly dancemovesthat can be done with every part of your body. Susi breaksdowneach move in a number of simple steps. Then she puts themtogether,smooths it out and gradually speeds it up.Susi is a cartoon character. Using cartoon for this purposehasseveral benefits:1. It makes you smile and is inspiring for kids too.2. It shows that belly dance is not as difficult as peoplethink.When a cartoon can belly dance, why not you?3. Since the body details are not shown in a cartoon, it provesthatby following the steps correctly, the move will look like thesame,regardless of how muscular/fat/old you are.The videos are not related to a particular belly dance style.Someof the moves are for beginners and some for intermediates. Theymayalso help belly dance instructors break down the moves fortheirstudents in a very simple way.
German Article A1 A2 B1 1.1.1
Practice articles (der, die, das) of the whole German A1, A2, B1nouns.
Navigate Without Map Free 1.0.4
This application helps you find your way back to your departingpoint without the need for any map or Internet connection. Ittracks you and depicts your route constantly so that you can besure whether you are taking the same way to get to your initiallocation. Even if you are not taking exactly the same way back, youcan still see how much close or away you are getting from thestarting point. You may pin locations on your route and see thezoomed view of the route around your current point. If theapplication closes intentionally or by mistake, your last route isalways being saved so that you can load it and continue thenavigation. Here the initial point is denoted by a green circle andthe last point is shown by a red circle. To access an unlimitedroute size please install the paid version of Navigate Without Map.
German Learning Chat Room 1.2.2
Using this application you can group chat to improve your skills inGerman language. There are different chat rooms for beginner,intermediate, and advanced level of German knowledge, so that youcan more efficiently communicate and exchange your knowledge withpeople.
Leben in Deutschland 300Fragen 1.3.7
All general questions and state questions for the test "Leben inDeutschland"
Decibel to Watt
watt, milliwatt, dBW, dBm converter
Simple AdSense Widget 1.0.1
This widget generates a simple report ontheperformance of your AdSense account.The report comprises your earnings, views, and clicks which canbeset for today or this month.The user can set the update rate of the report. Also, clickingonthe widget will update the report instantly.Please note that you need to add the widget to your home screentouse it. Long-press the home screen and select the widget fromthelist of those installed on your device.
Postal Address Widget 1.1.2
This is a widget that shows your currentpostaladdress. Simply click on the widget for an instant update ofyourpostal address. The widget is as small as possible so that youcanfit it on your screen among many other icons.Please note that you need to add the widget to your home screentouse it. Long-press the home screen and select the widget fromthelist of those installed on your device.
Make Me Belly Dance 1.0.2
In this App, you ask a cartoon character to belly dance for you.You can ask her to move a certain part of her body or to improvisea sequence of moves in a dance form with the music.
Dumbek Split Finger Trainer
Practice the Dumbek (Darbuka,Tabla) split finger technique on yourdevice screen
Robo Flute 1.1.3
Native American Flute, Quena, Quenacho, Bansuri, Zampoña, Recorder,Ocarina, ..!
Music To Disco Light 1.0
Click on the microphone button and play amusicor sing a song. Your device flashlight will flash like discolightsaccording to your music beats. You can also adjust thesensitivityof the application to detect less or more beats in themusic.If the room is dark enough and a music is playing in theroom,running this application on your device, or even onmultipledevices, will create disco light dancing with the playingmusicbeats.
Robo Bansuri 1.0.4
Enter a musical phrase and hear how it sounds like with an IndianBansuri flute!
Color to Hex 1.0.2
This app is particularly useful forandroiddevelopers. You can pick a color from the color chart andsee itscorresponding hex code or type an arbitrary hex code and seeitsequivalent color.
Wortschatz Deutsch A1 A2 B1 1.1.2
The whole German A1, A2, B1 vocabulary with translations.
German Word Game A1 A2 B1
An entertaining educational game for learning German words in levelA1, A2, B1
My Pregnancy Info Widget 1.0.2
This app widget attaches to your home screen and showsyourpregnancy related info everyday. This information includesyourcurrent pregnancy week and day, the number of days left untilyourdue date, your baby current length and weight. The widget infoisupdated every day automatically. Click on the widget to seemoredetails about your pregnancy in the week. This informationoutlinesyour baby as well as your body changes in the week, using averysimple language, and avoiding medical terminology as muchaspossible. To add the widget to your home screen, long-pressthehome screen and select the widget from the list of thoseinstalledon your device. To set the widget, you need to provideyourpregnancy related information in the SETTING tab.
Susi Belly Dance Break Down 1.1.1
A cartoon character breaks down all belly dance moves in a numberof easy steps!
Pregnancy Water Tracker Widget 1.0.2
In pregnancy, it is very important to stay hydrated during theday.The recommended water intake is at least 80 oz (2.3 L) perday.This app widget attaches to your home screen and shows yourwaterintake so far. When the widget color is red, it means thatyourwater intake is too low. When your water intake reachestherecommended value, the widget color turns to green. Therefore,itis a constant reminder of staying well hydrated duringpregnancy.The widget will reset to zero every day automatically. Itcan alsobe reset manually by the user. By clicking on the widget,the usercan select the water unit (liter or ounce) and then selectthedesired amount of water from a list to add it to his/hercurrentwater intake.
Baby Feeding Diaper Tracker Widget 1.0.1
This app widget attaches to your home screen and shows thetimeelapsed since the last feeding and diaper change, as well asyourbaby's daily intake. Also, you can add your baby's photo tothewidget. Click on the widget whenever you feed your baby orchangeher diaper. Also, you can specify the amount of feeding, ifknown.
Making Facial Expressions 1.1.2
Make facial expression combinations.
German Adjective Endings 1.0.6
Learn and practice all forms of adjective endings in Germanlanguage!
Build Own Dictionary 1.2.2
Create your own dictionaries during learning a foreign language!
German Verbs Past Prepositions 1.1.2
Learn and practice the perfect, imperfect and prepositions ofGerman verbs.
Photo to Coloring Book 1.5.8
Convert your photos to a coloring book!
Simple Blackboard 1.3
A simple blackboard for drawing, jotting down, illustration, mathcalculation...
Drawing to Animation for Kids 1.0.1
A game for preschoolers that converts their drawing to animation.
Daily Ayat 1.4.1
Quran widget with daily verse, Quran search, Quran chat, andmemorisation tool
Smart Games for Little Kids
A collection of kids games that use some device sensors in aninteractive manner
Create Own Map 1.2.3
Create a custom map of your neighborhood and navigate.
Rohingya Dictionary 1.2.6
Rohingya-to-English and English-to-Rohingya Dictionary
Black White Animals for Babies 1.0.4
Black & white animals with interactive animations forbaby'svisual stimulation.
Educational Games for Babies 1.0.5
A collection of games for babies and toddlers for having funandlearning.