Blau Technology 应用

WiFi Meter 1.1
Blau Technology
The free space path loss, also known as FSPLis the loss in signal strength that occurs when an electromagneticwave travels over a line of sight path in free space. In thesecircumstances there are no obstacles that might cause the signal tobe reflected refracted, or that might cause additional attenuation.The free space path loss calculations only look at the loss ofthe path itself and do not contain any factors relating to thetransmitter power, antenna gains or the receiver sensitivitylevels. These factors are normally address when calculating a linkbudget and these will also be used within radio and wireless surveytools and software.
blauWear 1.1
Blau Technology
Aplicación para reloj con información devalorde la UF y valor del dolarApplicationclockinformation value of the UF and dollar value
SmartTouch 1.8
Blau Technology
* 2 Alarms* Chronometer* Whether* Compass* AltitudeData based on GPS from the phone.
Xmas Clock for AndroidWear 1.0
Blau Technology
Nice Xmas Clock FaceNice Xmas ClockFace