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Body Language Guide v1.3
The Body Language Guide will allow you to read people like a bookand know what they are relaly thinking.From infancy, we begin to use body language to expressourselves, from everything between needs and feelings. It is how welearn to get our needs met. As we age while learning to talk, wecontinue to use a series of body language signals along with agrunt here and there to entertain, have a need met, or show anemotion we are feeling that we are not yet able to expressverbally. If, while we are young, our caretakers pick up our bodylanguage signals easily, as we age we are more apt to continue torefine the skill of using body language.However, when our body language signals go unnoticed as aninfant or throughout childhood, in adulthood, the use of bodylanguage often goes to the wayside. Those are the adults you hearpeople refer to as “hard to read”. Although they can make greatpoker players, it does little for the art of subtle communication.Like the saying goes, if you don’t use it, you lose it, or in theleast, get real rusty at it.Life is a game of sorts. There are no guarantees in anything,however, you can higher your odds in the game of life if practice,and not just your body language skills, but your ability to readbody language, and all other aspects of life. Communication throughall forms is detrimental in life. It can make the differencebetween landing a dream job or that dream mate and many otherfactors. People use on an average of 50% body language to 50%verbal language when communicating.
Make Her Toes Curl v1.2
Today's women are complex, strong andindependent. They juggle careers, family, and a personal life oftheir own. So, how do you play Casanova to the modern day woman?The fact that she attempts to be every woman is exactly why youneed to make her feel like one.I don’t care if she is the best friend, who loves ESPN, and goesbeer for beer with you on game night. She doesn’t need anexplanation of romance. Females are born with a gene that allowsthem to just “know.” Romance is what every woman wants out of arelationship, and most feel they don’t get enough of it. But,romance is a tricky thing many men know nothing about. And shewon’t tell you either, because she expects you to just “know.”After reading this guide, you will not only know – you will haveall the tools needed to make her toes curl…
Eliminate Stress v1.2
Life today can be overwhelming – there’s no denying that! Stressand anxiety can seem to take over our lives and render us helpless.It’s easy to get caught up in all the drama and let those stressorsdictate how we live. Believe me, I know!I personally have dealt with an anxiety disorder that wasaggravated and brought on by excessive stress. This illness hasdebilitated me for years leaving me ill-equipped to deal with eventhe smallest problem. That is, until I figured out how to manage mystress and anxiety.It will be an ongoing struggle for me, but the first step waslearning how to cope with stressful situations that could bring onmy anxiety. I had to spend a lot of money on doctors andtherapiststo get those tools that would enable to live a fulfilling life.The good news is that if you are suffering from anxiety andexcessive stress, you won’t have to spend the same amount of moneyI did just to deal with my daily stress. You can get all theinformation you need – right here in this amazing book,“Eliminating Stress and Anxiety From Your Life”!
100 Dog Training Tips v1.2
The 100 Dog Training Tips EVERY Dog Owner Should Know!It happens to be a accepted reality that a dog is a mans bestfriend. Of the same expression a particular untrained dog cangenerally be a mans worst nightmare.Subsequently, puppy training is a a really important aspect ofowning a puppy. There are really numerous good reasons preciselywhy a dog must be trained.A misbehaving puppy can place a strain throughout the ownersrelationship with the animal. Rather of the time invested with himor her being a happy period, it can be extremely difficult for boththe human and additionally animal.This really is more so if younger children are really involvedand additionally their protection is compromised. Some kind ofuntrained dogs behavior when outside the home can be some sort ofshame to the owner, causing the animal being home-bound.A particular uncontrolled puppy can result in drainedcommitments with the friends. Not various individuals will putupwards by way of a puppy that barks incessantly, day or perhapsnight. Neighbors will furthermore complain of animals that digupwards lawns or chew up reticulation pipes.To take pleasure in the company of your dog and also to maintainevery one of the relationships, alongside your dog and also thefriends, on a happy footing, training should begin because soon asthe pup is brought home. Initial training is straight-forward aswell as should consist of lavatory training, and also everydaycommands like sit, lay down, remain, come when called andadditionally hiking in a leash.As the dog will get older, it can obey the commands of theholder even alongside the distraction of different canines around.This makes making puppy for a walk, or maybe a park or the beach,in which there will be other animals, a stress-free exercise.Retaining the dog from barking all the time, especially at night,is additionally some kind of important part of the training.The character and reach of training definitely will depend onthe cause for acquiring the dog. If the animal is solely a homepet, then fundamental obedience training is enough. If the animalhas a pedigree and also is being trained to generally be a programpuppy, then more advanced training techniques is needed.
Guide To Winning Men's Hearts 1.0
Do you know what all of the most successfulwomen that get men in the world have in common?That one factor that separates the leaders from thefollowers?It’s the ability to act with confidence, no matter thechallenge!Just look at President Obama and Mahatma Gandhi...I'mkidding.They both possess unique leadership qualities that make themgreat movers of their time.One of their most special qualities is the ability to portrayconfidence and take action which makes them leaders in theirrespective fields.It doesn’t matter what field you are in – Dating, Sales,corporate training, or even internet marketing, having confidencewill help you create results fast and achieve your desiredlifestyle.Here’s the cold, hard fact:Confidence is a learn-able skill! If you don’t master the skillof building powerful confidence, you won’t be able to live life toyour fullest potential!Ask yourself, have you ever faced any of these problems in yourlife?Feeling helpless and unable to act when faced with good lookingmenUnable to climb the ladder of success fast because you don’tpossess the the confidence to be a leaderOther people seem to accomplish tasks more easily andconfidently compared to youYou are totally clueless when it comes to building personalconfidenceWell, you are not alone. I’ve once walked down this lost pathand I told myself that I would do whatever it takes to figure outthe key to building ultimate confidence.And after years of research, I’ve finally come up with theultimate solution.Introducing…Getting Your GuyThe Surefire Guide To Winning The Heart Of The Perfect Man OfYour Heart's DesireHere’s an overview of this ultimate guide to buildingconfidence:You'll be exposed to a ton of strategies of conquering fear andboosting your confidenceYour love life will start to improve dramatically because of theconfident you possess!You'll never know the meaning of fear ever again!Let me shed some light on some things that may be on yourmind:Will this help me overcome any task easily?Short answer: Absolutely! This manual is all about helping youbuild your confidence so that you can accomplish any taskfearlessly. You’ll need a lion’s heart if you want to achieveresults fast, whether if its to build a huge business empire ortalk to that guy down the street.Will I be able to implement these strategies easily?Most definitely! The steps to these proven confidence buildingstrategies have been mapped out clearly in this guide so thatanyone – whether a novice or beginner can start using and achievingresults fast!Wow, this is too good to be true! Will this cost me a bomb?Here’s the good news, NO.I want everybody to be able to haveaccess to these great confidence building tools because I knew whatit was, being afraid of facing men because I felt I was unworthy...I want this ultimate guide to “jump start” your success regardlessof the field you are in.If you’re still sitting on the fence, here’s 5 great reasons toinvest in Getting Your Guy:You’ll never have that feeling of fear ever again, and with yournew found confidence, you can explode your results by overcomingchallenges fearlessly!These secret effective confidence building techniques are onlyknown by a select few successful people, and you’ll be gettingaccess to these precious jewels immediately!Thousands of hours are wasted just because people fail toutilize the power of personal confidence to help them achieveresults fast. Isn’t about time you changed things?Your friends will be begging you to tell them your secrets tobeing so confident!With your new found confidence building tools, you’ll easilycover your investment in this guide and starting raking in tons ofcold hard cash in your businesses!
Eat Yourself Thin 1.0
Does this sound like you?* You jump from one weight loss program to another, in hopes offinding something that really works.* You have been let down time after time and left with a great dealof disappointment, because nothing has ever worked.* You are feeling like a failure because you just couldn't lose theweight and started blaming yourself for lack of control.* You feel, due to your age, your metabolism is no longer capableof loosing significant weight.Stop blaming yourself or your age, it just is not true!There are as many quick fixes to weight loss, as there are GetRich Quick schemes on the market. So many diets simply are notstructured in order to create a significant weight loss for anyone.They totally negate their entire purpose by using processed foodsand artificial ingredients that actually block the loss ofweight.How To Burn Fat While EatingIt's very difficult to understand what your body really needs inorder to maintain good health and burn off fat at the same time.There are many misleading products, pushed by manufacturers,claiming to be low in fat, low in carbs and will help you loseweight.The sad fact is, a lot of these low cal foods, sweeteners andsodas can actually cause you to gain weight and force your body tostore these fats instead.The FACT IS, you can lose weight quickly and easily by boostingyour metabolism and eating magic diet foods! This might seem togood to be true, but to the contrary it's not!You did not put on a few extra pounds because you ate thatchocolate cake yesterday. You gained extra pounds because you havebeen constantly eating that chocolate cake and other WRONGfoods!We live in a society that is drowning in high sugar contents,saturated fats from fried foods and high levels of carbs in oursoft drinks. While all of these offer great flavor, they areextremely unhealthy, they are artificially processed and will makeyou obese!It's totally unpractical to think you will spend your entirelife never eating carbs, living on diet pills and be pleased, asall get up and go, eating awful, bland, weird foods every day ofyour life. It's just not going to happen!The Easiest & Quickest Way to Lose Weight - UncoveredThe easiest and quickest way to lose weight is by eating theRIGHT FOODS! Eating certain natural foods combined with a wellbalanced diet will not only help you reduce your weight but alsoimprove your overall health.The secret to losing weight is understanding the differencebetween bad foods and good foods and the overall effect these foodshave on your body.Learn exactly what foods to eat in order to help you melt awayunwanted body fat.Here Are The FactsThrough extensive research, there are many foods that haveproven, over and over, to literally burn body fat, speed up weightloss and promote good health.Amazing Diet Foods Really WorkThe most amazing thing about these magic diet foods is theyreally do work. They are 100% natural, high in vitamins andminerals, low in calories and many possess disease-fightingantioxidants that are food for your health.When consumed at the right time of day, these magic foods areable to suppress your appetite quite naturally and will fill you upwithout added calories.1000's of years, cultures, including Asia, have been consumingfoods and herbal drinks that have significantly cured weightproblems and diseases.Giving yourself the right foods, your body will run properly,you will be healthier and your metabolism will skyrocket!We are going to reveal the Magic Foods that can transform yourbody from a fat into a slim, reshaped body in weeks, whiledetoxifying your entire system!* Discover how to burn fat fast, the natural way.* Tips, techniques and strategies for boosting yourmetabolism.* What foods will satiate your appetite while filling you upwithout piling on calories* You will discover how to change your mindset and burn significantcalories at the same time.
Stop Smoking In A Week v1.1
The purpose of this book is to assist you tobecome tobacco-free forever, without the urge to start-up again. Injust one week after starting to quit smoking, you can be free fromsmoking forever. Information in this Ebook is based on evidencefrom research on treatments and counseling that help people quitsmoking.If you are about to quit, do you know what to do to fight off thaturge to smoke another cigarette? Do you know the reasons that causeyou to light up that cigarette? If you are still smoking, you needto ask yourself, “Am I ready to quit the smoking habit”? Can I doit successfully?This book will help you quit smoking!
Dog Potty Training v1.0
There's also the reality that your puppy won’thave sufficient bladder and bowel controls before he’s 16 weeks ofage. Quite simply, he’s unable to “hold it” for extensive periodsso you have to be extra vigilant in that period. But that doesn’tindicate that you can’t start housetraining her as soon as he putpaws inside your home. It simply means that you need to expect yourpup to have a handful of accidents. But don’t fret; this eBookfeatures everything you’ll need to deal with these little mishaps,from the best way to react to tips on how to clean up.Some people think housebreaking is as simple as just keeping thedog on a regular eating, drinking and potty-outing routine where heis taken out every few hours. Or they believe the dog will be fullyhousetrained within a week or two.
Power of Concentration v1.2
The Power of Concentration is course oflessons intended to teach the reader how to concentrate, with thebelief that the person who is able to concentrate can betterutilize constructive thoughts and shut out the destructive ones."Success is assured when you are able to concentrate for you arethen able to utilize for your good all constructive thoughts andshut out all destructive ones. It is of the greatest value to beable to think only that which will be beneficial."The chapters are:1. Concentration Finds the Way2. The Self-Mastery: Self-Directing Power of Concentration3. How to Gain what You Want through Concentration4. Concentration: The Silent Force that Produces Results in AllBusiness5. How Concentrated Thought Links All Humanity Together6. The Training of the Will to Do7. The Concentrated Mental Demand8. Concentration Gives Mental Poise9. Concentration Can Overcome Bad Habits10. Business Results Gained through Concentration11. Concentrate on Courage12. Concentrate on Wealth13. You Can Concentrate, But Will You?14. Art of Concentrating with Practical Exercise15. Concentrate So You Will Not Forget16. How Concentration Can Fulfill Your Desire17. Ideals Develop by Concentration18. Mental Control Through Concentration19. Concentrated Will Development20. Concentration Reviewed
How to Make Money on Weekends v1.3
Need extra cash fast, this book will revealover 30 ways to make extra money on the weekend fast!
Affirmations for Success v1.2
Affirmations are a powerful ingredient inpositive thinking. They are not statements that you wish to betrue; they are statements that you must believe are true.Affirmations are positive statements describing a desiredcondition in your life. That condition may not yet exist, but theaffirmation is spoken as though it does. A simple example might be:“I am at peace with my life.” This is repeated several times on adaily basis, out loud or mentally, the aim being to program thesubconscious mind into producing the desired outcome. They must besincerely felt, and spoken in the present tense with conviction andenthusiasm.We carry out such mental programming every day whether we knowit or not; the trick is to make this programming conscious andpositive. The alternative is to be unaware that we are issuingnegative affirmations to ourselves. If you have ever made a mistakeand muttered “I am such an idiot”, you have given yourself anegative affirmation. The problem is that any negative affirmationyou give enters your subconscious mind and has a harmful effect –it creates your reality.Positive thinking as a popular psychology can be traced back to1937, with Napoleon Hill’s bestselling Think and Grow Rich. Thisbook remains important today, although there have been countlesssimilar guides written in the years since on the subject ofpositive thinking for personal success.Many books on positive thinking, like Think and Grow Rich, focusmainly on the financial benefits to be gained from altering yourthoughts. The reason for this is obvious: it taps into the desireof so many people to become wealthy. Whilst this may be geared tocapturing the public imagination, it may also give doubters andnewcomers the wrong impression. People buy these books expectingsome incredible revelation, and do not expect to be told that allthey have to do is start thinking positively.The answer is so simple it is easy to dismiss it, but simpledoes not always mean easy. Reprogramming a mind that has sufferednegative thoughts and affirmations for years can be tough.Despite the plethora of Think and Grow Rich-type books, positivethinking is infinitely more than trying to make yourself rich. Thepeople most likely to get rich off such financially-oriented bookson positive thinking are the authors. The rest of us can be leftfeeling a little cheated, and therefore disillusioned with thewhole notion.This is a great shame, because positive thinking has the power totransform your life, and affirmations are the cornerstone ofbeginning and maintaining this successful transformation.
Health And Wealth Magnetism 1.2
Using The Law Of Attraction To Create Health& Wealth!Your health and wealth improves by a proper blend of spiritualand material principles. What are these principles? In this eBook,we try to understand these enigmatic principles of life.SummaryLet us begin by understanding what the Law of Attraction reallyis all about.Table Of ContentsChapter 1: The Law of Attraction – What It Really Is and What It IsNotChapter 2: Understanding the SecretChapter 3: Mindset and ManagementChapter 4: Pivoting Your Thought ProcessChapter 5: The Secret and Your MoneyChapter 6: Wealth Manifestation through the Law of AttractionChapter 7: Applications to Internet MarketingChapter 8: The Secret and Your HealthChapter 9: Balancing the Inner Self and the Outer SelfChapter 10: Improving Your Future
Exploring EFT v1.3
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. Itworks to free the user of both physical and emotional pain andrelieve chronic conditions by healing the physical responses ourbodies make after we’ve been hurt or experienced pain. While somepeople do not carry the effects of these experiences, others havebodies that hold onto these memories, which affect the way the bodyworks.Because it is a free and fast technique, even if you are not onehundred percent committed to whether it works or not, it is stillworth giving it a shot and seeing if there is any improvement. It’sabout physical connections rather than trying to alter yoursubconscious or similar so even if it is applied with lessenthusiasm than is optimal it still should show results.EFT uses finger taps on certain parts of the body to reboot yourbody and get it working better. It’s a combination of both thescience of Acupuncture and of Mind Body Medicine. WhereasAcupuncturists need needles, this can be done with nothing morethan your own hand.It is easiest to deal with thought patterns first, but as theyare sorted and catered to, and your ability to better zero in onthe root causes evolve, it is a simple step to start combatingphysical problems as well.While some people require several sessions, others find onesession of EFT can permanently eliminate an issue they havestruggled with for years.
Top Ways To Save 1.2
15 Top Ways To Save MoneyTHE EXPERT GUIDE TO SAVING MONEYTable of Contents:How to save on insuranceHow to save on auto loansHow to save on mortgage loansHow to save on credit cardsHow to save on gasolineHow to save on car repairsHow to save on home improvementHow to save on home heating and energyHow to save on phone serviceHow to save on major appliancesHow to save on furnitureHow to save on clothingHow to save on groceriesHow to save on vacationsHow to save on prescription drugs
Beauty Secrets 1.2
Over 150 Beauty Secrets! Ever since Eve tookthat first bite of the apple, the human race has been obsessed withbeauty. Granted, each civilization has had it’s own definition ofwhat attributes are used to define beauty.Ancient Egyptian women AND men used various naturalpigments to color their bodies in an attempt to appear morefavorably to the “gods.” Headdresses and jewelry have adornedpeoples throughout history with the expectation that these itemsmight improve their appearance.
Deer Hunting Guide v1.2
How To Turn Your Next Deer Hunting Trip IntoThe Adventure Of A Lifetime!Whitetail or Mule – Do YOU Know the Difference?Even if you’ve never hunted before we can give you all theinformation you need to enjoy a successful hunting trip. No matterwhat your reasons you can prepare for your first deer-hunting tripconfident that you have all the information you need to bag yourfirst deer.No matter what your reasons for learning everything you need toknow about hunting for deer you will find the answers you need inWhitetail or Mule - A Hunters Guide to Deer Hunting.Whether it’s the boss or a family member, you’ve just beeninvited on your first trip hunting for deer. You’re excited ANDnervous. You’ve hunted small game before, but this trip is afirst!Even though your host knows this is your first large gamehunting experience, you would still like to have at least a littleunderstanding about what to expect.You’re in the right place at the right time! Whitetail or Mule -A Hunters Guide to Deer Hunting will answer those burning questionsfor you. Just take a look:• Whitetail or Mule – Yep, there is a difference. Do you know whichis the larger? You’ll learn that plus their habits and traits andsize does matter!• Weapons - What type of weapon do you use to bring down yourprey?• Bow Hunting – This has been coined as the ultimate huntingexperience for those who prefer the bow to a firearm.• Clothing – What you need to know about the clothing you shouldtake along. Don’t overdo the choices, but learn what you can’t dowithout!• Licenses – There isn’t an area in the United States where youdo not need a hunting license. Learn all about the does anddon’ts.• Setting Up Camp – If you’ve ever been camping then you are astep ahead, but there are some distinctive requirements when it’s ahunting trip. Learn what they are in this chapter.• Building a Stand – Not to be confused with a Stephan Kingnovel, this is a unique structure specifically for hunting.Discover what it is and why you should consider it.• Where to Hunt - Aside from the legal requirements you need toknow where to look for your prey. We’ll tell you in thischapter.• Scents, Tracking and Calls - How to track your prey and arecalls at all helpful?• Field Dressing – Learn how to prepare your deer fortransport.• Processing – How and where to take your deer for butcheringand packaging.• Taxidermy – Do you want to keep your prize? Learn how toselect the right taxidermist.• In a Nutshell – You’ve learned a lot, let’s review so you areready to apply it to next time!• Venison Recipes – Mmmmm good!Okay, so maybe you won’t come off as an expert on your firsttrip but you can be prepared for the experience and if nothing elseyou have an understanding of the basics of deer hunting.And, isn’t that what it’s really all about? Learning a littlebit about the sport ahead of time. Just a little bit of preparationand you can insure an enjoyable experience.This is an extremely comprehensive guide on deer hunting.
How to Boost Your Metabolism 1.0
You don't have a slow metabolism. You have ametabolism that reacts to how you treat your body. And that's goodnews, because you can control your metabolism to burn off caloriesand help you lose weight effectively.The metabolism is one of the most mis-understood processes ofthe human body. You may have even made the mistake of thinking itwas a body part! It's not. And the lack of information is leavingpeople confused.Each year, tens of millions of people attempt to retake controlover their health and the shape of their body. And each year, tensof millions of people feel that they've "failed" because, try asthey might, they just can't speed up their metabolism.But the failure isn't the dieter or exerciser. The failure iswith the medical and nutritional sector as a whole. It simply hasnot provided people with the information they need to speed uptheir metabolism!
Lucid Dreaming Guide v1.3
BEGINNERS GUIDE TO LUCID DREAMINGLucid Dreaming Made EasyEach night, we spend about one and a half to two hours dreaming.We dream about once every 90 minutes of sleep. The time you spendin dreams becomes longer throughout the night, from about 10minutes to around 45 minutes or slightly longer. But what happenswhen we sleep?There are five stages of sleep: four stages of NREM (Non-REM)sleep, also called SWS (Slow-Wave Sleep), and one stage of REM(Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. The most vivid dreams, and thereforethe ones we remember the most, occur during REM sleep (though wedream in other stages too). One sleep cycle is roughly 90 minuteslong.This free book covers these topics and many more...DREAMING EXPLAINED"I never dream anyway."Why do we dream? What do dreams mean?WHAT IS LUCID DREAMING?"I Can't Control My Dreams.""Are Lucid Dreams Related To PSI Phenomena?""How Long Does It Take To Learn How To Dream Lucidly?""I Think I Do This Naturally. Does This Happen?""I Had [dream], Was I Lucid?"
Credit Repair Tips 1.2
101 Credit Repair Tips , rebuilt your creditfast and easilyNO matter what type of credit you are applying for, whether it'sa credit card, loan or mortgage, they all have one thing in common,the chances of being accepted rely on your credit score.When you apply for a credit card, the credit card provider willlook at your credit rating, credit report and other information tocreate your credit score. This helps them decide whether to acceptyour application, what your credit limit will be and in some casesthe interest rate you will be charge
Delicious Desserts 1.0
Over 430 delicious desserts packes in one book, you should neverrunout of dessert ideas again!Book includes built in search, page zooming, flipping and go topagenumber functions.Here are some of the mouth watering dessert recipes..."Brown Bag" French Apple Pie1,000 Calorie-A-Bite TrifleMother Ebert's Angel PieWatergate Pie9 Minute Fresh Fruit PieAcorn PieAgnes's Mocha Velvet PieAll-American Apple PieAll-American Apple TurnoversAlmond Macaroon Cherry PieAlmond-Streusel Peach PieAlmond-Topped Pear PieAmazing Coconut PieAmazing CookiesAmbrosiaAmerican Persimmon PieAmericana Key Lime PieAmish Brown Sugar PieAmish Oatmeal PieAmish Peanut Butter Cream PieAmish Vanilla PieAngel Pecan PieApple Almond PieApple Blueberry PieApple Cinnamon Syrup PieApple Cranberry PieApple Crumb PieApple Crumble PieApple Crunch Pie with Cinnamon Ice CreamApple Honey Crumble PieApple Meringue PieApple Pastry SquaresApple Phyllo KissesApple Pie - European Sour CreamApple Pie - Italian Crostata Di Mele)Apple Pie a la ApricotApple Pie CakeApplescotch PieApricot Creme TartApricot-Cheese PastriesArizona Pecan Chocolate Rum PieAunt Mildred's Noodle KugelAvocado Lime Chiffon PieAvocado Lime Pie with MeringueBaked ApplesBaked Crumb CrustBaked Peanut Butter PieBaklavaBanana Caramel PieBanana Custard PuddingBanana Guava PieBanana Meringue PieBanana PieBanana Split CakeBasic Crust IBasic Crust 2Basic Crust 3Basic Crust 4Bavarian Chocolate PieBe-My-Valentine PieBerlinerkranzerBerry Best Fried PiesBerry CobblerBest "Key Lime" PieBetty Carter's Double Pecan PieBlack Bottom Peanut Butter Chip PieBlackberry Custard PieBlueberry Cream PieBlueberry TorteBlueberry-And-Walnut PieBob Andy PieBorder TartBoston Cream PieBourbon Pecan PieBoysenberry Syrup PieBronwyn's Oatmeal SliceBumbleberry Apple PieBusy Day CobblerButter CookiesButter Tart PieButtermilk PieButternut BiscuitsButterscotch Custard PieButterscotch Oat SquaresButterscotch Rolled CookiesCaramel Apple PieCaramel Nut Angel PieCarrot CakeCarrot Raisin BarsChocolate Sponge PieChef Freddy's Apple Rhubarb PieChef Freddy's Simply Peachy Apple PieCherry Almond Mouse PieCherry Cream Cheese PieCherry-Cream PieChiffon Jam Scum PieChocolate Banana Pudding PieChocolate Brandy CreamChocolate Chip Nut Pie (Kentucky Derby Pie)Chocolate Chip-Peanut Butter PieChocolate Coconut Crunch PieChocolate Crusted Peanut Butter PieChocolate Hazelnut TartChocolate Malted-Milk PieChocolate Mousse PieChocolate Mousse Pie -2Chocolate Peppermint Angel PieChocolate Turtle PieChocolate Walnut PieChristmas StarsCoconut CrunchCoconut CustardCoconut Meringue DropsCoconut PieConcord Grape PieConfetti PieCookie Sheet Apple PieCorey's Lemon PieCorn Flake or Cereal Pie CrustCranberry - Raspberry Meringue PieCranberry PieCranberry-Apple CookiesCream Cheese Butter CookiesCream Cheese Pound CakeCream Fruit Pie FillingCream PuffsCreamy Lemon Cheese PieCreamy Peanut Butter Pie with Fudge Sauce ToppingCreme De Menthe PieCrumb Pie CrustCrumb Pie ShellCrustless Apple PieCustard PieDad's MincemeatDanish PuffDark FruitcakeDe Luxe Apple PieDeep Dish Double Berry PieDeep-Dish Apple Pie with a Cheddar CrustDeep-Dish Pear PieDerby PieDiabetic No Sugar Apple PieDiabetic PopoversAnd many many more!
Coconut Oil Diet v1.2
Find out how coconut oil can, cure commonillnesses saving you hundreds in doctors’ fees, help you loseweight without losing the great taste of your favorite foods andmuch, much more!Yummy coconut recipes are now included!Coconut oil has long been held in high repute by natural healthspecialists and doctors from a massively diverse range ofcountries. Western medicine has been slow to catch on to the healthbenefits of coconut oil but cutting edge research is finallycatching up to what eastern doctors have known for centuries;COCONUT OIL IS GOOD FOR YOU!Whilst many claims are made about the benefits of coconut oil inyour diet and as a topical skin treatment finding good informationon the wide range of benefits coconut oil can have for you can beincredibly time consuming and tricky.This book has been compiled for exactly these reasons we havespent weeks crawling cyberspace and reading medical reports to tryand find as much concrete information on the myriad of benefitsthat coconut oil can offer YOU. This guide gives you a completebreakdown of all the health benefits of coconut oil and a completeguide to how YOU can start using it to improve your health.This book tells you when to use coconut oil, why you should beusing coconut oil and how coconut oil can improve your health ANDcure common illnessesOur complete guide to natural coconut oil health gives you acomprehensive insight into–Coconut oil and your hair – Find out whether coconut oil canimprove the condition of your hair. Plus a comprehensive expositionof whether coconut oil can prevent hair loss and re-invigorate yourhair.Coconut oil and skincare – Find out how coconut oil can keepyour skin looking young fresh and firm. Plus find out which skinafflictions and disease you can cure just with coconut oil!Coconut oil and weight loss – Find out why coconut oil is asurprisingly effective aid to weight loss and how best to get itinto your diet. Learn how you can utilize coconut oil and startshedding pounds now!Coconut oil and digestion – Find out how coconut oil can cureindigestion, how coconut oils help your digestive system stayhealthy and why coconut oil increases your metabolism.Coconut oil and your immune system – Find out how coconut oilcan drastically improve your immune system as part of awell-balanced diet.Can coconut oil help fight infections? – Find out about the hugenumber of infections simple, natural coconut oil can fight and howit can prevent common illnesses.And finallyCoconut oil and heart disease – Find out the truth about one ofthe most controversial claims being made NOW about coconut oil. Weexamine the evidence in depth and see what the benefits are ofcoconut oil for a healthy heart.
Now Thats Incredible v1.2
What's the Real TRUTH About theLost City of Atlantis?Who Are All Those People ThatShow Up in Your Dreams?What the Heck is The Bloop?What's Unusual About theUSA PATRIOT Act?You'll Find the Answers to These Questions,And Many More, In this Fun and FREE Ebook!Hi There!Thanks for stopping by!There's nothing for sale here, so you can put your wallet awayand relax.Instead, what I've got for you is a completely FREE copy of our"Now That's Incredible!" ebook.It's 50+ pages of fascinating fun facts, bizarre coincidences,hilarious quotes, famous mysteries solved, and common mythsexposed.
Express Learning v1.2
The largest most information packed on how tospeed up learning for anyone. There are hundreds of methods andstudies exposed in this book that can work for any adult or child!Here is the table of contents....Express LearningLearning through Accelerated CoursesLearning in Accelerated StudiesThe Nervous System and Express LearningThe Core Elements in Express LearningThe Due Processes in Suggestology Express LearningQuantum in Express LearningThe Challenges of Introducing an Express Learning Program into aSchool Resistant to ChangeExpress Learning as it Applies to Students Considered Advancedor “Gifted”Express Learning as it Applies to Students ConsideredLow-Achieving or RemedialReflections in Express LearningExpress Learning as it Applies to Students of All AbilitiesApplications in Express LearningThe Difference between Past and Present Conceptions of ExpressLearningConceptual Aspects of Express LearningSumming up Express LearningThe Basics of Express LearningExpress Learning in SchoolsExpress Learning Standardized Academic TestingHow techniques are used in Express LearningExpress Learning Applications AppliedThe Various Applications of the Term Express Learning within theSchool SystemRelated more to Applications in Express LearningAssumptions Associated With the Inhibition of Express Learningin SchoolsExpress Learning Role Models behind the ThemeFollowing the Rules of Assumption in Express LearningAssumptions that will Encourage Express Learning within theSchool SystemExpress Learning CoursesExpress Learning Doors Now OpenRecreating Hope in Express LearningHooked on Express LearningThe History of Express Learning Programs for Gifted ChildrenThe Necessity of Implementing the Various Learning Styles toImprove an Express Learning Program CurriculumThe vital necessity of helping develop infants’ minds in orderto aid in Express LearningWhat can parents do to promote Express Learning in theirpreschool children?The process of applying and developing Express Learningabilities in infantsA sound model for Express LearningThe process of designing an Express Learning trainingprogram.The Express Learning revolution in the workforceWhat are the disservices done to children and parents by thetraditional school system?Express Learning Academic DiscoveriesConclusion
Panic Attacks v1.2
With all the stresses and strains of modernliving, panic attacks are become a common problem for many people.Panic attacks occur when the pressure we are living under starts tocreep up and overwhelm us. Often it’s a result of running on thetreadmill of life and forgetting to watch the signs and symptoms ofthe effects of excessive stress on our bodies.Thankfully panic attacks are very treatable. Often it is just amatter of learning to recognize the symptoms and learn simple buteffective techniques that help you release yourself from thecrippling effects a panic attack can bring.If you’ve every experienced a panic attack you know how itfeels. It can come on very suddenly and is incredibly intense. Youfeel anxious or fearful and your heart pounds. Many peoplesuffering from a panic attack will feel like their heart is givingout and may be fearful that they are going to die.
Dog House Training v1.2
“How to Have a Happy, Obedient,Well-BehavedAngel of a Dog in Four Weeks or Less”And Enjoy Every Tail-Wagging Minute of The World’s MostEffectiveDog Training Techniques!Congratulations! You and your dog are about to embark onawonderful journey together - a rewarding adventure that willbringhappiness to both of you for years to come!Wouldn’t it be great if all puppies and dogs arrivedpre-programmedto instantly do whatever we ask and act like obedientlittle angelsinstead of… well… animals?As crazy as that sounds, here’s something even crazier:expectingour furry four-legged friends to ignore their instinctsand changetheir natural behavior simply because it’s what we wantthem todo.Think about that for a moment. How realistic is it to expect adognot to act like a dog? Dogs naturally chew, bark, dig,run,slobber, poop, play—heck, sometimes they play in poop! They canbeso… uncivilized!Fortunately, your dog is one smart puppy. He can be taughttoovercome his “dogness.”Your Dog Wants to LearnEvery dog (even yours) is an eager and willing student. He isnotonly able to learn to stop doing what comes naturally andstartadopting the strangest behaviors (from his perspective), helovesto learn these things.So why are so many dogs disobedient, destructive dummies whowon’tbehave? Some are not only disobedient, they becomedownrightaggressive.It’s not the dog’s fault.Dog Training Isn’t About Your DogDespite what other dog training books, videos, and experts maysay,dog training isn’t about the dog.It’s about you.
How to Get Rid of Grey Hair 1.0
Do you have those gray hairs starting toshowaround your temples? Are you hesitant to start coloring yourhairwith all those chemicals? Well here's your all natural solutiontoget rid of gray hair. No chemicals, no multiple trips to thehairsalon. Results within a matter of weeks...So if you are in the millions of people who have gray hairandwould like to get rid of it there's good news for you. Therearemany possible natural solutions to help reduce or rid the amountofgray hair you have. On top of that we will discuss methodsthatmany use to address thinning hair and baldness. Did you knowthatan average scalp has 100,000-150,000 hairs beforethinningstarts?While there's no magic pill per se, there are manyhomemaderemedies that many feel are more successful thancommercialsolutions. What's even better about this is that theseremedies areall natural without the harmful synthetic chemicalsorpreservatives. So in the guide I will go over many ways youcanreverse and possibly stop gray hair and thinning in itstracks.Chapters include...IntroductionCauses of Gray and Thinning HairFood Choices Affect Your HairAncient Chinese SecretReversing the Gray with Blackstrap MolassesPatience My Friend – the 90-Day Gray Reversal ProgramConclusion
Acne Prevention v1.2
Forget everything you think you know abouthowto treat acne with expensive medications or painfultechniquesbecause as of RIGHT NOW, you will never have to spendanother dimeon a treatment that just doesn't work!I am going to show you how to rid yourself of acne quicklyandeasily from the comfort of your own home, and without everhavingto take an embarrassing journey through drug stores,dermatologistsor doctors offices ever again.So let's get serious about your acne and talk about whatisREALLY going on in your life because this goes FAR beyond justtheacne you're dealing with but how it actually affectseverythingaround you.First of all, if you've been suffering from severe,recurringacne it's likely that your social life has taken a majornose dive,right? You're embarrassed about the condition of yourskin and thelast thing on your mind is going out with friends andfamilybecause you just don't want anyone looking at you.And then there's the actual pain involved in having red hotacneflare ups that feel like your skin is on fire. And on top ofall ofthis, you have that constant fear in the back of your mindthatthis acne you're suffering from will leave ugly,permanentscarring.Millions of other people have acne issues and I'm here totellyou that there really are things that you can do toinstantlyalleviate the pain of acne while quickly getting your acneundercontrol and then finally, eliminated forever. Acne has thepower toabsolutely ruin our social lives and shred every ounceofconfidence we have, but thankfully, you are now on the rightpathtowards complete recover.
Hangover Survival Guide 1.0
So you had a blast last night withyourfriends, but now you are waking back up to the real world andit'shappened again...HANGOVER!Worse than that you have to be at work in one hour! Your headispounding, your stomach is turning like the sea, and you feelsodizzy you can't even think straight.You are considering breaking every light in the house justsoyour eyes don't have to deal with the pain.Your mouth is so dry and you feel so weak, you just want togoback to bed and wake up when it's over, and then all of thesuddenyou feel it coming.I myself have had my fair share of waking up feeling like Imightbe part zombie, or just merely in the process of turningrather.I frankly got tired of dealing with it and I made it a pointtogo on a quest to find a cure for the crap.Let's be realistic here. Almost everyone is going to drinkatsome point. Whether it be a friend getting married, a party atafriend's house, Christmas parties, birthday parties, tocelebrategetting a promotion at work, or even if you LOST yourjob.At some point in time it's going to happen and then you gettheprivilege of dealing with the profound pain of astupidhangover.I personally rather eat dirt than deal with a hangover. So asIwas saying I went all out to gather all the little know stuffaboutdealing with this party pooper.I found a bunch of helpful things, and I found some thingsthatwere as useless as an ashtray on a surfboard. Some were reallyoutthere, crap I wouldn't even TRY!But what I did find as I "experimented" was that thereWEREthings that prevented, helped, and cured hangovers!And when I say "experimented" with them, I mean my friends andIwould go out and party hardy.So what I started to do was compile a list and created areportabout hangovers to educate people and save them a lot of painandsuffering just because they wanted to have a little fun andgetloose.With the information I have in this report, you could be asdrunkas David Hasselhoff tearing up burgers and you would wake upfeelingno effects from the night before; being able to go on aboutyourlife and complete everyday tasks.Without the secrets I have in this book I would've had a lotofpainful mornings, and would've probably lost my job by now. ButasI said I was able to get up and not feel like six gallons ofcrapin a five gallon bucket.If you plan on drinking, especially throwing down more thanyoushould at one sitting, then you surely need this guide!With the tips and advice I give you will never have to putupwith the symptoms of a hangover again...guaranteed!Okay, so I'm sure you...or for that matter, your HEAD is dyingtosee what's inside this report, I'm not going to leave youhanginganymore!No one plans on getting a hangover. But if, and when you dothislife saving guide could mean the difference between a greatnight,or a great night with a hellish morning. This report is acure-allfor anyone suffering with hangovers, period! Just take alook atsome of the things discussed in the report...Learn what steps to take and what to do before ever takingyourfirst drink.Get information on how a hangover actually occurs and why.Find out why drinking on an empty stomach can really screwupyour next morning and leave you feeling worse for a longerperiodof time.Discover information about a miracle ingredient in eggsthatreally has a great impact on hangovers.Get tips on why on should NEVER mix alcohol and caffeine.A detailed list of supplements you can get to prevent andcurehangovers.Helpful and refreshing beverages that can help get you throughahangover quickly.Big discussions on the variety of foods that will replenishyourbody fast with the specific nutrients you lost whileintoxicated;thus curing your hangover FAST.Receive the general do's and don'ts to drinking toavoidhangovers.
177 Ways To Lose Weight 1.3
If you struggle with weight gain it’s agoodbet that you have tried at least one of the “fad” diets thatcropup on a regular basis. The truth is that some of these dietsmaygrant you temporary weight loss. In the usual case, however,theweight returns as soon as you stray from the diet.The bottom line is that you gain weight because you consumemorecalories than your body is able to use and no diet is asubstitutefor good eating habits.Your body requires a certain number of calories in ordertofunction properly. If you truly wish to lose weight, you mustburnoff more calories than your body requires.In this guide you will learn ways to reduce the numberofcalories you ingest as well as tips and techniques to help youburnoff unnecessary calories.
Hypnosis for Beginners v1.2
For anyone concerned that this is abookdesigned to teach readers how to convince crowds of people toactlike chickens or dance to an unheard song just with acarefullyplaced keyword - relax.While hypnosis is often paraded in that form with largecrowdsvisiting celebrity hypnosis experts to see what wonders theycanperform, the majority of hypnosis used is to aid people seekingasolution to a problem they cannot resolve easily with anyothermethod.
101 Ways to Say I Love You v1.2
The book of 101 Ways to Say I Love You....Love has myriads of definitions in our world. Love can meanadeep, unselfish and unexplainable feeling shared between ahusbandand wife. It can also mean a connection and unselfishpursuit ofanother who are not necessarily married as well. Theattachmentthat is shared by friends can be termed as love. When apersongives up his or her own aspirations and ambitions for someoneelse,it can be termed as love.Love can mean taking upon oneself the afflictions thatactuallybelong to another. Love does not reasonwhy, it is a curious incalculable emotion that makes onefeelwonderful. Love offers the courage to brave any situation.Lovewill help you to confront all troubles in life and not escapelikea coward. Love makes one walk the right path. It exhorts onetospeak out when probably he or she desires to stay mum. Whentheworld around you is scared and terrified, love will letyoucommunicate with the Almighty.The scriptures reveal that love is always victorious; lovewillstrengthen you and make you do all that needs must be done,nomatter how difficult it is.