Branislav Holländer 应用

Beautiful Ocarina 1.1
Welcome to Beautiful Ocarina! This app givesyou the opportunity to play a (nearly) real ocarina! Please notethat for this app to run properly, you will need a mobile phonewith at least 4 multitouch points. You can test if your phone meetsthe minimum requirements by downloading the MultiTouch tester app(in the market). Also note that this app wasn't yet tested on anyother phone than Samsung Galaxy S I9000; If you encounter anyproblems on your phone, please send me an email with a shortdescription of you problem and I will try to fix it.
Morris Variants 1.1
The famous Nine Men's Morris game in yourhand. This free version of the app gives you a player-vs-playermode on one phone and different game variants (Six Men's Morris,Nine Men's Morris, Twelve Men's Morris).The upcoming premium version of the game will give you abluetooth mode and the opportunity to play over the internet, aswell as a single player mode.Game blog: rules (Wikipedia):Each player has nine pieces, or "men", which move among theboard's twenty-four spots. The object of the game is to leave theopposing player with fewer than three pieces or, as in checkers, nolegal moves.Placing the pieces:The game begins with an empty board. Players take turns placingtheir pieces on empty spots. If a player is able to form a straightrow of three pieces along one of the board's lines (i.e. notdiagonally), he has a "mill" and may remove one of his opponent'spieces from the board; removed pieces may not be placed again.Players must remove any other pieces first before removing a piecefrom a formed mill. Once all eighteen pieces have been used,players take turns moving.Moving the pieces:To move, a player slides one of his pieces along a board line to anempty adjacent spot. If he cannot do so, he has lost the game. Asin the placement stage, a player who aligns three of his pieces ona board line has a mill and may remove one of his opponent'spieces, avoiding the removal of pieces in mills if at all possible.Any player reduced to two pieces is unable to remove any moreopposing pieces and thus loses the game.Flying:Once a player is reduced to three pieces, his pieces may "fly","hop" or "jump" to any empty spots, not only adjacent ones.Game variants:Six Men's Morris:Six Men's Morris gives each player six pieces and is played withoutthe outer square found on the board of Nine Men's Morris. It waspopular in Italy, France and England during the Middle Ages but wasobsolete by 1600.Twelve Men's Morris:Twelve Men's Morris adds four diagonal lines to the board and giveseach player twelve pieces. This means the board can be filled inthe placement stage; if this happens the game is a draw. Thisvariation on the game is popular amongst rural youth in SouthAfrica where it is known as Morabaraba and is now recognized as asport in that country.