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Sankat Nashan Ganesha Stotram 2.0
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Ganesh Stotra or Sankata Nashanam Ganapati Stotram is a prayer toLord Ganesha. Ganesh Stotra is taken from the Narada Purana.This application provide text view of this stotra with meaning inHindi language.May God Ganesha Bless Us All.
Nashik Mart 2.1
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“NashikMart” Recently launched in 2015,NashikMart has started to become a biggest comparison based socialshopping portal in Nashik city. We people help to connect bettermaking the whole experience of buying Online Grocery easier foryou.A team of NashikMart dedicated and efficient employee. Striveall day long to get nothing but the best out of availability. Talksales, operations, technology or marketing, our combined expertiseis under lined by a solid foundation of research and insight whichhelps us deliver the best in an engaging environment.
C CPP JAVA Tutor 1.0
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This is a tutor for C, CPP and JAVA Beginners.It is also helpful for interview purpose.
Zenith Food Hub 1.3
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We are popular tifin service providerinNashik. We provide daily tifins to Students,professionals,Hospitals and hostels. We provide good quality foodand service toour customer. This app is developed to maintain youdaily accountinformation about tifin delivery and payment entries.So you dontneed to worry about maintaining records of your tifindeliveries.You just enjoy our delicious food and keep worries forus... HappyEating....
Yes Basket 1.1
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Yes is an online grocery &daily essential shopping store.We have made it easy to search products by price, brand and otherproduct features, We provide editorial descriptions as part of thecomplete product information, Our detailed price breakdown willenhance your trust in us.Quality you’ll love :Fresh & high Quality products stored & transported.User friendly and easy to navigate website well trained customerservice agents to assist you during order booking &enquiries.
Sai Chinese Food Delivery App 1.1
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Order your favourite food online and haveitdelivered to your doorstep in no time!★ Enjoy the fastest delivery service in your city.Our BenefitsThe Sai Chinese Food Delivery app is easy, fastandconvenient:✔ Choose your meal from a variety of carefullyselectedoutlets.✔ Save money by using our exclusive deals, discounts, vouchersandcoupons.✔ Customize your dishes with sauces and toppings, just likeyouwould do in the restaurants.
Ganesha Stotram With Audio 7.3
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Ganesh Stotra or Sankata Nashanam Ganapati Stotram is a prayer toLord Ganesha. Ganesh Stotra is taken from the Narada Purana. Thisapplication provide text view as well as audio clip of this stotrawith meaning in Hindi language. May God Ganesha Bless Us All. Tags: Ganesh Stotra With Audio.
Online Maratha Jeevansathi 1.2
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नमस्कार ,आज मराठा समाजातील उपवर वधू-वरांसाठी योग्य सहचारी शोधणे मोठे जिकरीचेकाम झाले आहे. या समस्येवर मात करण्यासाठी आजच्या डिजिटल युगाशी समरसहोत आम्ही आपल्यासाठी वधू-वर नोंदणी अॅप सुरु केले आहे. या अॅपचाउपयोग समाजातील सर्व शिक्षीत, उच्चशिक्षीत, प्रोफेशनल व्यक्तींनीनोंदणी करण्यासाठी करावा असे आवाहन करीत आहे.बांधवांनो या मोबाइल अॅपचा मुख्य उद्देश अनुरूप वधु -वर संशोधन हा जरीअसला तरी या अॅपद्वारे आम्ही मराठा समाजातील अनेक समस्यांवरक्रांतिकारी सुधारणा करण्याचे योजिले आहे. मराठा समाजातील विवाहावरफार मोठा अनावश्यक खर्च होत आहे हा खर्च प्रबोधनाच्या माध्यमातून कमीकरून उरलेली बचत नव वधु-वरांच्या भविष्यासाठी काहीही भरीव करता येऊशकते, यावर लक्ष केंद्रित करण्याचे योजिले आहे.समाजातील विविध संघटनांनी मंगल कार्यालय निर्मितीवर प्रचंड मोठयाप्रमाणावर खर्च करण्यापेक्षा समाजातील गोर-गरीब मुला - मुलींनास्पर्धा परीक्षा व खेळासाठी (sports) लागणाऱ्या पायाभूत सुविधांचीनिर्मिती, मुला - मुलींसाठी हॉस्टेल, डिजिटल लायब्ररी, इतर सुविधा वनिर्मितीवर भर द्यावा असे नम्रतापूर्वक आवाहन करीत आहे.मराठा समाज हा बऱ्यापैकी शेती या व्यवसायावर अवलंबून आहे. शेतीव्यवसायाच्या अनेक समस्या आहेत, नवनवीन तंत्रज्ञान व व्यवसायिक शेतीविकास यावर सुद्धा कार्य करण्याचे आम्ही ह्या अॅप संघटनद्वारे आश्वासनदेत आहोत . आपल्या सर्वांचे मार्गदर्शन ह्या कार्यात अपेक्षितआहे.आम्हाला मिळणाऱ्या पेड नोंदीत वधू-वरांच्या फी मधून अनुषंगिक खर्च वजाकरता उर्वरित रकमेतून समाजातील दरसाल एकातरी गरीब मुलीचा विवाह लावूनदेऊन तिचा संसार उभा करण्याचा मानस आहे. आपली साथ मिळाली तर एकापेक्षाजास्त गरीब मुलींचा विवाह पार पाडू असा संकल्प मनात धरला आहे.आई जगदंबा आम्हाला यश देवो !!!जय भवानी !! जय शिवराय !!!Online मराठा जीवनसाथी अॅप Team ,C.A. रामकृष्ण डावरे (संकल्पना व मार्गदर्शक)सौ .नीलिमा डावरे (संचालिका)श्री . सुरेश गुंजाळ (संचालक)संपर्क: 8286252423
Buddha Vandana with Audio Clip 1.12
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Buddha Vandana This Mantra all about beginning the processofsurrendering to the higher self. To know that there is somebigger,higher force or energy that is in play, and we all haveaccess tothat energy. And how can we access that force that energy?Bysurrendering, by taking refuge into that higher self, bybecomingone with that, by becoming part of that force, that energy.Andthat journey starts with taking refuge in Buddha Dhamma Sangha.Andthis is a formula that we can recite – Buddham SaranamGacchamiThis app includes Buddah Vandana with Audio clip as well asitspronunciation in English. Tag: Buddha Vandana with Audio Clip,JaiBheem App, Jai Bhim App, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, BuddhaVandanaMP3, buddha quotes, buddha songs, buddha vandana app,buddhavandana lyrics, buddha vandana text, बुद्ध वंदना,
Pasaydan With Audio 1.8
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Pasaydan or Pasaydaan is a prayer made for the welfare of worldbySaint Dnyaneshwar. Saint Dnyaneshwar means "Mauli" asked Godfor"Pasaydan" at the end of the 18th chapter of thebook"Dnyaneshwari" alias "Bharath Deepika". This applicationprovidetext view of "Pasaydan" and its meaning in Marathi andEnglishLanguage. This application also provides Audio Clip of"Pasaydan".May God Bless Us All. Tags : Pasaydan With Audio.
ShriRamRakshaStotra with Audio 1.11
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Shri Ram Raksha Stotram or RamRaksha Stotra with Audio clipBenefitsof Shri Ram Raksha Stotram: The entirety of the Shri RamRakshaStotra is that of an extremely powerful mantra. Recitationof theSri Ramraksha Stotra results in establishing animpenetrable,amazing and powerful Armour around yourself. Tags :Shri Ram RakshaStotra With Audio.
Maruti Stotra with Audio 2.2
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Maruti Stotra OR Hanuman Stotra Meaning:- Maruti Stotra ORHanumanStotra is the hymn to Praise Lord Hanuman, it is composedinMarathi by Poet Samarth Ramdas. Maruti is the diety of Strengththemain goal of Samarth Ramdas was to develop healthy Society, healsocomposed “Bheemarupi Stotra” which was the primary sectionofMaruti Stotra. Samarth Ramdas has described all the magicalpowersof Maruti. Maruti Stotra OR Hanuman Stotra Benefits:- Weshoulddaily recite Maruti Stotra to get rid of all obstruction fromLife.To gain Magical Powers of Maruti We should chant this Marutistotradaily, although it gaves much impact on Tuesday and Saturday.LordHanuman always helps his devotees whenever they are in need.Thisapplication provide text view as well as audio clip ofMarutiStotra OR Hanuman Stotra. May God Maruti Bless Us All. Tags:Maruti Stotra OR Hanuman Stotra With Audio
Ayurvedik Nuskhe 1.0.8
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Ayurvedik nuskhe or Home Remedies is awesome collection ofremediesfor diseases. India is origin of many great things.ourGreat Indiansaints has done a lot of research on the benefits ofnatural andlong age. ayurvedik is originated in Ancient IndiaayurvedikTreatment are considered as completely natural andharmless.theseis heal the immune power of human body. FollowingTreatments areavailable in this app आंवले के गुण, मधुमेह के लिए,आँखों के लिए,पाचन के लिए , ह्रदय के लिए, बालों के लिए, नाखूनों केलिए, बुढापे कीगति को कम करने के लिए, चमकती त्वचा के लिए, रक्त कोशुद्द करने केलिए, नींबू के गुण, नींबू की चाय बनाने का तरीका, दिमागके लिए, सिरदर्द को कम करती है लेमन टी, पेट के लिए, बदबू दूर करने केलिए, दिलकी सेहत के लिए, दूध में तुलसी के पत्ते के, दिल की बीमारीमें, किडनीकी पथरी में, कैंसर की समस्या, सिर का दर्द और माइग्रेनमें, सांस कीतकलीफ में, डेंगू बीमारी करें दूर, पीरियड्स प्रॉब्लम करेदूर, अंजीरके लाभदायक गुण और फायदे , वजन घटाए, गुड़ खाने के फायदे,सिंघाडे केऔषधीय गुण, पुदीना तेल के फायदे, बुंरास के फूल के फायदे,लहसुन केवैदिक फायदे, कपूर और लौंग के फायदे, अरबी खाने के फायदे,हल्दी केऔषधीय गुण, मदार के पौधे के फायदे, हरड़ के फायदे, चने केफायदे,करेले के फायदे, अदरक के जूस के औषधीय गुण, मुनक्का के गुण,मखाने केगुण, भीगे हुए बादाम खाने के फायदे, कपूर और नारियल तेल केफायदे,गाजर के स्वास्थ्य लाभ, आडू के फायदे, मिश्री खाने के फायदे,सौंठ केअयुर्वेदिक फायदे, चुकन्दर खाने के फायदे , नारियल खाने केफायदे,काली मिर्च औषधीय गुण, मूंगफली खाने के फायदे , अमरुद खाने केफायदे,गौ मूत्र के फायदे, संतरा खाने के फायदे, ब्रोकली के फायदे, गुडऔरचना खाने के फायदे, परवल के औषधिय गुण, गाय के दूध के फायदे, तोरीकेस्वास्थवर्धक फायदे, हींग पानी के फायदे, त्रिफला के फायदे,अंगूरखाने के फायदे, मकई खाने के फायदे, जौ के फायदे और औषधीय गुण,आलूखाने के फायदे, मकोय के गुण, कदम्ब के फायदे, हरी मिर्च केफायदे,सौंफ के फायदे, कमल ककड़ी खाने के फायदे, प्राकृतिक चाय बनानेकातरीका, फल खाने का सही समय, जड़ी बूटियों द्वारा स्वास्थ्यसंरक्षण,शहद के फायदे , चीकू के आयुवेर्दिक फायदे, धनिया जूस केफायदे,
आयुर्वेदिक घरगुती उपचार 1.0.5
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ह्या ॲप द्वारे आम्ही आपल्यास अगदी सोप्या भाषेत घरगुतीउपचारांबद्दलमाहिती दिली आहे. आशा आहे कि याचा आपल्यास फायदा होईलतसेच इतरांनाहीयाचा फायदा करून द्या. पोटाचे आजार, फुफ्फुसाचे आजार,डोक्याशी संबधीतआजार, तोंड ,ओठ आणि दाताचे आजार, गुदेचे आजार,मूत्रसंस्थेचे आजार,डोळ्याचे आजार, आकस्मिक आजार, ताप, उपयोगी घरगुतीउपचार, यौन रोग,शारिरीक रोग, त्वचाविकार, इतर शारिरीक रोग, विष आजार,कान आणि नाकाचेआजार, जीभ आणि गळ्याचे आजार, शिशुरोगाचा उपचार AyurvedaHealth Tips,Health Tips,
Athavashirsham with Audio Clip 1.10
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Shri Ganpati Atharvashirsham with Audio Clip
Shree Venkatesh Stotra With Audio 1.3
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Shree Venkatesh Stotra is a prayer to Lord Venkatesha OrLordBalaji. This application provide lyrics in Sanscrit and Englishaswell as audio clip of this Shree Venkatesh Stotra. MayGodVenkatesha Bless Us All. Tags : Shree Venkatesh Stotra WithAudio.
Loose Belly Fats 1.2
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How To Lose Belly Fat is a free Android application recommendedifyou are one of those people who are looking for exercises athometo lose weight quickly. This exercises is one of themostappreciated weight loss exercises at the moment. Thisapplicationhelp to reduce your Belly fat in faster way... Just theideal tummyworkout routines for flat tummy and slim stomach. Fastand simpleto train and you simply never must use any health clubtools. Howto Reduce Your Tummy? Best Stomach Weight Loss Exercises:1.Crunches 2. Twist Crunches 3. Side Crunch 4. Reverse Crunches5.Vertical Leg Crunch 6. Bicycle Exercise 7. Lunge Twist 8.RollingPlank Exercise 10. The Stomach Vacuum 11. Captain’s Chair12.Bending Side to Side Cardio Exercises: 13. Walking 14. Running15.Jogging 16. Cycling 17. Swimming Other Ways to Reduce Belly/Abdominal Fat: 1. Eat Right 2. Drink Water 3. Short Bursts 4.SayNo to Sugar 5. Reduce Sodium intake 6. Vitamin C 7. Fatburningfoods 8. Include healthy Fats 9. Do not skip breakfast 10.SleepHope you will like this app feel free to rate the app andreview incomments
Ayurvedic Upchar 1.0.7
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Ayurvedic Health Care Tips in Marathi Language.
Marathi Breakfast and Fast Food Recipes 1.0.5
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This app has good collection of Marathi Veg and Non Vegbreakfastand fast food recipes
Bank Exam Preparation PO, IBPS, SBI, RBI, SSC, CGL 1.0.6
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Complete Banking Jobs Preparation Application for Bank PO,SBI,IBPS, SSC, Gk. Essentially the App contains following sections-About Bank Exam, About Bank Job, About Bank Exam Pattern,AboutBank Exam Syllabus, Study Material , Current Affairs, QuizZone,IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO, SBI Clerk, SBI PO RBI
Lahasun ke fayde 1.5
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Lahasun ke 121 fayde hindi me. The Health Benefits of Garlic,theMost Powerful Medicinal Herb on the Planet Eating garlicregularlyis not only good for us; it has been linked to reducing orevenhelping to prevent four of the major causes of deathworldwide,including heart disease, stroke, cancer and infections.Garlic hasbeen used as a medicine throughout ancient and modernhistory forits amazing health benefits and proven effectiveness toprevent andtreat a wide range of conditions and diseases. Intenselyaromaticand flavorful, this powerful herb is used in virtuallyeverycuisine in the world. When eaten raw, it has a powerfulpungentflavor that matches its truly mighty health benefits. Garlicisparticularly high in certain sulfur compounds that areresponsiblefor its scent and taste, as well as its very positiveeffects onhuman health. It is one of the most powerful andbeneficial herb onthe planet with more than 5000 peer-reviewedarticles thatevaluated its ability to prevent and improve a widespectrum ofdiseases. We believe every person on the planet shouldconsumegarlic. It’s one of the best herbs to keep up your goodhealth,it’s very inexpensive and tastes absolutely fantastic. Sofind outmore about the amazing benefits of garlic, uses and latestresearchon this fantastic super-food. App Content बाल उड़ना , सिर कीजूं ,दांत दर्द , कफ , दिल का दौरा , शरीर में सूजन , गले के रोग ,गर्दनमें दर्द , आवाज का बैठ जाना , नाड़ी का दर्द , कण्ठ रोहिणी ,कंठशालूक(गले में गांठ) , सर्दी(जाड़ा) , दिल की धड़कन , उच्चरक्तचाप ,फोड़ा ,त्वचा के रोग , खाज-खुजली , चालविभ्रम (कलाया खन्ज) ,गुल्यवायुहिस्टीरिया , हृदय रोग , चेचक (मसूरिका) , नासूर (पुरानाघाव) , दाद ,पीलिया का रोग , पसलियों का दर्द , शरीर का सुन्न पड़ जाना,विसर्प-फुंसियों का दल बनना , अस्थि, हड्डी , मानसिक उन्माद(पागलपन), साइटिका (गृध्रसी) , सिर का दर्द , सफेद दाग , आक्षेप(आक्रोश केसमय कंपकंपाना) , नजला (नया जुकाम) , वीर्य की कमी ,अंगुलियों काकांपना , मुर्च्छा(बेहोशी) , गठिया रोग , आमाशय का जख्म ,मधुमेह कारोग , पेट का दर्द , जहरीले कीडे़ के काटने पर , पेट के कीड़े, नाक केकीड़े , पोलियो , आधासीसी (माइग्रेन) अधकपारी , टीके से होनेवाले दोष, जलोदर , दर्द व सूजन , अम्लपित्त , आमाशय की जलन ,अग्निमान्द्यता(अपच) , टांसिल , पक्षाघात-लकवा-फालिस , उरूस्तम्भ(जांघों कीसुन्नता) , चोट लगना , बवासीर (अर्श) , संग्रहणी , गुर्देकी पथरी ,मासिक-धर्म संबन्धी परेशानियां , कमर दर्द , मासिकस्राव काकष्ट केसाथ आना (कष्टार्तव) , नष्टार्तव (बंद मासिक धर्म) , बेरी-बेरीरोग ,हिचकी का रोग , बहरापन , कान के रोग , कान की सूजन और गांठ , कानकाबहना , जुकाम , दस्त के साथ ऑव आना , नपुंसकता , चेहरे का सौन्दर्य,मलेरिया ज्वर का इलाज , योनि व गर्भाशय के रोग , तीव्र ज्वर काउपचार, पेट की गैस , मुंह के छाले , अन्दरूनी चोट , मिर्गी , अतिझुधाभस्मकरोग (भूख अधिक लगना) , गैस्ट्रिक अल्सर
Purusha Suktam With Audio 1.5
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The Purusha sukta gives a description of the spiritual unity oftheuniverse. It presents the nature of Purusha or the cosmic beingasboth immanent in the manifested world and yet transcendent toit.Tag : PurushaSuktam, Purusha Suktam
आरती संग्रह - मराठी 1.7
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मराठी आरत्यांचा उत्कृष्ट संग्रह Shri Ganapati AartiSukhakartaDukhaharta Varta सुखकर्ता दुःखहर्ता वार्ता विघ्नाची LordShivaAarti Lavathavati Vikrala Brahmandi लवथवती विक्राळाब्रह्माण्डीमाळा Durga Mata Aarti Durge Durgat Bhari Tujvin दुर्गेदुर्घट भारीतुजविण संसारी Shri Mahalakshmi Aarti KarvirpurvasiniSurvar...करविरपुरवासिनी सुरवरमुनिमाता Shri Dattatreya AartiTrigunatmakaTraimurti Datta त्रिगुणात्मक त्रैमूर्ती दत्त ShriVithoba AartiYuge Aththavis Vitevari Ubha युगें अठ्ठावीस विटेवरीउभा ShriKrishna Aarti Ovalu Aarti Madangopala ओवालू आरती मदनगोपाळाShriRama Aarti Tribhuvanamandita Mala Galan त्रिभुवनमंडितमाळ गळां
Pasaydan with Audio and Meaning 1.5
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Pasaydan with Audio and Meaning.This App contains the PasayadanfromDnyaneshwari. The DNYANESHWARI is a commentary on BhagvadGitawritten by SANT SHREE DNYANESHWAR MAHARAJ at the age of 16. Attheend of DNYANESHWARI Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj asks for ablessing(PASAYADAN) not only for himself but for the humanity. Appcancontains the pasaydan lyrics with audio
Shiv Tandav Stotram lyrics and audio. 1.0
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Shiv Tandav Stotram in 9 different languages. You can readlyricsand listen shiv tandav stotram audio same time. ShivaTandavaStotram is a stotra or Hindu hymn which describes the godShiva’spower and kindness.Shiva Tandava Stotram is believed tobeattributed to King Ravana, the demon king of Lanka. Ravana wasanardent devotee of Lord Shiva. Shiva Tandava Stotra praisevariousqualities of Lord Shiva. The ninth and tenth quatrains ofShivaTandava Stotram glorifies Shiva as destroyer of death. ShivTandavapp contain good quality audio, Shiv Tandav lyrics in 1.Hindi2.English 3.Gujrati 4.Telugu 5.Tamil 6.Kannad 7.Malayalam8.Oriya9.Bengali Stotra audio and lyric are free ones you downloadthisapp you don't need internet connection. → Features : ★ This isafree app. ★ Good quality audio. ★ Repeat on/off. ★ Work offline.
Kabir Ke Dohe with Meaning 1.7
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This app allow the people to read Kabir Ke Dohe With Meaning(कबीरके दोहे अर्थ सहित ). Kabir Das Ji was a Indian mystic poetandsaint (15th-century). His verses are found in Sikhism'sscripture.Kabir Das Ji was from in a Muslim family. Kabir Ji wasstronglyinfluenced by his guru(bhakti Ramananda). Kabir Ji composedpoemsin earthy style and pithy. --CONTENT-- अनुभव/experienceकाल/Deathमाया/Illusion नारी/Women सेवक/Servant भिक्षा/Almsवेश/garbबन्धन/Chain चेतावनी/Warning वाणी/Speechपरमार्थ/Givingवीरता/Bravery भक्त/Devotee संगति/Company सलाह/Adviceमन/Mindमोह/Delusion लोभ/Greed पारखी/Examiner विरह/Separationप्रेम/Loveज्ञानी/Scholar विश्वास/Faith सर्वव्यापक ईश्वर/OmnipotentGod ईश्वरस्मरण/Remembrance तलाश/Search क्रोध/Anger बुद्धि/WisdomSomefeatures of कबीर के दोहे (Kabir ke Dohe) android app. ★ 100%Freeand Offline ★ 101+ super hit dohe from Kabir Das. ★ This app isineasy Hindi Language. ★ Simple app. Works offline. Nointernetconnection needed! ★ Professionally designed, user-friendlyandintuitive interface. ★ Clear Hindi font for better readability.★Easy to use. ★ You can share any quote to the socialsitesWhatsapp, facebook, instagram and other sites. Kabir DasDohecontains the view about following: 👉 About Bhakti 👉 About Life.👉About Nature. 👉 About Time. 👉 About self Motivation. 👉 AboutTruth.👉 About God. 👉 About women. 👉 About Love. 👉 About Guru. 👉AboutRam. 👉 About Ram.
Kaal Bhairvastakam with Audio 1.10
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Kaal Bhairvastakam or Kaal Bairavastak is a prayer to LordKaalBhairva. Kaal Bhairavastkam Benefits : Lord Bhairav ​​is thenatureof Shiva. They are considered to be the Gods of quickremediationof the obstacles of Kali Yuga. Especially the faults ofthe phantomand the technical obstacles are overcome by theirworship.Rahu-Ketu becomes calm by worshiping Lord Bhairav. In hisworship,the text of Bhairavashtakam and Bhairav ​​Kavach must bedone. Itgives quick results. At the same time the crisis of tantricandphantom barrier is over. This application provide text as wellasaudio clip of this strotra. May Lord Bharav bless us All. Tag:Kaal Bhairvastakam with Audio
Hanuman Chalisa With Audio 1.11
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The Hanuman Chalisa is a Hindu devotional hymn (stotra) addressedtoLord Hanuman. It is traditionally believed to have been authoredby16th-century poet Tulsidas in the Awadhi language, and is hisbestknown text apart from the Ramcharitmanas. The word Chalis,whichmeans the number forty in Hindi, as the Hanuman Chalisa has40verses. Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional hymn dedicated toLordHanuman. This application provide text view as well as audioclipof Hanuman Chalisa OR Maruti Chalisa May God Hanuman Bless UsAll.Tags : Hanuman Chalisa OR Maruti Chalisa With Audio
Vishnu Sahasranaam Multi Language Lyrics & Audio. 1.0.6
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App contains the Vishnu Sahasranaam Multi Language LyricswithAudio. Hindi Vishnu Sahasranaam Lyrics with Audio. EnglishVishnuSahasranaam Lyrics. Gujarati Vishnu Sahasranaam Lyrics.KannadaVishnu Sahasranaam Lyrics. Punjabi Vishnu Sahasranaam Lyrics.Telugu Vishnu Sahasranaam Lyrics. Tamil Vishnu SahasranaamLyrics.Malayalam Vishnu Sahasranaam Lyrics.
Ice Cream Recipe In Hindi 1.4
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घर पर बनी आइसक्रीम खाने का मजा ही कुछ और होता है| इस ऍप में ४५सेअधिक आइसक्रीम की रेसिपी को सरल हिंदी भाषा में दिया गया है जिन्हेआपघर पर सरलता से बना सकते है. Top collection of Ice cream RecipesinHindi. its also called as Homemade Ice Cream Recipes. You canmakeice cream recipes, including vanilla ice cream, chocolateicecream, ice cream sandwich, ice cream cake banana icecream,chocolate cheeps ice cream, faluda ice cream, fruit cream,kesarpista kulaphi, malai kulaphi, mango ice cream, mataka kulaphi,andmany more at home. Are you looking for Easy, Yummy andDeliciousIce Cream Recipes? Here you will get many easy and Quickto madeice cream recipes. Now you can save a lot of time and effortandfind that perfect Ice cream Recipe you've been looking for! Nomoreneed to flip through dozens of cookbook or magazinepages.Everything you need is right here in this easy-to-use app.Theserecipes are tested and true and won't let you down. Easy andtastyIce Cream Recipes are just a FREE download away! Thesehomemade icecream recipes are so simple to make―and soincrediblydelicious―that they'll make you rethink the store-boughtpint.Finish your meal on a sweet note with this great selection ofIcecream recipes Homemade Ice Cream has not lost any of itsgood,old-fashioned appeal. Homemade Ice Cream Recipes, Ice CreamRecipesEasy Maker, Easy ice cream recipe, Ice cream Recipes inHindi, IceCream Recipes, Simple Homemade Ice Cream, Kulfi Ice CreamRecipe,Delicious Ice Cream Recipes. Collection of best and varioustypesof Ice cream Recipes in Hindi. Here you will get 300+ Pluseasy tomade ice cream recipes All Popular Ice Cream Recipes in OneApp: Inthis app, you will get hundreds of popular ice Cream recipeswithingredients, direction and image. Some features of IcecreamRecipeandroid app. ★ This app is in easy Hindi Language. ★ Simpleapp. Nointernet connection needed! ★ Professionallydesigned,user-friendly and intuitive interface. ★ Better Hindi fontforbetter reading. ★ Easy to use when internet off.
मराठी ज्यूस रेसिपी 1.0.6
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This app contains Juice Recipes in Marathi Language MarathiJuiceRecipes Marathi Fruit Juice Recipes Marathi VegetablesJuiceRecipes Marathi Sarbat Recipes Marathi Thandai RecipesMarathiKairy Panhe Recipes
Beauty Tips In Marathi 1.0.5
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Best Beauty tips in Marathi language
Narayan Suktam 1.1
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Narayana Suktam is also dedicated to the cosmic being, thetrinityof Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.Narayana Suktam is alsoconsidered asone of the Shanti Mantras chanted during Puja andother auspiciousprograms. Narayana Suktam starts with the verse"Sahananavathu.Sahanou bunakthu. Saha veerya karavavahai.Tejaswinaavadheedamasthu maa vidwishavahaii. Om shanthi, shanthi,shanthi.."
Shree Krushana Ashtakam 1.0.4
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Shree Krushana Ashtakam lyrics with audio, Repeat optiontwolanguage support for ashtakam lyrics english , hindi.
Sri Suktam With Audio 1.4
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Sri Suktam, is a Sanskrit devotional hymn revering Sri asLakṣmi,the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity and fertility. SriSuktamis recited, with a strict adherence to the Chandas, to invokethegoddess blessings. The hymns are found in the Rig Vedickhilanis.
Go Gabriel 2.6
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Official app for Gabriel India Limited employees to reportkaizenideas
StreakDeal - Online Shopping i 2.8
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Hassle free Online Shopping in Nashik
Raychem Safe 2.3
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The Official App For Raychem RPG Employees