Cactus: Mindfulness Journal 应用

Cactus: Mindfulness Journal 1.3.0
Cactus is a mindfulness app for people who don’t likemeditation.Every day, Cactus sends you personalized questions,prompting youto consider what really matters to you and write itdown. Wevisualize surprising insights, like the people, places, andthingsthat contribute to your life satisfaction. Throughrepeatedpractice, these will help you make better decisions andlive a morecentered, meaningful life. What people are saying aboutCactus: ---“Cactus puts me in the right frame of mind and remindsme I’mfocused and living with intention.” “Despite a hecticroutine, Ialways manage to do the reflections. They keep me engagedandmotivated.” “I look forward to your prompts each day, theyarethoughtful and genuine. It’s helping me.” “What can I say?Cactusgot me back into mindfulness.” --- How it works: *Focus:Personalized prompts help you reflect on what bringsyousatisfaction. * Insights: Discover the people, places, andthingsthat fulfill you. * Growth: Celebrate your mindful practiceandimproved outlook. Benefits of Cactus: * Helps you keep ajournalingroutine * Helps you focus on the positive things in yourlife *Makes you more optimistic, generous to yourself and others*Improves your mental and physical health * Improves youremotionalintelligence * Boosts your mood Say hello... Email:help@cactus.appInstagram: @itscalledcactus Twitter:@itscalledcactus Web: