Christian Rosien 应用

Hot Button SSH Command Widget 3.5
Christian Rosien
With Hot Button and Hot Button Premium you candefine up to 30 Buttons with SSH commands and a personalized label!Once a Button is pushed, the SSH command will be send to apreconfigured Linux host, and if the command throws an output, itwill be displayed in a separate window! The commands can beexecuted as root, if necessary! For each Button you can add aWidget on Homescreen to execute your commands directly withoutopening the app!This App is perfect for starting backup jobs, restart someservices, do a clean system reboot, check disk status or somethingelse!Only in Hot Button Premium: Design your Widgets by your self!Choose any Image you like for each Widget!
Hot Button Premium SSH Widget 4.1
With Hot Button you can define up to 30Buttonswith SSH commands and a personalized label! Once a Buttonis pushed,the SSH command will be send to a preconfigured Linuxhost, and ifthe command throws an output, it will be displayed ina separatewindow! The commands can be executed as root, ifnecessary! For eachButton you can add a Widget on Homescreen toexecute your commandsdirectly without opening the app!ONLY IN HOT BUTTON PREMIUM:Design your Widgets by yourself!Choose any Image you like for your Widgets!Sound effects on Widgets!This App is perfect for starting backup jobs, restart someservices,do a clean system reboot, check disk status or somethingelse!