Cmoremap 应用

華昌製藥生化科技 2.0
華昌製藥廠創立於西元1952年,在當時,台灣醫療資源並不豐富,華昌則以『製藥濟世』為設立宗旨,希望藉由溫和的漢方成分,協助需要者恢復和維持健康,進而成立台南第一家GMP中藥製藥廠。透過製作華昌製藥App手機應用程式,將華昌製藥的經營理念、相關商品能更方便更即時的了解相關資訊,並提供華昌製藥之最新資訊。HuachangPharmaceutical Factory was founded in 1952, at that time, Taiwan'smedical resources are not abundant, Huachang presents"pharmaceutical Tranquility" for the establishment of purpose andhope Kampo by gentle ingredients to help restore and maintain thehealth of those who need it, and then set up in Tainan The firstGMP pharmaceutical medicine. Through the production ofpharmaceutical chang App mobile app will Huachang pharmaceuticalbusiness philosophy, related products can be more convenient andmore immediate understanding of the relevant information andprovides the latest information Huachang Pharmaceutical.
New iFeng Chia 4.0
Recently, tourism industry has been on thevise in Taiwan. Many foreign tourists will arrange vacation tovisit Taiwan. Nowadays, eighty percent of phone users use smartphones. In order to help these foreign tourists who came to centralTaichung, we designed an App comprised of the information about oneof the must-visit tourist attractions in Taichung, Feng Chia nightmarket.We modified original iFeng Chia, and renamed it for New iFengChia.In this App, we offered completed information about Feng Chia nightmarket for tourists, including menus, price, and open hours.Furthermore, we designed a featured trilingual App in Chinese,English and Japanese.We expect that users will be satisfied and know more about theinformation of Feng Chia night market after using this App.近年來,台灣旅遊業蓬勃發展,許多外國旅客會安排假期來台觀光,因此我們為了這些來到台灣中部的外國觀光客,介紹中部最有名的觀光夜市-逢甲夜市。我們設計New iFeng Chia,修正舊版iFengChia的不足之處,新版App包含了完整的食、衣、住、行資訊,更新增了菜單、價位和營業時間,並提供三種語言版本-中、英、日。使用此App之後,我們期望來自各地的觀光客能夠對逢甲夜市更加了解,也能提供完整及符合觀光客所需求的資訊。
南澳泰雅文化館 4.0
你有來過南澳嗎?不管有沒有來過這裡,都可以透過南澳小超人帶你遊玩南澳唷!APP裡不僅可以了解南澳的傳統文化,也有美食、景點、民宿,好吃好玩又有趣哦~Have you been to SouthAustralia it? Whether there has been here, you can take you throughthe South Australian Little Superman play South yo!APP can learn not only of South Australia's traditional culture,but also food, attractions, bed and breakfasts, delicious fun andinteresting oh ~
金門歷史民俗博物館 4.0
觀光工廠自在遊離線版 7.0
提供全台灣百餘家通過經濟部優良評鑑的觀光工廠遊憩資訊(持續增加中)。您可經由「地理分區」與「主題探索」兩大功能,快速掌握每一家工廠的特色產品、體驗服務、位置地圖、導航資訊、地址電話、網頁連結,以及APP網友專屬的「臉書相簿」與「好康優惠」。觀光工廠自在遊不僅適合團體機關參訪,更適合闔家同遊同樂,全台已突破千萬造訪人次,您豈能錯過!主要功能:1.產業新風貌=>經濟部中部辦公室│工業局台灣觀光工廠的輔導計畫簡介、最新產業發展動態,以及新聞媒體的相關專題報導2.工廠在哪裡=>提供「全台灣北中南東離島與各縣市的分區地圖」與「關鍵字檢索功能」,幫助您迅速找到想去的優良觀光工廠3.主題探索趣=>提供「藝術人文」、「居家生活」、「健康美麗」、「醇酒美食」和「開門七件事」優良觀光工廠五大創意主題導覽4.幸福任意門=>整合FaceBook觀光工廠自在遊臉書粉絲專頁相簿與社群互動功能,留下您在觀光工廠每一時刻分秒快樂回憶5.好康看這邊=>固定每一季│月將提供由全台各地優良評鑑觀光工廠所熱情提供給APP網友的專屬優惠好康以及最新活動訊息主辦單位:經濟部中部辦公室│經濟部工業局執行單位:財團法人工業技術研究院系統開發:長茂科技股份有限公司觀光工廠輔導計畫:服務專線:04-23583993 分機512、631、671、679服務網址:服務信箱
景點民宿 1.0.1
新埔不只是過客 1.0.6
「新埔不只是過客APP」是教育部顧問室智慧生活整合型人才培育計畫支持下,由國立交通大學連結新竹縣政府、太平洋自行車(Pacific Bicycle)、長茂科技(CMoreMap)、福袋科技、新埔鎮公所、柿染工藝協會,還有在地的商家共同推出的智慧行動導覽服務,期望以「智慧單車慢遊小旅行」(Slow Biking) 方式,讓國內外的旅客能「不只是過客=不再只是經過客家庄」,發現和體會客家小鎮新埔的美好,更盼望能讓大家跟我們一起愛上新埔。「新埔不只是過客APP」是國立交通大學客家文化學院傳播與科技學系的林崇偉教授,透過結合他所開設的「數位典藏」、「整合行銷傳播」與「文化創意產業」等課程,前後超過一百多位的交大學生,以及國際經濟商管學生會(AIESEC)交大分會和數十名國際志工,歷經近兩年的努力所完成。程式提供36多條中英文,以文化、親子、生態、產業等獨具特色的新埔旅遊路線圖資、300多個特色地標、50多個小吃和店家推薦,還能夠即時隨身體驗75個新埔特色景點720度環景,以及15部令人拍案叫絕的新埔創意影片(快打旋風大士爺、麥克雞塊沾桔醬、魔獸世界在新埔、文藝青年桂花園、給月亮的歌客家創意MV等等)。「新埔不只是過客APP」中英文智慧行動導覽服務:iPhone、iPad、Adroid手機與平板電腦皆可,請至APP Store或Android Market下載安裝,或是以行動裝置直接拍攝螢幕上之QR CODE解碼連結下載,即可免費使用。XINPU is developed by Prof. Chong-Wey Lin and his DigitalCreativity andMarketing Strategy Lab at National Chiao Tung University in HsinChu Taiwan,sponsored by the Smart Living Talent Cultivation Program, MinistryofEducation, Taiwan. In cooperation with the Hsin Chu Countygovernment andour strategic partners such as Pacific Bicycle, EvermoreTechnology(CMoreMap), iPeen, 17High, Persimmon Dye Association and the localcreativecultural industries in XinPu, the APP aims to offer touristsmultiple accessand understanding of XinPu via GPS and LBS services, including 36thematicbiking routes, 300+ POIs, 50+ food and beverage recommendations, 75panorama720view photos of historical and cultural sites, and 15 creativevideos madeby the NCTU students. XINPUFUN is free to download, both for iOSandAndroid. For more information, please visit:
中州科技大學 2.0
教育目標:1.本校以「精、公、誠、毅」為校訓,以年輕、快樂、學習、希望,追求卓越為目標,從事學術研究,教授應用科學與技術,培育科技與人文並重之實用專業人才,造福社會人群為宗旨。2.以服務的觀念來詮釋學生、教師與學校之關係,以行銷的方法與社會建立密切的互動,培育科技與人文兼備之專門人才,服務國家及社會,提升科技及文化,並增進人類之福祉。校務發展目標:1.提供教學品質保證,精化師資與資源整合。2.培育專業技術人才,兼備專業與人文素養。3.配合國家政策發展,推動產學與應用研究。4.發揮大學社會服務,推廣教育與業界合作。5.拓展國際學術合作,建構國際交流平台。6.發揚技職教育精神,打造學校發展特色。7.健全內部控制與稽核制度,提昇行政效能。8.建構具藝術氣息之溫馨校園。Educational goals:1 school of "fine, Male, honesty, Yi" as the motto, young,happy, learning, hope, the pursuit of excellence as the goal, toengage in academic research, professor of applied science andtechnology, fostering both the technology and the humanities andpractical professionals, benefit of the community groups for thepurpose.2 to interpret the concept of service to students, teachers andschool relations, marketing methods to establish close interactionwith the community, nurturing both the technology and thehumanities expertise, national and community service, upgradetechnology and culture, and to promote the human well-being. School Development Goals: 1. Provide teaching quality assurance, refinement teachers andresource integration.2 foster professional and technical personnel, both professionaland humanities.3 with the development of national policies to promote science andapplied research capacity.4 play college social services, education and the promotion oftrade cooperation.5 expand international academic cooperation, construction of aninternational exchange platform.6. Carry forward the spirit of technical and vocational education,to create school development characteristics.7 sound internal control and audit system, improve administrativeefficiency.8 artistically constructed of warm campus.
新竹市政府愛勞動 12.0
苗栗客家文化園區導覽 32.0
本應用程式由 育達科技大學 資訊管理系 專題製作 與 長茂科技股份有限公司CmorePaas雲端平台,透過學校專題開發製作。應用程式開發人員:育達科技大學 資訊管理系 學生 李祥維、張志成、蔡宗宏、廖偉程、林運淋、林威志指導教授:育達科技大學 資訊管理系 教授 吳振鋒 副教授GCGM地圖導覽 及 導覽詳細介紹  「苗栗客家文化園區導覽APP」,透過導覽軟體可以更加了解客家文化園區的展館消息以及活動消息,系統分為兩個部分,分別為前端使用者及後端管理者,前端的部分可以讓使用者了解園區簡介、參觀資訊及交通資訊,後端的部分主要功能為活動資訊更新及修改。 應用程式主要建立一個簡單且容易操作的APP,透過豐富的圖文介紹,讓不了解客家文化的使用者能夠快速地了解客家文化的發展及傳承,另外有GCGM的導覽功能讓使用者可以及時找到展館位置,提高遊客使用的意願,吸引更多人潮前往觀光,也讓客家文化能夠繼續傳承。【功能特色】-地圖導覽:透過GCGM景點定位,結合Google Map功能進行導覽,使用更多功能 如:切換圖層、導航功能-導覽功能與詳細介紹:本應用程式使用兩個程式,讓使用者可以分別需求使用,地圖導覽使用在查詢園區定位點,利用導航功能引導使用者前往園區最佳路徑;詳細導覽程式則可以讓使用者更加了解展館內容。-語音導覽:透過語音介紹導覽,可以在一邊參觀時一邊聆聽展館介紹-實地拍攝:詳細介紹程式中,所有展館內容照片及介紹影片都由開發小組多次實地拍攝-資訊更新:本程式結合後端資料庫,定期關注苗栗客家文化園區官方網站公告消息做更新【其他信息】系統需求:Android作業系統儲存空間:(地圖導覽):約7MB;(詳細導覽):約11MB問題回報
憶尋金西 3.0
「憶尋金西」App為2013年銘傳大學資訊管理學系與金門縣金寧數位中心之共同產學合作,此App主要在是回憶當年曾經是金寧鄉最為繁華的地帶也就是金西戲院的所在,App的「微憶錄」中是以一個小故事製作成微電影,讓您藉由觀看影片來回顧當年金西戲院的樣貌,也是此App最大的特色喔!此外,App中的「淺談金西」與「探遊金寧」也提供了金西戲院周遭值得一看且具有時間與歷史價值的店家,以及整個金寧鄉不可錯過的景點,以簡單的文字描述搭配照片的方式呈現,藉由這個免費的App,來到金門,不妨親自到這些具有歷史美的古蹟與美麗的景點走走吧!"Recalling find Kinsey"App for the common industry-university cooperation in 2013, MingChuan University, Department of Information Management and DigitalKinmen County Ning's center,This App is reminiscent of the year, mainly in Jinning was once themost prosperous area that is the theater where the GoldenWest,App of "micro-memoir" is a short story in a micro film production,allowing you to watch movies to review that year by Kinsey theaterappearance, but also the most important feature of this AppOh!In addition, App of "On Golden West" and "exploring Ningyi" alsoprovides Kinsey worth around theater and has time and historicalvalue of the stores,And the entire Jinning sights not to be missed, in a simple textdescription presented with photographs,With this free App, came to the Golden Gate, we might go to thebeautiful sights of these monuments and historic beauty aroundit!
2013鹿港冬遊季 2.0
「2013鹿港冬遊季」App為中州科技大學管理學院中小企業診斷與行銷中心及資訊管理系與鹿港鎮公所共同產學合作,專門為冬遊季所開發之適地性服務(LBS,Location-BasedService)科技導覽App,讓遊客能在鹿港「吃喝玩樂」一次滿足,在App中主要分為古早味的「古意鹿港」與現代化的「創意鹿港」,另外還有最新消息及多元的活動介紹。活動精采可期!在古早味裡,家長可以回味以前小時候所玩的踩高蹺、打陀螺;肚子餓時則可以享受鹿港豐富的小吃美宴。而在現代化中,更有親子能共同玩樂的飛盤嘉年華及現代人流行的夜跑。當然,好吃好玩的不只這些,我們還有更多活動等著遊客們前來體驗!特別提醒本App有強大的「導航」功能,可以透過GoogleMap的導航功能,帶您穿梭在鹿港的大街小巷,也有友善的「分享」功能,可以透過facebook、LINE或Twitter,Plurk等通訊軟體,讓您可以將各活動訊息分享或發佈給親朋好友,希望能帶給您智慧遊鹿港的美麗新體驗。"2013 Lukang Dongseason," App of Zhongzhou University of Technology School ofManagement Diagnosis and marketing center for SMEs and InformationManagement together with Lukang town hall industry-universitycooperation, developed specifically for Dong quarter oflocation-based services (LBS, Location-Based Service) TechnologyNavigation App, so that visitors can Lukang "eat, drink," once met,the App typified mainly divided into "old-fashioned Lukang" andmodern "Creative Lukang", in addition to latest news anddiversified Activities. Exciting activities can be expected! Intraditional fashion, the parents of the child before playingaftertaste stilts, playing gyroscope; hungry when you can enjoy thebeauty of Lukang rich snack feast. In modern times, there areparents can work together to have fun Frisbee Carnival and modernpopular night run. Of course, the delicious fun not only that, wehave more activities waiting for visitors to come and experience!In particular there is a strong reminder of the App "navigation"feature, you can navigate through the Google Map function, theshuttle takes you to the streets in Lukang, there are also friendly"sharing" feature, you can through facebook, LINE or Twitter, Plurkand other communications software that allows you to share orpublish each event message to friends and family, hoping to bringthe beauty of your wisdom swim Lukang new experiences.
金城旅遊Guide 5.0
悠遊金湖 2.0
「悠遊金湖」APP,是介紹關於金湖海灘花蛤季的導覽APP,讓來到此地的遊客能夠了解當地的各式活動,體會花蛤季的迷人之處。在我們的APP之中,除了對於當地學習中心的介紹,而最重要的,便是在夏天,擁有許多有趣活動的花蛤季。裡面有對於花蛤季的基礎認識,以及花蛤季各式精彩活動介紹,透過花蛤季電子書,以及串聯大部分花蛤季活動的微電影,相信能讓還未來到金湖海灘的各位遊客,迫不期待的來到這裡玩。好吃好玩的,在哪裡?,相信我,就在金湖海灘花蛤季!!!本APP還有親切的[分享功能],可以透過facebook,將金湖海灘眾多的活動訊息,跟美食美景分享給親朋好友,金湖海灘花蛤季歡迎您的到來。"Youyou Lake" APP, isintroduced on the navigation season Clam Lake Beach, APP, so thattourists can come here and learn about the various activities,experience the charm of Clam season. In our APP, apart from theintroduction of local learning centers and, most importantly, isthat in the summer, with many interesting activities Clam season.There are the foundation for understanding Clam quarter, as well asa variety of exciting activities Clam season introduced throughClam season books, as well as a series of micro-season activitiesClam most movies, I am sure you have not come to make Lake Beachtourists come here not expecting to force play. Delicious fun,where to?, Believe me, in Clam Lake beach season! ! !The APP still warm [sharing] can, through facebook, numerousactivities will be Lake Beach messages to friends and family toshare the beauty with gourmet welcome you soon Clam Lake beachseason.
夜市一二三 2.0
夜市一二三是以推薦北中南東部的夜市為主,提供優質著名的夜市,來滿足您的食慾。貼心服務:-當選定夜市地點,提供導航,為你引導目的地。-如吃飽飽,想到附近景點走走,為你提供鄰近相關資訊。-透過一趟夜市之旅,還能夠分享其他好友資訊。Night Market, one hundredtwenty-three is recommended mainly northern, eastern NightMarket,Quality and famous night market to satisfy your appetite.Care services:- When selected Night Market Place, navigation, destinationguide for you.- Eat enough, think of nearby attractions walk close to theinformation you provide.- A trip through a trip to the night market, but also be able toshare information of other friends.
彰化巴士通 1.0.6
認識蝴蝶 6.0
蝴蝶在地球上的歷史,可以遠溯到四千多萬年前。蝴蝶對氣候差異的適應性極強,從北極凍土到熱帶雨林都看得到牠們美麗的身影。就讓我們大家一起來「認識蝴蝶」,愛護台灣的蝴蝶吧!Butterfly on Earthhistory can be traced back to more than forty million years ago.Butterfly highly adaptive to climate differences, from the Arctictundra to the tropical rainforest all see their beautiful figure.Let us all work together to "know the butterfly," Taiwan'sbutterfly love it!
中台灣主題遊樂園 1.0.1
燒肉世界 1.0.1
新竹縣 微旅行 3.0
「新竹縣微旅行APP」是為推廣新竹縣綠色樂活與在地慢遊的綠色旅遊理念,所特別建置的新竹縣旅遊景點行動導覽APP,希望提供方便的旅遊資訊讓更多民眾來到新竹縣都能盡量使用綠色運具:公車、火車與自行車及步行方式,來完成一趟前所未體驗過的在地綠色慢遊小旅遊,細細品味每個地方不同的美食、人情味與感動。"Hsinchu CountyMicroTravel APP" is to promote Hsinchu County green mantleBroadwoodswim in the green tourism concept, specifically builtHsinchuCounty attractions action guide APP, want to provideconvenienttravel information to allow more people to Hsinchu Countyto beable to use green transportation modes: bus, train and bikeandwalking way to complete a trip never before experienced in asmallground green slow travel tourism, savor each place adifferentcuisine, humane and moved.
西門町 App 導覽 2.0
將旅遊導覽的方式應用到App上,透過影音的介紹,讓更多人了解西門町。The travelguideapplication to the App on the way, through the introductionofaudio and video, so that more people know about Ximending.
獅情化憶 2.0
「獅情化憶」電子書為銘傳大學資訊管理系和中研院資料庫及金門的各地方資料蒐集而成的一本電子書,專門為當地的民眾及到金門旅遊的遊客們而精心製作,讓閱讀這本電子書APP的使用者們能在書中體會到風獅爺的魅力,在App中主要將金門的城鎮分為四大塊,並且透過各城鎮的分布,去瞭解金門各地區的風獅爺分布,點入各城鎮之中,會看見以圖鑑式的方式成列的風獅爺小圖,透過點選各個風獅爺,便可看見他的詳細資料,我們在使用電子書時點選較左側便可以往下一頁繼續閱讀,若為閱讀完畢,點選較為右側也可以回到上一頁繼續觀看,而在每一隻風獅爺的資料之中,我們可以看見一個房子的圖案,透過點選此圖便可以回到目錄,而位於電子書下方,我們可以點選More的圖示,給予回饋,點選Awesome給予我們正面的回應,並可以分享至Facebook給朋友們觀看喔,若有需修正部分也可以點選Notgood給予我們改進的機會,About可以看到此APP電子書的QRcode並可以和朋友們分享此APP喔,當然此app的箇中滋味,還需要各位使用者們去細細體會,一同去享受「獅情化憶」的金門吧!"Lions Love ofmemory"books for the Department of Information Management, MingChuanUniversity and Academia Sinica database and local datacollectionKinmen made a book specifically for local people and toKinmentourism tourGentlemen and elaborate, so read this book APP users were abletoappreciate the book wind lions charm, mainly in the Golden GateApptowns divided into four blocks, and through various townsDistribution, to understand wind lions Kinmenregionaldistribution, point into the various towns and cities, youwill seethe way to the pictorial style of lion statues in a row asmallmap, click through the various wind lions, you can seehisdetailsDetailed information, we click on the left side when comparedtothe use of e-books can be read on the previous Next, if itisfinished reading, click on the right side can also return totheprevious more continue to watch, and in every wind onlyInformation among the lions, we can see a house pattern, theycango back by clicking this figure directory, and is located belowthebook, we can tap the More icon, give feedback,Click Awesome give us a positive response, and can be sharedonFacebook for friends to watch Oh, if required to amend sectioncanalso tap Not good to give us opportunities forimprovement,AboutYou can see this APP eBook QRcode and friends can share thisAPPOh, of course, the life like this app, users who need to feelforyou, to enjoy together, "recalls lion Emotions"Golden Gate!
企劃塾APP微影片創新應用專業特訓班 2.0
2013年台灣企劃塾全新企劃的「APP微影片創新應用專業特訓班」,4月份起於北、中、南開課。請到了專業製作人及導演,28小時助您躍登「雲科技」專業新貴之門,輕鬆完成生平第1支自製高質APP微影片,完課即擁有!微影片+APP,正引發生活全面性的革新狂潮!<適合對象>A.服務之組織或從事之行業正想進行「微影片」或「APP」製作(各類型公司企業、政府機關、公協會各類非營利組織、教育單位、SOHO族…)B.想成為「APP微影片」專業企劃製作服務提供者(在職、求職、在學者…)C.對「APP微影片」專業企劃製作領域有興趣,未來想進本產業者<進行方式 >A.學員自備智慧手機、平板電腦、主辦單位提供APP微影片製作模組與平台B.8大Know-How:講師深度解說「APP微電影製作」核心Know-HowC.15 Step by Step:講師課中帶領「分組演練、實作」D.各組學員課後製作APP微影片初稿,課中小組簡報,講師評論指導E.各組作品課後再修正,完成高質感APP微影片!The 2013 planning Sook,anew planning "APP micro Videos innovative applicationofprofessional the Gifted classes" in April in the northern,central,south commencement. Go to a professional producer anddirector, and28 hours to assist with you Yuedeng to the door of the"Cloud"professional upstart, easy to complete the life of aself-made highquality APP micro-film, finished the lesson that has!Micro Videos+ APP is causing a frenzy comprehensive innovationthat! A. Organization of the services or engaged in the industry wasgoingto "micro-film" or "APP" production(All types of companies, government agencies, public associationsofthe various types of non-profit organizations,educationalinstitutions, SOHO family ...)B. wanted to be "APP micro-film" professional planningandproduction service provider (on-the-job, job search,academics...)C. "APP micro-film" professional planning and production haveaninterest in the future want to go to the industryA. The participants bring their own smart phones, tabletPCs,provided by the organizers APP micro-film production modulesandplatformsThe B.8 big know-How: Lecturer depth commentary "APPmicro-filmproduction" core Know-HowC.15 Step by Step: lecturer lesson led the "packetdrillsimplementation"D. students after-school production of draft APP Micro Videoclassgroup presentations, lecturer Review GuidelinesE. group of works lesson and then corrected, completed thehightexture APP micro Videos!
App2go 4.0
App2go是App+微電影創新應用商業服務平台透過說故事的情境,App2go讓你(妳)開心分享你(妳)所見所聞感動的照片與影像,用App2go可為你(妳)紀錄生活中所有難忘的心情感受,你(妳)可用微電影情境手法拍攝紀錄每個感動時刻並立刻分享給你(妳)的朋友與家人,還可與你(妳)的朋友與家人彼此留言與分享每個時刻深切的互動感受。App2go-愛瘋玩客旅遊節目頻道,會深入介紹台灣好吃好玩旅遊美食的景點,在節目頻道中有現場直播花絮、完整節目與精彩影片,內容有趣好玩,甚至還有許多好康優惠在裡頭。想知道有什麼特別好康的私密景點與優惠,只要下載App2go,照著優惠情報資訊馬上導航帶你(妳)前往,不但可獲得App2go獨家特別優惠折扣,還可以參加店家景點的微電影節目製作,讓你(妳)有機會成為App2go玩樂遊記中的熱門話題發燒人物,同時你(妳)也可以成為App2go玩樂排行榜中的玩樂專家,只要下載App2go,你(妳)就有機會一(下)載成名。聯絡人:串媒體製作總監王小明 frankwang0516@gmail.comMulti-Screenplatform、TransmediaProducer、CreativeDirector、Writer、Storyteller、Social Media系統開發:長茂科技股份有限公司App2go is App+micro-business service platform for innovative applications moviesThrough storytelling context, App2go let you (you) happy toshareyour (your) photos and images seen and heard impressed withApp2gofor you (you) record in all of life memorable mood feelings,you(you) available micro- Film situational approach shot recordeachtime and immediately moved to share to you (your) friendsandfamily, but also with you (your) friends and family to shareeverymoment with each other a message deeply interactiveexperience.App2go-love goofed off tourism program channels in depthaboutTaiwan cuisine delicious fun tourist attractions in theprogramchannels broadcast live footage, complete with excitingvideoprogram content interesting and fun, and even get many offersininside Want to know what special goodies attractions andoffersprivacy, just download App2go, according tointelligenceinformation immediately navigation deals with you (you)to not onlyget App2go exclusive special discounts, you can alsoparticipate inthe micro-film programs store attractions production,so you (you)have the opportunity to become App2go fun hot topicfever Travelsin character, and you (you) can also be a fun list offun App2goexpert, just download App2go, you (you) have theopportunity to one( lower) set fame.Contact: Media Production Director stringMulti-Screenplatform, Transmedia Producer, CreativeDirector,Writer, Storyteller, Social MediaSystems Development: Long Mao Technology Co., Ltd.
古蹟彰化 10.0
彰化市公所製作的「『古蹟彰化,舊城小吃大』App系統及電子書App」,係將彰化舊城的觀光資源做一系統化建置,便利民眾、遊客運用行動載具導覽,來隨時取得彰化巿旅遊資訊,充實每一次旅遊興致。彰化舊城的小吃、美食與伴手禮讓人津津樂道,利用「『古蹟彰化,舊城小吃大』App系統」,可一覽彰化美食資訊,人性化導航至想要的店家所在,更可將優質的舊城小吃、伴手禮資訊,分享給使用者的好朋友、社群,更有趣的是,透過對使用資訊的QRCode掃描(SCAN),便能輕易將熱門訊息傳遞給朋友(及朋友的朋友、 ...),這樣的「體驗傳遞」將成為好朋友之間的新互動模式。彰化舊城人文薈萃,使用者更可在「『古蹟彰化,舊城小吃大』電子書App」中,找到透過「文學家的筆」與「藝術家的畫」所描述、刻畫的每一個街屋、巷弄、古蹟等美景,按圖索驥,品味精緻細膩的彰化舊城,同樣能使用app系統所提供的資訊導覽、導航、分享、傳遞等諸多功能。彰化市是寶島台灣的中心點,也是「舊、緩、人情味」動靜皆宜的文化動感城市,在本APP系統中,另有「超級解說員」提供了彰化舊城觀光產業、最新活動與未來展望的豐富資訊;「阿富小飛俠」更帶領使用者深入彰化市政推動的各面向,使用它,即能盡情地瀏覽迷人的寺廟古蹟,享受難忘小吃,也會帶走人人愛的體面伴手禮,本APP系統獻上彰化市民衷心的感謝與祝福!Changhua CityHallproduced "'monuments Changhua, snacks big old" system and e-AppApp"Old City Changhua Department will make a systematic buildtourismresources, facilitate people and tourists use mobile carrierguideto Changhua travel information readily available to themarket,fulfilling every tourist interest.Changhua old snack, food and souvenirs people talked about theuseof "'monuments Changhua, old big snacks" App System ",overlookingChanghua food information, user-friendly navigation tothe desiredstore location, it can be Old-quality snacks, souvenirsinformationsharing to the user's friends, communities, and moreinterestingly,through the use of information QRCode Scan (SCAN),can easily bepopular messaging to friends (and friends friend,...), such"experience transfer" will become a new interaction modelbetweengood friends.Changhua old cultural atmosphere, more user can"'monumentsChanghua, old big snacks" eBook App ", find through the"writer'spen "and" the artist's paintings, "as described, depictseverystreet houses , alleys, monuments beauty, what you want, fineanddelicate taste of the old city of Changhua, the same app canusethe information provided by the navigation system,navigation,sharing, transfer and many other features.Changhua City is the center of the island of Taiwan, but alsothe"old, slow, impersonal" Safe movement of cultural dynamic cityinthe APP system, another "super narrator" gives the old cityofChanghua tourism industry, the latest events and the futureLookinga wealth of information; "Afghanistan Peter Pan" also led toauser-driven depth Changhua each municipal-oriented, to use it,thatis able to enjoy browsing charming temples monuments,memorablesnacks, will take away everyone loves decent Souvenir ofthe APPsystem Changhua public offer my heartfelt thanks andbestwishes!
暢遊新北市 1.0.1
鶯歌陶瓷之鄉 1.0.1
中華大學休閒系 2.0.20
RiverYes饒河夜市網 1.0.1