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Learn Node.js Offline Fast PRO 1.5.0
Learn Node.Js, Express.js, MongoDB, GraphQL,, Meteor,Koa, Without Ads
AngularDev PRO: Learn Angular
Development Guide for Angular, Javascript, ES6, Typescript &more, NO ADS
Learn Laravel Complete [PRO] 2.1.1
Learn Laravel 8 Offline - Laravel, PHP Programming, MySQL,PostgreSQL and More
Learn C++ Programming Offline - C++ Tutorials Free 1.2
Learn C++ Programming - Complete C++ tutorials & Guide.LearnC++ Programming OFFLINE. This app contains an in-depth guideto themost popular and widely used Programming language "C++". Ifyou area new Programmer or starting C++ Programming then this appis goingto be your best friend. C++ is a general-purposeobject-orientedprogramming (OOP) language, developed by BjarneStroustrup, and isan extension of the C language. It is, therefore,possible to codeC++ in a "C style" or "object-oriented style." Incertainscenarios, it can be coded in either way and is thus aneffectiveexample of a hybrid language. C++ is considered to beanintermediate-level language, as it encapsulates both high-andlow-level language features. Initially, the language was called"Cwith classes" as it had all the properties of the C languagewithan additional concept of "classes." However, it was renamed C++in1983. Topics Included in this App 1- C++ Programming Overview2-C++ Programming Environment 3- C++ Syntax 4- Learn C++ Comments5-Learn C++ Data Types 6- C++ Variable Types 7- Variable Scopes8-Constants & Literals 9- Learn C++ Modifiers Types 10-StorageClasse 11- Operators 12- Loops 13- Decision making 14-Functions15- Numbers 16- C++ Arrays 17- C++ Strings 18- C++Pointers 19-References 20- Learn Date & Time in C++ 21- BasicInput &Output in C++ 22- C++ Data Structure 23- Classes Objects24-Inheritance 25- Learn C++ Overloading 26- C++ Polymorphism27-Abstraction 28- C++ Interfaces 29- Files and Streams in C++30-Exception Handling 31- Dynamic Memor 32- Namespaces 33-C++Templates 34- C++ Preprocessor 35- Signal handling36-Multithreading 37- Learn Web Programming in C++ So Why youShouldLearn C++ Framework in 2018/2019 1- Scalability C++'sgreateststrength is how scalable it could be, so apps that areveryresource-intensive are usually built with it. Graphics requirealot of resources, which is why the most beautiful 3D gamesyouhappily feast your eyes on are often built with C++. 2- Fast Asastatically typed language, C++ is generally more performantthandynamically typed languages because the code is type-checkedbeforeit is executed. Java is gaining ground in terms of speed, butinthe end, depending on how talented the C++ developer is, C++canstill be faster than Java. 3- Control As mentioned before,sinceyou have a lot of control over how your app uses resources,yourapp can take up very little resource. All in all, since C++ canbevery performant in the right hands, enterprises often use C++tocode functions that have a critical reliance on speed andresourceusage. So if you like our effort please rate this app orcommentbelow if you want to give us any suggestions or ideas.ThanksPrivacyPolicy:
Guide for Learning Android App Development [PRO] 2.3.3
Development Guide to Learn Android App Development + LearnXMLProgramming + Learn Java Programming + Guide for Learning Kotlin+SQLite + Learn Gradle + Learn Espresso & so much morewithProject completely OFFLINE and without Ads . This is acompleteAndroid app Development course with Android Appdevelopmentprojects. All the topics contain code examples so youcan get abetter understanding of what's going on. Learning AndroidAppDevelopment is a great thing to do because there is so muchgoingon in this area. It’s a profit-making profession in highdemand.There are many innovative ideas in the mobile applicationsmarket,and the growth of new technologies that will improve themobileenvironment assure us a great outcome for the investment inandroidapp development. So Download this app and learn how to buildanandroid app. So if you like our effort please rate this apporcomment below if you want to give us any suggestions orideas.Thanks PrivacyPolicy
Learn Laravel Coding Offline 3.0.0
Learn Laravel 8 Programming Offline - Become a Laravel Programmer2021
Learn PHP Offline Now - PHPDev 2.2.1
Learn PHP 8 Programming Offline - Become a complete PHP 8Programmer
Learn JavaScript - JSDev [PRO] 2.4.1
Learn JavaScript, Angular, React, Vue, Ember, Node, Ionic, ReactNative & more
Learn CSS Programming Guide - CSS3 Tutorials Free 1.2
Learn CSS Programming Free with Code Examples - CompleteCSS3Tutorials for Beginners to Advanced Developers. This appcontainsall the major topics of CSS & CSS3 with Excellent CodeExamplesand Projects. With CSS you can Design Modern websites. CSSstandsfor Cascading Style Sheets with an emphasis placed on“Style.”While HTML is used to structure a web document, CSS comesthroughand specifies your document’s style page layouts, colors,and fontsare all determined with CSS. Think of HTML as thefoundation, andCSS as the aesthetic choices. So if you are a newDeveloper orstarting Web Development and want to build richWebsites or if youare already a CSS Programmer then this app willbe a great pocketreference guide for CSS Programming & to LearnCSS. So whichtopics of CSS this app covers? 1- CSS Introduction 2-Basic CSSSyntax 3- Unit of Measurement in CSS 4- Learn CSSInclusion 5-Learn CSS Colors 6- CSS backgrounds 7- CSS Tutorial onFonts 8-Learn CSS Text Properties 9- CSS Tutorial on Images 10-Learn CSSLinks 11- CSS Tutorials on Tables 12- Learn CSS Borders13- CSSMargins 14- CSS List 15- CSS Padding 16- Cursors in CSSProgramming17- Learn CSS Outline 18- Dimensions in CSS Programming19-Scrollbar in CSS Programming Advanced CSS Programming 1-CSSTutorials on Visibility 2- Positioning in CSS Programming 3-Layersin CSS Programming 4- CSS Pseudo Classes 5- Learn CSSPseudoElements 6- Rules in CSS Programming 7- Text Effects inCSSProgramming 8- Learn CSS Media Types 9- Learn CSS Paged Media10-Learn CSS Aural Media 11- Printing in CSS Programming 12- LearnCSSLayouts 13- Learn CSS Validations Reasons to Learn CSSProgramming1- Design your website how you want By learning CSS youcan Designyou own custom website designs or modify pre-builttemplates sothat they have your colors and styles. Thus you'll haveacustomized website without a lot of effort. 2- Save MoneybyLearning CSS There are a lot of web designers who will buildyourwebsite or your CSS for you. But paying someone else tomaintainyour website or blog can get expensive, even if you onlyhave themcreate the designs and you then maintain the content.Knowing howto modify the CSS will save you money when you findsmall problemsthat you can fix yourself. 3- Earn Money with CSSOnce you know CSSreally well, you can sell these services to otherwebsites. And ifyou're looking to become a freelance web designer,you won't getfar if you don't know CSS. 4- Build More DiverseWebsites CSS givesyou the opportunity to create sites that lookvery different frompage to page, without a lot of extensive coding.For example, manysites now do slight color variations on thedifferent sections ofthe site. Using page IDs, you can change theCSS for each sectionand use the same HTML structure for eachsection. The only thingthat changes is the content and CSS. So ifyou like our effortplease rate this app or comment below if youwant to give us anysuggestions or ideas. Thanks PrivacyPolicy:
Learn React Offline - ReactDev 3.3.0
ReactDev: Learn React.js, React Hooks, Typescript, Javascript andmore
Learn HTML Programming Free - HTML Tutorials 1.4.1
Learn HTML Programming Free with Code Examples - CompleteHTMLTutorials for Beginners to Advanced Developers. This appcontainsall the major topics of HTML & HTML5 with ExcellentCodeExamples and Projects. With HTML you can Develop Modernwebsites,Every website on the internet is using HTML. So if you area newDeveloper or starting Web Development and want to buildrichWebsites or if you are already an HTML Programmer then thisappwill be a great pocket reference guide for HTML5 Programming&to Learn HTML. HTML is a computer language devised to allowwebsitecreation. These websites can then be viewed by anyoneelseconnected to the Internet. It is relatively easy to learn, withthebasics being accessible to most people in one sitting; andquitepowerful in what it allows you to create. What does HTML5 do?We'vecome a long way since HTML could barely handle a simplepagelayout. HTML5 can be used to write web applications that stillworkwhen you're not connected to the net; to tell websites whereyouare physically located; to handle high definition video, andtodeliver extraordinary graphics. So which topics of HTML thisappcovers? 1- HTML Programming Overview 2- HTML Basic Tags 3-Elements4- Learn HTML Attributes 5- Learn HTML Formatting 6- PhraseTags 7-HTML Programming Environment Setup 8- HTML Comments 9-Images 10-Tables 11- Ordered & Unordered Lists 12- Text Links13- ImagesLinks 14- HTML Email Links 15- HTML Frames 16- Iframes 17Blocks inHTML Programming 18- Backgrounds in HTML 19- HTML Colors20- HTMLFonts 21- HTML Forms 22- Embed Multimedia 23- Marquees 24-Headerin HTML Programming 25- Working with styles in HTMLProgramming 26-Working with JavaScript in HTML 27- HTML LayoutsHTML5 ProgrammingTopics 1- HTML5 Programming Overview and Features2- HTML5 Syntax3- HTML5 Attributes 4- Learn HTML5 Events 5- WebForms 6- Workingwith SVG 7- MathML 8- Web Storage 9- Web SQLDatabase 10- HandlingServer Events 11- Working with Web Socket 12-Canvas 13- Workingwith Audio & Video 14- HTML5 Geolocation 15-HTML5 Microdata16- Handling Drag & Drop 17- Web Workers 18-Indexed DB 19- WebMessaging 20- CORS 21- Web RTC Few reasons tolearn HTMLProgramming 1- HMTL is the only one you need at theparty. WithHTML5, no plug-ins or 3rd party APIs are needed, and itfunctionsacross multiple browsers. With fewer constraints, HTML5lendsitself to a richer web experience. 2- Create moreinteractive,engaging content with HTML. HTML5 allows for easier webupdates andchanges, which helps generate more interactive andengagingcontent. 3- HTML is everywhere. On your phone, tablet,laptop,HMTL5 promotes cross-platform compatibility on all devices.Andwith HTML5, you can take the experience offline too. 4- Jobs,jobs,jobs. Did we mention HTML is #1 job in trends?Thisindustry-standard resume must-have is the skill thatentrepreneursand organizations are relying on now and will rely onin thefuture. HTML is definitely here to stay and is a go-to skillforcomputer programmers in a wide range of fields. So if you likeoureffort please rate this app or comment below if you want to giveusany suggestions or ideas. Thanks PrivacyPolicy:
Droid Dev: Learn Android App Development Guide 2.6.1
Learn Android App Development, Learn Java Programming, LearnKotlinProgramming, and so much more. This is a complete AndroidAppDevelopment course. We are constantly adding newAndroiddevelopment Projects & tutorials so you can learnandroiddevelopment by building real-world Android app that you canbeproud of and share with your friends and family members. Allthetopics contain code examples so you can get a betterunderstandingof what's going on. Why Learn Android App Development?LearningAndroid App Development is a great thing to do becausethere is somuch going on in this area. It’s a profit-makingprofession in highdemand. There are many innovative ideas in themobile applicationsmarket, and the growth of new technologies thatwill improve themobile environment assure us of a great outcome forthe investmentin android app development. So Download this app andlearn how tobuild an android app. Topics Learn ANDROID APPSDEVELOPMENTOverview Setup Android Development Environment AndroidAppArchitecture Android Components Hello World Example AppResourcesActivities Services Broadcast Receivers in Android AppDevelopmentContent Providers Fragments Intents/Filters UI LayoutsAndroid UIControl Android Event Handling Learn Android Styles &ThemesAndroid Custom Components Implement Drag and Drop AndroidAppNotifications Based Services Sending Emails Sending SMSMakingPhone Calls Android Projects & Examples BluetoothExampleCamera Example Alert Dialogue Example Adding Custom FontsAndroidWiFi Example Android App Development Best Practices LearnKOTLINKotlin is a programming language introduced by JetBrains,theofficial designer of the most intelligent Java IDE, namedIntellijIDEA. This is a strongly statically typed language thatruns onJVM. In 2017, Kotlin was announced as the official languageforandroid app development. Kotlin is an open-sourceprogramminglanguage that combines object-oriented programming andfunctionalfeatures into a unique platform. In this app, Kotlingtutorials aredivided into various chapters that contain relatedtopics withsimple and useful examples. Learn JAVA Programming Javais ahigh-level programming language originally developed bySunMicrosystems and released in 1995. Java runs on a varietyofplatforms, and the various versions of UNIX. This app givesacomplete understanding of Java. This reference will takeyouthrough simple and practical approaches while learningJavaProgramming language. Learn XML XML stands for ExtensibleMarkupLanguage and is a text-based markup language derived fromStandardGeneralized Markup Language. This app will teach you thebasics ofXML. This app is divided into sections such as XML Basics,AdvancedXML, and XML tools. Each of these sections contains relatedtopicswith simple and useful examples. Conclusion Learning AndroidAppDevelopment is a great thing to do because it opens the door toalot of opportunities. There is a huge demand for Androiddevelopersand the payment is quite good. So if you like our effortpleaserate this app or comment below if you want to give usanysuggestions or ideas. Thanks PrivacyPolicy
Learn Java Coding Fast Offline 2.2.1
Become a Job Ready Java Programmer 2022 - Java Tutorials Beginnersto Advanced
Learn Spring Framework Free - Spring Tutorials 1.2.1
Learn Spring Framework Free & OFFLINE - CompleteSpringTutorials for Beginner to Advanced. This app is the bestresourcefor learning Spring Programming. Complete Spring Tutorials&Master Guide for Beginners to Advanced Java Developers. If youarea new Programmer or starting Spring Programming then this appisgoing to be your best friend or if you are already aSpringProgrammer then this app will be a great pocket referenceguide forSpring Framework Tutorials & Development. Spring isthe mostpopular application development framework for enterpriseJava.Millions of developers around the world use Spring Frameworktocreate high performing, easily testable, and reusable code.Springframework is an open-source Java platform. It was initiallywrittenby Rod Johnson and was first released under the Apache 2.0licensein June 2003. Spring is lightweight when it comes to sizeandtransparency. The basic version of Spring framework is around2MB.The core features of the Spring Framework can be used indevelopingany Java application, but there are extensions forbuilding webapplications on top of the Java EE platform. Springframeworktargets to make J2EE development easier to use andpromotes goodprogramming practices by enabling a POJO-basedprogramming model.Topics Spring Framework Overview SpringArchitecture SpringEnvironment Setup Spring Hello World ExampleSpring IoC ContainersSpring Bean Definition Learn Spring BeanScopes Bean Life CycleBean Post Processors Bean DefinitionInheritance Learn SpringDependency Injection Spring - InjectingInner Beans Spring -Injecting Collection Beans Auto-WiringAnnotation BasedConfiguration Learn Spring Java Based ConfigurationLearn SpringEvent Handling in Spring Custom Events in Spring AOPwith SpringFramework Spring JDBC Framework Learn Spring TransactionManagementSpring Web MVC Framework Logging with Log4J Benefits ofUsing theSpring Framework Following is the list of few of the greatbenefitsof using Spring Framework − 1- Spring enables developers todevelopenterprise-class applications using POJOs. The benefit ofusingonly POJOs is that you do not need an EJB container productsuch asan application server but you have the option of using onlyarobust servlet container such as Tomcat or some commercialproduct.2- Spring is organized in a modular fashion. Even thoughthe numberof packages and classes are substantial, you have toworry onlyabout the ones you need and ignore the rest. 3- Springdoes notreinvent the wheel, instead, it truly makes use of some oftheexisting technologies like several ORM frameworks,loggingframeworks, JEE, Quartz, and JDK timers, and otherviewtechnologies. So if you like our effort please rate this apporcomment below if you want to give us any suggestions orideas.Thanks PrivacyPolicy:
Learn R Programming Free - R Programming Tutorials 1.2.1
Learn R Programming Free. R was designed by statisticians andwasspecialized for statistical computing, and thus is known asthelingua franca of statistics. As technology improves, thedatacompanies or research institutions collect has become more andmorecomplex, and R has been adopted by many as the language ofchoiceto analyze data. R is great for machine learning,datavisualization and analysis, and some areas of scientificcomputing.This app contains all the major topics of R ProgrammingwithExcellent Code Examples and Projects. Top Reasons to LearnRProgramming in 2019 R Programming in Open Source R is a free,opensource software. Its plug and play, install R once and starthavingfun with it. What more? You can even modify the code and addyourown innovations to it. R language has no license restrictionsas itis issued under the GNU. R is Cross-Platform Compatible One ofthebiggest advantages of R is that you can run R on severaloperatingsystems and varied Software/Hardware. R will runseamlesslyirrespective of whether you are working on a Linux based,Mac or aWindows system. Huge Community Let’s say you are working onafinancial project to find out how many of the creditcardtransactions are fraudulent and reach a roadblock whilebuildingthe classification model. Thankfully, R boasts of a hugecommunityto tap into whenever you need help. So, you can alwaysseek helpfrom people who have worked on similar projects.Interactive Webapps Ever wondered if there is a tool which helps increatingstunning web applications directly from your dataanalysissoftware? R provides a package called shiny, just for that.Withthe help of shiny, you can create interactive web pagesandimpressive dashboard designs directly from your R Console.HighPaying Jobs n a Survey done by Dice Tech of over 17,000technologyprofessionals, the highest-paid IT skill was Rprogramming. Rlanguage skills attract median salaries in excess of$110,000. WithR language as a skill-set, one can find jobs such as:1- DataAnalyst 2- Data Scientist 3- Quantitative Analyst 4-FinancialAnalyst So if you Like our effort please rate this app orcommentbelow if you want to give us any suggestions or ideas.ThanksPrivacyPolicy
Learn Networking Offline CCNA 2.0.0
Learn Networking Offline - Networking Tutorials - Learn CCNAComplete
Learn Bootstrap 4 - Bootstrap Tutorials Offline 2.4
This is a complete Bootstrap Tutorials and Training. This isanin-depth guide to the Bootstrap 4 Development and buildsabeautiful website fast. If You are a new developer and thinkingoflearning Bootstrap 4 or starting Bootstrap 3 or 4 developmentthenthis app is going to be your best friend. Bootstrap is asleek,intuitive, and powerful, mobile-first front-end frameworkforfaster and easier web development. It uses HTML, CSS,andJavascript. Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto andJacobThornton. It was released as an open-source product in August2011.This app contains all the components of Bootstrap 3 & 4withExcellent Code Examples. With its beautiful UI and easy tolearnguide you can learn Bootstrap within Days, and this is whatmakesthis app different from other apps. We are constantly updatingthisapp with every new major Bootstrap release and adding morecodesnippets. Bootstrap 3 Topics Included in this App 1- Bootstrap3Overview 2- Setup Bootstrap Development Environment 3-BootstrapGrid System 4- CSS Overview 5- Bootstrap Typography 6-Code Tag 7-Bootstrap Tables 8- Forms 9- Bootstrap Buttons 10-Bootstrap Images11- helper Classes 12- Bootstrap ResponsiveUtilities 13-Glyphicons 14- Learn Bootstrap Dropdowns 15- BootstrapButtonGroups 16- Bootstrap Button Dropdowns 17- Learn BootstrapInputGroup 18- Bootstrap Navigation Elements 19- Learn BootstrapNavbar20- Breadcrumbs 21- Learn Bootstrap Pagination 22- BootstrapLabels23- Badges 24- Bootstrap Jumbotron 25- Page Header 26-BootstrapThumbnails 27- Bootstrap Alerts 28- Progress Bars 29-BootstrapMedia Object 30- Bootstrap List Group 31- Panel 32- WellsBootstrap4 Topics 1- Bootstrap 4 Overview 2- Bootstrap 4Environment Setup3- Bootstrap 4 Layouts 4- Learn the Bootstrap 4Grid System 5-Bootstrap 4 Content 6- Bootstrap 4 Components 7-Bootstrap 4Utilities 8- Difference B/W Bootstrap 3 & 4 FewReasons toLearn Bootstrap Mobile-first approach − Bootstrap 3, theframeworkconsists of Mobile-first styles throughout the entirelibraryinstead them of in separate files. Browser Support − Itissupported by all popular browsers. Popular Browser Easy togetstarted − With just the knowledge of HTML and CSS anyone cangetstarted with Bootstrap. Also, the Bootstrap official site hasgooddocumentation. Responsive design − Bootstrap's responsiveCSSadjusts to Desktops, Tablets, and Mobiles. More abouttheresponsive design is in the chapter Bootstrap ResponsiveDesign.Responsive Design Provides a clean and uniform solutionforbuilding an interface for developers. It contains beautifulandfunctional built-in components which are easy to customize. Italsoprovides web-based customization. And best of all itisopen-source. What Bootstrap Package Includes? Scaffolding−Bootstrap provides a basic structure with Grid System, linkstyles,and background. This is covered in detail in the sectionBootstrapBasic Structure CSS − Bootstrap comes with the feature ofglobalCSS settings, fundamental HTML elements styled and enhancedwithextensible classes, and an advanced grid system. This iscovered indetail in the section Bootstrap with CSS. Components −Bootstrapcontains over a dozen reusable components built toprovideiconography, dropdowns, navigation, alerts, pop-overs, andmuchmore. This is covered in detail in the section LayoutComponents.JavaScript Plugins − Bootstrap contains over a dozencustom jQueryplugins. You can easily include them all, or one byone. This iscovered in details in the section Bootstrap Plugins.Customize −You can customize Bootstrap's components, LESSvariables, andjQuery plugins to get your very own version. PrivacyPolicy:
Learn Java Coding PRO, JavaDev 2.2.0
Become a Complete Java 12 Programmer Now - Become a Job Ready JavaProgrammer
Learn Python Programming [PRO] 2.6.1
Learn Python Programming + Learn Machine Learning + AI + DeepLearning
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Learn Coding Offline - CodeHut 2.0.3
Learn Computer Science from Scratch - Learn Python, Java, C++,JavaScript & more
Learn React.js Coding [PRO] 3.2.0
Lear React.js Coding, JSX, Redux, Router, JavaScript, Typescript& more
Learn JavaScript Development 2.3.1
Become a JavaScript Ninja - Learn Frontend Frameworks - JSDev
Learn Python Coding, PythonPad 2.6.0
Learn Python 3 Programming Offline - Learn Basic to Advanced Python3 Coding
Learn Angular Offline - NgPad 6.5.1
Complete Angular Developer Path- Basic to Advanced Topics with CodeExamples
Learn Node.js Coding - NodeDev 2.6.0
Learn Node Js Programming - Node.js Tutorials OFFLINE
Learn To Code Anywhere [PRO] 2.1.1
Basic Computer Programming - Learn to Code - Learn Java, GO, C++,C#, PHP & More
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Learn Networking CCNA Fast PRO 2.0.0
Learn Networking, CISCO, CCNA, IP Addressing, IPV6, 4, Protocols,LAN, VLAN, NAT
Become Full Stack Coder [PRO] 2.0.0
Become a Complete Job Ready Full Stack Developer - CompletelyOFFLINE
Dark Wallpapers 4K - DarkWallp 2.3.1
Welcome to Dark Wallpapers, the ultimate place for dark and moodybackgrounds
Learn Day & Forex Trading for Beginners | TradePad 1.3.1
Become a Confident Day Trader - Forex Trading for Beginners-Bitcoin Trading - Cryptocurrency & much much more,CompletelyOFFLINE. Learn & Master Basic to Advanced Day TradingConcepts.This app will make you an expert in trading like daytrading, forextrading, bitcoin trading, and much more. Learn DayTrading Daytrading is an investment strategy based on selling andbuyingstocks and other securities within the trading day. We’vecreated acomplete day trading course that will teach you how tobecome a daytrader from the beginning. Some took the day tradingknowledge andwork from home, online, doing just that, others do itin theirspare time or during their day job. This app will make youaprofessional day trader and you will be completely confidentwithhow to day trade. Forex Trading for Beginners - Forex Trading,alsoknown as foreign exchange, FX, or currency trading, isadecentralized global market where all the world's currenciestrade.The Forex market is the largest, most liquid market in theworldwith an average daily trading volume exceeding $5 trillion.All theworld's combined stock markets don't even come close tothis. Thisforex for beginners guide will make you a complete forextradingmaster. Learn Bitcoin Trading We will begin by introducingwhatbitcoins are, then proceeds with the installation of thebitcoinclient software and wallets to make bitcoins transactionspossible.It also discusses bitcoin mining, exchanges, and trading.This apphas been prepared for beginners aspiring to learn alltheessentials of Bitcoins and develop a habit of buying productsandservices using bitcoins and lastly making money by trading inthisbrand new cryptocurrency.
Dope Wallpapers & Ghetto Wallpapers 4K - DopeFox
Dope Wallpapers - Ghetto Wallpapers in HD - Poke Art Wallpapers -DopeFox
Learn Dart 2 Offline - DartDev 1.2.1
Complete Guide for Learning Dart 2 Programming - Dart Tutorials
Learn Full Stack Web Offline 2.0.2
Learn full stack web development and develop supreme websites andweb apps.
PHPDev PRO: Become a PHP Coder 2.2.1
Become a Complete PHP 8+ Developer & Learn to Develop AwesomeWeb Apps with PHP
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Become an R Programmer [PRO] 1.1.0
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Learn Vue.js OFFLINE - VueDev 1.1.0
Learn Vue.js Development OFFLINE | Complete Vue.js DeveloperBootcamp
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Amazing app for downloading High Quality 4K Live FootballWallpapersand Soccer Backgrounds.
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Learn MySQL Database [PRO] 2.0.0
Become a Complete SQL Databases Expert - MySQL, SQL, SQLite, MySQLi- OFFLINE
Learn MySQL Offline - SQLPad 2.0.0
Learn MySQL Database Programming Offline - SQLite, SQL, MySQLi& much more
Learn C++ with Compiler [PRO] 1.0.0
Become a Job Ready C++ Programmer with advanced c++ compileroffline
Learn Kotlin Coding, KotlinPad 3.0.0
Learn Kotlin Programming with Kotlin Compiler - Beginner toAdvanced Concepts
Learn Django Coding, DjangoDev 1.0.1
Learn Django & Python Development Offline - Make AmazingWebsites with Django
Learn Django 3 - DjangoDev PRO 1.0.1
Learn How to Develop Supreme Websites & Web Apps with DjangoFramework