Data Synergy Innovation Limited 应用

點點快拍AR 1.3.5
「點點快拍AR」有效優化企業O2M及O2O的銷售策略,其整合行銷流動應用程式 (DSI ARIntegrated Marketing Communication MobileApplication),綜合傳統廣告、社交媒體、推廣活動、包裝、贊助和客戶服務等,結合AR功能和社交媒體推廣方式,增加行銷方案的協同效應,傳播迅速滲透到目標和潛在客戶,同時可進行即時性的轉化和動態分析。企業亦可以整合利用點點快拍AR的資料行銷標籤,包括消費者屬性、多媒體瀏覽行為、視頻收看行為、產品購買行為、調查研究及獎賞行為等,深入了解消費者對產品及服務的內外接觸點(包括媒介、渠道、頻道等) 和習慣,從而制定完善的整合行銷方案,策略性地為產品和服務定位,向目標客戶植入"Top Of Mind”喚效應。DSI讓宣傳效果由媒體延伸至公關活動、促銷推廣和社交媒體,成功建立品牌與消費者的密切關係,締造最新和最大的傳訊效果。"Little snapshots AR"effectively optimize business O2M and O2O sales strategy, itsintegrated marketing mobile app (DSI AR Integrated MarketingCommunication Mobile Application), integrated traditionaladvertising, social media, promotions, packaging, sponsorship andcustomer service combined with AR features and social mediapromotion, increase synergy marketing programs, spread quicklypenetrate to the target and potential customers, while instant oftransformation and dynamic analysis. Enterprises can also integratethe use of little snapshots AR information label marketing,including consumer attributes, multimedia browsing behavior, videoviewing behavior, product purchase behavior, research and rewardbehavior, in-depth understanding of consumer products and servicesinside and outside the contact points (including media, channel,channel, etc.) and habits, in order to develop comprehensiveintegrated marketing programs for products and servicesstrategically positioned to target customers implants "Top Of Mind"call effect. DSI let publicity extends from the media to publicrelations activities, sales and marketing and social media,successfully established a close relationship between brands andconsumers, to create the latest and greatest arraignmenteffect.
AR Study Ladder 1.2.9
Using common words and sentences in bothMandarin and English as the core content, AR Study Ladder – BabyFluent English is an interactive mobile APP which intends toeducate and to entertain kids through the innovative AugmentedReality technology and Voice Recognition Function. The target usersof the product are 3 to 6 year-old kids and their parents. We aimto provide the kids with a preliminary understanding of commonwords and sentences in both Mandarin and English, and to enrichtheir vocabularies in a casual environment.Through interactive exercises, the kids are able to say wordsand sentences in fluent Mandarin and English. The product consistsof 3 phases (26+7 cards in each phase), with 78 sets of commonwords and sentences, and 21 sets of question-and-answer exercisesin Mandarin and English. The kids are suggested to learn 3 newcards (around 30 mins), 3 words and sentences in Mandarin andEnglish and to have interaction with their parents every day. Thekids will be able to learn 78 common words, 78 common sentences andat least 21 sets of question-and-answer conversation if they study5 days per week. Specially designed revision cards help testing thekids’ learning progress and result at any time. Learning StatusReport allows parents to check their kids’ learning details,including the total number of cards in each phase, the number ofcards learnt and not learnt, as well as the number of cards thatare mastered and the respective mastery levels. The system will beupdated every time after study so that parents can review theirlearning situation and progress timely. For free trial, pleasekindly visit and click in-app "Promotion andExperience" for fun and effective learning demo.
AR Study School Ladder 1.0.2
AR Study Ladder: School Series (CampusLearning + Campus Interaction)Children's preschool preview before formal school life isespecially important. Advance understanding of campus things willhelp children enjoying campus life and establishing friendship withclassmates. Preview the campus life associated with words andsentences in Chinese and English, will also help the kids moreeffectively to absorb knowledge in the class.Using common words and sentences in both Mandarin and English asthe core content, AR Study Ladder – Baby Fluent English is aninteractive mobile APP which intends to educate and to entertainkids through the innovative Augmented Reality technology and VoiceRecognition Function. The target users of the product are 3 to 6year-old kids and their parents. We aim to provide the kids with apreliminary understanding of common words and sentences in bothMandarin and English, and to enrich their vocabularies in a casualenvironment.Through interactive exercises, the kids are able to say wordsand sentences in fluent Mandarin and English. The product consistsof 3 phases (26+7 cards in each phase), with 78 sets of commonwords and sentences, and 21 sets of question-and-answer exercisesin Mandarin and English. The kids are suggested to learn 3 newcards (around 30 mins), 3 words and sentences in Mandarin andEnglish and to have interaction with their parents every day. Thekids will be able to learn 78 common words, 78 common sentences andat least 21 sets of question-and-answer conversation if they study5 days per week. Specially designed revision cards help testing thekids’ learning progress and result at any time. Learning StatusReport allows parents to check their kids’ learning details,including the total number of cards in each phase, the number ofcards learnt and not learnt, as well as the number of cards thatare mastered and the respective mastery levels. The system will beupdated every time after study so that parents can review theirlearning situation and progress timely. For free trial, pleasekindly visit and click in-app "Promotion andExperience" for fun and effective learning demo.
AR Activity Ladder 1.0.1
AR Activity Ladder: Activity Series (ActivityLearning + Activity Interaction)Using common words and sentences in both Mandarin and English asthe core content, AR Study Ladder – Baby Fluent English is aninteractive mobile APP which intends to educate and to entertainkids through the innovative Augmented Reality technology and VoiceRecognition Function. The target users of the product are 3 to 6year-old kids and their parents. We aim to provide the kids with apreliminary understanding of common words and sentences in bothMandarin and English, and to enrich their vocabularies in a casualenvironment.Through interactive exercises, the kids are able to say wordsand sentences in fluent Mandarin and English. The product consistsof 3 phases (26+7 cards in each phase), with 78 sets of commonwords and sentences, and 21 sets of question-and-answer exercisesin Mandarin and English. The kids are suggested to learn 3 newcards (around 30 mins), 3 words and sentences in Mandarin andEnglish and to have interaction with their parents every day. Thekids will be able to learn 78 common words, 78 common sentences andat least 21 sets of question-and-answer conversation if they study5 days per week. Specially designed revision cards help testing thekids’ learning progress and result at any time. Learning StatusReport allows parents to check their kids’ learning details,including the total number of cards in each phase, the number ofcards learnt and not learnt, as well as the number of cards thatare mastered and the respective mastery levels. The system will beupdated every time after study so that parents can review theirlearning situation and progress timely. For free trial, pleasekindly visit and click in-app "Promotion andExperience" for fun and effective learning demo.
野芭蕉AR 1.2.1
野芭蕉扩增实境(AUGMENTEDREALITY)自媒体移动应用于野芭蕉饮用天然泉水瓶体上的瓶盖和瓶标特定位置设定识别图像,通过扩增实境技术(AR),移动用户可以使用移动设备扫描野芭蕉瓶盖和瓶标,在移动设备屏幕出现预先设定的虚拟与现实结合的扩增实境效果,包括动态与静态图文、视频、链接和小互动等内容。野芭蕉扩增实境(AUGMENTEDREALITY)自媒体移动应用具有趣味性高、交互性强、可信度高、形式新颖、可控性强及载体新颖的特点。Musa AugmentedReality(AUGMENTED REALITY) from the media to move applies wildbananadrink bottle caps and natural spring water bottle label aspecificlocation on the body is set to identify the image,throughaugmented reality (AR), mobile users can use mobile devicescanswild banana and bottle caps marked, appeared preset virtualandreality augmented reality mobile device screen effects,includingdynamic static graphics, videos, links, and littleinteraction withother content. Musa Augmented Reality (AUGMENTEDREALITY) from themedia mobile applications with high fun,interactive, highreliability, new forms, controllable and supportinnovativefeatures.