Deeswad 应用

Pearly Penile Papules Remedies 1.0
Pearly Penile Papules Remedies isanapplication that describes what pearly penile papules are,whatcauses them, and how to remove them completely with in theprivacyof your home without going to the doctor and spendingthousands ofdollars on CO2 laser surgery.
Belly Fat Weight Loss Diet 1.0
It is a well-known fact that ditching the consumption of alcoholand doing plenty of exercising can make a person lose a lot ofhis/her stomach/belly fat, but what most people don’t know is thateating healthy is the most important key to obtain a flat stomach.Belly Fat Weight Loss Diet describes the easy ways to getting aflat tummy by losing belly fat while following simple diet withouthaving to sacrifice carbs.
Thanksgiving & Christmas Turkey Recipe 1.1
This app explains in details the steps and instructions on how tocook a very delicious Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey. The methodexplained in this app is super basic, super simple and super easyguide for roasting a super delicious Thanksgiving or ChristmasTurkey Step by Step Turkey recipe explains in details the differentmethods of safely thawing turkey by using refrigerator as well asthe quick method of thawing the turkey if you are running late.Step by Step Turkey recipe also explains in details how to cookfrozen turkey and how to brine a turkey. The method explained inthis app will work with any turkey, be it big or small, brined ornot, free-range or otherwise. Cooking times will vary, but thebasic technique will be the same.
Ketogenic Diet 2.0
The ketogenic Diet also known as Keto Diet and Low Carb Diet is agreat diet that is becoming a trend among people looking for weightloss and people trying to control their blood sugar level (reversetype 2 diabetes) Whats even more great about this ketogenic dietAPP is it helps you with weight loss and also provide you withnumerous health benefits. Benefits of Ketogenic diet include thefollowing: 1. Weight Loss 2. Blood Sugar Control 3. Increase MentalFocus 4. Increased Energy and Normalize Hunger 5. EpilepsyTreatment 6. Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Control 7. InsulinResistance and 8. Acne Features: - Keto Guide for Beginners: LearnEverything you need to know about ketogenic diet - Body Mass Index(BMI) Calculator For calculating Body Fat Percentage - Keto MacroCalculator for calculating the number of calories your body needsdaily. Food List The Food List on ketogenic diet app containsdetailed list of ingredients and steps on how to prepare the foodwith pictures. The ketogenic diet app also shows number of caloriesand number of servings for each meal. The ketogenic diet FoodRecipes include the following: - Ketogenic Diet Breakfast Recipes -Ketogenic Diet Lunch Recipes - Ketogenic Diet Dinner Recipes -Ketogenic Diet Desserts Recipes - Ketogenic Diet Snacks Recipes -Ketogenic Diet Sides Recipes - Ketogenic Diet Condiments RecipesFollow this Ketogenic Diet (Low Carb Diet) for your optimum dailyintake of Protein, low carbohydrate and High Fat. Enjoy your weightloss Journey.
Ramadan Pro 2018 1.1
In the name of Allah, The most Gracious, most Merciful RamadanPro2018 is an Islamic Muslim Application that contains a collectionofRamadan Duas from day 1-30, Salat for Each RamadanNight,Importance of Last 10 days of Ramadan, Dua Ideas, DuaRecitationPointers, and Recommended Checklist For Ramadan. Blessedis themonth of Ramadan. Supplicate as much as you possible to getmaximumbenefits from the month of Ramadan. Ramadan Pro 2018 isentirelyfree. If you like it, give us a nice review as that willinspire usto make more free apps. Enjoy the first release!!!
Funny Jokes and Stories 1.7
Need a good laugh? Then get ready for some very Funny jokesandstories! Funny Jokes and Stories contains a large collectionofsome of the funniest jokes and stories on the planet.Thishilarious app will crack you up with some of the funniest,mosthilarious jokes and stories on the planet, including Q&Ajokes,blonde jokes, one liner jokes, doctor jokes, lawyer jokes andfunnyshort stories. This fun app is entirely FREE!!! So be sure tocheckit out now! App Features: -Share your favorite jokes viaEmail!-SMS your favorite Jokes! -Paste your favorite jokes intotwitter,Facebook via the copy and paste option Enjoy the firstrelease!
Menstrual Pain Remedies 1.3
Menstruation or Period is a Normal Vaginal Bleeding that happensaspart of a woman monthly cycle. Many women experiencepainfulPeriods every month. The pain is most often menstrual crampswhichare a throbbing, cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Othersymptomsof menstrual cramps include lower back pain, nausea,diarrhea andheadaches. This app contains the different ways totreat menstrualpain by using both home remedies and pharmacologicalremedies.
Medical Biochemistry 1.3
This app is designed to help biochemistry students learnandunderstand the basic topics of biochemistry more. The contentofthis app includes the following: Introduction toBiochemistryMetabolic Regulation Steroids abd Bile Acid: LipidMetabolismRibonucleic Acid (RNA): Basic Knowledge Fluid MosaicModel &The Role of Cell Membrane, Proteins and MembraneTransport CellCycle: Regulation, Apoptosis, Mitosis and DNAReplication Energy,Enzymes and Metabolism Gene Mutations and RepairMechanisms of CellGene Expression: Transcription and TranslationAmino Acids andProteins Deoxyribonucleic Acid Steps and Pathway ofGluconeogenesisSteps and Pathway of Glycolysis Definition andFunction of EnzymesCholesterol Metabolism Fat Mobilization,β-Oxidation and KetoneBody Metabolism Triacylglyceride MetabolismMetabolism of AminoAcids The Chemistry of Carbohydrates FructoseTransport,Degradation and Biosynthesis Citric Acid Cycle LipidMetabolism:Fatty Acid Metabolism Nucleotide Metabolism- PurinesandPyrimidines Hemoglobin and Movement of Oxygen.
Medical Pharmacology 1.3
This application is designed to help pharmacology studentsandresearchers understand the basics of medical pharmacologyandtherapeutics. On this app, You will find simplifiedinformationabout medical pharmaceutical drugs. The pharmacologytopicsdiscussed on this app include the following: DefinitionandProcesses of Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics: UpregulationandDownregulation, Dose-Response Curves and More Antibiotics –Typesand Antibiotic Therapy Gastrointestinal Pharmacology:AntiemeticsReproductive Pharmacology Amebicidal Drugs AntifungalDrugs — Listof Drugs and Classification Anti-Hepatitis Agents:PharmacologicTreatment of Hepatitis B and C Drugs for Acid PepticDiseasesAntiasthmatics (Antiasthmatic Drugs) — DefinitionandClassification General Anesthetics: Inhaled andIntravenousAnesthetics Antimalarial Drugs — Quinine, Quinidine,Sulfonamides,Chloroquine and More Antipsychotics (Neuroleptics) —Classificationand Side Effects Anticonvulsants (Antiseizure Drugs)—Classification and Side Effects Antidepressants — List of DrugsandSide Effects Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Overdose and Side EffectsofCholinomimetic Agents – ANS Pharmacology Class 1: SodiumChannelBlockers – Antiarrhythmic Drugs Class 2: Alpha and BetaBlockers –Antiarrhythmic Drugs Class 3: Potassium Channel Blockers–Antiarrhythmic Drugs Asbestosis and Silicosis — CausesandTreatments Insulin in Diabetes Anti-hypertensive Medications —Listof Drugs and Lines of Therapy Lipid Control: Niacin, BileAcidSequestrants, Fibrates Opioids Diuretics (Water Pills) — ListofDrugs and Mechanism of Action Drug Intoxications — SymptomsandTreatment Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) — Types, CausesandTreatment Hypertension (High Blood Pressure, HBP) —Classificationand Clinical Signs Pain Relief – The Pharmacology ofAnalgesics andNon-Steroid Anti-Inflammatories (NSAIDs) Sedative andHypnoticDrugs
Human Embryology 1.1
This app is designed to help students and researchers learnandunderstand embryology more. The content of this app includethefollowing Definition of Embryology, Fertilization andCellDifferentiation Development of The Heart Development ofBranchialArches Development of the Gastrointestinal Tract and theBronchialSystem Pre-Embryologic Phase (Weeks One to Three)Development ofthe Body Cavities Development of the Kidneys and theEfferentUrinary Tract (Weeks 3-6) Head and Neck Embryology andInfant SkullDevelopment Genital Development and SexualDifferentiationMusculoskeletal System Development The Developmentof the TongueSpermatogenesis and Oogenesis Genesis of Twins andMultiplePregnancy Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) — ClassificationandManagement Ectopic Pregnancy (Extrauterine Pregnancy) —Symptomsand Treatment Ectopic Pregnancy (Extrauterine Pregnancy) —Symptomsand Treatment Premature Placenta Detachment and PlacentaPraeviaTetralogy of Fallot (TOF) in Children — PathophysiologyandTreatment Pediatric Atrial Septal Defects — ClassificationandSurgery Coarctation of the Aorta (CoA) in Children — SymptomsandTreatment Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) — Treatment andSurgery.
Interview Question And Answers 1.5
Interview Question and Answers is an application that gives youthebest answers to common job interviews. Interviews is allaboutpreparation and this app gives you a great way to prepare. ittellsyou how to answer a lot of job interview questions and themoredifficult once covered. The contents of this applicationinclude:*General Guidelines *Dressing For Interviews *Tips on Howto Give aMemorable Interview *Interview Do's And Don'ts *CommonQuestionsand Answers *When You Don't Know The Answer To a QuestionThisapplication provides best set of the most common andtoughestinterview questions and answers.
Wakokin Ado Gwanja 1.2
Wannan Application yana kunshe da dadadan wakokin Ado Gwanja Zaaiyasauraron wannan wakoki offline ba tare da internet connectionba.wakokin da ke cikin wannan application sune kamar haka FadiAlkhairiAsha Rawa Rawa Dakin Bakuwa Yau Ga Kilu Tana Jan Bau MataSuna DaraAhayye Akwai Lokaci Mata Daren JIya Mata a Kame Kam MataLokacinkune Ke kika ce Kina so Amarya Kujerar Tsakar Gida Yar WareBazanBiku Ba Gwanja
Wakokin Sarki Ado Bayero 1.6
Wannan application yana kunshe da dadadan wakokin marigayisarkinkano Alh. Dr. Ado Bayero na gargajiya dana zamani daga mawakadabandaban kamar su Alhaji Musa Dankwairo, Aminu Ala, Naziru MAhmad,Mamman Shata, da kuma Fantimoti. wakokin da suke cikin wannanappsune kamar haka Bakan dabo san kano - Aminu Ala Mai MartabaDanBayero - Aminu Ala Wakar Golden Jubilee - Nazir M Ahmad WakarsarkiAdo Bayero - Fantimoti Wakar sarki Ado Bayero - AlhajiMusaDankwairo Dan Daraja Ado Dan Bayero - Mamman Shata TaaziyyarSarkiAdo Bayero - Aminu Ala Ban Raina ba Tsatson Bayero - Aminu Ala
Al Sudais Full Quran Mp3 Offline 1.3
القران الكريم بصوت الشيخ السديس بدون انترنت Thisapplicationcontains full complete 114 surahs of the Holy Quran mp3recitationby Sheikh Abdulrahman Al Sudais offline without the useofinternet. With this app, you can listen to the completerecitationof the Holy Quran by Sheikh Abdulrahman Al Sudais withoutthe usewifi or mobile data. Al sodas Full Quran Mp3 applicationworksperfectly without the use of internet. Brief Biography ofSheikhAbdul Rahman Al Sudais: Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Azizas-Sudaisan-Najdi is a Saudi world renewed qari, he was born inSaudi Arabiaand he's original from the Anza clan. Al Sudais is theleading imamof the Grand mosque in the Islamic city of Mecca. Atthe age of 12,Al Sudais memorized the Holy Quran, and studied inthe 'Al MuthanaBin Harith' Elementary School and was graduated in1979 with agrade of excellent in ' Riyadh scientific Institution'.Al Sudaisstudied in Riyadh University and received a degree inSharia in1983, and a Master from the Sharia College of ImamMuhammad binSaud Islamic University in 1987. In 1995 he obtained aPh.D inIslamic Sharia from Umm al-Qura University. Sheikh AL Sudaisisknown for the particularity of his voice and for hisemotionalrecitation of the Quran in accordance with Tajweed. In2005, hereceived the price of the ' Islamic Personality Of theyear' in the9th annual Dubai International Holy Quran Award. AppFeatures:Listen while in background Full Version of Complete QuranMp3Listen offline without wifi or mobile data ( No Internetconnectionneeded) You can repeat surah multiple times Auto shufflebetweentracks Play audio surat with internet Auto advance to thenext orprevious surah. You can share this app with your friends andmuslimummah.
Hemorrhoid Remedies 1.7
Hemorrhoids are swollen and in amed veins around the anus or inthelower rectum. The rectum is the last part of the largeintestineleading to the anus. Although hemorrhoids can beunpleasant andpainful, they are easily treated and verypreventable. Ashemorrhoids generally get worse over time, doctorssuggest thatthey should be treated as soon as they appear. Downloadthis app tolearn everything you need to know about hemorrhoids.from itsdefinition, types of hemorrhoid, causes of hemorrhoids,treatmentof hemorrhoid and how to prevent hemorrhoids. everythingisdiscussed in details in this app. If you like this app, pleaserateit so that we can be able to develop more free apps for you.Enjoythe first release!!!
Vagina Care 1.5
Maintaining a healthy vulva and vagina will help preventinfectionsand discomfort. Unusual changes in vaginal discharge is asign thatthere might be an issue. Many women experienceuncomfortable,vaginal infections (vaginitis) at one time oranother. The areaaround the entrance to the vagina (vulva) can alsobecomeirritated. Learn the different ways to keep your Vaginahealthy,Signs of unhealthy vagina, How to Treat Vaginal infectionssuch asVaginitis and many more vaginal infections Get rid ofvaginal odorand yeast infections, Learn The Signs of unhealthyVagina and Howto Make Vagina Smell Good. The content of this appinclude thefollowing : • Vagina Facts • After Sex Vagina Care •Signs ofUnhealthy Vagina • Vaginal Dryness Cure (Wet Vagina) • Howto KeepVagina Healthy • Vaginitis and its Treatment • VaginalItching andBurning Remedies • More Vaginal Infections and Remedies• HowtoMake vagina smell good • How to tighten vagina ThisInterestingapp is entirely FREE!!! If you like it, Please Rate it.This willinspire us to create more free apps.
Infectious Diseases & Treatment 1.4
This app contains numerous number of Infectious diseases,theirsymptoms and treatment. The content of this app includethefollowing: Diarrhea — Differential Diagnoses and TreatmentSyphilis— Types, Diagnosis and Treatment Chlamydia (ChlamydiaBacteriaInfection) — Symptoms and Treatment Gonorrhea (The Clap) —Symptomsand Case Studies AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV)—Etiology, Stages and Prognosis Flu (Influenza) — SymptomsandTreatment Enteric Fever (Typhoid Fever) — Definition andDiagnosisGenital Herpes — Symptoms and Treatment Viral Hepatitis—Epidemiology and Symptoms Constrictive Pericarditis — SymptomsandECG Acute Pericarditis — Causes and TreatmentUrethritis(Inflammation of Urethra) — Symptoms and TreatmentPelvicInflammatory Disease (PID, Pelvic Infection) — DiagnosisandTreatment Myocarditis — Symptoms and TreatmentEndocarditis(Inflammation of the Heart Valve) — Classification,Diagnosis andTreatment Bacterial, Viral and Fungal Infections ofthe CentralNervous System Kidney Infection (Acute and ChronicPyelonephritis)— Symptoms and Treatment Diarrhea and Food-BorneDiseases AcuteCystitis (Urinary Tract Infection, UTI) — Symptomsand TreatmentHemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (HUS) — Symptoms andTreatment Malaria -Causes, Symtoms & Treatment
Medical Microbiology 1.4
Medical Microbiology is an app designed for MicrobiologyStudentsand Researchers to learn and understand Microbiology More.MedicalMicrobiology app Contains detailed explanations of thefollowingwith high quality picture illustrations: The Basics ofMedicalMicrobiology Bacterial Infections: Pathogenesis &MoreMycology:Trait of Fungi,Fungal Disease & More AntifungalDrugsList & Classification More Fungal Diseases Symptoms&Diagnosis Parasites: Definition & Types Prions:Definition,Structure & Sterilization Viruses On MedicalMicrobiology app,you can Find Detailed Explanation of the abovementioned topics.This app is perfect for microbiology students
Human Histology 1.2
Human Histology is an android app designed for medical studentsandresearchers to learn and understand histology more. Theappcontains detailed explanation of the following Histology ofhumanSystems i.e: Histology of digestive System, HistologyofRespiratory System, Histology of Cardiovascular System,Histologyof Human Urogenital System, Histology of Nervous System,Histologyof Lymphoid System, Histology of Endocrine System,Histology ofmale Reproductive System and Histology of femalereproductivesystems. The Human Histology app also contains detailedexplanationof the Folloowing Types of Tissues, Microscopic Anatomyof Blood,Histology of The Kidney, Histology of the Sensory Systemsof TheHuman Body and A Collection of Prepared Human HistologyMicroscopeSlides for better Understanding of Histology.
Wakokin Naziru M Ahmed 1.3
Wannan Application yana kunshe da dadadan wakokin Naziru MAhmedwanda ake wa Lakabi da Sarkin Waka. Zaa iya sauraron wannanwakokioffline ba tare da internet connection ba. wakokin da kecikinwannan application sune kamar haka Rawa Dan Sahu Musa JiddaAdoBayero Ankar Sarkin Kano Wani Gari Dallatun Zazzau MurnarSabonSarki Talban Minna IBB Sunusi Lamido In zanyi Bincike SunanGidanJidda Nafisa Kabuga Wasika Ga Shugaba Buhari Atamfa
Love SMS Text Messages 1.6
This app contains a large collection of of lovely romantictextmessages/sms that will make your partner fall more deeply inlovewith you everyday. Wanna send cute text messages to yourpartner,be it your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, crush,etc., LoveSMS Text Messages got your back. This app is designed tohelpincrease the love and affection between lovers by sendingcutelovely text messages/sms to your partner/lover, you are makingthemmore happy thus bringing you more close to each other. Thisappcontains messages in different categories such as - Love SMS-Romantic SMS - Miss You SMS - Valentine SMS - Good Morning SMS-Good Night SMS - Anniversary SMS - Birthday SMS Stay tuned forournext update where we will add more categories. if you like ourapp,please give us a nice review, this will encourage us to makemoreapps.
Clinical Dermatology (Skin Diseases and Treatment) 1.5
Clinical dermatology app is an app designed to helpdermatologystudents and researchers understand clinical dermatologymore. OnClinical dermatology app, you will find detailedexplanations ofdifferent skin diseases listed below with highquality pictureillustrations. The content of clinical dermatologyapp is dividedinto 4 categories; They are: 1. INFLAMMATORY SKINDISEASES •Erythema Multiforme – Definition and Treatment •Psoriasis andOther Erythematous Skin Diseases • Lupus – Diagnosisand Treatment• Sabaceous Glands Disorders: Sebastasis, Seborrhea,Acne Vulgarisand Co. • Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD) – Causesand Treatment• Morphea (Localized Scleroderma) – Symptoms andPrognosis •Bullous Pemphigoid (BP) – Causes and Treatment •Pemphigus Vulgaris(PV) – Pathology Outlines and Treatment •Angioedema Causes andTreatment • Ichthyosis Vulgaris – Causes andTreatment • AlopeciaAreata (AA, Patchy Hair Loss) – Causes andTreatment • LichenPlanus (Lichen Ruber Planus) – Causes andSymptoms 2. INFECTIOUSSKIN DISEASES • Candidiasis (Yeast Infection)– Symptoms andTreatment • Syphilis (Treponema Pallidum) • HerpesSimplex (HSV,Herpes Simplex Virus Infection) – Symptoms andTreatment • Impetigo(School Sores) – Causes and Treatment •Bacterial, Viral and FungalInfections of the Central Nervous System• Lyme Disease(Borreliosis) and Relapsing Fever – Diagnosis andStages • Scabies(Sarcoptic Mange) – Symptoms and Treatment • ToxicShock Syndrome(TSS) and Necrotizing Fascilitis (Flesh-eatingDisease) – Symptomsand Treatment • Plantar Wart (Foot Wart) –Causes and Treatment •Tinea Infections – Symptoms and Treatment •Folliculitis(Inflammation of Hair Follicles) – Symptoms andTreatment • SkinInfections: Erysipelas and Molluscum Contagiosum –Symptoms andTreatment 3. NEOPLASTIC SKIN DISEASES AND • SeborrhoeicDermatitis(Seborrhoeic Eczema) • Skin Cancer: Basal Cell Cancer(BCC) andMelaoma (Malignant Melanoma) • Mycosis Fungoides(Alibert-BazinSyndrome, Granuloma Fungoides) – Signs and Symptoms•Dermatofibroma – Pathology Outlines and Treatment • AtypicalMoles:Dysplastic Nevi and Benign Nevi • Squamous Cell Carcinoma(SCC,SqCC) – Classification, Symptoms and Treatment 4. OTHERSKINDISEASES. • Albinism (achromasia) – Definition and Genetics•Vitiligo – Symptoms and Treatment • Melasma (Chloasma) –Defitionand Treatment On Clinical dermatology app, you will finddetailedexplanations of different skin diseases listed above withhighquality picture illustrations.
Learn Hausa Corpershun 2.5
This is an easy to use free mobile app designed to help corpmembersposted to the north for their NYSC learn and understandHausaLanguage. The app is also designed to help people who arevisitingnorthern part of Nigeria from any part of the world tointeract andmake contacts with the people. The app is mainly forpeople whodon't speak Hausa but it may also be useful for peoplewho have comeacross the language already. The app contains themost essentialwords and phrases of Hausa language. The contents ofthe app includethe following: *Different kinds of Greetings*Common words andexpressions *Common Questions *Love andRelationship *PersonalDetails *Counting of Numbers *Days andMonths *Food items andRestaurants *Making Inquiries *Weather andSeasons of the year*Transportation and Directions *Farewell inHausa The lexicalmaterial is based on the basic vocabulary dividedinto subjectrelated groups and includes the most useful and themost commongrammar structure which allow communicating in specificsituations.Learn Hausa Corpershun contains questions, answers,words andphrases, which allow users to communicate in standardsituationsassociated with travel and living in Hausa land and maybe used aslanguage basic aid.
Type 2 Diabetes Healthy Eating
This app has been prepared for those who have recentlybeendiagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is a verycommonmedical condition. While it is a condition that is on theincrease,a lot is now known about Type 2 Diabetes and it can besuccessfullytreated and managed so that the person with Diabetescan live along and healthy life. This app contains the differentclasseshealthy food for type 2 diabetes patients as well as talksaboutwhat to eat, what not to eat and what to replace what not toeatwith in order to successfully manage and treat type 2 diabetes.Thecontents of this app include the following: *Type 2diabetesmeaning and treatment *Healthy eating guidelines *Mealsuggestions*Breakfast Meal Suggestions *Lunch Meal Suggestions*Dinner MealSuggestions *Snack Ideas*Be a healthy weight*Hypoglycaemia*Hyperglycaemia *How To Test Blood Sugar *How toInject Insulin*Blood Sugar Level Ranges Hypoglycaemia also referredto as"hypo"or low blood sugar is also discussed in this app.itssymptoms, causes, as well as advise on what to do if you havehypo
Al Shuraim Full Quran Read and Listen 1.6
This contains Arabic Text and Mp3/Audio of the complete surah'softhe Holy Quran. The app is designed to allow users to be abletoread the holy quran while listening to its recitation bySheikhSaud Al Shuraim. Read and Listen to the complete 114 surahsof theholy quran. 1. فاتِحَةُ الكِتاب Fatihatu 'l-kitab 2. البَقَرةal-Baqarah 3. آل عِمران Al 'Imran 4. النِّســاء an-Nisa'5.المَـائِدة Al-Ma'idah 6. الأنْعـام Al -An'am 7. الأعراف al-A'raf8.الأنْفـال al-Anfal 9. التـَّوْبَة At-Tawbah 10. يُونُس Yunus11.هُود Hud 12. يُوسُف Yusuf 13. الرَّعد ar-Ra'd 14. اِبراهيمIbrahim15. الحِجْر Al-Hijr 16. النًّحل An-Nahl 17. الاِسْرآءal-Isra' 18.الكَهْف al-Kahf 19. مَريَم Maryam 20. طه Ta Ha 21.الأنْبيآءal-Anbiya' 22. الحَجّ al-Hajj 23. المؤمِنون al-Mu'minun24. النّورan-Nur 25. الفُرقان al-Furqan 26. الشُّـعَراءash-Shu'ara' 27.النَّـمْل an-Naml 28. القَصَص al-Qasas 29.العَنْـكَبُوتal-'Ankabut 30. الرُّوم Ar-Rum 31. لُقْمان Luqman 32.السَّـجْدةas-Sajdah 33. الأحزاب al-Ahzab 34. ســَبَأ Saba' 35.فاطِر(المَلائِكة) Fatir (or, al-Mala'ikah) 36. يــس Ya Sin37.الصّــافّات as-Saffat 38. ص Sad 39. الزُّمَر az-Zumar 40.المُؤْمِنal-Mu'min 41. فُصِّلَت Fussilat 42. الشُّوری ash-Shura43.الزُّخْرُف az-Zukhruf 44. الدُّخان ad-Dukhan 45.الجاثِيةal-Jathiyah 46. الأحقاف al-Ahqaf 47. مُحَمّد (ص) Muhammad48.الفَتْح al-Fath 49. الحُجُرات al Hujurat 50. ق Qaf 51. الذّارِياتadh-Dhariyat 52. الطُّور at-Tur 53. النَّجْم an-Najm 54.القَمَرal-Qamar 55. الرَّحمن ar-Rahman 56. الواقِعَة al-Waqi'ah57.الحَديد al-Hadid 58. المُجادَلة Al-Mujadalah 59. الحَشْرal-Hashr60. المُمتَحَنة al-Mumtahanah 61. الصَّف as-Saff 62.الجُّمُعةal-Jumu'ah 63. المُنافِقُون al-Munafiqun 64. التَّغابُنat-Taghabun65. الطَّلاق at-Talaq 66. التَّحْريم at-tahrim 67.المُلْك al-Mulk68. القَلـََم al-Qalam 69. الحَاقّـَة al-Haqqah 70.المَعارِجal-Ma'arij 71. نُوح Nuh 72. الجِنّ Al-Jinn 73.المُزَّمّـِلal-Muzzammil 74. المُدَّثــِّر al-Muddaththir 75.القِيامَةal-Qiyamah 76. الدَّهر (الإنسان) ad-Dahr (or, al -Insan)77.المُرسَلات al-Mursalat 78. النـَّبأ an-Naba' 79.النـّازِعاتan-Nazi'at 80. عَبَس 'Abas 81. التـَّكْوير at-Takwir 82.الإنفِطارal-Infitar 83. المُطـَفِّفين al-Mutaffifin 84.الإنشِقاقal-Inshiqaq 85. البُروج al-Buruj 86. الطّارق at-Tariq 87.الأعلیAl-A'la 88. الغاشِيَة al-Ghashiyah 89. الفَجْر Al-Fajr90.البَـلـَد Al-Balad 91. الشــَّمْس ash-Shams 92. اللـَّيلAl-Layl93. الضُّحی ad-Duha 94. الإنشـِراح al-Inshirah 95. التـِّينAt-Tin96. العَلـَق al-'laq 97. القـَدر al -Qadr 98. البَيِّنَةal-Bayyinah 99. الزِّلزال Az-Zilzal 100. العـَاديات al-'Adiyat101.القارِعَة al-Qari'ah 102. التَكاثـُر at-Takathur 103.العَصْرAl-'Asr 104. الهُمَزَة al-Humazah 105. الفيل Al-Fil 106.قـُرَيْشQuraysh 107. الماعُون al-Ma'un 108. الكـَوْثَر al-Kawthar109.الكافِرون al-Kafirun 110. النـَّصر An-Nasr 111. تَبَّت Tabbat(or,Lahab) 112. الإخـْلاص (التـَّوحيد) al Ikhlas (or, at-Tawhid)113.الفـَلَق al-Falaq 114. النـَّاس an-Nas May Allah reward us allandgrant us jannatul firdaus
Ali Chukwuma Igbo Songs 1.4
This app contains Ali chukwuma Igbo Highlife Music. the songsinthis app include the following: chinyelugo ego ji oluhenriettaonye melu ogo amazi ezi okwu bu ndu eje anabu isi omadimma ogelusili obi egwundioma amala isekise Enjoy the music
Al Sudais Full Quran Read and Listen Offline 1.6
This is a FREE APPLICATION to bring you Complete Offline HolyQuranby Abdul Rahman Al Sudais. Read and Listen Now. ThisApplicationcontains Arabic Text and Mp3/Audio of the completesurah's of theHoly Quran By Abdul Rahman Al Sudais. The applicationis designedto allow users to be able to read the complete holyquran whilelistening to its recitation by Sheikh Abdelrahman AlSudais. Thisapp can also help users learn how to read the HolyQuran by readingit and listening to the recitation. App Features:Complete and FullVersion of The Holy Quran Offline Read and ListenBackgroundListening. Brief Biography of Sheikh Abdul Rahman AlSudais: AbdulRahman Ibn Abdul Aziz as-Sudais an-Najdi is a Saudiworld renewedqari, he was born in Saudi Arabia and he's originalfrom the Anzaclan. Al Sudais is the leading imam of the Grandmosque in theIslamic city of Mecca. At the age of 12, Al Sudaismemorized theHoly Quran, and studied in the 'Al Muthana Bin Harith'ElementarySchool and was graduated in 1979 with a grade ofexcellent in 'Riyadh scientific Institution'. Al Sudais studied inRiyadhUniversity and received a degree in Sharia in 1983, and aMasterfrom the Sharia College of Imam Muhammad bin SaudIslamicUniversity in 1987. In 1995 he obtained a Ph.D in IslamicShariafrom Umm al-Qura University. Sheikh AL Sudais is known fortheparticularity of his voice and for his emotional recitation oftheQuran in accordance with Tajweed. In 2005, he received the priceofthe ' Islamic Personality Of the year' in the 9th annualDubaiInternational Holy Quran Award. May Allah Reward Us All andGrantUs Jannatul Firdaus. ameen