DentiCalc 应用

Dental Calculator by DentiCalc 3.32.0
Create personalized animations for your patients from hundreds ofmillions of possible treatment combinations. Available in 30languages and in 162 currencies. WARNING DentiCalc can be your best$20 investment ever, but make sure to read on to avoid beingdisappointed! • DentiCalc WILL NOT create a final treatment plan...but WILL GIVE YOU estimated prices in seconds. • DentiCalc WILL NOTdo the consultation instead of you…but WILL HELP YOU in explainingto your patients. • DentiCalc WILL NOT reinvent your clinic’sworkflow… but WILL HELP YOU get back some precious time. USEDENTICALC TO: • Explain and visualize treatments. Whether yourpatient needs a four-unit bridge, some implants and bridges, or afull jaw restoration with implants, you can present these with afew clicks. • Illustrate the most common treatments with theapplication: implants (mini implants, one-phase implants, two-phaseimplants), crowns, bridges, implant with overdentures, veneers,dentures, partial dentures with precision attachments or barretained overdentures, in any combination. • Calculate pricesquickly. One of the most important issues for patients is alwaysthe price of the treatments. The app can give an approximate pricein a matter of seconds. In addition, you can present several typesof treatment options to your patients. • Send the animation andcalculation to your patient by email (available on subscription).
Dental Calculator by DentiCalc 1.2.11
Short consultation time but your patients want to knowpricesimmediately? Patients are tired of hearing the sentence:thetreatment coordinator will inform you about the expectedcosts?Give them what they want - prices in seconds! Simply click onthetreatments they need then click on total and you’re done!Easyisn't it? Having the Dental Calculator will help you incalculatingthe different treatment options so patients can chooseaccordingtheir budget.
DentiCalc: the dental app 3.8.18
Dental Photos, Videos, Smart which will be essential for your dailydental work.