Developer of Universal Science and Technology 应用

Tambal Ban App 1.0.1
Aplikasi pencari lokasi tambal ban diseluruh Indonesia.Keuntungan menggunakan aplikasi ini adalah :1. Setiap pengguna dapat menambah informasi tempat tambalban yang baru atau belum tercatat dalam aplikasi ini.2. Setiap pengguna dapat memperbaiki info tempat tambal ban,jika terdapat kesalahan informasi pada aplikasi ini.3. Membantu pengguna kendaraan ketika mengalami kebocoran ban tidakkebingungan mencari tempat tambal ban terdekat.4. Aplikasi ini juga dapat membantu mempercepat dan menghemat waktumaupun jarak tempuh pengendara menuju tempat tambal banterdekat ketika terjadi kebocoran ban.Application locatortire throughout Indonesia.The advantage of using this application are:1. Each user can add information about a tire that are new orhave not been registered in this application.2. Each user can correct the info where tire , if there ismisinformation in this application.3. Helping the vehicle when the tire is not leaking franticallylooking for a tire nearby.4. This application can also help speed up and save time andmileage motorists toward the tire nearby when a tire leak.
Photo Solve 1.3.5
Photo Solve v.1.3.3Mobile Apps for mathematics simple equation using your cameraHOW TO USE IT- On the first run, you neeed to download text library. PhotoSolvewill download it automatically in a few while.- After the download progress is done, you could use Photo Solvebypointing your equation to the shown box on your screen.- In a few milliseconds, your equation will be recognized as atext.If the shown text on screen is same as your printed text,push thecamera button to start solve your problem.SUGGESTION FOR BETTER RESULT- Sometimes, it is hard to recognize handwritten text. Itwillrecognize smoothly when you type your equation using note orwordprocessor application.- Please be sure that you hold your device still and wait tillyourtext recognized well (watch on the left above of your screentoverify your equation/words)REQUIREMENTS- Internet Connection- Media Storage AccessPowered By- Facebook SDK- SympyGamma- Tesseract 3.03 open source OCR engine, and- rmtheis(Tobert Theis)Feel free to give us critics or advise.Facebook Page Regards,D.U.S.T. Studio
Arisan Pru 1.0
Aplikasi Manajemen ArisanApplicationManagementArisan