Digidentity 应用

Digidentity 4.3.1
You can use the Digidentity app in combinationwith your Digidentity account. Use ’Secure my account' to add anextra security layer to your account: a two-factor authentication.You will be able to log in with this time-based code together withyour username and password. You can always use this, even withoutan internet or phone connection. The time-based codes are storedunder ‘My authenticators'.With ‘Upload documents' you can upload your identity documents toidentify yourself during registration. You’ll be asked to take apicture of your document and of yourself with the camera on yourphone.To add an even higher level of security to your account, you cancreate a smart card. To do so, you will be asked to create a PINcode. Every time you sign in to your account you will get anotification on your device with the request to enter this PINcode.About DigidentitySince 2008 we are an online identity provider for Internet users.We value privacy as no other can. We call this ‘privacy by design’.This inspires confidence. Check our track record: we are at thecore of eHerkenning and GOV.UK Verify (British DigID) and for bothof these systems we are a ‘trusted network preferredsupplier’.