DrumALum 应用

DroidBAC is a simple yet sophisticatedbloodalcohol content calculator app with an user interface based onthenew Ice Cream Sandwich design standards. Simply enteryourinformation, how many drinks and their type (beer, shot, etc.),andhow long you have been drinking to calculate your bloodalcoholcontent.*The blood alcohol content estimate provided by DroidBACshouldnot be used by individuals to decide whether or not to driveafterdrinking. Impairment can result from any amount ofalcohol.*Blood alcohol content calculations are based off theU.S.Department of Transportation.*Features- Create your own custom drinks- Graph to see BAC over time- Free!*For use in the United States only! Units used are UnitedStatescustomary units and 0.08 is the legal limit.*Thanks for using my app!Keywords: blood alcohol calculator, blood alcohol content,baccalculator, blood alcohol level, alcodroid alternative