EUI Money 应用

PhilMoney : Pinoy Ako
EUI Money
* Business License Eastern Union Interactive Corp. (EUI) obtainedvarious licenses through the guidance of relevant governmentagencies. Collection of foreign workers' funds is in accordancewith government regulations, and the settlement process iscompleted to ensure that both Taiwan and foreign countries arelegal. * Remittance The high exchange rate and the payment areconvenient and fast. The APP directly generates the barcode for7-11, Family Mart and Hi-Life. The remittance will be sent to thePhilippine account, and the remittance status and history can bechecked in the APP instantly. * Banks The completion of thedeclaration process will be settled to all banks in the Philippinesand then settled to individual accounts through each bank. *Language PhilMoney currently support English version. CustomerService 9:00am – 6:00pm / 0906-116-345 *Support us * 1. Givefive-star reviews and comments in the Google Play * 2. Press onFacebook to search for PhilMoney & Like * 3. FB Page : * 4. Website:
IndoMoney : Kirim uang ke ID 2.1.6
EUI Money
★ Deskripsi IndoMoney merupakan jasa pengiriman uang viaaplikasipertama di Taiwan. IndoMoney menyediakan pelayanan yangaman, cepatdan praktis. ★Surat Ijin Usaha Eastern Union Interactive(EUI)merupakan perusahaan yang melayani pengiriman uang tenagakerjaasing di Taiwan yang bergerak di bidang finansial denganmengikutiprosedur pemerintah secara legal. ★Pengiriman UangPembayaran yangmudah dan cepat dengan membawa “barcode” ke minimarket Taiwanseperti 7-Eleven, Family Mart, Hi-Life dan OK mart.★Bank IndonesiaDapat dikirim ke seluruh bank di Indonesia termasukBank besarseperti BRI, BNI, Mandiri, BCA dan lainnya. ★BahasaAplikasiIndoMoney tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia ★Tentang Kami1.Facebook: 2. Websiteresmi: ★ Dukung kami dengan 1. Berikami 5bintang pada aplikasi ini di Play Store 2. Tekan suka danfollowFacebook kami (Indomoney)
UatPhilMoney :Pinoy Ako
EUI Money
Safe, Fast & Easy mobile application for money transfer tothePhilippines