Farmeron Inc. 应用

Farmeron 2.9.16
Farmeron Inc.
The Farmeron mobile app is a convenient toolthat gives you access to your dairy farm records on the go, helpingyou to plan your workday, record daily activities and accessproduction information wherever you are.The Farmeron mobile app provides you with:1. Freestyle event recordingRecord all events that occur on your farm and start and completeprotocol runs. Simply select the type of event to record, enter theID of the animal, or scan the RFID tag* and finish up by adding thedetails of the recorded event.2. Reminders:Quickly enter what needs to be done later on, or check existingreminders3.  Scheduled tasks:An overview of all scheduled tasks, with the option to add newscheduled task (e.g. health checks) and complete them on thego.4. Animal list:Viewing a single animal profile gives you insight to the events forthat animal, quick profile overview and production data based onthe milk test results for that animal.*Using Bluetooth on a mobile device, we can pair up with RFIDscanners, receiving information about the animal ID seamlessly,which makes it easier to check individual animal information** andrecord events.**While you're scanning an RFID tag, if it's not in the system,or the animal location for that animal is not correct, the app willnotify you and you will be able to correct the data by quicklyassigning a tag or moving the animal.
Farmeron Hoof Check 1.2
Farmeron Inc.
Farmeron's Hoof Check app focuses onrecordinghoof-trimming or lameness results. The enlarged, imagedriven,interface allows for quick and easy selection, even whenotherwisepreoccupied. Remove in-office data entry by recordingchute-side!Create hoof treatment or trim routines in Farmeron toclearlycommunicate to the hoof trimmer what each animal needs.Animals canbe automatically scheduled based on qualifyingcriteria.Avoid incorrect or illegible animal ID’s through the use ofaconnected Bluetooth RFID scanner. A brief overview showscriticalprofile data and the reason for the scheduled hoofcheck.Routine hoof checks can be confirmed with a single tap.Animal'ssuffering from disease or injury can be further diagnosedusingvisual guides, leading to more informative analytics.Diagnosis remarks can identify the affected limb(s), precisehoofzone(s), and severity. Hoof zones are mapped using the13symmetrical areas established by Zinpro.Drugs, wraps, and blocks can be added to each animal directlyfrominventory. The price of each item is added to the cost of theHoofCheck.All recorded data seamlessly transfers to your Farmeronaccount.Track trends in diseases and injury against all otheranimal data.Animal hoof trim costs can be monitored overtime byindividualanimals, pens, or over the entire herd.
Farmeron Inventory 1.0
Farmeron Inc.
Inventory tracking is paramount forcontrollingcosts, minimizing shrink, and maintaining proper stocklevels at alltimes. Materials are constantly used in day-to-dayoperations, andrunning out of an item can result in low milkproduction, open cows,or even death. Farmeron Inventory forAndroid® can help youefficiently create material receipts at themoment of delivery withbarcode scanning and batch receipts. Pairthis with Farmeron Dairyfor Android to deduct semen and medicinequantities used whenrecording events. Feed ingredient deductionscan be doneautomatically via the Farmeron Feed Module or throughon-farmsoftware integrations.Use the new Farmeron Inventory App to keep stock of:- Feed- Medicine- Semen- Miscellaneous MaterialsStreamlined Entry Process:- Partners - Define source of material; external vendors orinternalproduction.- Material Details - Enter quantity, price per, purchasecosts,expiration & manufacturing dates- Multiple Materials - Each material receipt can include amultitudeof materials of any type- Receipt Overview - Final listing of quantity and priceforverificationExtended Functionality:- Material FarmBoard - Count of inventory materials usedonfarm.- Barcode Scanner - Skip manual material selection and scanthebarcode. Establish your own database of material details!