Finced 应用

Finice – Money Tracker 1.3.13-release
Finice helps to keep track of your personal finances. When youbuydinner or coffee just add an expense to the app. It can bedonewith just one step – tap on a category icon and set amount.Howsimple is that? Get Finice money tracker and see how nicefinancemanagement can be. Key features: • Multiple accounts Followyourexpenses in every bank account or wallet you have •Recurringtransactions Create a recurring template for just aboutevery typeof transaction and save your time. It just takes one tapmore whenyou add an transaction • Clear, intuitive user interfaceWe believeuser interface should be clean and intuitive, where themost usedfeatures are within swipe. • Currency support Finicesupports allmost common currencies. Tracking money on travel orvacation hasnever been easier. • Split transactions Divide up atransactioninto multiple categories • Customizable nestedcategoriesPersonalize finance categories and fit your needs. •Instantinsight on your finances Get to know where you are withyourexpenses with pleasant graph or list. • Free to use Finice isfreeto use and not limited in any way And much more to come: •Budgetmanagement • Detailed charts and analysis • User accountswithcloud sync • Widgets