Five Systems Development 应用

iSpeak learn words in 8 language English German 1.1.15
iSpeak is a powerful application that was created to help kids andbeginners to learn native and foreign languages for free. Using ourapplication you’ll extend your vocabulary fast and be able to speakin a target language as a native speaker. With iSpeak you can learnthe following languages: • English • Chinese • Portuguese • German• Russian • Spanish • Polish • Ukrainian Program contains freelessons that will help you to learn new words and increase yourspeak vocabulary very fast and effective. Our learning way is builton popular approaches one of which is Doman flashcards methodologythat was invented to learn new words very fast by children whichcan’t even speak yet. We enhanced Doman flashcards methods by ourinternal research and algorithms that we have developed togetherwith language teachers. The result is the application that is forsure one of the best in the world to learn foreign and nativelanguage. With iSpeak kids, beginners and experienced people canstudy lessons with new words and speak new language easy and inplay. The application has a very simple and understandableimplementation that may be easy used by children. LEARNINGLANGUAGES HOW WE DO IT: If you decided to learn any of thefollowing languages: German, English, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese,Russian, Polish or Ukrainian language then iSpeak is a very goodchoice for you to start study new or improve known language forfree. Especially, our application will be useful for kids andbeginners as it is very simple to use. iSpeak is an excellentchoice to start dealing with a new language and increase yourvocabulary. iSpeak helps to learn correct pronunciation for thelanguage you have decided to study and to feel as if you have divedinto a native speaker’s environment as Doman recommended. POWERFULLCONTROL AND TRACKING: Besides flashcards with words andpronunciation iSpeak includes unique testing methods that helps youto test your knowledge and improve your language skills. Thesetest’s data later is analyzed by our algorithms that give usability to propose to you better content and show statistics andprogress of your learning. Our application is localized to Polish,Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, English, Ukrainian, Russian, German,which are the languages that you can learn, and also to many otherworld popular languages. CONSTANT GROWING UPDATES AND ENHANCEMENTS:We constantly work to improve iSpeak. Day by day we add newflashcards with words and pronunciation to our data sets and newlanguage lessons become immediately available for our users some ofthem absolutely for free. At the moment iSpeak include 8 worldknown languages that people can study for free: Russian, English,German, Chinese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Ukrainian. Wedon’t plan to stop on it and soon will add more language and wordscontent to our app to be world’s most developed application interms of language learning for children and beginners. WHY ISPEAKIS THE BEST CHOICE FOR KIDS, BEGINNERS AND SKILLED LEARNERS: Thereare few reasons why you should decide to use our application if youare only starting to learn new or native language or if you decidedto increase your skills in the one you already know: - Ourapplication is built on top of known methodologies as Doman andShichida - We collected for you many thousands of the most commonlyused words - Our application is intuitive for usage even for smallkids - We constantly increase our vocabulary and improveapplication new lessons you can study are immediately available forour users - We support world commonly used languages learning suchas: Chinese, Ukrainian, English, Portuguese, Spanish, German,Russian and Polish - We don’t use computer pronunciation and allour words are dictated by native speakers - Our application is usedby many children and beginners around the world and we receive onlypositive feedback
Mathy - learn math for kids add subtract multiply 1.4.7
The German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss referred tomathematics as "the Queen of the Sciences". We strongly believethat our kids need a good app to learn math and created Mathyespecially for this purpose. Mathy is an app from parents to kids.We, creators of Mathy, built this app for our kids and decided toshare with children around the globe after our kids have tested itout. Game has several difficulty levels such as Beginner andExpert. While you’re at the Beginner level your kid will learnarithmetic with numbers, digits and basic mathematical operations:addition, subtraction in scope of 20. Also Beginner includesseveral mini games for basic geometry. At the Expert level yourkids will learn same addition, subtraction but we also addmultiplication and some algebra related mini games. Kids willcontinue to learn geometry at Expert level. Expert level plays withdigits in scope of 200. The idea of Mathy app is to start teachingkids math from the very beginning. We do our education in a gamemode when your child play dozens of mini games and learnmathematics in funny ways. Education starts from Arithmetic andbasic things. First of all your kid learn digits and numbers. Thenchildren will play mini games for addition and subtraction in scopeof 20. After your kids have completed basic things they will switchto addition and subtraction in scope of 20 and multiplicationtables. Besides this your child will touch geometry area throughoutmany mini games. In Mathy you have many interesting mini games toplay math samples. Mathy is a girl character that will support yourkids during their education. After you completed each mini game youwill receive reward that will open new animal in a Zoo or newbuilding in a Map. With this approach your kid will learn not onlymath but fun facts about animals and famous places in the world. Westrongly believe that our app will become a friend for your kidsand help them to become new famous scientist or entrepreneur. Mathis very important in our life and this app should help you to bringthis science to the life of your children. Let’s educate our kidstogether and raise new bright people. P.S. We will be happy toreceive any feedback from your that will help to make this appbetter, please share it with us in comments or feedback form insideapplication. Appreciate your help!
FunnyTunes: kids learn music i 1.5.5
Kids play dozens of instruments. Free educational music game
GeoBoard coordinates cartesian 2.0.7
Puzzle game for kids and adults Flow and single line Logical andmath thinking
ORCade - puzzle board game col 2.0.7
Entertain yourself use interesting relaxing tetris addictive sudokufor all ages
Fifteen 15 puzzle game - slidi 1.1.1
Play the famous fifteen game using different modes of playing
Toddler Scrolling Cubes 1.0.7
Child learn words with bricks combination move logic game IQdevelopment
Cartesian graph coordinates 1.0.56
Cartesian graph coordinates geometry learn&draw
Logic game for kids math 4-8 0.3.8
Interesting lessons tasks exercises for children