Fog of War Studios 应用

Terminal Heist 1.1
Terminal Heist is a free-to-play, massivemultiplayer online strategy puzzle game where you are both puzzledesigner and puzzle solver. You will be pitted up against yourfellow space pirates in this epic battle to see who can build thestrongest space station terminal.Out in the deepest edges of space, where there is no law, you alonemust survive solely by your wits. To protect what’s yours – youmust design the best fortifications for you home and ship – yourterminal. Living in your terminal, with only your droids to keepyou company and the credits in your vault to keep you warm at night- it's a dog eat dog world when you are this deep in space.Resources are scarce and your fellow travelers, known as Nauts, allseem to be thieves and pirates. You have the tools to build up yourdefenses and make your space terminal impervious to invaders bymaking the cleverest traps. With the right tools you can infiltrateand pillage a potential enemy’s terminal before they attack you -and they will attack. Once your terminal is complete, whether youare online, sleeping, at work or at school, your terminal will bevulnerable to attack from other space rogues!FEATURESBuild. Design your terminal and create a series of traps for thosewho dare to enter. Whether it be steel walls, attack droids, orvacuums that suck would-be intruders into space - it's up to you toput components together in the right combination to protect yourprecious resources. Use electronics, and the movement of yourdroids and bots to create complex traps that only the best thievescan circumvent.Test. Once you have completed your design, you must complete thedreaded self test, a practice run through your own terminal. In the“self test” mode, you are the enemy. Your goal is the same as itwill be out there: avoid the traps, and find the safe, and make itout alive. Whatever you do, make it out alive.Scout. Case out your neighbors' terminals, look for weaknesses, becareful not to get trapped.Steal. Bring back the right tools to rob your fellow space piratesbefore they can rob you. Arm yourself with tools like plasmatorches, ion rifles, and droid tasers – for every fortificationthere is a tool that can be bought to overcome it.Review. Using your onboard computer security feed, you can reviewthe tapes of these invaders and enjoy the satisfaction ofoutwitting and watching other human players fall into your welllaid traps.Profit. If a Naut happens to die in your terminal, you get to keeptheir valuable tools and whatever bounty they may have.Refortify. It's a dog eat dog world, and success only makes you ajuicier target. Invest that money in improving your defenses.Careful there is just one catch, every time you change yourterminal layout you have to prove that your puzzle is solvable bysolving it yourself, with no tools.Practice. Learn how to fend for yourself in 250 single playerlevels.Permadeath. Be careful, one false step in Terminal Heist meanspermanent death even if it happens in your own terminal.Terminal Heist is based on the hit indie game The Castle Doctrineby renowned game developer Jason Rohrer. Join the community: