エヅプト炎上-完全無料!放置育成ゲーム- 1.1.5
LINEスタンプ送信回数1200万超えの「エヅプトくん」が遂に完全無料ゲーム化!王を目指してバイトをしながらも、おバカな投稿でうっかり炎上!ヘンテコ育成ゲームここに登場!!●タップで接客!フォロワーを増やせ!・フォロワーを増やして有名になろう!・有名になれば色々なバイトをこなせるように!?・どのバイトでも華麗にバカッターを披露するエヅプトくんに魅了されよ!●イチかバチかの「わだいづくり」!・色々な道具で目立とうとする「わだいづくり」!・成功でフォロワー大量アップ!・失敗するとネットで大炎上ww・ネットで「馬鹿発見器」「またお前かww」などと言われ放題!●ムダすぎる豪華な仕上がり!・主要音楽を「ハレ晴レユカイ」作曲の田代智一氏が担当!・君は何回炎上できる?全炎上のコンプリートを目指せ!!・炎上の種類はなんと25種類以上!※現実世界ではエヅプトくんを反面教師にして、真似は絶対にしないでください!∞∞∞∞∞∞こんな人にオススメ!∞∞∞∞∞∞・完全無料でゲームがしたい!・暇つぶしをしたい!・放置系育成ゲームが好き!・エヅプトくんが好き!∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞お問い合わせはまでどうぞ!※件名に「エヅプト炎上」と入れてくださいLINE stamp transmissioncount 12 million "Edzuputo kun" is finally completely free game ofthe beyond!Even while the byte with the aim of the king, carelessly and burstinto flames in a silly post! Strange training game appearance here!!● hospitality in tap! And increasing the followers!- Increase the followers will become famous!- As good command of various byte if accustomed to famous! ?• What bytes are attracted brilliant in Edzuputo-kun to showcaseBakatta in!"Topic making" position or bees or ●!- Will to be showing off a variety of tools "topicmanufacturing"!Followers mass up in success!- If it fails the large flames ww in the net· "Fool Detector" in the net "also you or ww" The all-you-can-issaid to be like!● waste too luxurious finish!· Major music "Hare Hare Yukai" responsible Tomokazu Mr. Tashirocomposer!- You can fire many times? A complete of all fire Aim! !And type of fire is what more than 25!※ In the real world in the teacher While the Edzuputo kun,imitate, please do not absolutely!∞∞∞∞∞∞ Recommended for People! ∞∞∞∞∞∞• Complete I want to the game for free!· I want to kill time!- I like the left-based training game!· Edzuputo kun I like!∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞Inquiries please to!Please put a "Edzuputo flames" in the subject ※
もやしびとDX - 衝撃のもやし育成 1.0.5
リリース以来、世界ともやし業者界隈で話題沸騰!衝撃のもやし育成ゲーム「もやしびと」が完全新作となって帰ってきた!それはDX、つまり…_人人人人人人人人人人人人人_> デリシャス エクスタシー < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄■きりふき&収穫!指先ひとつでかんたん操作■・きりふきボタンで水をプシュッ・育てたもやしはフリックでスポンッ■図鑑!ランキング!やりこみ要素満載■・生えてくるもやしはなんと50種以上!?・季節に応じたランキングイベントが開催!!■相変わらず課金要素は一切なし■・完全無料!もやし抜き放題!・ガチャ?アイテム?知らねえ!!----公式Twitterでは最新情報や無駄話が!@moyashibitoお問い合わせ・不具合報告はこちらまで!※件名に「もやしびとDX」と明記ください
閃きの爽快パズル SLUSH - スラッシュ 完全無料! 1.0.2
豆芽人DX - 育成冲击力的豆芽 1.0.4
自发售以来,已在世界和豆芽人圈子里成为沸腾的话题!具有冲击力的豆芽育成游戏“豆芽人”的完全新游戏回来了!就是DX,也就是…_人人人人人人人人人_> Delicious Xtacy < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄■喷雾&收割!只需手指轻点就能简单操作■・通过按喷雾按钮喷水・轻弹育成的豆芽拔除■图鉴!排名!搭载各种项目■・能够生长出来的豆芽竟有50种类以上!?・根据季节举办排名活动!!■和以前相同不含一切收费项目■・完全免费!畅拔豆芽!・扭蛋?物品?不知道!!----咨询・错误报告请写邮件!※邮件名写注明“豆芽人DX”
歡樂豆芽人DX - 衝擊的豆芽人養成 1.0.4
在正式上架後,於全世界還有豆芽養殖業者間造成話題!話題十足的豆芽育成遊戲「豆芽人」以完全新作之姿捲土重來!其名為DX,也就是…_人人人人人人人人人_> Delicious Xtacy < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄■噴霧灌溉&收割!一根手指就能輕鬆操作■・按下噴霧按鈕將水霧噗咻!的噴出・將培育好的豆芽人用滑動方式拔起■圖鑑!成績龍虎榜!滿載各種鑽研要素■・會生長出來的豆芽人居然有50種以上!?・會舉辦配合季節變化的排名爭奪活動!!■一如往常沒有收費要素■・完全免費!豆芽人隨您拔個高興!・抽轉蛋?抽道具?不甘您的事啦!!----各種問題諮詢・BUG回報等請來信至此!※主旨欄請務必明確記載「豆芽人DX」
MOYASHIBITO -Fun Game For Free 1.0.0
"Crisp and crunchy! Great value!!Low calorie and popular with women: ""Moyashi""A game that allows you to grow them to your heart's contentisfinally! Here…!!And it's called_人人人人人人人_> MOYASHIBITO < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄■Pull Moyashi out with a flick!■• Harvest with an easy flick!• Pull to your heart's content!■Use a spray, water the ground!!■• Increase moisture with the spray button! Moyashi lovewater!• They grow faster if the ground is soaked!■Enhance facilities, find new species!■• Use cash from the harvest to enhance!• New Moyashi when you enhance facilities…!?■No extra charges!■• Completely free! All-you-can-harvest!!• Gacha? Items? What's that!!See Official Twitter for the latest news!Contact us here!Mail :
Moyashibito DX 1.0.4
Since its release, it has been much talkedabout around the world and in the manufacturer community!The shocking Moyashi-growing game "Moyashibito DX" has beencompleted and is now back!In other words, it's DX..._人人人人人人人人人_> Delicious Xtacy < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄■Easily execute actions like spraying and harvesting using onefinger■・Blow out water by pushing the spray button・Harvest your grown Moyashi by flicking it■Illustrated reference book! Rankings! Do a lot morethings!■・More than 50 kinds of Moyashi to grow!!・Introduction of the seasonal ranking event!!■As always, the game is for free■・Everything is free! Harvest as much Moyashi as you want!・Gacha? Item? I don't know!!----For inquiries and bug reports please※Please clearly indicate "Moyashibito DX"
このドヤ顔にイラっとしたやつwww 1.0.0
There's mad revenge as you hunt down those who are harassing you,and this revenge is unstoppable!!
秒速で1億円貢ぐ男 -美女集結 from JOKER- 1.1.3
【超爽快"散財"放置ゲームがここに登場!】金に群がる総勢30名の美女達に、貢いで貢いで、貢ぎまくれッ!――――――――――――――今日、好きだった子にフラれた…「私、お金持ちなパパ(愛人)にしか興味ないの」絶望に直面し、俺は気付いてしまった、金さえあれば、愛すらも手に入れられるコトに――――――――――――――■スロットを回して大金ゲット!・コインに群がる美女たちに貢ぎまくれ!・超爽快な”散財”放置ゲーム!■貢ぐ相手は超絶美女だけ・登場する美女キャラ約30体・彼女達に好きなだけ札束を振りまける!・一定回数以上貢ぐと各キャラのスペシャル画像GET!■重厚で、ブッ飛んだストーリー・ストーリーに沿って登場するキャラも変化・絶望に直面した主人公が目指すのは「秒速で1億円 貢ぐ男」だった!※本アプリでは、株式会社アプリボット合意の基に「ジョーカー~ギャングロード~」のクリエイティブを使用しております。なおキャラクター設定およびストーリーにおきましては、両アプリ間での関係はございません。ご了承下さい。お問い合わせ・不具合報告はこちらまで!※件名に「秒速1億」と明記ください。[Ultra-exhilarating"splurge" left the game appeared to here!]The beauties of the flock total of 30 people in gold,By Mitsui at Mitsui, tribute Makure'!--------------Today, was shaken to the child liked ..."I, for not only interested to get rich dad (mistress)"The face of despair, I've noticed,If they have money, to things that love even it can also be putintothe hands--------------■ lot of money get by turning the slot!- Burr tribute to flock beautiful women in the coin!And ultra-exhilarating "splurge" left the game!■ Mitsugu opponent only beauty transcendence- Appeared to beautiful woman character about 30 bodies· Girls Furimakeru a wad of money as much as you want to!- A certain number of times or more Mitsugu and special image GETofeach character!■ a profound, story flew WarpedCara also change that appeared along the story- Despair in the face of the hero's goal isWas "a man who Mitsugu 100 million yen per second!"※ In this application, we use creative of "Joker ~ gang load ~"onthe basis of the Corporation app bot agreement. It should benotedthat In our character set and the story, there is norelationshipbetween the two apps. please note that.Inquiries and bug reports to here!※ Please specify the "per second 100 million" in thesubjectline.
ちちねこぐらし -タップと放置の無料育成ゲーム- 1.0.0
圧倒的存在感を放つ謎のにゃんこ型ナマモノ、 人呼んで“ちちねこ”を揺らして大きく立派に育てましょう!タップ&放置で遊ぶ、新しい育成ゲームがココに!!
~恋する缶づめ。~ ぼっちでもリア充になれる奇跡のアプリ。 1.0.1
This all-new educational game is here to keep you entertained!Enjoy a blissful beauty life surrounded by cute girls.
【オネェ学園】オネエ系男子と恋しよっ♪ 1.0.9
Is that funny? You're going to dating ONETEE if someone lovesyou…!? A complete free otome game to love Onee ★
すっぴん探偵 1.0.2
A casual game where you uncover the streets of a cute girl!
カイワレハンマー物語 漫画アプリ 1.0.0
Official comic was the true story of that Hip hop unit "sproutshammer" group "Radish Sprouts hammer" to the original is finallypublished!
坂本ですが? - 秘技 フリータイムキラー 1.0.10
■何でもスタイリッシュにこなすクールなスーパー高校生・坂本。 県立学文高校で起きる様々な珍事件の脅威に立ち向かえ!■TAPでアクション! クイズ形式のスタイリッシュチャンスも! さらに坂本役、緑川光のクーレストなボイス付き!■華麗に再現される名シーンの数々、 個性的なキャラクターたちの特別シーンも登場! アニメ放送×ゲームの連動イベントも開催予定!ご意見ご要望などは下記アドレスまで佐野菜見・KADOKAWA/坂本ですが?製作委員会
【真・お絵かきパズル】〇〇投げてみた結果ww 完全無料! 1.0.5
【Intuitive drawing puzzles power up!】 Follow the screen to makeyour way through this fun puzzle game! Use your sense and flash tolead the questions to the correct answers!
鳥として生きた男 その壮絶な人生 1.0.0
Cute casual game surreal! "Man who lived as a bird". As a fiercelife of a man who lived between human bird! ?
ホシビト -惑星づくり*タップ&放置- 1.0.4
Let's develop your planet little by little with the nice, addictiveUchujin
-リアル闇金ゲーム- お姉さんから1億円回収しろ! 1.0.2
Weak guys in to lend the money to Nariagare! Darkness goldexperience simulation game appeared! !
まふまふアラーム 1.0.0
Popular singer! ASMR alarm app by Mafumafu, a shop for anything!
Crevasse (クレバス) 1.0.6
Blow milk! 1.1.2
Surprise or laugh at the boy and let him blow milk!
魔女の家 1.2.1
Girl Viola wakes up in the forest. To the depths of the forest,there was a secretly standing "Witch's house"......
Goodbye Jail 1.2.7
This is the most addictive game! ever! Hide well and escape!
クイズバトルオンライン 1.1.5
Quiz battles with everyone online!
けものフレンズ FESTIVAL 2.1.3
A great adventure through the festival of basketballs-Japalifestival!
COLOR! 1.0.13
■ Triangle, circle and rectangle. Fun game with many figures! · Inastage with a seesaw, you must be careful in the weight of theleftand right! · OMG! Not only one color, but also four colorsappear! ·There are thousands of ways to clear this game! ■ Over300 stages inhere! · You can train your brain without gettingtired. · We willadd more and more stages one after another! Pleasecontact us at thee-mail address below.※ Please write"COLOR!" In the subject line of the mail.
まふまふアラーム 1.0.0
40種類以上のアプリ限定撮り下ろしASMRボイスで あなたの毎日をサポートしてくれるよ! 【収録ボイス一例】「おはよう。いい夢見れた?」 「遅刻しても知らないぞー?」 「あ、ごめん起こしちゃった?
Find The Grandpa 1.0.1
The grandpa has gone somewhere while I momentarily took my eyes offhim!!
Angry Mom! 1.0.0
This is the most addictive game! Keep playing until you annoy mom.Enjoy this crazy baby game! You can do anything!!
Photocrop challenge 1.0.0
"Photocrop challenge" is a game which you have to move body andfaceto be able to be taken photos which is moving randomly. Youcan takeinteresting photos and movies! And, you can get manylikes!
Shark Crasher 1.0.0
A game of tag in which the chase side and the escape sideareseparated, the escaper escapes well so as not to be in the rangeofsight, and the tracker moves with prediction. Become a sharkandattack people.People run away for fear of sharks.Let's chase onebyone and annihilate people
私のヒモ男~イケメン拾いました~無料!恋愛・放置ゲーム 2.2.22
“Would you like to raise your favorite handsome guy?” is a voicedating and idle game where you take care of a bad guy and grow intoyour favorite handsome guy!
激ムズアクション!狂気のガムフライト 1.0.2
Koyonaku fun! MR James madness of gum flight
もやしびと -完全無料!放置型もやし育成ゲーム-
Totally Free! Left type bean sprouts training game "sprout beautyand"!
恋する幽霊-カレシ、死んでます。- 1.1.0
There is no one that will love it more than anyone who loves it somuch ... "I'm dead."
Muscle Race 3D 1.1.1
Collect your own color dumbbell and Build up your body.Win therace!!
Playboy Master 1.0.0
You should pick the item that makes you cool and you becomeaplayboy!! Your choices will make you a playboy or a Loser.Takecare yourself, stay trendy and be the most cool guy in theworld.But be careful fame is hard to gain, easy to lose.
SLAAAASH ! - Cut and Smash !
Depending on your inspirations, there will be infinite ways toclear puzzles!
Always Jump 1.0.6
2D action. simple touch control. dot character. it's called "AlwaysJump"
ウチのあざらしちゃん 1.0.5
Adore the petal varieties coming to the Café and become friendswith them!
Laser Beam 3D - drawing puzzle 1.1.6
Draw and defeat the enemy!
Draw Ball 2048 1.0.0
This game is a puzzle game where you make 2048 while drawing alineand guiding the ball. Let's merge the balls while avoidingvariousgimmicks and aim for the completion of 2048
Hospital Escaper 2.0.3
I'm afraid of the hospital
Talent Judgement 1.0.0
This is the most fascinating game. You are a judge whodiscoverstalent. You can control the wonderful life of theapplicant in thepalm of your hand. You need talent to spot talent!
ShoesSortPuzzle 1.0.0
This is a puzzle game where you have to align shoes of thesamecolor to make them disappear. It's fun to play because it'seasy tocontrol and uses a good amount of brain power.