GovHK Notifications
GovHK Notifications provides citizens aconvenient way to receive Government information and alerts withmobile devices. Users would be able to choose their preferred typesof Government notifications to receive.Major functions include:● Receive notification messages from the Government of Hong KongSAR;● Select categories of messages they are interested to receive;and● Share notification messages via SMS, email, Facebook, etc.Note:● Notification messages are sent to mobile devices (with GovHKNotifications installed) through Google cloud services, namelyGoogle Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM) for Android OS devices.Successful or timely reception of notification messages throughtheir cloud services is not guaranteed by the service.● Using GovHK Notifications, data transmission fees may be incurredfor transmitting data through mobile devices. You are suggestedkeeping track of data usage from time to time.● This app operates on Android version 4.1 or above.
iStartup@HK 1.2
iStartup@HK provides a dynamic environmentwhere startups and other players are free to roam and meet eachother. To start with, iStartup@HK is positioned as a virtualpitching and networking platform for tech startups where they canshowcase their products and company profile, bridging the gapbetween startups and potential investors. It also facilitates thematching between tech startups and service providers in the market,as well as provides a comprehensive range of useful information andresources, such as incubation programmes or funding schemesavailable, templates and samples for business and legal documents,etc. Please enjoy exploring iStartup@HK, and use it to youradvantage!
Tell me@1823
Tell me@1823 facilitates public to make enquiry/complaint togovernment depts.
StayHomeSafe 0.10
Mobile app applies analytics and AI to ensure users stay indesignated location.
LeaveHomeSafe 3.5.2
Provides citizens a convenient digital tool to record their visithistory.
GovHK Apps
A centralised platform for citizens to download HKSAR Governmentmobile apps
EventHK 1.2.7
Finding public events organised by government depts / held atgovernment venues.
智方便 iAM Smart 3.1.3
iAM Smart. Safe and Swift
QR Code Verification Scanner 4.4.5-Production
Scan & verify QR code on COVID-19 vaccination/testing recordissued by the HKSAR