Hearst Magazines Italia 应用

Elle Decor Italia 3.8.3
Scaricando l'App avrai la possibilità diacquistare l'edizione digitale della rivista.Avrai la possibilità di sottoscrivere abbonamenti con duetipologie.- 1 anno più gli arretrati- 1 mese più gli arretratiL'acquisto verrà addebitato al tuo account Google Checkout almomento della conferma.Si prega di prendere visione sulla politica della privacy allink sottostante:http://www.hearst.it/term-condition.htmlBy downloading the appyou will have the opportunity to buy the digital edition of themagazine.You will have the possibility of subscriptions with twotypes.- 1 year plus the arrears- 1 month arrearsThe purchase will be charged to your Google Checkout account atthe time of confirmation.Please take a look at the Privacy Policy link below:http://www.hearst.it/term-condition.html
Salone del Mobile 2016 2.6
The Salone del Mobile di Milano 2016 guide byElle Decor is the ultimate App to guide you through the design weekfrom april 12 to 17 at the Fiera in Rho and in the city. Downloadit now to read through the schedule of the events not to be missedand the editors' suggestions about what to see day by day in boththe pavillions and in the many Fuori Salone events.The App is intuitive and easy to navigate, especially for those whoare looking for a certain brand, designer, event or show aroundMilan or in one of the eight districts in which this year openings,installations and launches of the new design collections areconcentrated. The eight districts, all contained in the App, are:Brera Design District, Tortona Design Week, Ventura Lambrate,Durini Monforte Quadrilatero, 5Vie art+design, Porta Venezia inDesign, San Gregorio Docet, Zona Sant'Ambrogio. A GPS system allowsthe display of the addresses on the Milano map, while a filter anda menu allow the user to navigate in specific areas.The Application Salone Milano by Elle Decor Italia is in italianand english. It can be used offline as well, so it can also be usedby visitors without an Internet connection.
Gioia! 1.0
Come ti senti oggi? Sei felice o al contrariogiù di morale?Usa l’app di Gioia! per dire come ti senti, raccontare un ricordocaro, fermare un momento, esprimere un desiderio o anche svelare unsegreto.Puoi caricare fotografie, scrivere testi oppure citare gli aforismiche più ti rappresentano.Potrai anche scoprire le storie, le foto, le idee e gli aforismicaricati dagli altri utenti o dalla redazione del magazine Gioia!che sceglierà i migliori contributi da portare in evidenza sia sulsito www.gioia.it che sul magazine in edicola.Prendi parte ad un nuovo progetto narrativo, visuale,emozionale.Scarica l’app e inizia a raccontare le tue storie!Funzioni:- Scatto fotografie- Personalizzazione delle foto con filtri, testi aggiuntivi,sticker, fumetti, cornici- Creazione aforismi- Creazione testi- Concatenazione foto, aforismi e testi- 13 mood da scegliere per personalizzare il tuo post- Controllo dell’andamento del tuo mood nel corso del tempo- Possibilità di seguire altri utenti- Condivisione su Facebook, Twitter e InstagramHow are you feelingtoday? Are you happy or, conversely, down in the dumps?Use the app to Joy! to say how you feel, tell a cherished memory,stop a moment, make a wish, or even uncover a secret.You can upload photos, write lyrics or quote aphorisms which yourepresent.You'll also discover the stories, pictures, ideas and aphorismsuploaded by other users or by the editorial staff of the magazineJoy! who will choose the best entries to take out both on the sitewww.gioia.it that the magazine on newsstands.Take part in a new project narrative, visual, emotional.Download the app and start telling your stories!Functions:- Taking pictures- Customize your photos with filters, additional texts, sticker,comic books, picture frames- Creation aphorisms- Creation lyrics- Concatenation photos, texts and aphorisms- 13 moods to choose from to customize your post- Control of the your mood over time- Ability to follow other users- Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Hearst Home Italia 3.2.5
Scaricando l'App avrai la possibilità diacquistare l'edizione digitale della rivista.Avrai la possibilità di sottoscrivere abbonamenti con duetipologie.- 1 anno più gli arretrati- 1 mese più gli arretratiL'acquisto verrà addebitato al tuo account Google Checkout almomento della conferma.Si prega di prendere visione sulla politica della privacy allink sottostante:http://www.hearst.it/term-condition.htmlBy downloading the appyou will have the opportunity to buy the digital edition of themagazine.You will have the possibility of subscriptions with twotypes.- 1 year plus the arrears- 1 month arrearsThe purchase will be charged to your Google Checkout account atthe time of confirmation.Please take a look at the Privacy Policy link below:http://www.hearst.it/term-condition.html
Bazaar TV 1.0.7
Harper's Bazaar, since 1867, fashion for the woman who dreams andknows how to choose.
Marie Claire Maison Italia 21.0.11
Download the app is purchased the digital edition of the magazine.
Elle Italy 21.0.11
Download the App, you can purchase the digital edition of the ELLEmagazine.
Cosmopolitan Italia 21.0.11
Download the App, the digital edition of Cosmopolitan can bepurchased.
Gente 21.0.11
Download the app is purchased the digital edition of the magazine.
Marie Claire Italia 21.0.11
Download the App, you can purchase the digital edition of themagazine.
ESQUIRE Italia 21.0.11
Esquire is a magazine that represents a unique content offering
Runner's World Italia 21.0.11
RUNNER'S WORLD is the most important international magazine
Men's Health Italia 21.0.11
Italian edition of the best-selling men's magazine in the world
Harper's Bazaar 21.1.4
The dream of fashion. Harper's Bazaar is the brand that guidesandinspires.