Henry Labs Inc 应用

Clerkie: AI Financial Assistant (alpha test) 1.97
Henry Labs Inc
App Store 2018 Editor's Choice as the easiest way to manage yourmoney Stop stressing about bills and money! Let Clerkie take careof it for you! Clerkie is a FREE personal assistant that works foryou 24/7: * PAYS all your bills and credit cards for you * GIVESyour monthly billing STATEMENTS on your phone * Gives you FREEfinancial ADVICE * MAKE money * Gives you exclusive DEALS * SAVESmoney for you automatically * Lets you SPLIT BILLS with friends andcollect money from roommates * Lets you plan vacations together Weknow managing money and a budget is hard, complicated, boring andstressful; that’s why we created Clerkie! Let Clerkie take care ofeverything for you, and you can finally go enjoy life and: * STOPstressing about bills and money! * STOP worrying about yoursavings! * STOP resetting your account passwords every month! *STOP paying overdraft fees! For more details, check out our listsof awesome features below. CHAT WITH CLERKIE AND GET ANSWERS * AskClerkie anything about your money and get simple answers andexplanations * Ask Clerkie to schedule payments or give youreminders * Ask Clerkie to notify you when your paycheck ortransactions clear EASILY MANAGE YOUR BILLS * No need to remember5+ usernames/passwords every month * See ALL your BILLS in 1 place* Get and review all your monthly bill STATEMENTS in 1 place * GetREMINDERS for upcoming bills and payments * PAY your bills directlyfrom the app * NO more overdraft or late fees GUARANTEED withClerkie’s Smart Auto-Pay EASILY MANAGE YOUR MONEY * Easily set,modify and MANAGE your budget * Get AUTOMATIC budgetrecommendations and go enjoy life * No need to login to 3-5websites to check on your credit cards or bank accounts every month* See ALL your TRANSACTIONS in 1 place * Get NOTIFICATIONS whenfraudulent charges or fees show up on your account * See how youspend your money every month, every week, etc GET FINANCIAL ADVICEAND DEALS * Get tips to help you MAKE and SAVE MONEY * GetPERSONALIZED recommendations based on your age and budget * Askquestions and get easy and simple explanations (that won't makeyour head hurt) on 401K, HSA, IRA, etc * Get EXCLUSIVE DEALS / SALE/ OFFERS from places where you love to shop FASTEST AND EASIEST WAYTO PAY OFF DEBT * Get smart DEBT PAYMENT PLAN based on your budget* Get tips on which credit card to pay first and on how much to pay* Automatically pay off your debt directly from the app
Clerkie: Payoff Debt, Bills, Bank Fees, Budget.
Henry Labs Inc
Clerkie makes it easy to budget, manage money, and pay offyourcredit cards and student loans faster. Clerkie members haveanaverage lifetime savings of $5,300. It’s the SAFE, FAST, andFREEmoney app Make the most of this debt payoff planner to boostyourcredit scores and get out of debt. From spotting identitytheft, tonegotiating down your debt, to getting personalized loansandcredit card recommendations. Ready to become debt free? •Negotiateand erase up to 70% of your debt – Instantly negotiate andcut downyour debt using this debt manager. Users have saved $1,000susingthis feature • Get a budget you can stick to – Stick toanautomated budget that lets you enjoy your life while payingoffyour debt and bills • Personal loan shopping – Whether you wanttorefinance credit card debt or borrow for an emergency, we’llshowyou personalized offers based on your credit profile • Checkyourfree credit scores – Learn what affects your credit scores andhowyou can take control and increase your credit score • Freecreditmonitoring – Get credit alerts when we see important changeshappento your credit reports. • Personalized Approval Odds – Seewhichcredit card and personal loan offers you’re more likely togetbefore applying • Credit card choices – Browse great creditcardoffers based on your unique credit profile • Home sweet home–Calculate how much home you can afford, see personalized homeloanoffers and get a mortgage pre-qualification letter. Jointhousandsof members and get all these features, and more, for free.Downloadthe Clerkie app now! As seen on: • Yahoo Finance • Facebook/Instagram • Reddit • CNN Money • Fortune BANK LEVEL SECURITY•Clerkie is secured using SSL 256-bit encryption—the samesecurityprotocol that banks use - to ensure that your sensitivepersonalinformation is fully encrypted and securely stored • TheClerkieapp uses TouchID fingerprint and FaceID authentication foraddedprivacy and security Today is the day to stop feelingoverwhelmed,get the simplest step-by-step plan to start paying downdebt. Theonly required inputs for calculating your debt free dateare yourloan current balance, APR, and minimum payment. That's themin.requirement to getting a customized debt payoff plannerandschedule. Your debt payoff planner and calculator determinesyourability to pay more than the minimum payments to help youbecomedebt free faster than you imagined. This budgeting app willhelpyou to get a regular monthly amount to pay down the debt fasterFormore details, check out our lists of awesome features below***FEATURES *** Improve your credit score and pay your debt offfastusing this debt tracker and financial assistant: • Negotiateyourdebt down and erase up to 70% of your credit card debt • Findloansto refinance and consolidate your debt • Use the automateddebtsnowball method (lowest balance first) • Use the automateddebtavalanche (highest interest first) Use this budget appandsubscription manager to track and manage your money across allyourbills, credit cards, banks and credit unions: • Track your bankandcredit union accounts • Pay bills • Detects account fees,andpenalties and allows you to request refunds directly from theapp •Identifies where you might be overpaying and offers easy waystoreduce bills and crush your debt • Manage subscriptions •Cancelunwanted subscriptions with just 1 click and no headachesFind thebest loan options based on your credit, then plan andincrease yourcredit score for major purchases: • Find money foryour bills basedon your credit score • Find mortgage options andimprove yourcredit to buy a house • Find car loan options andimprove yourcredit to buy a car • Find money and improve yourcredit to pay foryour travels or anything else Good for debttracker, debtmanagement, debt free, debt calculator, student loans,debtconsolidation, auto loans, debt control, credit card debt,creditunion