日语3级听力 1.0
BBC 6minutes English 3.6.0
BBC 6minutes English is the best ever toolsfor chinese who learns english.You can read、listen、speak with themost native English news that edited carefully by us with the app‘sexciting functions.
听歌学英语 5.1.50918
为了帮助大家能在一个轻松、欢快的环境下学习英语,尤其是提高英语的听读能力,爱语吧针对经典欧美老歌开发看此应用。让大家在回味原汁原味地经典欧美歌曲的同时,快乐学习英语词汇,语法,用法。在听经典的同时全面提升听力、词汇量等。主要创意与功能如下:一、 爱语吧独家听英语经典歌曲同时学习应用的创新应用,对每首英语歌曲一句句地语法词汇解析,深度实现了听歌学英语。二、 针对不同用户的需求,将经典的歌分了四大类:经典老歌,乐队组合,男歌手,女歌手。三、 您可以在线听经典歌曲,同时可以将自己喜欢的歌曲下载到本地,方便您在无网络的环境里依旧可以享受优美的英文歌曲。四、 软体资料有知行英语专业英语团队解析,精心挑选近两百首欧美经典,中英文同步对照,在听觉上、视觉上充分满足您的需求。五、 实现实时分享到新浪微博、腾讯微博和人人的功能,可以让您随时随地与您的好友分享金典。六、 提供用户注册登录,将您喜爱的歌曲加到收藏夹里,方便您快速找到自己喜爱的歌曲。To help you to learnEnglish in a relaxed, cheerful environment, especially to improvetheir English listening and reading skills, words of love it forthe look of classic European and American songs develop thisapplication. So that everyone in the recollection of authenticEuropean and American classic songs at the same time, happy tolearn English vocabulary, grammar, usage. Enhance listening,vocabulary, etc. while listening to classical.The main ideas and functions are as follows:First, the exclusive right to listen to words of love songswhile learning English classic application of innovativeapplications, for each of the first songs in English grammar andvocabulary to parse a sentence, to achieve the depth of songs tolearn English.Second, for the needs of different users, the classic songsdivided into four categories: classic songs, the band combination,male singer, female singer.Third, you can listen to songs online, while their favoritesongs can be downloaded to a local, so you in no networkenvironment can still enjoy the beautiful English songs.Fourth, there is knowing and software information for EnglishMajors team analysis, nearly two hundred carefully selected firstin Europe and America classic, English synchronous control, in thehearing, to meet your visual needs.Fifth, to achieve real-time sharing of Sina Weibo, Tencent Weiboand all the feature that allows you to share the Golden anywherewith your friends.6, to provide user registration log your favorite song to theFavorites folder, you can quickly find your favorite songs.
日语2级听力 1.0
日语1级听力 1.0
Please enjoy 5 sets of HSK3 old exam papers inlistening as well as superior voice quality.The unique assistant system will urge you to study effectively.Both learning time and accuracy are crucial to your grades.Assistant will set suitable task for you everyday. All thequestions of high error rate will be added to a new plan. In thisway, there'll be no blind spot in your study.Many kinds of display pattern provide you with mock exam modeand practice mode. What's more, you can enjoy brilliant functionssuch as screen word-capturing, vocabulary notebook, speedadjustment, background play, sentence-by-sentence play and soon.
TOEIC Listening 700 Questions 1.0
★★★A high Qualified TOEIC Listening software,a perfect assistant of TOEIC exam! ★★★1. 700 questions700 listening choice questions with detailed analysis.2.Exercise mode:In this mode you can view the answer, original text, and analysisat any time. Too difficult? Don’t worry. You can add difficultquestions to Favorite and practise times.3.Text mode:Text mode creates a stimulated TOEIC exam environment. But take iteasy! You can PAUSE it and SAVE it and resume the exam the nexttime. Wanna know your level? The system will grade your answer.4.All Score recordThe system records each of your test score. Always view questionsyou did wrong to improve quickly!5.Exclusive Ranking ListWanna know the score of your friends? Log in to the ranklist andsee your rank. Practise more if you fall behind them!6.Considerate setting toolsThe words are too small? Choose a bigger size!Don’t like the color? Change another one!Your expectation is our concern. You can tell us yoursuggestions through the feedback. We strike to provide a moreappealing and perfect TOEIC study product.
BBC英語 2.3.7
BBC英語--中英雙語,專業語音評測,正版內容,與官方同步更新最新、最快的英語學習內容!‘BBC英語’是愛語吧最新推出的Android版英語學習應用,涵蓋了英語學習的方方面面,堪稱英語學習的'神器'。本款應用是我們愛語吧在總結前壹款重量級應用'愛語吧VOA英語伴旅'的基礎上,在功能、用戶體驗以及使用性能上都進行了全面提升,針對當前熱門的BBC英語為廣大英語愛好者打造的壹款集合了'每周更新、自動跟讀、屏幕取詞、雲端同步、支持下載、中英切換、記憶生詞、生詞查詢、話題查詢、附帶習題、互動評論、微博分享'的良好使用體驗的最佳英語學習工具,全面提升使用者的聽力水平、口語能力、閱讀能力、詞匯量,為您學習英語註入無限激情!BBC English - bilingual,professional voice evaluation, genuine content, synchronized withthe official latest and fastest English learning content 'BBCEnglish' words of love it is the latest Android version of Englishlearning applications, covering learning English! all aspects oflearning English called 'artifact'. The apps we love it in thelanguage summary One former heavyweight applications 'love it VOAEnglish language trip with' basis, in function, user experience andperformance are carried out to enhance the view of the currentpopular BBC English for the majority of English fans to create acollection of models of One 'weekly updates, automatic repeat,capturing, cloud sync, support for download, in English switching,memory words, words query, the query topic, with exercises,interactive commentary, micro Bo share 'good experience with thebest English learning tools, to enhance the user's hearing level,speaking ability, reading skills, vocabulary, you learn Englishinto the infinite passion!
美食学英语 1.0
《美食学英语》是爱语吧推出的一款Android休闲英语听力软件,实现了音频自动下载,文章同步解析 等特色功能。软体资料由爱语吧专业英语团队解析,精心挑选精彩的美食教程,让您可以随时随地的练习英语听力,并在练习听力的同时学会做美食,每天来听一篇,您的英语听力将轻松的提高。此软件的特色是可以很快的在手机上学习做美食中用到的英文,包括句子、单词、短语等,是您口袋里的英语词典,更是您的美食宝典。
Please enjoy 5 sets of HSK1 old exam papers inlistening as well as superior voice quality.The unique assistant system will urge you to study effectively.Both learning time and accuracy are crucial to your grades.Assistant will set suitable task for you everyday. All thequestions of high error rate will be added to a new plan. In thisway, there'll be no blind spot in your study.Many kinds of display pattern provide you with mock exam modeand practice mode. What's more, you can enjoy brilliant functionssuch as screen word-capturing, vocabulary notebook, speedadjustment, background play, sentence-by-sentence play and soon.Features of the unique assistant system:1. You can choose from low, middle or high study intensityaccording to your own level.2. Two assistants are offered. One is stricter Kate. She issuitable for those who demand high standards; the other one is lessstricter Ken. He is suitable for those who demand lowstandards.3.Daily assistant will schedule tasks according to yoursettings. Remember that high scores and medals depend on learningtime and accuracy. So please study carefully, otherwise all wrongquestions will be added to following tasks.4.Assistant will evaluate your performance every few days. Ifyou don't study hard,being scolded is quite possible.5.Your body is more important than grades. So assistant willgive you some health tips every day. Please pay attention tothat.6.The Station Agent, maxims and epigrams, funny jokes as well astesting technique are also provided to adjust your mood.Join us in the HSK listening assistant plan!
TOEIC Listening
爱语吧TOEIC听力隆重上线啦!下载免费!高素质TOEIC听力软件,TOEIC考试完美助手。1.700道题:目前为止700道精心挑选听力选择题目,每道题目都有精心解析,让您真正理解,后续还会继续更新。2.练习模式:在练习模式中,您可以随时查看答案,翻看精准的同步原文和解析。遇到难题?不用担心,加入到收藏夹,反复练习吧。3.测试模式:测试模式为您打造仿真TOEIC考试氛围。不过不用太紧张,贴心的暂停会让您随时继续之前的未完成的测试。想知道自己的水平怎么样吗?系统会为您评分。4.过往成绩全纪录 :系统会纪录您每次的测试成绩单,随时查看自己做错的题目吧,这会让您的英语水平快速提高5.独家排行榜:想知道朋友们的测试成绩都怎么样吗?快登陆排行榜吧,看看自己测试成绩的排名。如果排名靠后,那就加紧练习吧。6.全英文界面清新的全英文界面,帮助您更好的学习、熟练英语。您所想的就是我们所关注的,如果您有好的提议,可以通过设置的用户反馈功能告诉我们。以便于为您提供更精致的TOEIC学习产品。Words of love it TOEICListening grand on the line it! Download Free!TOEIC Listening quality software, TOEIC exam perfectassistant.1.700 Question:So far 700 carefully chosen selection of hearing topics, each topichas a carefully parse, so you really understand, follow-up willcontinue to be updated.2. Practice Mode:In practice mode, you can view the answer, look at the precisesynchronization of text and parsing. Encountered problems? Do notworry, add to favorites, repeated practice it.3. Test mode:Test mode for you to create simulation TOEIC test atmosphere. Butdo not be too nervous, thoughtful pause before proceeding make youfeel unfinished test. Want to know how to do their own level? Thesystem gives you score.4. Past performance Record:The system will record each time you test transcripts, always checkits wrong title bar, which makes the rapid increase in your levelof English5. Exclusive list:Want to know the test results are friends how to do? Fast landingcharts, and see their test scores in the rankings. If the rankingwas, then rehearsing it.6. Full English interfaceFresh full English interface that helps you learn better,proficient in English.You might think that we are concerned, if you have goodsuggestions, you can set user feedback tell us. In order to provideyou with more refined TOEIC learning products.
Chinese Plan HSK4 Listening 1.1.617
Please enjoy 5 sets of HSK4 old exam papers inlistening as well as superior voice quality.The unique assistant system will urge you to study effectively.Both learning time and accuracy are crucial to your grades.Assistant will set suitable task for you everyday. All thequestions of high error rate will be added to a new plan. In thisway, there'll be no blind spot in your study.Many kinds of display pattern provide you with mock exam modeand practice mode. What's more, you can enjoy brilliant functionssuch as screen word-capturing, vocabulary notebook, speedadjustment, background play, sentence-by-sentence play and soon.
Chinese Plan HSK2 Listening 1.1.610
Please enjoy 5 sets of HSK2 old exam papers in listening as wellassuperior voice quality.The unique assistant system will urge you to studyeffectively.Both learning time and accuracy are crucial to yourgrades.Assistant will set suitable task for you everyday. Allthequestions of high error rate will be added to a new plan. Inthisway, there'll be no blind spot in your study.Many kinds of display pattern provide you with mock exam modeandpractice mode. What's more, you can enjoy brilliant functionssuchas screen word-capturing, vocabulary notebook, speedadjustment,background play, sentence-by-sentence play and soon.
越狱学英语 1.0
American English 3.4.5
"In English how to say" is the language oflove it and VOA joint exclusive first video English teachingprogram, host China beauty Yang Lin and American guy Mike take youinto a world easy to practice spoken English, a period of a week,full screen video, easy and funny to learn authentic English! It isyour best assistant to improve your English listening and speakingability.The main creative and functional settings are as follows:. update the English how to say "video, Xiaobian choreographed,arrangement of video data, and VIP member with Chinesetranslation.Two. You can watch video online, login account can be downloaded atthe same time to download the video of interest to the local,convenient for you to learn English in a non networkenvironment.Three. The built-in video player carefully designed, not good toplay cards, play a pause, and other operations, easy to operate;support single cycle, the order of play, random play three playbackmode, convenient for you to watch more than one video.Four. This software will not run in the process of annoyingannoying ads, to ensure that you watch the effect. This is a majorfeature of this application.Five. To provide users with registration, you can use the word loveit products; after landing you can bind your micro blog or allaccounts, in a timely manner to share the video of interest,sharing feelings with friends and classmates.Six. Interest is the breakthrough point and the breakthrough pointof learning. We provide the search function, the user can searchthe key words that they are interested in, find their favoritearticles to watch and learn.Seven. We strive to increase the interaction and improve the userexperience and provide comfortable and lively interface, allowingyou to learn, learn happily, in English how to say the video at thesame time, the English have strong interest to achieve the purposeof easy and efficient study.
学个词 1.0.0
爱语吧 1.6.1203
最专业的外语学习问答神器。2014年度最具影响力的在线教育品牌。爱语吧最大的外语学习社交MOOC平台隆重上线。您还在为外语学习发愁么?您还在为找不到外语名师、学习朋友而傻傻发呆么?还不快来爱语吧!本应用是我们全力为外语学习打造的一款软件,涵盖英语四六级,托福,雅思,日语,VOA等一切外语考试微课堂,任您选择;名师问答同时支持图片文字提问,秒杀一切外语学习难题;更有数百名师实时为您答疑。主要特色功能如下:1.名师问答。遇到外语学习难题随时可以拍图片、发文字等,向名师提问。数百名师实时解答,问题没搞懂,追问老师,搞懂为止,真正将难题解决。2.经典的外语学习微课。主要包括英语四六级、VOA英语、考研英语、托福、雅思、日语N1,N2,N3等考试类的匹配课程。每节课都是由专业的名师讲解经典课程内容。3.强大的名师团队和交朋友功能。找最专业的外语学习名师,随时解答自己学习过程中遇到难题。结交好友,相互监督,相互促进,让你的外语水平突飞猛进!4.秀出你自己。发i语,写日记,记录求学路上点点滴滴,让所有人见证您的进步!Most professional foreignlanguage learning quiz artifact. 2014 most influential brand ofonline education. Words of love it the largest foreign languagelearning social MOOC platform grand on the line. Are you stillworry about what learning a foreign language? You still can notfind foreign language teachers, friends and learning silly daze it?Not Come words of love it! This application is our effort to builda foreign language learning software, covering CET, TOEFL, IELTS,Japanese, VOA and other foreign language exams all micro classroom,as you choose; teacher support pictograph question quiz, spike allforeign language learning problem; hundreds more in real time toanswer your teacher. The main features are as follows: 1. Theteacher quiz. Western learning problems encountered at any time cantake pictures, send text, etc., to teacher questions. Hundreds ofteachers in real time to answer, the question did not get to know,ask the teacher, they get up, to really solve the problem. 2. Theclassical language learning micro lesson. Main courses includematching CET, VOA English, English PubMed, TOEFL, IELTS, JapaneseN1, N2, N3 and other exam class. Each lesson is explained by theclassical curriculum of professional teacher. 3. Powerful functionof teacher team and make friends. Get the most professional foreignlanguage learning teacher, ready to answer their own learningdifficulties encountered in the process. Make Friends, mutualsupervision, mutual promotion and make your foreign language skillsby leaps and bounds! 4. Show off your own. Hair i language, diary,school records on the road bit by bit, to let everyone witness yourprogress!
Chinese Plan HSK1 Listening 2.1
Please enjoy 5 sets of HSK1 old exam papers inlistening as well as superior voice quality.The unique assistant system will urge you to study effectively.Both learning time and accuracy are crucial to your grades.Assistant will set suitable task for you everyday. All thequestions of high error rate will be added to a new plan. In thisway, there'll be no blind spot in your study.Many kinds of display pattern provide you with mock exam modeand practice mode. What's more, you can enjoy brilliant functionssuch as screen word-capturing, vocabulary notebook, speedadjustment, background play, sentence-by-sentence play and soon.Features of the unique assistant system:1. You can choose from low, middle or high study intensityaccording to your own level.2. Two assistants are offered. One is stricter Kate. She issuitable for those who demand high standards; the other one is lessstricter Ken. He is suitable for those who demand lowstandards.3.Daily assistant will schedule tasks according to yoursettings. Remember that high scores and medals depend on learningtime and accuracy. So please study carefully, otherwise all wrongquestions will be added to following tasks.4.Assistant will evaluate your performance every few days. Ifyou don't study hard,being scolded is quite possible.5.Your body is more important than grades. So assistant willgive you some health tips every day. Please pay attention tothat.6.The Station Agent, maxims and epigrams, funny jokes as well astesting technique are also provided to adjust your mood.Join us in the HSK listening assistant plan!
奥运学英语 1.1
爱语吧知行英语力作,应用特点如下:1. 中英双语详细介绍奥运会28大比赛项目2. 语音与原文同步,学奥运知识与提高英语听力一举两得3. 可以在设置中设置同时缓存,无网的时侯随时随地收听。
学位英语单词大冲关 1.1.0
单词大冲关是由爱语吧,北语社,北京开放大学三方合作,基于《最新成人本科学士学位英语统一考试~星级词汇大冲关》教材开发的精品背单词应用,以冲关的形式让背单词变得更加轻松有趣。全面——3600个大纲词汇、2000余条真题例句、1000余个固定搭配、600多个常用短语、近100组近义词辨析、35组主题分类词、30组功能次、7篇冲关练习细致——记忆法、近义词、反义词、派生词、固定搭配、易混淆词和全真题例句高效——根据真题词频分为七关,分级别按30天记单词有趣——冲关必备、冲关加油站、冲关练习等板块,使单词记忆不再枯燥创新——按高频、中频、低频用五星清晰标注VIP功能:(1) 固辨反近派等多个角度快速识记每个单词(2) 完全没有广告清爽背单词
Toeic Listening Free V1.0
part1,part2,part3,part4対応。問題量豊富(700件)です。part1, part2, part3,part4 correspondence. Issue amount of wealth is (700 cases).
ToeicListening 1.0
爱语吧TOEIC听力隆重上线啦!下载免费!高素质TOEIC听力软件,TOEIC考试完美助手。1.700道题:目前为止700道精心挑选听力选择题目,每道题目都有精心解析,让您真正理解,后续还会继续更新。2.练习模式:在练习模式中,您可以随时查看答案,翻看精准的同步原文和解析。遇到难题?不用担心,加入到收藏夹,反复练习吧。3.测试模式:测试模式为您打造仿真TOEIC考试氛围。不过不用太紧张,贴心的暂停会让您随时继续之前的未完成的测试。想知道自己的水平怎么样吗?系统会为您评分。4.过往成绩全纪录 :系统会纪录您每次的测试成绩单,随时查看自己做错的题目吧,这会让您的英语水平快速提高5.独家排行榜:想知道朋友们的测试成绩都怎么样吗?快登陆排行榜吧,看看自己测试成绩的排名。如果排名靠后,那就加紧练习吧。6.全英文界面清新的全英文界面,帮助您更好的学习、熟练英语。您所想的就是我们所关注的,如果您有好的提议,可以通过设置的用户反馈功能告诉我们。以便于为您提供更精致的TOEIC学习产品。Words of love it TOEICListening grand on the line it! Download Free!TOEIC Listening quality software, TOEIC examination of the perfectassistant.1.700 Question:So far 700 Listening carefully selected choice questions, eachquestion has a well-resolved, so you really understand, follow-upwill continue to be updated.2. Practice Mode:In practice mode, you can always see the answer, look preciselysynchronized text and parsing. Problems encountered? Do not worry,Add to Favorites, repeated practice it.3. Test mode:Test mode for you to create simulation TOEIC test atmosphere. Butdo not be too tight, intimate unfinished will be suspended at anytime before continuing your test. Want to know how to do their ownlevel? The system will provide you score.4. Past performance Record:The system will record your transcript for each test, the subjectalways see their own mistakes right, this will make your Englishrapidly improved5. Exclusive list:Friends who want to know how test scores are about? Fast landingcharts, and see their own test scores ranking. If the ranking onthe list, then rehearsing it.6. Full English interfaceFresh full English interface that helps you learn better,proficiency in English.You might think that we are concerned, if you have a good idea, youcan set user feedback tell us. In order to provide you with morerefined TOEIC learning products.
VOA English Video 2.5.4
VOA official authorized partner!Genuinecontent, the latest, the fastest VOA content! "VOA Englishvideo"is the love language bar with the VOA video Englishteachingprogram. Show VOA news, updated daily, full screen video,audio andvideo, to improve your listening level! It is your bestassistantto improve your English listening and speaking ability.The maincreative and functional settings are as follows: 1. UpdateVOAEnglish video in a timely manner, small series ofcarefullyarranged content, finishing the video data, and withChinesetranslation subtitles. Two. You can watch the video online,whilethe login account can be downloaded at the same timeinterested inthe video to the local, convenient for you to learnEnglish in thenetwork environment. Three. Built in video playercarefullydesigned, not card good play, play a pause, and otheroperations,easy to operate; support single cycle, the order ofplay, randomplay three playback mode, convenient for you to watchmore than onevideo. Four. The configuration read function, followthe news in astatement, exercise your authentic Englishpronunciation. Five.Provide users registered login, you can use theword love itproducts; after landing you can bind your micro blog orallaccounts, in a timely manner to share the video ofinterest,sharing feelings with friends and classmates.
Family Album U.S.A 2.3
family album U.S.A.is set in thedomesticselling millions of copies and use synchronization in 35countriesaround the world life of teaching English.
雅思听力 1.0.0911
雅思听力是爱语吧最新推出的Android版雅思听力考试的应用,涵盖了雅思听力考试的方方面面,堪称雅思考试的必备'神器'。主要创意与功能设置如下:1.搜集了剑桥雅思4-10的全套雅思听力真题,并全部配有相应解析,逐一解决所有听力困惑。2.针对不同英语程度的学习者提供'显示原文,显示原文和题目,只题目'三种学习模式,并可以随意切换。3.提供题目收藏,原文同步,后台播放等功能,让你学习更轻松,更高效。4.单词是英语学习的关键,对于不认识的单词,可以在听读的同时选词查看释义,可以听发音,并能添加到生词本。5.用户在查看生词本时,所看到的单词的顺序是经过我们按记忆规律处理过的,帮助用户更有效地掌握单词。并且在生词本中提供了对任意单词的联网释义,方便大家在记忆词汇时查询联想到的单词。6.24小时名师及小编客服QQ在线,有疑问可以随时随地联系老师为你解答。7.提供用户注册登录,将用户的生词本存在我们'爱语吧'的服务器,实现网页端多应用与手机端多应用共享生词本,这样大家在我们'爱语吧'任一款应用中都能使用同一个生词本,方便大家全方位同步掌握生词。IELTS is hearing wordsoflove it latest Android version of IELTS listeningtestapplications, covering all aspects of the IELTS listeningtest,called IELTS must have 'artifact'. The main ideas and featuresasfollows: 1. collect a full set of 4-10 IELTS Cambridge IELTSZhentihearing, and all with a corresponding resolution, one by onetosolve all hearing confusion. 2. For different levels ofEnglishlearners 'MT, MT and topics, subject only' three modes oflearning,and can easily switch. 3. Provide the title favorites, theoriginalsynchronization, background playback and other functions,allowsyou to learn easier and more efficient. 4. The word is thekey tolearning English, who do not know the word, you can view thechoiceof words in listening and reading at the same interpretation,youcan listen to sounds, and can be added to the Glossary. 5.Theorder of the words a user when viewing words of this, we haveseenis the result of the law treated by memory, to help usersmoreeffectively grasp the word. And provides networking for anyword inthe interpretation of the words, the association tofacilitateinquiries at memorizing vocabulary words. 6.24 hoursonlinecustomer service QQ teachers and small series, havequestions, youcan contact the teacher at any time to answer yourquestions. 7.Provide the user login and register the user's presentexistence ofour new word 'love language it' servers,multi-application andimplement web-side mobile terminalmulti-application sharing wordsof this, so that everyone in our'love language bar' to any oneapplication You can use the samewords of this, facilitatecomprehensive synchronization masterwords.