Imperial Penguin 应用

Calisthenics Trainer 1.52
The market is full of calisthenics apps. Someof them claim to get you up to a hundred pushups and charge you 2USD for just that one exercise! Calisthenics Trainer features 8exercises to give you a full body workout. At the competition'sprices that is a 16 USD value. But the value doesn't stop there.Because unlike those other apps which add reps to your workoutbased on some predefined formula, Calisthenics Trainer bases yournext workout's rep count on the last set of the current daysworkout. If the program is under working you, it will work you hardthe next day. If you are already over worked, it will back off andlet you build your muscle. After a few workouts it will find theperfect groove for you.And talk about a workout! Calisthenics Trainer's rep counter isslower than most people do their exercises, packing more musclebuilding work into smaller rep sets.Every 30 days days you will be required to take a test for eachof the fitness categories to see how many reps you can do. Afteryou finish the test, the app will remind you how many you did onthe last test so you can gauge your product.The app features the following 8 exercises, and includes a helpsection to help explain how the program works and how to performeach of the exercises. It is highly recommended that you at leastread the 'instructions' section of the help screen.Push UpsTriceps Push UpsChin Ups (palms toward you)Pull Ups (palms away from you)Sit UpsLeg LiftsSquatsFrog JumpsIdeally, you should do all 8 exercises at least 3 times a week,but the program doesn't lock you into any given workout schedule.It lets you work out when it is convenient for you.
Brain Shaper 2.8
Brain Shaper combines binaural beats andflashing light patterns to help you guide your mind into thedesired state of consciousness. It functions similarly to thegoggle based devices that retail for much more. Please note thatall of the sessions start off on the same frequency, the normalwaking brainwave frequency. As the session progresses they eachchange in different ways.Binaural beats have been used for decades to take the mind intothe lower frequencies associated with rest, meditation, or sleepand into the higher frequencies that help to awaken and invigoratethe mind. Brain Shaper combines that with flashing light patternsthat match the beats, and recent research on how various colors oflight affect the circadian rhythms of the body.WARNING: Brain Shaper creates a strobe light effect, people withphotosensitive epilepsy should not use this program, as it maycause seizures.
Daily Asatru 2.1
Daily Asatru provides a daily stanza from theHavamal and the Voluspa, two of the greatest poems in Heathenry forHeathens to meditate on. Each day, the next stanza of each poem isgiven, making it perfect for memorization as well.There is a section for the runes as well. Runes can be presentedin random order for meditation / reflection purposes, or in orderfor memorization purposes.On days of, or before, Asatru holidays the app will give you analert letting you know about the holiday. You can tap the holidayfor more information. The app is programmed with 30 holidays.Holidays which occur on a certain day of the week instead of acertain date automatically adjust to the correct date eachyear.
Social Interlock for Drinkers 1.1
Do you have friends that consume one too manyand post embarrassing things on their social networking profiles?Are YOU that friend? If you, or anyone you know, has ever woken upthe next morning thinking "what did I say?" then this app is thesolution.The app gives you access to Facebook, Myspace, andTwitter. Once you lock the app you'll be asked to perform a simpletest of your motor skills. From then on, to access the socialnetworking sites you'll repeat the test. If you do not performwithin a selectable allowance you will not be allowed to access thesite.For best results, of course, the official apps for these sitesshould be removed from your phone to limit your ability to bypassthe sobriety check.
Digital Highs Free 2.8.1
Imperial Penguin
Binaural beat based mind altering programs arebecoming increasingly popular. Digital Highs takes the experienceto a new level by combining the pulsing beats of binauralentrainment with flashing lights. Please note that all of thesessions start off on the same frequency, the normal wakingbrainwave frequency. As the session progresses they each change indifferent ways.There a few other binaural altered states apps on the app store,and it seems like some of them are misrepresenting the experienceby naming their entrainment sessions directly after illicit drugs,such as marijuana, cocaine, or heroin. Digital Highs will notexactly duplicate the effects of these drugs (and neither will thecompetition, if truth be told) but it will guide your mind into anew type of altered state. The free version will allow you to try 4of the 40 sessions that are available in the full version.What you should expect from Digital Highs is a type of intensemeditation. Terms such as hallucinogenic and psychedelic are stillused because those are terms that the average person can relate toa little better, but in reality the "hallucinations" will seem morelike vivid daydreams. Like any mental feat, the daydreams andclarity of consciousness won't come easy to beginners. For thatreason it is suggested that everyone start with the sessionslabelled "beginners" in their description. These are designed to beeasier for people less accustomed to meditation and other mentalvisualization type exercises to benefit from.Digital Highs contains only the binaural programs with a pinknoise backing track. This saves hundreds of megabytes of space onyour Android device compared to mp3 based players with trippy musicin the background. Compare to I-Doser.
Digital Highs 2.8.1
Binaural beat based mind altering programs arebecoming increasingly popular. Digital Highs takes the experienceto a new level by combining the pulsing beats of binauralentrainment with flashing lights. Please note that all of thesessions start off on the same frequency, the normal wakingbrainwave frequency. As the session progresses they each change indifferent ways.There a few other binaural altered states apps on the app store,and it seems like some of them are misrepresenting the experienceby naming their entrainment sessions directly after illicit drugssuch as marijuana, cocaine, or heroin. Digital Highs will notexactly duplicate the effects of these drugs (and neither will thecompetition, if truth be told) but it will guide your mind into anew type of altered state. And, unlike it's biggest competitor,I-Doser, Digital Highs doesn't require you to pay extra for moresessions. You get 40 sessions built in right from the start with noadditional fees, ever. Be sure to try our staff favorite"Forty-Two."What you should expect from Digital Highs is a type of intensemeditation. Terms such as hallucinogenic and psychedelic are stillused because those are terms that the average person can relate toa little better, but in reality the "hallucinations" will seem morelike vivid daydreams. Like any mental feat, the daydreams andclarity of consciousness won't come easy to beginners. For thatreason it is suggested that everyone start with the sessionslabelled "beginners" in their description. These are designed to beeasier for people less accustomed to meditation and other mentalvisualization type exercises to benefit from.Digital Highs contains only the binaural programs with a pinknoise backing track. This saves hundreds of megabytes of space onyour Android device compared to mp3 based players with trippy musicin the background. Compare to idoser.
Imperial Hockey 1.1
Imperial Penguin
Imperial Hockey is the app we created toserveas the first tutorial for CatHide, our cross platformdevelopmenttool. This is the final result so potential CatHidecustomers cansee some of the things that they will be learning inthe tutorial.Of course, it's also great for people who are fans ofpong stylegames.In Imperial Hockey, pong meets ice hockey. Be sure to minimizeyourmovements, because if you move too fast, too often, yourcharacterwill become fatigued and not as responsive. Your paddlewill becomemore and more transparent to indicate your level offatigue.
Pyro Pete 1.0
Pyro Pete is the first game in the"ImperialNostalgia" line. A series of games by Imperial Penguindesigned toinvoke the nostalgic feeling of arcade classics andretro gaming.Whether these are games you grew up with, or gamesyour parentsgrew up with, the vintage experience is sure todelight.In Pyro Pete, you must move your water bucket across the bottomofthe screen to catch and diffuse the bombs that our villain,Pete,is dropping. Catch the bombs and your score will increase.Fail tocatch the bombs, and kaboom! Not only will your scoredecrease, butyou will lose a life. Like many retro and vintagearcade games,score enough points and you'll earn a 1-up, or extralife for thosetoo young to remember such classic terms.Can you stop Pyro Pete from blasting his way to infamy? Eachlevelgets progressively more difficult. How far can you go beforePetegets the best of you? Compare your scores with those ofothersaround the world on the global leader boards. Challengeyourparents to best your score in this vintage paddle style game.Butbe warned, when their sense of nostalgia kicks in, you mightnotget the game back for a while!There are plenty more retro classic inspired arcade games to comeinthe "Imperial Nostalgia" line, so keep an eye out forthem!
Mystery Party Host 1.1
Imperial Penguin
Mystery parties are a great way to have agoodtime with friends. Each member of the party plays the part ofacharacter, and the group tries to figure out which ofthecharacters committed a crime. Traditional mystery parties relyonprinted materials. Mystery Party Host allows you to throw amysteryparty with much less hassle, although everyone playing musthavetheir own copy of the app. It is available for iOS andAndroid,with more platforms coming soon.The app comes with a free sample mystery to allow you toseewhether or not mystery parties are something that you enjoy.Morecomplex, and fun, mysteries will be available for in-apppurchase.Mystery Party Host spreads the cost of the party amongstthe partygoers, and in most cases the total spent per person ischeaper thanprinted parties.Mystery Parties are great practice for theater groups,dramaclubs, improv groups, aspiring actors, or just good fun forpeoplelooking for a night of social entertainment. Why spend yourmoneyon a night at the movies, when you can stay in and be a partof thestory? Invite over your friends, have them download the app,andgive the free sample a try. We are sure you'll love it.Download it now to see how good of a detective you are. Willyoumiss a clue, or will you guess the guilty party right away?
Booze Runner Demo 1.05
Imperial Penguin
Build your fortune in this clone of aclassic80s drug dealing game set in a world where prohibition neverended.Deal with police, muggers, loan sharks, and unexpectedfluctuationsin prices to make as much money as you can.Booze Runner includes several features that its competitorsdonot have:- A rich graphical user interface frees you from thetext-onlymenus and puts you in the middle of a city.- A 'Prices' tab tells you what the going range of prices foragiven drink are, making it much faster to familiarize yourselfwiththe game.- The 'Prices' tab also tells you how much you paid for agivendrink and updates that number when circumstances affect yourstock,making it much easier to gauge your profit level.
Subterran 1.5.0
Use your accelerometer to take the controlsofa ship specially designed to fly dangerous missions throughenemytunnels in this exciting tunnel game that is part action,partinteractive story, and part career simulation. You will startoffas an ensign in a futuristic marine corps, and if you playwell,finish as an admiral. But don't expect to make that rank onthefirst try. You'll have to be the best of the best to achievethatgoal.The missions you fly depend on how fast you gain rank. So eachtimeyou play the 20 mission career the challenge increases,assumingyour pilot skills improve. Will you have to dodge anendlessbarrage of obstacles? Mine for minerals to support the wareffort?Shoot mines to insure safe passage for others through thetunnel?Only your commanding officer knows. And the only way to findout isto play the game. Tunnel navigate, tunnel mine, tunnel shoot,builda career. But remember, if you haven't beaten the game asanadmiral, you haven't beaten this wildly addictiveaccelerometergame.
Booze Runner 1.05
Build your fortune in this clone of aclassic80s drug dealing game set in a world where prohibition neverended.Deal with police, muggers, loan sharks, and unexpectedfluctuationsin prices to make as much money as you can.Booze Runner includes several features that its competitorsdonot have:- A rich graphical user interface frees you from thetext-onlymenus and puts you in the middle of a city.- A 'Prices' tab tells you what the going range of prices foragiven drink are, making it much faster to familiarize yourselfwiththe game.- The 'Prices' tab also tells you how much you paid for agivendrink and updates that number when circumstances affect yourstock,making it much easier to gauge your profit level..
Coin Flight Retro 1.0.0
Coin Flight Retro takes our 3d gameCoinFlight, and puts it into a 2d world. Similar to the classicgameChopper, this app involves piloting your plane to avoidobstacles.In additions, you'll be collecting coins and power upswhileavoiding penalizing power downs. Can you make it through all50levels of fun?
Coin Flight 1.0.1
Fly your sport plane and collect coins inthissimple, but challenging and addictive 3D arcade game. CoinFlightfeatures 50 randomly generated levels of increasingdifficulty toinsure that the game is different every time you playit. Use theaccelerometer to control the plane to get that real lifefeeling offlight, or opt for the virtual joypad for a moretraditional arcadefeel. The game features 6 different environmentsand 4 differentcoins to keep things interesting.
Brain Shaper Free 2.8
Imperial Penguin
Brain Shaper Free contains two of theelevensessions available in the full version. It combines binauralbeatsand flashing light patterns to help you guide your mind intothedesired state of consciousness. It functions similarly tothegoggle based devices that retail for much more. Please notethatall of the sessions start off on the same frequency, thenormalwaking brainwave frequency. As the session progresses theyeachchange in different ways.Binaural beats have been used for decades to take the mindintothe lower frequencies associated with rest, meditation, orsleepand into the higher frequencies that help to awaken andinvigoratethe mind. Brain Shaper combines that with flashing lightpatternsthat match the beats, and recent research on how variouscolors oflight affect the circadian rhythms of the body.WARNING: Brain Shaper creates a strobe light effect, peoplewithphotosensitive epilepsy should not use this program, as itmaycause seizures.
Drag Tree 2.5
There are other drag racing practice treesonthe market, but you aren't some armchair drag racer, you areasaturday night warrior, seasoned by the smell of high octaneandthe the feel of your car powering down the track. You needapractice tree app that boasts the features of dedicatedhardwaretrees costing up to a hundred times more. Finally, there'san appfor you.Drag Tree includes many advanced features to actuallyimproveyour times, not just amuse you between commercials while youwatchother people living YOUR dream.- Four tree types including Full 0.500, Pro 0.400, Full0.400,and Pro .500.- Fully adjustable delay box featuring adjustable bump downandbump up controls for post release fine tuning.- The delay box features both cross over launching and crosstalkstyle trees.- Perfect RT is adjustable from .400/.500 to .000.- Three levels of autostart timing plus a customautostartoption.- Controls are adjustable to launch on release of the buttonorthe press of the button.- Control the tree using right handed or lefthandedorientation.- Choose the lane that you start from.- Blocking feature to block out the first two amber lights inafull tree.- Randomize your opponent's dial-in time for a lesspredictablepractice session.Statistics are automatically saved after each run to allow youtokeep better track of your performance. A total of ninestatisticsare tracked. These include:Number of RunsAverage RTQuickest RTBest RTWorse RTRed LightsRed Light %Perfect LightsPerfect Light %