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OVERVIEW The core idea is simple: to measure the positionofcellphone or tablet relative to the vector of theEarthgravitational forces using integrated acceleration sensor (seetheMotoG screenshot with sensors reading related to thegravitationalacceleration). The right angle relative to the vectorofgravitational force indicates the perfectly aligned flatsurface.USAGE The use-cases are similar to anything which could bedonewith well-known tilt-meters (a.k.a. "bubble level"), forexamplealigning the pictures on the wall. Place thecellphone(front-facing in either portrait or landscape orientation)on thetop of the object (e.g. wall picture) to check itshorizontalalignment. On-screen linear analog gauge accompanied bydigitalmeter provides accurate inclination measurement in therangebetween -5 and 5 degrees which is enough for most practicalcases.The airplane image below the scale adds certain entertainingfactorand provides the intuitive visual feedback to thealignmentprocedure. User can adjust the meter's responsiveness (inotherwords, the virtual inertia) selecting either normal, fast orslowmotion. Be aware that cellphone/tablet sensors' sampling ratemayvary, an so is the app responsiveness. Pressing theon-screencontrol button with small airplane icon will temporarily"freeze"the screen reading and change the icon (see the screenshotshowingthe pop-up message "Stopped..."). Press it twice to releasethescreen and return to normal operations (screenshotw/message"Running..." and the original button icon restored).CALIBRATIONOut-of-the-box uncalibrated high-end cellphones providestypicalaccuracy of tilt measurement within ±1 angular degree, whichissufficient for many practical use-cases. Certain improvementcouldbe achieved via device offset calibration (option availableinversion 1.4 and higher): first, place the phone (or tablet) onaflat surface in a portrait mode and selectCalibrate->CalibrateX menu item. Then repeat the same procedurefor landscape(horizontal) device orientation and selectCalibrate->CalibrateYmenu option. To rollback calibration pressRESET button to restorethe original settings (they will beautomatically restored ondevice power off). KEEP AWAKE If checkedwill keep the phonepower-on while app is running. NOTES This apprequires theintegrated Accelerometer sensor to be available in asmartphone.
Fraction Calculator "Fractal MK-12P" V-11.02
READ FIRST: Fractions Calculator implements innovativeUserInterface without "=" operator: just enter Fractionsintoleft/right input boxes and click on arithmetic Button ("+","-","x" or "÷"), thus saving the click. The result appearsincalculation history beneath input boxes. Scroll it up/down orswipeto left or right in order to swap the input boxes content.OVERVIEWFractions Calculator "Fractal MK-12" and MK-12P" (thelatestProfessional Edition) works on Regular (e.g. 2/3) andImproper(e.g. 4/3) Fractions, Mixed numbers (e.g. 1 /3/4), Decimals(e.g.3.14) and Whole (like 12345) up to 10-digit length. Itperformsfour standard Arithmetic operations (Add "+", Subtract"-",Multiply "x" and Divide "÷") and multiple functioncalculations: •"R(f)" key to Reduce fraction to its Lowest Terms,e.g. 2/4 = 1/2 •"1/f" key to calculate the inverse Fraction, e.g.2/3 (1/f) = 3/2 •"D" key to convert Fraction to Decimal, e.g. 3/5 =0.6 ProfessionalEdition (V 11.02 and later) also implements: f² -square functionf->d Fraction to Decimal conversion d->fDecimal to Fractionconversion f->m Fraction to Mixed Numberconversion m->fMixed Number to conversion Professional Editionenables Memoryoperations allowing calculation history to be copiedto app'sinternal memory and to system's Clipboard (seecorresponding"scissors" and "paste" icons). On-screen Keyboardcontains severalspecial keys: • "/" to enter Fractions (e.g. 2/3,54/7) • "▭" toadd blank space Mixed Numbers (e.g. 2 12/3) • "." forenteringDecimals (e.g. 3.14159) • "±" to change the sign (e.g. from3.14 to-3.14 and vice versa) • "↑" to move the last calculationresultinto the first input box. This is a convenient featureforso-called "chain calculations" like: 1/2 + 3/5 + 4/7 •"◀"Backspace • "C" to clear the content of input boxes andcalculationhistory Example 1. Reduce the Fraction 42/56 to theLowest Terms •Tap on the 1st input box and enter the Fraction 42/56using digitkeys and "/" • Click on the "R(f)" key to get the resultdisplayedas: 42/56 = 3/4 Example 2. Calculate: 3/4 + 1 2/5 • Tap onthe 1stinput box and enter the Fraction 3/4 using digit keys and"/" • Tapon the 2nd box and enter Mixed Number 1 2/5 using digitkeys, "▭"and "/" • Click on the "+" key to get the result displayedas: 3/4+ 1 2/5 = 2 3/20 Example 3. Convert Mixed Number 2 3/20 toDecimal• Tap on the 1st input box and enter Mixed Number 2 3/20usingdigit keys, "▭" and "/" • Click on the "D" key to getresultdisplayed as: 2 3/20 = 2.15 Note: this conversion may resultinso-called "repeating decimals", which are of infinite length,thusdisplayed as approximate rounded value, e.g: 2 1/6 =2.1666667Example 4. Calculate the inverse Fraction of 2 3/20 Step1. Tap on1st input box and enter Mixed Number 2 3/20 using digitkeys, "▭"and "/" Step 2. Click on the "1/f" key to get the resultdisplayedas: 2 3/20 = 20/43 Cellphones and Tablets compatibilityThisFractions Calculator runs on any Android Cell Phones andTabletsw/OS version 5 and higher. For the best results, the screensize ofat least 5.5" and screen resolution of 720 x 1280 and higherisrecommended. About Fractions Calculator "Fractal MK-12P" isbroughtto you by Infosoft International Inc, a NY hi-techCompanyproviding educational solutions since 1998.
Semafon Lite V11.01
SEMAFON® SEMANTIC PHONE NUMBER SEARCH ☏ OVERVIEW (LITE EDITION)Theapp performs semantic search, i.e. finding meaningfulwordsmatching phone numbers. Such words are easier to memorizethanseemingly random sequence of digits, e.g: 263-7422 matches7-letterword AMERICA 639-9675 corresponds to word NEW-YORK,782-2377corresponds to SUCCESS. MULTILINGUAL SEARCH The appsupports 5world languages (English, French, German, Italian andSpanish) withmore than 50,000 words in its active dictionary (thefull-version:lite edition contains limited search vocabulary).Multi-lingualexamples of phone number-text matches: 224-8864 -ACHTUNG (German)235-3783 - CELESTE (Spanish) 226-8273 - CANTARE(Italian) 266-7647- BONSOIR (French) and sample compositealpha-digital "vanity phonenumbers": 266-3007 - BOND-007 686-2371 -NUMBER-1 USAGE Enter thephone number up to 7 digit and click on theFIND button. Searchresults will appear in the table filtered bylanguage and minimalword length (set to 4 in Lite edition). Thelongest words foundappear first in the upper table rows; themaximum word length of 7letters corresponds to 7-digit phonenumber, as shown in previousexamples. The chances to find 7-letterword in a random 7 digitnumber are relatively low (below 0.2%).There are better chances tofind a 6-letter word in a random7-digit, but still below 4%.Possibility to find 5- or 4-letter wordmatch is much higher. Also,app performs search for meaningful wordscombinations and popularcatch phrases, e.g. 843-2378 corresponds toTHE-BEST. Anotherexample: number 467-6884 corresponds to GO-SOUTH,etc. LANGUAGESELECTION Open the Menu item 'Language" and make theselection from5 different world languages THEME SELECTION Open theMenu item'Theme" and make the selection from 5 different options.COMPANYSemafon® app developed by Infosoft International Inc, a NewYorkCompany. Email: info at (for business requests)NOTESThis app requires Internet connection. INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOLink:
BellWeather V11.01
OVERVIEW BellWeather 6-days Forecast Android app enables searchforthe Geolocations and generating 6-days forecast. The appimplementsintuitive user-friendly interface adapted for any formfactor(Android smartphone/tablets) Internet connectivity isrequired forthis application. USAGE On the first run the app showsthe sortedlist of 10 sample locations with corresponding WOEID tothe rightof list item (for info purpose), like the following:Amsterdam[woeid: 727232] Berlin [638242] London [44418] Los Angeles...Mexico City... New York City.. Paris.. Rome.. Tokyo.. Thelistincludes unique numeric WOEID (Where On Earth IDentifier) usedinweather forecast module (the number is shown fordemo/didacticpurpose). For example, London City WOEID is 44418.This number isused by weather software module to uniquely identifythe place onEarth. The list of location could be dynamicallymodified by addingnew and deleting existing Location records ADDLOCATION Click onthe rounded search button with "+" sign at thebottom of the screento open the search dialog box. Enter the searchquery, tap on thebutton to the right to generation the Locationresult list (limitedto 10 top item). Click on the Location ofinterest - it will beinstantly added to the list. Close the searchbox by tapping againon the rounded button with "+" sign -it togglesthe search boxOn/OFF. DELETE LOCATION Long-Click (press and hold)on Location inthe list will cause the confirmation dialog to appearasking toconfirm the deletion. Upon confirmation, the item willbepermanently deleted from the list (note: the same item couldbeadded later) WEATHER FORECAST Click on the location in the listtoopen another screen showing 6-days weather forecast forselectedlocation: - Title (Location name) - Date - Temperature (°For °C) -Min Temperature (°F or °C) - Max Temperature (°F or °C) -RelativeHumidity, % - Weather Condition - Wind Speed (ms/ or mph)Click onthe toggle button in the upper-right corner to switchbetweenCelsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F) scales. MENU Click on theMenubutton to open Help and Support dialog providing app basicsandcontact info. PRIVACY/SECURITY For security/privacy reason,thisapp does not require GPS device tracking, and essentially doesnotrequire GPS service at all LIMITATION OF THE LIABITY This appisprovided on AS IS basis without warranty of any kind. The appisprovided mostly for demo/didactic purpose. The Company doesnotmake any representation regarding the accuracy of weatherforecastand/or the app suitability for any particularpurpose.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Company and the Author would like topraise theefforts and express the gratitude to the web siteproducers( for their good work providing JSONWeb APIgeolocation/weather end points. BUG REPORT: Apparentlyerroneouswind speed reading for the NY City was discovered. It offby theorder of magnitude, shown with negative sign, like -553 mph.
Prime Factorization Calculator Π18 V11.01
INTRODUCTION A Prime Number is a natural (a.k.a. counting)numberthat has exactly two distinct divisors called trivialfactors,namely: number 1 and itself. Any other factors areconsiderednon-trivial. Any natural number other than Prime is acompositenumber. Composite numbers are made of their non-trivialfactors -they equal to the product of said factors. Number 1 isneitherprime nor composite. OVERVIEW Prime Factorization is amathematicaltask of finding not-trivial factors of any givennatural number; ifthey don't exist then the number under the testis a Prime number.For example, number 6 has two non-trivial factors2 and 3,therefore 6 = 2 * 3; number 15 also has two non-trivialfactors 3and 5 (15 = 3 * 5); number 100 has 4 non-trivial factors,namely:2, 2, 5, 5, thus 100 = 2 * 2 * 5 * 5. On the other side, thePrimenumbers 2, 3 and 5 do not have any non-trivial factors: theyareevenly divisible (i.e. divisible without remainder) only bythenumber 1 and the number itself. Note: in this notation theasterisk"*" means arithmetic multiplication, same as "x" symbol(they canbe used interchangeably, thus it could be written: 6 = 2 x3).Summary: Prime Numbers do not have any non-trivial factors, like3,5, 7 11. Any number with two or more non-trivial factors iscalleda Composite number, like said number 6, or number 9 (9 = 3 *3), or10 (10 = 2 * 5), etc. USAGE Calculator is capable ofprocessinglarge numbers up to 18 digits. To find the prime factors,enter thenumber in the text box using on-screen keypad and click onenterbutton "=". Result will appear on digital displaying,showingeither the list of found prime factors, or the messageindicatingthat input number is Prime. PLATFORMS This app can run inanyCellphone or Tablet equipped with Android 5 or higher.ALGORITHMThe Calculator utilizes efficient parallel "WheelPrimeFactorization" algorithm optimized for octal-coreprocessorscapable of processing large 18-digits numbers in a splitsecond.The actual computation efficiency depends on the platform.The appimplements speed test that allows to evaluate devicecomputationalpower pertinent to Prime factorization heavynumber-crunching task.For the reference purpose, largest Primenumbers up to 18-digitsare listed below. REFERENCE 3 largest14-Digit Prime numbers99999999999973 99999999999971 999999999999593 largest 15-DigitPrime numbers 999999999999989 999999999999947999999999999883 3largest 16-Digit Prime numbers 999999999999993799999999999999179999999999999887 3 largest 17-Digit Prime numbers9999999999999999799999999999999977 99999999999999961 3 largest18-Digit Primenumbers 999999999999999989 999999999999999967999999999999999877