InterMotion 应用

C+ | By Communicate Magazine 4.0
The Augmented Reality Application ofCommunicate MagazineCommunicate Magazine, a MediaQuest Publication, is nowAugmented Reality enabled with many features that are fullyaugmented and can be viewed through this C+ application, and whichenhance your experience when reading the magazine.C+ application will allow you to see videos, connect to andinteract with social media and share articles with friends as wellas provide commentary on the experience.Look out for our AR markers on the magazine pages. Below aresome samples: our C+ App. Follow the instructions on the screen andpoint the camera on images carrying the C+ marker and experiencerich content, commentaries, videos and interviews related to theworld of marketing and advertising in the Middle East.Tell us what you think and share your views with the rest of theworld by contacting our Publisher;or through our social media accounts:Twitter: Communicate:Positioned at the heart of the Arab communication industry,Communicate- a MediaQuest Publication ( is a highlyreputable monthly magazine covering advertising, marketing, publicrelations and media in the Arab world and beyond. Launched in 2005,and recognized for its analytical, yet entertaining approach to theindustry’s inner workings, Communicate provides professionals withexclusive news and in-depth analysis, offering an exciting way toengage with this community. Communicate currently has 15,000readers and is associated to Advertising Age.
Experience OMD 1.8
This application is designed to bring you ourlatest news and keep you connected with the latest insights inmedia and marketing.You can explore the latest trends in performance marketing,branded entertainment and media insights, ignite your world withfantastic AR experiences and connect with our teams for any supportyou require in 3 easy steps:1- Open the App and click on 'Ignite'2- Scan any image carrying our markers ex: The app will display access to valuable information throughvideos and social media forums through augmented reality.Download our mobile App. Follow the instructions on the screenand point the camera on images carrying our markers and experiencerich content, commentaries and videos.
HP Connect AR 1.1
The HP Connect mobile app is your source forHPProduct information and news with just 3 easy steps:1- Open the App and click on the camera icon2- Scan the HP Advertisement3- The app will display the Product information, videos, updatesandall news related to the HP advert scanned.The Application consists of a camera that uses augmentedrealitywhich allows viewers to see HP news and product updatesthrough aprinted advertisement. This application will enhanceyourexperience with HP products and updates.
InterMotion Augmented Reality 1.0
Intermotion mobile application allows youtoexperience print in an engaging manner. See magazinesandnewspapers come to live directly through the page. Connecttosocial media platforms or web links and share with friends.Viewrich 3D content and play interactive games.View augmented content in 3 easy steps:1- Open the App and click on the camera icon2- Scan any content that has the InterMotion next to it3- The app will display information, videos, geo locations,updatesand all news related to the content scanned.The Application consists of a camera that uses augmentedrealityand allows viewers to see augmented content through print.Thisapplication will enhance your experience with print media.
Laha Magazine AR 1.0
Laha Magazine is a weekly lifestylemagazinedistributed globally. Laha magazine App is an AugmentedRealityapplication that allows users to experience an exciting,engagingand interactive world beyond the print format.Laha Magazine App brings print to life with videos, text andnewhidden content. Comment on your experience through socialmedialinks. See additional content and share with friends.Enjoyinteractive print away from the page by saving yourfavouritecontent to view it any time you want to.Laha Magazine App allows marketers to strengthentheirrelationship with customers through additional content thatisbeyond their label. Connect your marketing activities whetheronprint, outdoor, digital or on T.V. Get closer to yourcustomersthrough Call to Action buttons that give them directaccess to yoursales teams.Look for images and editorial carrying the “ لها AR" logo inthemagazine, follow the instructions in Laha Magazine App anddiscovera new world of entertainment. See amazing 3D interactivemodelsthat will blow your mind in 3 easy steps:1- Open the App and click on 'اختبر الواقع المعزز'2- Scan any image carrying our markers3- The app will display access to valuable informationthroughvideos and social media forums through augmentedreality.إن "تطبيق مجلة لها" على الأجهزة المحمولة تطبيق تفاعلي مبتكريمكنالقارئ من خوض تجربة مثيرة وغير تقليدية إضافة إلى المشاركةوالتفاعلمع المجلة - الأسبوعية الاجتماعية التي توزع حول العالم -بأبعادجديدة.يقرب "تطبيق مجلة لها" المواد المنشورة في النسخة الورقيةإلىالواقع من خلال المقاطع المصورة ومحتوى جديد. وبات بإمكانكإبداءآرائك حول المواضيع المنشورة عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي،ومشاهدةومشاركة المحتوى الجديد للمجلة مع الأصدقاء. كما يمكنكالاستمتاعبالنسخة المطبوعة التفاعلية عبر حفظ الأقسام المفضلة لعرضهافي أيوقت.يمكن "تطبيق مجلة لها" المسوقين من تعزيز علاقاتهم مع الزبائنمنخلال محتوى إضافي مبتكر يربط مختلف الأنشطة التسويقيةالمطبوعةوالرقمية أو حتى عبر التلفزيون، كما يقرب الزبائن أكثر إلىمنتجاتالمسوقين وخدماتهم عبر خيارات تفاعلية جديدة ويقدم ربطاًمباشراً معفرق مبيعاتهم.تجربة المستخدم: ابحث عن الصور والمقالات التي تحمل شعار "لهاAR"في المجلة، اتبع التعليمات الموجودة في "تطبيق مجلة لها"واكتشفعالماً جديداً من الترفيه (نماذج وصور ثلاثية الأبعاد ستذهلكعندمشاهدتها)
Bone Health Arabia 1.1
The Bone Health Arabia application foundedbyAnlene is dedicated to raise awareness around bone healthandosteoporosis.Follow the journey of women across the region, making a pledgetotake charge of their bone health and help protect themselvesagainstthe silent disease “Osteoporosis”The application aims to increase awareness around bone healthandprevention of Osteoporosis in 3 easy steps:1- Open the App and click on 'Experience AR'2- Scan any content that has Anlene milk products next toit: The app will display access to valuable informationthroughvideos and social media forums through augmentedreality.The application allows users to follow the journey of womenwhohave pledged to take charge of their bone health throughaugmentedreality videos and links to social media where they canshare theirexperience.Users are also regularly notified of augmented assetsthroughpush notifications and will get access to information onarecurring basis.تطبيق‬ بون هلث ارابيا مقدم من أنلين لينشر الوعي حول صحةالعظامومرض هشاشة العظام. تابعي أخبار رحلة المرأة في المنطقة بعد أنتتعهدوتلتزم بالحفاظ على صحة عظامها وحمايتها من المرض الصامت،هشاشةالعظامVisit us: www.bonehealtharabia.comContact us: