Italiaonline S.p.A. 应用

MotorLife 1.1
News, informazioni utili, anteprime, approfondimenti e tendenze delpianeta motori da portare on the road sempre con te.- Articoli, anteprime, fotogallery e video selezionati ognigiorno.- Home page con slider dei trending topic e e ultimi contributiin evidenza per ogni categoria.- Sezioni specifiche dedicate a:• Auto: prove su strada, recensioni, news e anticipazioni dalmondo delle quattro ruote.• Moto: test drive, schede tecniche, notizie e novità per la tribùdei centauri.• Info Utili: vademecum, tutorial e informazioni di servizio pertutti gli automobilisti e motociclisti.• Green: tutte le novità e le tendenze ecologiche che riguardano imotori.• Foto: le più belle immagini di auto e moto e di tutti i nuoviarrivi sul mercato.- Una comoda porta d’ingresso per accedere a tutti i contenuti eservizi del network Virgili/Libero che saranno distribuiti comeapp: i portali Virgilio e, i web magazine verticaliSiViaggia, QuiFinanza e DiLei, la versione mobile della postaelettronica di Virgilio Mail e Libero Mail.Scopri la marcia in più di MotorLife!News,information, previews, insights and trends in the planet engines totake on the road with you.- Articles, previews, photo gallery and video selected eachday.- Home page slider with the trending topic ee recentcontributions in evidence for each category.- Specific sections devoted to:• Auto: road tests, reviews, previews and news from the world offour wheels.• Motorcycles: test drive, fact sheets, news and views from thetribe of centaurs.• Useful Info: handbook, tutorials and information service for allmotorists and motorcyclists.• Green: all the news and trends that affect ecologicalengines.• Photos: The most beautiful images of cars and bikes and all newentrants to the market.- A convenient gateway to access to all content and services onthe network Virgili / Free app that will be distributed as: Virgiland portals, the web magazine vertical SiViaggia,QuiFinanza and Dilei, the mobile version of e-mail Virgilio Mailand Free Mail.Check out the gear in more than MotorLife!
Libero Mail 20.2.4
Get the official Libero Mail App and finallymanage all your email accounts (Libero, Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook,Virgilio ...) in one single AppLibero Mail App is easy to use and designed to impress. Try it onany smartphone or tablet! Discover all its distinctivefeatures:• Quick actions and user friendlyWith an intuitive interface specifically designed for mobiledevices, allows almost any operation with just one touch.• MultiaccountManage all your mailboxes - of any provider - from a singleapplication, easily. Libero, Virgilio, Tiscali, Yahoo, Gmail,Hotmail, MSN, Outlook, Fastmail: all your accounts in one app. Andswitching between accounts is a snap!NOTE: Accessing a Libero account protected by "Password Sicura",please use the password for client and mail applications.• Quick contactsDon't waste a second! Contacts from your phonebook and mostfrequent recipients of your emails pop up while composing amessage: just select and send.• Custom notificationsYou can set up alerts for each account customized according to yourneeds:- choose when you want to be notified on new incomingmessages- enable and disable notifications for any account- custom notification's setting by message type, sender orfolders• Customized InboxCustomize the look of your inbox by enabling or disabling previewmessages and setting avatars for your friends.• Instant Search and practiceFinding a message is a breeze! here's why:- immediate search in all folders- filters to narrow results- suggested contacts• Attached ImagesSending pictures has never been so easy: in just one operation youcan select a group of photos directly from the gallery of yoursmartphone or your tablet.Download now Libero Mail app developed with!-----For any suggestions or recommendations you can write
Easy, fast, personalizedFind what you need with PagineGialle!We have revolutionized the graphics to transform APP PagineGiallein your personal assistant, adding new content and servicesdesigned for your needs.This allows you to customize each search, take a photo to improveyour multimedia review and send it immediately through MyPglogin.If you are looking for an idea for leisure, you can discoverupcoming events near you!Or book a table at the restaurant, let’s have a look the weather,before a day trip or your weekend at the beach!Or get in touch with the professional you need has never beeneasier thanks to this section where you can request personalizedquotes in a few taps.PagineGialle has a new structure with three different home page,each dedicated to new content, discover the App!For reports and suggestions please send an email Continued use of GPS running in the background can decreasebattery life
FoodInItaly 1.1.0
Are you always looking for tastiness and certified excellence?FoodInItaly is the app that allows you to discover the traditionalItalian products, selected by regions, certification and category,to learn recipes and territorial traditions and to know where tobuy the best products of our country (both in real store or throughthe e-commerce).This app is the connection point for food and Italian cookerylovers, for those who love to combine tradition and innovation andobviously for the experts.▶ MAIN FEATURES- TRADITIONAL PRODUCTSDiscover the best, certified products, sorted by category/region.Easily check where to try and buy them.- WINES APPELLATIONSOver 500 denominations of Italian wines, with their descriptions,production area and information about the places where to try andbuy them.- PRODUCERSAbout 11.000 producers of the traditional Italian products:discover them and browse the continously updating database.- TRADITIONAL RECIPESRecipes from every corner of Italy that deserve to be tried:discover and prepare your favourite dishes.- NEWSEditorial articles and galleries about food-related themes. Thetopics concern traditional food, wines and beverages, includingculture/lifestyles/new trends (for example bio, 0-km), trips andeno-gastronomic itineraries.- REGIONSBrowse the regions and discover the blooming eno-gastronomictourism of Italy: find interesting ideas to experience new citiesand traditional products you still don’t know!Italy is the nation with the biggest number of traditionalcertified products in Europe. This app allows you to discover theproducers of traditional products, selecting them from a continuousdeveloping database.The companies are located on the map from which you can access afunctional detailed sheet with:- company description;- relevant commodity category;- infos to contact it directly.Moreover, you’ll be able to quickly see all companies, whilebrowsing through regions and provinces.▶ EXPO 2015FoodInItaly highlights the big culinary and gastronomic Italiantradition, especially at the Expo 2015 in Milan, the great, globalevent about nutrition.The universal exposition in Milan put the visitor in the middleof an exciting, innovative and active experience, and representsthe chance to discover our gastronomic excellence and much more. Inthe News area you will find news and contents pertaining to theevent.▶ CONTACTS AND INFOSIf you like travelling and visiting new places, this applicationis what you need to discover territorial tastes and traditions,proceeding region by region.For other information, please send us an e-mail at: android@foodinitaly.comSee you on FoodInItaly!
Finalmente anche su Google Play, TuttoCittàper il tuo dispositivo Android.Rigorosamente GRATIS!Trova le strade e i percorsi di tutta Italia con un solo tocco elasciati guidare da TuttoCittà.Tutti i 39 volumi e le mappe delle 350 località in essi contenute,si sono completamente trasformati fino a coprire tutta Italia earrivano ora nel palmo della tua mano!Grazie alla rapida identificazione della tua posizione, conTuttoCittà potrai:• Visualizzare la mappa del luogo e il nome della strada in cui titrovi, anche in modalità fotografica• Creare percorsi personalizzati per spostarti in auto o a piedi,facendoti guidare passo passo fino alla meta• Trovare l’indirizzo dell’azienda o della persona che cerchi edessere guidato fino a raggiungerlaMa la vera chicca è la fantastica funzione “Trovaquì”!Grazie alle sezioni EVENTI, AZIENDE e SERVIZI, il "Trovaquì" diTuttoCittà ti aiuterà ad organizzare le serate con gli amici eanche a risolvere l’imprevisto dell’ultimo minuto.Con un solo tocco potrai arricchire la tua mappa per:• scoprire dove sono gli spettacoli, le mostre, le sagre, imercatini e gli eventi culturali più vicini a te• trovare su mappa attività come hotel, ristoranti, pizzerie, bed& breakfast• raggiungere servizi utili come benzinai, parcheggi, bancomat,ospedali, uffici postali, ecc...Il tutto garantito dall’affidabilità dei dati di Seat PagineGialle!Cosa aspetti? Scarica GRATIS subito TuttoCittà!Finally on Google Play,TuttoCittà for your Android device.Strictly for FREE!Find the roads and paths throughout Italy with a single touch andfollow the instructions from TuttoCittà.All 39 volumes and maps of 350 locations within them, have beencompletely transformed to cover all Italy and arrive now in thepalm of your hand!Thanks to the rapid identification of your position, withTuttoCittà you:• View a map of the location and the name of the street where youare, even in the photo mode• Create personalized pathways to move by car or on foot, makingyou step by step to your destination drive• Find the address of the business or person you are looking forand be driven to achieve itBut the real gem is the fantastic "Trovaquì" function!Thanks to sections EVENTS, BUSINESS & SERVICES, the "Trovaquì"TuttoCittà will help you organize your evenings with friends andalso to solve the unexpected last minute.With just a touch you can enrich your map to:• find out where are the shows, exhibitions, festivals, markets andmore cultural events near you• find it on the map as a business hotel, restaurants, pizzerias,bed & breakfast• get to useful services such as gas stations, parking lots, ATMs,hospitals, post offices, etc ...All guaranteed by the reliability of the data of Seat PagineGialle!What are you waiting for? Download FREE suffered TuttoCittà!
Torino App
Are you looking for a guide that collects inyour Smartphone all the information about the city of Turin? Thebest restaurants, the coolest events, historical monuments andservices and public administration contacts?Torino App is the service right for you! All Turin contents arefinally collected into a single free application. It's designed forresidents, tourists and for which want to enjoy the most importanttown in the Piedmont.Because of integration of multiple sources data and content, TorinoApp is the richest and most complete guide for smartphone about thecity.It's organized into sections easy to use:SPECIAL TOURISM:Routes, Monuments, Museums, Consulates , tourist officesFREE TIME:Events, Cinema and Films, Theaters, Theme Markets, Markets,LibrariesWHERE TO EAT:Restaurants, Pizza, Taverns, Bars and Cafes ... and all Glamoodiscounts and couponsWHERE TO STAY:Hotels, Bed&Breakfast, GuestHouses, ResidenceMUST DO:Historical buildings, Parks, Churches , Historical CafesNEWS:Information from the Municipality, News ChronicleMOBILITY AND TRAFFIC:Parking (in real time), Car Sharing, LTZ, Bike Sharing (in realtime), Taxi (SMS booking)UTILITIES:Finding numbers, Opened Pharmacies, Hospitals, Post Offices,Police, Population, Procedures and documents, WiFi Hotspot,Weather, Public baths.Turn on geolocation services on your smartphone and Torino App willshow you the contents and calculate the paths depending on yourlocation!Download it now ! ... It's free!
SiViaggia 1.1
Idee per trovare le mete dei tuoi desideri, in Italia e all’estero.Nuove destinazioni da scoprire attraverso gli articoli e lefotogallery. Consigli pratici e suggerimenti di vacanze per tuttigli orizzonti e tutte le tasche: con SiViaggia hai un mondo che tiaspetta ogni giorno.- Articoli editoriali, fotogallery e video selezionatiquotidianamente.- Home page con slider dei trending topic e ultimi contributi inevidenza per ogni categoria.- Sezioni specifiche dedicate a: Weekend, Sole e mare, Vacanzerelax, Vacanze low cost, Borghi e villaggi, Centri benessere,Spiagge, Itinerari gastronomici, Cultura e città d’arte, Vacanze infamiglia.- Fotogallery da tutto il mondo per esplorare città, luoghi epaesaggi da favola.- Una comoda porta d’ingresso per accedere a tutti i contenuti eservizi del network Virgilio/Libero che saranno distribuiti comeapp: i portali Virgilio e, i web magazine verticaliDiLei, QuiFinanza e Motorlife, la versione mobile della postaelettronica di Virgilio Mail e Libero Mail.Ideas tofind the destination of your dreams, in Italy and abroad. Newdestinations to explore through the articles and photo galleries.Practical advice and tips for holidays for all horizons and allbudgets: SiViaggia you with a world waiting for you every day.- Publishing articles, photo gallery and video selecteddaily.- Home page slider with the trending topic and highlight recentcontributions for each category.- Specific sections devoted to: Weekend, Sun and sea, Relaxingholidays, Cheap Holidays, Villages and villages, Beauty &Wellness, Beaches, Gourmet Travel, Culture and cities, holidayswith the family.- Photogallery from all over the world to explore the city,places and fabulous scenery.- A convenient gateway to access to all content and services onthe network Virgilio / Free app that will be distributed as: Virgiland portals, the web magazine vertical Dilei, QuiFinanzaand Motorlife, the mobile version of e-mail Virgilio Mail and FreeMail.
SportStadio 1.0.0
Per i veri professionisti del tifo c’èSportstadio!Il meglio del calcio e del calciomercato: le ultime indiscrezionidagli spogliatoi delle squadre, le analisi delle partite, icommenti degli esperti e le notizie sui protagonisti del gioco piùbello del mondo, ogni giorno in diretta su SportStadio.Potrai seguire i live delle partite in programma, le cronache indiretta degli incontri di Serie A, Coppa Italia, Champions League,Europa League e tutti gli impegni della Nazionale.In più: aggiornamenti costanti dal mondo del Tennis, della Formula1, del MotoGp, del Ciclismo e poi ancora Rugby, Golf, SportInvernali e molto altro. Gratis per te. .I punti di forza di questa App sono:• Contenuti aggiornati in tempo reale e immagini di grandeimpatto• Notifiche push, per ricevere in tempo reale le ultime notiziesulla tua squadra• Interviste esclusive e reportage “a bordo campo”• Tutte le ultime notizie di Gossip legate al mondo dello SportProvala subito!For the realprofessionals of typhus there Sportstadio!Best of calcium and transfers: the latest rumors from the lockerrooms of the teams, the match analysis, expert commentary and newson the protagonists of the beautiful game in the world, every dayin live on SportStadio.You can follow live matches in the program, the live commentary ofthe matches from Serie A, Italian Cup, Champions League, EuropaLeague and all commitments of the National Assembly.In addition: constant updates from the world of Tennis, Formula 1,MotoGP's, cycling and again Rugby, Golf, Winter Sports, and more.Free for you. .The strengths of this App are:• Content updated in real-time and high-impact images• Push notifications to receive in real time the latest news onyour team• Exclusive interviews and reportage "on the sidelines"• All the latest news related to the world of Sports GossipTry it now!
Roma Capitale 2.0.2
L’app Roma Capitale permette di esserecostantemente informati su tutte le più importanti iniziative dellanostra Amministrazione, con aggiornamenti e approfondimenti suattualità, cultura, eventi e mobilità. Condividi news ed eventi,scopri gli itinerari turistici, consulta gli elenchi di attività epunti utili, verifica lo stato di traffico e ztl, visualizza ipunti di bike sharing.
Yesplace 1.0.4
Yesplace has come: join the new place-basedsocial network!Yesplace is the brand new app to leave localised messages justwhere you're at, to find out what people are saying around you, andto follow all the locations you're interested in.Leave your markPublish localised posts everywhere you go and make your voiceheard: wherever, whenever and however you want.Around youLook at what's happening around you: discover nearby places andcatch on to the messages shared by other people.Your placesFollow every venue you’re interested in, so you won't miss any postpeople left there.Your friendsThrough Yesplace you get in touch with new friends! Follow peopleyou like and be updated about their posts and places.You can write us for any idea or suggestion at
DiLei 1.1
Moda, bellezza, intimità, benessere, casa, maternità, tendenze:tutto quello che interessa a una donna raccontato da chi è donnacome te.- Articoli editoriali, fotogallery e video selezionati ognigiorno.- Home page con slider dei trending topic e ultimi contributi inevidenza per ogni categoria.- Sezioni specifiche dedicate ai consigli pratici su: Moda etendenze della prossima stagione, Bellezza, Benessere come salute ecura del corpo, Casa, Mamma, Sesso e Psiche. Tutto quello checerchi sempre a portata di mano.- Una comoda porta d’ingresso per accedere a tutti i contenuti eservizi del network Virgilio/Libero che saranno distribuiti comeapp: i portali Virgilio e, i web magazine verticaliSiViaggia, QuiFinanza e Motorlife, la versione mobile della postaelettronica di Virgilio Mail e Libero Mail.Femminile, per definizione. DiLei vuole essere un nuovoimportante riferimento per tutte le donne. Parla il lorolinguaggio, condivide il loro modo di sentire e risponde ai lorointeressi, guardando il mondo a 360° con occhi al 100%femminili.Esci con un’amica in più, fidati DiLei!Fashion,beauty, intimacy, wealth, home, motherhood, trends whatever you areinterested in a woman who is told by women like you.- Publishing articles, photo gallery and video selected eachday.- Home page slider with the trending topic and highlight recentcontributions for each category.- Specific sections devoted to practical advice about: Fashionand trends of the next season, Beauty, like health and body care,Home, Mom, Sex and Psyche. Everything you want always to hand.- A convenient gateway to access to all content and services onthe network Virgilio / Free app that will be distributed as: Virgiland portals, the web magazine vertical SiViaggia,QuiFinanza and Motorlife, the mobile version of e-mail VirgilioMail and Free Mail.Female, by definition. Dilei wants to be an important newreference for all women. He speaks their language, shares the waythey feel and respond to their interests, looking at the world witheyes 360 ° to 100% female.Quit with a friend in the most, trust Dilei!
QuiFinanza 1.1
Notizie, guide, informazioni e consigliincampo economico-finanziario: dai mercati al lavoro,dagliinvestimenti ai risparmi, alle tasse. Per un’economia sempreaportata di mano e alla portata di tutti.- Articoli selezionati ogni giorno.- Home page con slider dei trending topic e selezionedeicontenuti in evidenza per ogni categoria.- Sezioni specifiche dedicate a:• Finanza: tutte le news per essere sempre aggiornato su quelchesuccede in campo economico e sui mercati finanziari.• Lavoro: notizie, approfondimenti e consigli per orientarsialmeglio nel mondo del lavoro.• Tasse: tutto quel che ti serve sapere come contribuente, pernonperderti nemmeno una scadenza.• Soldi: guide e suggerimenti per investire e risparmiare comepiùconviene.- Una comoda porta d’ingresso per accedere a tutti i contenutieservizi del network Virgilio/Libero che saranno distribuiticomeapp: i portali Virgilio e, i web magazineverticaliSiViaggia, MotorLife e DiLei, la versione mobile dellapostaelettronica di Virgilio Mail e Libero Mail.News, guides,informationand advice in the economic-financial: from markets towork, frominvestment to savings, taxes. For an economy always onhand andavailable to everyone.- Selected articles every day.- Home page with slider trending topic and the selection ofthecontent featured in each category.- Specific sections devoted to:• Finance: All the news to keep you updated on what ishappeningin the economy and the financial markets.• Work: news, insights and recommendations regarding the best inthebusiness world.• Taxes: everything you need to know as a taxpayer, never missadeadline.• Money: guides and tips for how to save and investmoreconvenient.- A convenient gateway to access to all content and servicesonthe network Virgilio / Free app that will be distributed as:Virgiland portals, the web magazine verticalSiViaggia,MotorLife and Dilei, the mobile version of e-mailVirgilio Mail andFree Mail.
Movidup: eventi,locali,cinema 1.2.1
Non sai cosa fare stasera? Domani? Insettimana o nel week end?Se sei a corto di idee non perderti in mille ricerche, lasciatiguidare da Movidup e scopri cosa c’è in programma per te.Tantissimi eventi, la programmazione del cinema di tutte le salenel territorio italiano e un’ampia selezione dei locali dellaMovida.Concerti, aperitivi, spettacoli, feste, eventi culturali, cinema,teatro, ristoranti, discoteche e tanto altro ancora.....tutto inun’unica app!Movidup è semplice e intuitiva.Inoltre più la usi più riconosce i tuoi gusti e ti suggerisce cosafare.Non perdi tempo e nemmeno gli eventi che ti interessano.Movidup non funziona soltanto intorno a te ma anche se ti devispostare. Per scoprire cosa ci sarà da fare basta selezionare unacittà, un raggio di ricerca e una data.Ovunque abbiamo qualcosa da proporti.Rivoluziona il modo in cui vivi il tempo libero.Scarica Movidup!You do not know what todo tonight? Tomorrow? In the week or over the weekend? If you're short on ideas do not get lost in a thousandinvestigations, be guided by Movidup and discover what's in storefor you. Many events, programming of cinema of all the salt in the Italianterritory and a wide selection of local Movida. Concerts, cocktails, shows, festivals, cultural events, cinema,theater, restaurants, nightclubs and much more ..... all in oneapp! Movidup is simple and intuitive.Also the more the more uses recognizes your tastes and suggest whatto do.You do not lose time and even the events that interest you.Movidup works not only around you but even if you have to move. Tofind out what we will do just select a city, a search radius and adate.Wherever we have something to offer you. Revolutionises the way you live your free time.Download Movidup!
GialloEmergenza 1.1
Con Giallo Emergenza risolvereemergenzediventa semplicissimo: con pochi tap, trovi facilmente chiti puòaiutare a risolvere una situazione difficile rapidamente econsuccesso.- Soccorso automobilistico, per non rimanere mai apiedi!Autosoccorso, gommisti,vetri e cristalli...- Salute e assistenza, perché la salute viene prima ditutto!Farmacie aperte, veterinari, dentisti...- Aiuto in casa, perché si possa sempre dire “casa dolcecasa”!Idraulici, fabbri, riparazione caldaie...- Numeri utili, per tutti gli altri problemi! Polizia, VigilidelFuoco, Guardia Medica...Ma puoi usare Giallo Emergenza anche per richiedere unnormaleintervento di manutenzione o ristrutturazione!All’interno di ogni sezione ,i professionisti delle emergenzesonosuddivisi per ambito di attività, a seconda del tuobisognospecifico.Per le sezioni Casa e Auto potrai inoltre vedere in tempo realeiprofessionisti disponibili ad intervenire subito vicino a te,peressere certi che l’intervento avvenga in tempi rapidi esenzaperdite di tempo.Caratteristiche :- Visualizzazione professionisti disponibili in temporealeattorno a te- Indicazione del tempi stimato di arrivo- Visualizzazione risultati su mappa- Possibilità di lasciare un feedback sul servizio ricevuto(senzadoversi registrare)Il giallo che risolve ogni tua emergenza!------------------------------------Nota: L’uso continuativo del GPS in background puòridurredrasticamente la durata della batteria.------------------------------------With YellowEmergencysolve emergencies becomes simple: with a few taps, you canfindeasily who can help you to solve a difficult situation quicklyandsuccessfully.- Relief automotive, never run walk! Towing, tire, glassandcrystal ...- Health and care, because health comes first!Pharmacies,veterinarians, dentists ...- Help at home, because you can always say "home sweethome"!Plumbers, locksmiths, repair boilers ...- Useful numbers, for all the other problems! Police,Firefighters,Emergency Medical ...But you can use Yellow Emergency also request anormalmaintenance or renovation!Within each section, the professionals of emergencies are dividedbyfield of activity, depending on your specific need.For sections Home and Auto can also see real-timeprofessionalsavailable to intervene immediately around you, to becertain thatthe intervention takes place quickly and withoutwasting time.Features:- Viewing professionals available in real time around you- Indication of the estimated time of arrival- Displaying results on map- Possibility to leave feedback about the service received(withouthaving to register)The yellow that solves all your emergency!------------------------------------Note: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life.------------------------------------
PagineGialle e-book 2.4
Versione ebook delle PagineGialle cartacee,conspazi pubblicitari arricchiti di contenutimultimediali.All'internodei volume l'utente può accedere allepagine e ai contenuti inmodalità veloce e intuitiva attraversodiverse funzionalità diricerca.Principali funzionalità:- Volume consultabile on-line o scaricabile in locale perutilizzooff-line- Dati aggiornati settimanalmente- Spazi pubblicitari arricchiti con contenuti multimediali(siti,mail, mappe, video, fotogallery, cataloghi e coupon)- Ricerca per settori- Ricerca per marche trattate- Ricerca per prodotto/servizio- Ricerche recentiEbook versionofPagineGialle paper, with space advertising enrichedcontentmultimediali.All 'internal volume, the user can access thepagesand content in fast mode and intuitive through varioussearchcapabilities.Main features are:- Volume consulted online or downloaded locally forofflineuse- Data updated weekly- Advertising space enriched with multimedia content(websites,email, maps, videos, photo galleries, catalogs andcoupons)- Search by sectors- Search by brands treated- Search by product / service- Recent research
Libero Meteo - Live weather 3.2
Libero Meteo is the weather app thatkeeps you updated about the weather forecast in real timeand grants you to always have the weather at hand thanks to itscustom-made 5 widgets.▶ WEATHER FORECAST ALWAYS UP TO DATEDiscover the weather forecast with Libero Meteo for your currentlocation and for all of your favorite places around the world,accompanied by beautiful background images, organized in 6 specialmain themes:• Landscapes• Cities• Puppies• Kids• Sports• Glamour▶ LIVE WEATHER FAST AND RELIABLEForeca©'s data feed is what brings to you an alwaysprecise and complete weather forecast, just reliable,and represented with intuitive graph charts.Use Libero Meteo and constantly check out:• weather conditions (for the next hours and the nextdays)• temperatures (for the next hours and the next days)• sunrise and sunset• moon phases• rain, wind, humidity, UV index and pressure▶ WEATHER WIDGETSHave a glance at the weather forecast directly on the homescreen of your smartphone thanks to five custom-made widgetsprovided by Libero Meteo. Widgets display information abouttemperature, min and max, chance of rain, humidity and winds foryour favorite locations, for today and the next days, with apersonalized design.▶ METEO & WEARABLELibero Meteo comes as a compact Android Wear smartwatchapp as well: with notifications on your watch, you’ll never miss anupdate!Forget about unforeseen weather events: just a glance at your watchand you’ll always have your finger on the weather’s pulse!Please visit Libero Meteo's official website for any informationabout the app:*Libero Meteo - Live weather: Watch the weather aroundthe clock!*
Business Organizer 3.0.50
Business Organizer di Italiaonline ti permette di interagire con ituoi clienti ovunque tu sia. L'app di Business Organizer è moltopiù di un semplice CRM! Potrai gestire la prenotazione degliappuntamenti, creare fatture, gestire pagamenti con carta dicredito, condividere documenti e file e creare campagne email edsms da inviare ai tuoi clienti. Tutto in un unico posto e da adessodisponibile sul tuo telefono!
PagineBianche - Who is calling
PagineBianche app, most reliable Italian phone book, let youknowthe name of who is calling you and quickly find all thephonenumbers, addresses and other information of people,businesses,professionals and institutions Italian. With "Find outwho iscalling" feature you immediately know who is calling youandprotect yourself form unwanted calls: the app looks for thenumberin the PagineBianche phone book and shows you on the name. Ifourcommunity reported it as unwanted you can skip spam. With theappyou can quickly find with PagineBianche near you a restaurant,apizzeria, a hotel, a bank, a real estate office, a pharmacy,publicoffices of your municipality, the local health authoritiesandhospitals, clinical laboratories, lawyers and notaries,dentistsand opticians, hairdressers, shops, post offices and more.Searchthousands of people who have already entered his cell phonenumber,navigating through the results on a map and calculate thefastestroute, save contacts directly in the phone book, share thenumberwith your contacts or save as favorites. Moreover, allphonenumbers available for Emergencies and Health, Toll FreeNumbers,Telephone Operators, Public Utilities and PublicAdministration. Inthe Documents section you can find information onhow to requirethe documents of your interest, you can calculate anytax code, zipcode and look for national and international prefixes.
Virgilio Mail - Email App 2.3.7
Your email always with you. Download the official app of VirgilioMail.
Italiaonline Area Clienti 1.1.6
Italiaonline is the app dedicated to Italiaonline customers.
Mail Business Drive
The Drive space for your business accessible anytime, anywhere