Kisah Tauladan 1.0.0
The purpose of this mobile application is tointroduce the user about folklore story in a wide range so theMalaysian culture spread all to the world about identity of ourculture. More than that, this mobile application uses an android asa platform to attract the interest of the targeted user by adding amultimedia element such as text, graphic, audio, animation andinteractivity.//FeaturesSystemi. Display two ways on how to narrate the stories.ii. System integrated multimedia element.Useri. User can choose how to narrate the stories.ii. User can play the stories or read chapter by chapter or by anautomatic play.The purpose of this is tointroduce a mobile application the user about folklore story in awide range so the Malaysian culture spread to all the world aboutthe identity of our culture. More than that, this application usesan android mobile as a platform to attract the interest of thetargeted user by adding a multimedia elements such as text,graphics, audio, animation and interactivity.// FeaturesSystemi. Display two ways on how to narrate the stories.ii. Integrated multimedia system element.Useri. Users can choose how to narrate the stories.ii. Users can play the stories or read chapter by chapter or by anautomatic play.
Al-Quran Recitation 1.0.0
Al-Quran Recitation mobile application forrecitation certain surah in Juz’ 30 created to help users to readand recite from surah Ad-Dhuha until surah An-Nas in Juz’ 30 versenearly anytime and anywhere. As we can see on today’s situation,people races each other to gain knowledge by learning Al-Quran atall institution.In this situation, this application does not limited to learninstitution which also helps others in recitation from surahAd-Dhuha until surah An-Nas in Juz’ 30 which usually used in ourprayers. Reflection on having the application as a starting pointin understanding Al-Quran and able to culture their community.For Student :i. User able to listen to the audio player with recitation certainsurah in Juz’ 30 .ii. User able to read info about Tajwid.iii. User able to read the translation from surah Ad-Dhuha untilsurah An-Nas in Juz’ 30.iv. User able to do quiz.v. The years for this application range 13 to 17 years old.For Adminnistrator / Educator :i. Use the application as a medium teaching and learning from surahAd-Dhuha until surah An-Nas in Juz’ 30.ii. Can read info about Tajwid.iii. Able to do quiz.iv. Can read info about Tajwid.v. Able to read the translation from surah Ad-Dhuha until surahAn-Nas in Juz’ 30.vi. Able to listen to the audio player with recitation from surahAd-Dhuha until surah An-Nas in Juz’ 30 .System Scopea) Al-Qurani. The system can provide an audio for each of recitation.ii. The system show an interactive interface.iii. The system provide every verse of surah Ad-Dhuha until surahAn-Nas in Juz’30.b) Translationi. The system provide the translation every sentences from surahAd-Dhuha until surah An-Nas in Juz’ 30.c) Tajwidi. The system provide info about basic of Tajwid inAl-Quran.ii. The system provide example of basic Tajwid in Al-Quran.d) Quizi. The system provide simple assessment such as quiz.ii. The system can enable show the result of each quiz.
Kids2gether application is developed forstudent studying in Taska Rimbun Kasih to help children aged 2 to 4years of study as thorough as alphabet, numbers, fruits, colouring,shapes and animals. This application is also a range of activitiesfor children. Therefore it can strengthen the minds of children ata young age.
Surah Lazim & Hukum Tajwid 2
Surah lazim merupakan surah-surah pilihanyangmenjadi kebiasaan dikalangan umat Islam. Surah lazimjugamenghimpunkan surah-surah pendek yang mudah dibaca khususnyadidalam solat fardhu. Aplikasi ini mempunyai kandunganberbentukmultimedia untuk digunakan oleh semua lapisan penggunayang inginmendalami dan memahami bacaan serta hukum tajwid dalamsurah lazim.Menerusi surah-surah lazim, pembaca boleh mempelajarihukumtajwid dengan mudah kerana surah-surah-surah ini biasa di bacadanseringkali di kumandangkan di masjid-masjid dan surau. Justeruitupembaca boleh mempraktikkan secara praktikal dengansebutan-sebutanyang betul dan tepat dari sudut hukum danmakhrajnya.Mudah-mudahan dengan terhasilnya aplikasi interaktif tajwidinimampu menarik minat dikalangan umat Islam untuk membacadanmendalami ilmu tajwid .Sabda Nabi SAW:خَيرُكُم مَن تَعَلَّمَ القُرآنَ وَعَلَّمَهُBermaksud : Orang yang terbaik di kalangan kamu ialah merekayangmempelajari Al-Quran dan mengajarnya (kepada orang lain)[HR al-Bukhari, Abu Daud, At-Tarmizi, Ibnu Majah & Ahmad]Surah common is thesurahschoice become customary amongst Muslims. Surah alsogatherfrequently short chapters are easy to read, especially intheobligatory prayers. This application has a multimedia content tobeused by all levels of users who want to explore and understandthereading and recitation of surah common law.Through common chapters, readers can learn tajwid easilyassurah-surah from the usual reading and often at resonanceinmosques and surau. Thus the reader can practice practicallywithreferences to the right and the right of law andmakhrajnyacorner.Hopefully with this recitation scar interactive applicationsmayinterest among Muslims to read and learn recitation.The Prophet Muhammad:خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمهMeaning: The best among you are those who learn the Qur'anandteach it (to others) [Reported by al-Bukhari, Abu Dawood, At-Tirmizi, Ibn MajahandAhmad]
Discrete Math 1.0.0
Mobile Teaching Discrete Mathematics(Tree)application development is to facilitate students andlecturerwhere they can access anywhere and anytime and easy tocarry.This application also users multimedia elements, such asaudio,text and graphics. The use of multimedia elements to attractthestudents to use this application and can add their knowledgeaboutsubject Discrete Mathematics in topic Tree.In addition, this application provides notes for each topicinthe form of animation and audio use . For the activities canbedivided in several forms, such as exercise and quiz.
Petua Tok 1.0.0
Kebanyakan petua lahir melalui pengalaman.kitabelajar melalui pengalaman orang tua dahulu dan ada yangtelahdisahkan melalui kajian yang dilakukan oleh para saintis.Aplikasi Petua Tok dibangunkan bertujuan untuk berkongsipelbagaipetua mahupun tip serta panduan yang digunapakai olehorang-oranglama dalam kehidupan seharian merangkumi kesihatan,kecantikan danpersekitaran rumah.Most of the tips arebornthrough the experience. we learn through the experience ofparentswho have been there before, and confirmed by a study carriedout byscientists.Tip Tok application developed to share a tip or tip andguidanceadopted by people a long time in daily life include health,beautyand home environment.
Simple Hand Sign adalah merupakan aplikasi mudah alih yangdibangunkan bertujuan untuk memudahkan pengguna khususnya penggunapekak dan bisu berinteraksi menggunakan bahasa isyarat Kod TanganBahasa Melayu. Dalam aplikasi ini terdapat 3 modul yang dibangunkaniaitu Nota Asas, Bacaan Perkataan dan Ayat serta Latihan. Aplikasiini mempunyai antaramuka yang mudah dipelajari, ringkas daninteraktif bagi kegunaan pengguna pekak dan bisu untuk belajarsecara kendiri. Aplikasi ini dibangunkan dengan menggunakanperisian Adobe Flash Professional CS6 sepenuhnya dengan berbantukanperisian Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator CS6 (image editing) danAdobe Audition CS6 (audio editing).
Dyslexia Therapy Apps 1.0.0
Dyslexia Therapy Apps adalah sebuahaplikasiandroid yang dibangunkan khas untuk kanak-kanak yangmengalamidisleksia. Dilengkapi dengan 2 modul iaitu “Shape” dan“Alphabet”,aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk menarik minat kanak-kanakdisleksiauntuk mengenali huruf A ke Z dan perbezaan bentuk asassepertibulat, segi tiga, dan segi empat. Selain itu, aplikasi inijugadilengkapi dengan pelbagai aktiviti yang menguji mindakanak-kanakdan berupaya untuk menyimpan rekod markah yang diperolehuntukaktiviti-aktiviti yang tertentu. Penggunaan pelbagai jeniselemenmultimedia membuatkan aplikasi ini seronok dan menarik.
Groundwater E-Learning Apps 1.0.0
As a programming student of PolytechnicsSultanIdris Shah (PSIS), the final year project gives student achance topractice all the knowledge and skills that they gainalong theacademic session in solving problems through a project inorder tobe an efficient and a good programmer.This project is to design an application for Department ofCivilEngineering students about “Groundwater E-LearningApplication”.This project is to create an application that providea notes forJKA’s students to be as a reference besides a book.Thisapplication provide information about groundwater resources andtheformula of calculation of the flow water. These applicationsaremaking it a whole lot easier for engineer’s students togainknowledge about groundwater.Groundwater applications is the way students can learnandunderstand about groundwater. Thus we would like to developanapplication to help increase their knowledge and for abetterunderstanding of groundwater. The user can understand kind ofwaterresources and the formula of the calculation of the flowwater. Dueto most of the people have smart phone now, so we decidedtodevelop this application.
Solid Waste Management 1.0.0
This project is to design anandroidapplication for JKA’s students about “E-learning SolidWasteManagement”. This project is to create an android applicationthatprovide a notes for JKA’s students to be as a referencesbesides aslide. This application provide information about SolidWasteManagement resources and noes in the form of an animated videothatwas summarized. This application will be used by studentsforsemester 3 course Diploma in Environmental. E-learning SolidWasteManagement application is the way students can learn andunderstandabout Solid Waste Management.
Waste Water Engineering 1.0.0
Waste Water Engineering is anapplicationdeveloped to facilitate the user to learn the title ofthis subjecteasily. The problems faced by user that the userdifficult tounderstand and users do not like to learn matters moreto thetheory. This application is also be able to help users.In addition, we have been using the methodology “SystemDevelopmentLife Cycle” (SDLC) prototyping model, spark developmentsystemstarted with the planning process analyzing theinformationobtained to design interface and system testing to theuser. Themethod of testing was done on the user to ensure thesystem workproperly without any error occurs. By the following thephasesinvolved in this Waste Water Engineering applicationsuccessfullyuse.
OOP Pocket 1.0.1
OOP Pocket is an application developed for student DiplomaDigitalTechnology Polytechnic Malaysia. This application can makestudenteasily remember and understand the main concept of objectorientedprogramming. As a pocket note to the student, they canmakeself-study and help the beginner who want to learn thebasicoriented programming using java language. The applicationalsodesign with a simple notes, real-world example and syntaxwillsurely helpful to the student. Students who are wantinganaccessible reference on OOP easily bring anywhere this OOPPocketbecause had stored in their own smartphone.
e-SPS PSIS 1.0
DM Ezzy 4.0
DM Ezzy is an Android App created by the Department ofInformation& Communication Technology from Sultan Idris ShahPolytechnic,Malaysia for students taking DFT3063 - DIGITALMULTIMEDIA. DIGITALMULTIMEDIA course covers multimedia concepts andapplicationsutilizing text, graphics, animation, sound, video, andvariousmultimedia applications in the design, development, andcreation ofmultimedia presentations and publications within aninteractiveenvironment. Students will explore the use of multimediatools indesigning and authoring of interactive digital media.
e-Certificate Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah