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Furniture Mod Installer 3.35
This is a new Furniture Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE) which addsanew furnitures to the game. Every furniture got its own functionssothey aren’t only added because of the visual aspect.
Laser Mod Installer 1.0
Laser Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE) which give you access to twonew guns in Minecraft Pocket Edition. A Laser Bazooka and a LaserGun. The gun features of these are freaking amazing. Definitelyworth trying it out!
ExtendedCraft 2 Mod Installer 3.46
ExtendedCraft 2 is the second version ofExtendedCraft by the well known MCPE modder DAW330073. Using it youcan for example create a power generator and lots of other coolstuff.
Hit Amount Mod Installer 3.29
Hit Amount Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE), Ifyou have ever played an RPG (role-playing game) then you will mostlikely recognize this damage indicator. The damage indicator getsactivated whenever you attack a mob giving you full informationabout the mob (name & health). The health of the mob decreasessimultaneously as you hurt it.
Shape Shifters Mod Installer 1.0
If you easily get tired of running around in the defaultMinecraftskin then get Shape Shifters Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE) andshapeshift into any living creature in MCPE. Zombies,pigs, cows,anything you want to be you can turn into with the ShapeShiftersmod. To shapeshift all you need to do is finding thecreature ofyour choice and then use the potion you are giving onthe creatureby right-clicking. It’s incredibly simple and takesjust a fewseconds.
ExtremeHerobrine Mod Installer 3.42
ExtremeHerobrine Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE), who tend to never fade (even though he doesn’t exist in theoriginal Minecraft – sorry to disappoint you!). In this mod you canbring Herobrine to life. Though, he’s no nice guy it appears likeas he wants to kill you.
Creeper+ Mod Installer 1.05
Creeper+ Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE)isprobably one of the most scary mobs you can stumble uponinMinecraft. The reason being is that they are explosive andyounever know when they are coming up creeping behind you.
Mech Planes Mod Installer 3.14
Mech Planes Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE) isa mechanical mod which adds two airplanes to the game which you canfly! All parts of the airplanes have to be crafted by you and puttogether to form an airplane before you can launch up into the airand fly swiftly over the world of Minecraft.
Authentic PC Mod Installer 3.02
Authentic PC Mod Installer for MinecraftPocket (MCPE) is a great app but one thing it lacks compared to thePC version of Minecraft is features. The creators behind theAuthentic PC Mod have made it their objective to make Minecraft PEbe more like the PC version.
Blokkit Mod Installer 3.07
Blokkit Mod Installer for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE) are friendly living which look like small living blocks. Youcan either create a whole army out of Blokkits to serve as yoursoldiers when attacking a mob of your liking or you can just keepone as your companion throughout your journey in Minecraft. Thereare a total of 14 different Blokkit mobs all with different workingattributes related to which block they are made out of.
Craftable Eggs Mod Installer 3.17
Craftable Eggs Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE)which adds a total of 13 new craftable egg items. After you havecrafted an egg you can use it to spawn a mob based on what the eggrepresents. A full list of spawnable mobs descendant from the eggscan be found below.
Mech Cars Mod Installer 3.12
Mech Cars Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE) isthe third mod in the Mech series by TDS200. Before you can go for aride you first of all have to craft the car. It’s an easy craftingrecipe (which can be found below in the images) and only requires acouple of items, such as a car body, wheels and soon you’ve got thecar ready to roll.
TechnologyCraft Mod Installer 3.40
TechnologyCraft Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE) is a mod which let you create high tech mechanisms andadvanced structures. The mod adds multiple new items, mobs,weapons, food, potions, armor. Don’t forget to use the super cooltexture pack together with the mod.
Commands Mod Installer 3.23
Commands Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE),Commands is a comprehensive mod which introduces lots of newcommands to Minecraft PE. Some of the commands are simple whileothers are a little bit more complex.
Ruins Mod Installer 3.50
Ruins Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE) is a newmod by DAW330073. Currently there is three different types of ruins(mossy, stone and lava) to explore within the game and all of themspawn in on random locations. Each type of the ruins spawn based onwhich biome you are in to make sure it looks realistic. Forexample, it’s highly unlikely to stumble upon a mossy ruin in adesert. Within each ruin there is a surprise for you – achest.
Hamsterrific Mod Installer 3.25
Hamsterrific Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE)adds a new kind of animal to Minecraft – hamsters. It’s a littlecute, fluffy creature. At the moment there are eight differentcolors, as seen on the first image below.
Walking Speed Mod Installer 3.49
Since 0.9.4 it is alright to create mods foriOS. As a result of this Junyi00 created a new mod for Minecraft PEspecifically working for iOS devices. It is a “hack” mod withmultiple self advantage modifications. Increased Walking Speed Modfor Minecraft Pocket (MCPE)
Mech Tanks Mod Installer 3.06
Mech Tanks Mod Installer for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE), The tank is the fifth vehicle released in the Mech Modsseries. As usual everything needs to be crafted from scratch. Themod lets you drive and control a tank to the fullest extent with acustomized GUI.
Mech Bulldozer Mod Installer 3.24
Mech Bulldozer Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE), In this mod new mechanical items and features are added tothe game. A bulldozer, keys and a fully working gas system are justa couple of the things.
Remote Control Mod Installer 1.31
Remote Control Plane Mod Installer forMinecraft Pocket (MCPE), In this mod you can spawn a littleaircraft which can be controlled using a remote control GUI.
Mech Motor Boats Mod Installer 3.11
Mech Motor Boats Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE) is the fourth mod in the Mech mod series by TDS200. In thismod motor boats are introduced to the world of Minecraft which canbe crafted and then launched into the water.
Enderscript Boat Mod Installer 3.44
Enderscript Boat Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE) is made for version 0.9.5 and above. The boat mod gets extracool to use in these later versions of MCPE as now there are riversand such running through biomes which makes exploring areas by boatso much easier and fun.
Elevator Block Mod Installer 3.19
Elevator Block Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE)which adds a new block to the game called an Elevator Block. As thename suggests it adds the feature of being able to build anelevator which can take you up and down quicker.
LittleMaid Mod Installer 1.0
LittleMaid Mod Installer for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE), It adds a new mob to the game called a maid. At the currentmoment the maid doesn’t do many other things than following youaround but in the future it will be able to help you with thingssuch as gathering items, cooking and other things maids usually doin the real life.
ShapeShifter Mod Installer 3.15
ShapeShifter Mod Installer for MinecraftPocket (MCPE), In this mod you are able to shapeshift into any modin Minecraft PE. Through a simple layed out GUI you can easilyselect the mob you want to turn into. Every mob got its ownability. For example, if you are a spider you can climb walls andif you are a chicken you can fly.
Mutant Creatures Mod Installer 3.08
Mutant Creatures Mod Installer for MinecraftPocket (MCPE), With this mod your game will get four new hostilemobs (see the list below). Each mob originates from a default mobin MCPE but is mutated in some way which makes it different. Forexample, the zombie is given a more muscular body. The creeper isgiven longer legs and the ability to spawn small (and cute?)creeper minions.
Sprint Buttons Mod Installer 3.21
Sprint Buttons Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE), which adds four new features to the game. The four newfeatures are sprint, sneak and jump. Each of the new abilities areeasily accessible through buttons in the top right of the screen.They can also be toggled on and off with the help of simple textcommands in-game.
Turrets Mod Installer 3.26
Turrets Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE),Create turrets which can be placed and protect you by killing anyincoming mobs. It’s perfect to have them placed down near yourlocation and safely want to be able to sleep without worrying aboutzombies and skeletons knocking on your door.
Red Spirit Boss Mod Installer 3.27
Red Spirit Boss Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE) which adds a new hostile mob which is active during thenight. If you manage to kill the mob it will drop four differentcapes and two different types of blocks which are used to spawn theultimate boss.
Ender Chest Mod Installer 1.05
Ender Chest Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE)arein fact a block which originates from the PC version ofMinecraft.Basically what it does is that it allows chests to belinked. If youput a couple of items in an Ender Chest which islocated at yourhouse and then go to another Ender Chest which islocated in yourmineshaft both of the chests will be sharing thesame items. It’skind of a teleportation mechanism for the items inthe EnderChests.
The Jukebox Mod Installer 3.45
The Jukebox Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE) isone of the functions in MCPE many of you are probably missing fromthe PC version of Minecraft. There is no more a reason to miss itthough since you can now use this mod to have the jukebox featuresimplemented in your game. It’s really cool and you can play up to12 songs at the moment.
Clouds Commands Mod Installer 3.18
Clouds Commands Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE) a total of 40 new commands to the game. It is a widedifferentiation of commands ranging between simple but fun commandslike /fly (self-explanatory) and /explode (also self-explanatory!).If you are looking to boost your gameplay with a little fun extrathen this mod is for you, as it got just that.
Money Mod Installer 1.0
Money Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE) adds amoney system to Minecraft. You start out with $50 but can earn moreby killing mobs, mining ores and selling items in shops. There isalso a built in a smaller achievements system which give you $10when you have accomplished a specific achievement within thegame.
Too Many Ores Mod Installer 3.39
Too Many Ores Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE)includes a comprehensive list of new mods, blocks and items(primarly ores) added to Minecraft PE. By mining the new differentores and blocks you’ll be able to create new tools and gear neverseen in Minecraft PE before.
Zoom Mod Installer 3.38
Zoom Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE) offers asimple GUI to let you easily switch the zoom function on and off.It might sound as a very simple mod, and that’s fully true but itdoesn’t make it less worthy to showcase here. Infact, a mod doesn’thave to be extremely advanced to be useful. The zoom mod does whatit is meant to do, it zooms in any target location you wish to viewin a larger scale without having to actually go thereyourself.
My Modded Item Mod Installer 3.31
My Modded Item Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE), With this mod you can create your own custom made itemswithin the game of Minecraft PE. Through a simple menu you easilycustomize your new to be item and you can even give it specialabilities like teleportation, laser beam, knockback, no falldamage, hulk ability and more.
Telescope Mod Installer 3.16
Telescope Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE),Ever wanted to be able to see what is far ahead of you but couldn’tunless you walked there by foot? No longer must you be strugglingwith this as now you can get the Telescope Mod which will allow youto use a Telescope item to zoom in surrounding areas and view themmore easily.
MCPE Achievement Mod Installer 1.0
MCPE Achievement Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE), One feature which MCPE still lacks compared to the PCversion is the achievement system. While it might not be the mostcool feature of Minecraft it’s still a fun thing to have, at leastthat’s our opinion of the whole thing.
Characters Mod Installer 1.31
Characters Mod Installer for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE), Imagine Psy in Minecraft, or why not Iron Man? Through thismod you can fill your world with awesome artists, superheroes,video games character and many more. It’s even possible to requestyour own characters through a simple command in-game.
SkyblockCompanionMod Installer 3.13
Skyblock Companion Mod for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE) is one of the most popular maps ever created for Minecraft.The Ex Nihilo mod adds many new features to the game which arespecifically aimed for people playing the Skyblock map (even thoughit logically could also be used for other maps as well!).
Hammers Mod Installer 3.20
Hammers Mod for Minecraft Pocket (MCPE), Ifyou are look for quickly being able to demolish areas then thehammers mod can do this thing for you. One hit on any objects andthe block is destroyed. The only downside to be using hammersinstead of normal mining is that objects don’t drop.
Debug Mode Mod Installer 3.28
In Minecraft for PC there have always been adebug menu accessible through the F3 button. It has been thereforever and was never removed but could have been just as well. Alot of people have found that option incredibly helpful in order tonavigate through the map but also find out about differentinformation about the world they are currently in.
Smart Tools Mod Installer 3.03
Smart Tools Mod Installer for Minecraft Pocket(MCPE), Mining, digging, collecting and gathering usually requiresa tool to be used in Minecraft. It’s not always easy to rememberwhich tool is supposed to be used for what purpose. If yousometimes feel lost and confused by all the different alternativesof tools in your inventory then look no further.